How to autoscale elastic search in kubernates based on load? - elasticsearch

I am using Google Cloud and I am doing RnD whether we can apply HPA (Horizontal Pod Auto scaling) on elasticsearch in Kubernetes.
I did elasticsearch set up on Kubernetes :
But I found one of the post on forum they say elasticsearch HPA is hard
So is it possible to do HPA on elasticsearch or not ?

I don't think it would work well and you'd be at risk of losing data. HPA tends to respond to load changes on a scale of a minute or so, and can occasionally make large changes (scaling from 5 replicas to 2, for example). For Elasticsearch you need to scale in one node at a time, monitor the state of the cluster before you can proceed, and it could take a long time before you can move from one node to the next.
Say you're running Elasticsearch in a StatefulSet. Remember that each ES index is made up of shards; you will have some number of copies of the shards spread out across the nodes in the ES cluster. So also let's say your index has 10 shards with 2 replicas each.
Scaling out is easy. Increase the size of the StatefulSet as much as you want; configure each node to talk to es-0 for discovery. ES will see that the cluster has grown and start moving shards on to the new nodes on its own.
Scaling in is hard. You can only delete one node at a time. Once that node is shut down and the cluster realizes it's missing, then the shards that used to be on that node will be under-replicated. ES will create new replicas on the remaining nodes and copy the shard data there. You can observe this happening through things like the /_cat/shards API. The index status will be "yellow" as long as there are under-replicated shards, and then will switch back to "green" once the replication sequence finishes.
So say you currently have 8 nodes, and you want to scale down to 6. There's some possibility the only two replicas of a given shard will be on es-6 and es-7 so you can't turn those both off together; you have to turn off es-7 first, wait for replication to catch up, then turn off es-6. There's also some possibility that, when you turn off es-7, the new replicas will be created on the doomed node es-6.
You can also tell Elasticsearch to move shards off of a replica before removing it. This avoids the cluster going into the "yellow" state, but it's harder to monitor.
Finally, the re-replication can take a long time depending on how much data is actually in the cluster. (In a past cluster I maintained with a badly-designed index structure, it took multiple hours to shut down a node.) That's a much slower operation than HPA is prepared for.


Configuring Elastic Search cluster with machines of different capacity(CPU, RAM) for rolling upgrades

Due to cost restrictions, I only have the following types of machines at disposal for setting up an ES cluster.
Node A: Lean(w.r.t. CPU, RAM) Instance
Node B: Beefy(w.r.t. CPU,RAM) Instance
Node M: "Leaner than A"(w.r.t. CPU, RAM) Instance
Disk-wise, both A and B have the same size.
My plan is to set up Node A and Node B acting as Master Eligible, Data node and Node M as Master-Eligible Only node(no data storing).
Because the two data nodes are NOT identical, what would be the implications?
I am going to make it a cluster of 3 machines only for the possibility of Rolling Upgrades(current volume of data and expected growth for few years can be managed with vertical scaling and leaving the default no. of shards and replica would enable me to scale horizontally if there is a need)
There is absolutely no need for your machines to have the same specs. You will need 3 master-eligible nodes not just for rolling-upgrades, but for high availability in general.
If you want to scale horizontally you can do so by either creating more indices to hold your data, or configure your index to have multiple primary and or replica shards. Since version 7 the default for new indices is to get created with 1 primary and 1 replica shard. A single index like this does not really allow you to schedule horizontally.
With respect to load and shard allocation (where to put data), Elasticsearch by default will simply consider the amount of storage available. When you start up an instance of Elasticsearch, it introspects the hardware and configures its threadpools (number of threads & size of queue) for various tasks accordingly. So the number of available threads to process tasks can vary. If I‘m not mistaken the coordinating node (the node receiving the external request) will distribute indexing/write requests in a round-robin fashion, not taking a load into consideration. Depending on your version of Elasticsearch, this is different for search/read requests where the coordinating node will leverage adaptive replica selection, taking into account the load/response time of the various replicas when distributing requests.
Besides this, sizing and scaling is a too complex topic to be answered comprehensively in a simple response. It typically also involves testing to figure out the limits/boundaries of a single node.
BTW: the number of default primary shards got changed in v7.x of Elasticsearch, as too much oversharding was one of the most common issues Elasticsearch users were facing. A “reasonable” shard size is in the tens of Gigabytes.

