eml file with viewless body - outlook

I've a big problem because some eml file that are imported in the customer repository (IBM ECM) and retrieve from IBM Content Navigator.
This client demand the opening of this kind of file to the operating system and therefore to MS Outlook.
It occurs only for some of the emails and, by exporting the email and opening it with a test editor, it becomes clear that the problem is due to a series of null characters placed as the last line of the body of the email (I've attached a screenshoot).
Is there a way to allow Outlook to view these emails correctly?
Thinderbird for example also opens these emails without problems but the custome cant use this client, only MS Outlook is permitted.
Thank you in advance
email body


Create an HTML file from body of an email using Cloud Flow Power Automate?

We receive order requests from some customers embedded in the email body rather than an attachment. In Outlook, I can manually save the message as HTML. I configured Power Automate to create a file from the email. I'm not sure what format it is but it isn't HTML as if I saved it directly from Outlook. I've already wrote SQL code to parse the HTML message. Redoing it in this different format is problematic because the source code doesn't align like the manually saved file.
It needs to run as a cloud flow so calling an Outlook macro from PA Desktop is not a solution.

Downloading Email body and attchments in .MSG format in Web Outlook

Is it possible to download email body and attachments in a file in .MSG format in Outlook Web? I am working on an Outlook 365 Web addin and I require to download entire message along with attachments in .MSG format?
Edit: Is there any open source library in .NET which does the same?
I have to do the same thing, but since the company I'm writting the addin for is using a version of Windows/MSOffice where the webview that the addin runs inside is handled by a IE11 process, I got OOM-error when trying to download an attachment bigger than 7MB via a EWS request (using the ews-javascript-api).
Now I'm using a IIS server to which I send the eschangeToken and EmailId and handle the download/upload of the email there via EWS-managed-api from MS.
Downloading the email as .MSG is not possible AFAIK, I download them by getting the MIME-content of the email and saving it as an .EML file.
Here MS provides some examples on how to use the ews-managed-api.
EWS cannot convert to MSG. You can try to save in the Fast Transfer Stream format using the ExportItems EWS operation (which, just like the MSG format, preserves most properties). The EML format, on the other hand, will not preserve MAPI specific properties. The FTS data can then be converted (without any loss of fidelity) to the MSG format using Redemption (I am its author - RDOSession.CreateMessageFromMsgFile / RDOMail.Import(..., olFTS) / RDOMail.Save), but since Redemption is a native COM library, that code would have to run on your server, not inside the browser.
RDOSession session = new RDOSession();
RDOMail msg = session.CreateMessageFromMsgFile(#"c:\temp\test.msg");
msg.Import(#"c:\temp\test.fts", rdoSaveAsType.olFTS);

Is there a way to open up a known Outlook email through Java 11? (Web or Local)

Short Version:
I want to open any specific Outlook email from my Java app, either locally through the Outlook app or through the website on a browser. I already have the email information like folder, message ID, UID, sender, receiver, etc but not the email ID used in the URL of the Outlook website. Does anyone know of a way to do either of these things through Java?
Long Version:
I'm creating a software for my company in Java that has a built-in email client for Outlook emails so the emails can be linked with jobs in various ways. So far I've been able to make good progress with the email client section in terms of displaying a list of emails and being able to display a chosen email, but recently I've realized creating a GUI for an email editor (keeping track of reply chains, dragging in images for inline attachments, etc) is quite the gargantuan task to do on my own(JavaFX's HTML Editor could use a lot of work).
My band-aid solution for now is to have my program open the chosen email up through either:
Some (Windows 10) system command by calling the Outlook desktop application to show the email by some sort of ID (maybe UID?). I know on some level that this is possible because our company has an old program written in C# that can indeed do that.
Opening up the system's default browser with a link to "https://outlook.office365.com/mail/folder_name/id/insert_id_here". This is my preferred solution.
Here are my problems with each option so far:
There doesn't seem to be any resource I could find that provides an answer to this. The closest I can find are threads that explain how to open the default mail application with options to pre-populate to/from/subject/body sections (not to mention you can't pre-populate the body with anything besides text! So much for reply/forward messages with HTML formatting and attachments!). Another problem is that the old program I mentioned displays emails by finding the Outlook application's files (presumably the local OST file). I have no idea how the old program's able to call Outlook to show emails and even then, there's a chance that there's no Java equivalent. I, however, am using JavaMail to load up my mail, as I think it's better to talk to the Outlook mail server to fetch/push mail updates rather than wait for the Outlook app to sync up. This creates a problem because even if I knew how to call Outlook, my application may be more up to date than the Outlook app (especially if Outlook is not already open) and if call before Outlook updates, Outlook wouldn't be able to show it.
Again, I can't seem to find a resource for explaining these URL IDs. They're not the same as the mail's UIDs, and they don't seem to be anywhere in the mail's contents when grabbing mail through JavaMail. The most I was able to get from research was that they were called "long IDs", as they were just long strings (seemingly non-sequential) but that might've just been a made-up name from the article as I've found no other references to it. There's a chance that they could be some sort of encoded UID but I didn't see any note of JavaMail having to decrypt to get UIDs in the documentation. I doubt I'd be able to make any more progress with this option, but if there's a solution similar to this (perhaps some sort of script that opens up Outlook online, searches by some identifier, like body contents, and pulls up the first result? Idk much about browser scripts) I'd be happy to hear it.

Incorrect HTML formatting when sending email from PowerShell to Lotus Notes user

I am trying to send a report from Exchange Management Shell Exchange 2007. When I send this report to Outlook the email is formatting as expected, but when I send the email to Lotus it's losing the HTML formatting such as CSS, headings, tables and borders. The data is preserved but the formatting is incorrect.
On the other hand, when I send the message using Send-MailMessage in Exchange 2010 everything is fine even when I send it to a Lotus Notes user.
Why does this difference occur?
You're going to have to go to the Notes client, and view the MIME source of both messages and compare them using a good diff program. If one is displaying correctly, and the other is not, there will be differences, and finding out why and those differences occur should give you some clue about what is happening to break the message.
(The above is assuming that the recipient is set up to receive the message in his mailbox in MIME format. If, in fact, the user has been set up to receive messages converted to Notes rich text format, then you would have to go to the Domino server instead of the Notes client, and use the SMTPSaveImportErors setting to capture the MIME source for the two messages.)

SMTP Excel corrupted attachment files

I've created a VB6 application from which I wish to send an SMTP email. The email is sent and received fine but when attaching an Excel 2003 file, whilst this is received okay, when trying to open it file becomes corrupt... I've also tried saving the attachment and then opening it but the problem persists. Thank you for any assistance...
The attachment data must be encoded. Not all mail servers and clients are 8-bit safe.
Base64 is the most common encoding method.