setting up a basic elasticsearch cluster

Im new to elasticsearch and would like someone to help me clarify a few concepts
Im designing a small cluster with the following requirements
everything should still work when restarting one of the machines, one at a time (eg: OS updates)
a single disk failure is ok
heavy indexing should not impact query performance
How many master, data, ingest nodes should I have?
or do I need 2 clusters?
the indexing workload is purely indexing structured text documents, no processing/rules... do I even need an ingest node?
Also, does each node have a complete copy of the all the data? or only a cluster has the complete copy?
Be sure to read the documentation about Elasticsearch terminology at the very least.
With the default of 1 replica (primary shard and one replica shard) you can survive the failure of 1 Elasticsearch node (failed disk, restart, upgrade,...).
"heavy indexing should not impact query performance": You'll need to size your cluster correctly to handle both the indexing and searching. If you want to read current data and you do heavy updates, that will take up resources and you won't be able to fully decouple it.
By default every node is a data, ingest, and master-eligible node. The minimum HA setting needs 3 nodes. If you don't use ingest that's fine; it won't take up resources when you're not using it.
To understand which node has which data, you need to read up on the concept of shards. Basically every index is broken up into 1 to N shards (current default is 5) and there is one primary and one replica copy of each one of them (by default).

Elasticseach 5.6.8 cluster shards location

i have following picture in cluster i am using cerebro. It seems to be all shards on 3rd-node.
And if data comes on i see load on 1rd node > 4 and another nodes are ok.
Logstash -> LB -> ES-nodes (1,2,3). What i am doing wrong?
Thank you in advance.
The high load on that one particular node could be for a couple reasons. The ones that initially spring to mind:
If it is the Master Node then the large number of shards could be having an adverse affect.
You could be sending numerous large read requests to that one particular node so it has to deal with all the aggregations. E.g. if you have Kibana connected to that node.
Some general notes:
The shards with the solid box are the primary shards. The shards with the dotted box are replica shards. You currently have primaries = 8 and replicas = 2. This means there are 8 primary shards per index, and each of those has 2 replica shards. There is much more info about shards in the ES guide. It's for an old version of ES but is still valid.
The fact that all your primary shards are on the same node is a coincidence. This will often happen if you have one node start up before the others. All the primary shards will be allocated to it, then the replicas will go onto other nodes once they start up. If you take down your first node you should see the primaries move to other nodes.
To the left of the node name will be a star. The one with the filled in star is the currently elected Master. Due to your number of shards the master will have a large overhead, relatively speaking. This is because it has to manage so many shards. Try setting "number_of_shards":3, "number_of_replicas":1. Note that those numbers are only applied to new indexes so recreate your indexes to see this take affect.
Your unicast settings are correct.

elasticsearch cluster setup information

I'm newbie to search and elasticsearch. I have gone some online docs and developed some app using elasticsearch setup in our test environment. So far, its smooth in developing and testing, Now do create in production and setup the cluster, i need some expert advise on,
Number of shards
Number of replicas
Should i need to separate out master and data nodes
can all the nodes be data node
i dont have any advanced search use case, but atleast need plural match (phone) should match all docs with phones and vice versa, any special stemming need in this case ?
My usecase and traffic patterns are,
Upto 100M read per day
Upto 1M write/update per day
Initial data size 10GB, grow rate 1 GB every 6 months
Cluster info
1. Initial cluster size 14 machines, 28 GB RAM / 120 GB spin hard disk / 12 cores
2. load balancer with dns, would distribute the traffic to any 14 machines.
I have used unicast and i have bootstrap.mlockall: true and index.routing.allocation.disable_allocation: false
Please advise.
1. Number of shards
The number of shards in Elasticsearch is a one-time setting, once your shard size is set you cannot change it. So you need to plan how many shards are required for your cluster taking into consideration your current dataset size plus any index growth. To do this set up one Elasticsearch node with one shard and zero replicas on a box that has the same specifications as your production boxes.
The capacity of a single shard will depend on a number of factors:
The size of your documents
The size of your fields
The amount a RAM you assign the JVM that runs Elasticsearch. If you have lots of aggregations,
sorting and parent/child documents, you will need to make sure that you have assigned enough RAM
to Elasticsearch so it can cache the results.
Your number of queries per second requirement.
The maximum search request response time allowed.
Index documents into your single shard node at iterations of x million (or less), at each iteration perform benchmarks by executing x queries per second using a testing tool like JMeter. When the queries in your tests are returning response times that are reaching your maximum search request time you have the amount of documents a single shard can index. Once you have this value you can calculate the number of shards that is required for your full dataset and calculate how many shards you will need for index growth.
2. Number of replicas
Start with 1 replica, a replica shard will be placed on a different node from its primary shard so if one node goes down you still have the full dataset available. One replica is usually sufficient, if you find you need more you can always add them in later on.
3.Should i need to separate out master and data nodes
It depends on the size of your cluster, if you have more than 5 nodes in your cluster it is advisable to have master only nodes to maintain cluster state only.
4. can all the nodes be data node
There must always be at least one master node in your cluster, the master node maintains the cluster state. If you have a small cluster (< 5 nodes), you can make every node in your cluster both a data node and a master node. One of of the nodes will be elected as the master, if the master node goes down another node in the cluster will be elected as the master. If you have master only nodes as described in point 3, the rest of the of the nodes in the cluster can be data only nodes.
5. i dont have any advanced search use case, but atleast need plural match (phone) should match all docs with phones and vice versa, any special stemming need in this case ?
Yes, stemming will handle your use case.
Also, Elasticsearch comes with very good configurations OOTB, you should start out by only changing the configurations listed in the link below.

How to setup ElasticSearch cluster with auto-scaling on Amazon EC2?

There is a great tutorial elasticsearch on ec2 about configuring ES on Amazon EC2. I studied it and applied all recommendations.
Now I have AMI and can run any number of nodes in the cluster from this AMI. Auto-discovery is configured and the nodes join the cluster as they really should.
The question is How to configure cluster in way that I can automatically launch/terminate nodes depending on cluster load?
For example I want to have only 1 node running when we don't have any load and 12 nodes running on peak load. But wait, if I terminate 11 nodes in cluster what would happen with shards and replicas? How to make sure I don't lose any data in cluster if I terminate 11 nodes out of 12 nodes?
I might want to configure S3 Gateway for this. But all the gateways except for local are deprecated.
There is an article in the manual about shards allocation. May be I'm missing something very basic but I should admit I failed to figure out if it is possible to configure one node to always hold all the shards copies. My goal is to make sure that if this would be the only node running in the cluster we still don't lose any data.
The only solution I can imagine now is to configure index to have 12 shards and 12 replicas. Then when up to 12 nodes are launched every node would have copy of every shard. But I don't like this solution cause I would have to reconfigure cluster if I might want to have more then 12 nodes on peak load.
Auto scaling doesn't make a lot of sense with ElasticSearch.
Shard moving and re-allocation is not a light process, especially if you have a lot of data. It stresses IO and network, and can degrade the performance of ElasticSearch badly. (If you want to limit the effect you should throttle cluster recovery using settings like cluster.routing.allocation.cluster_concurrent_rebalance, indices.recovery.concurrent_streams, indices.recovery.max_size_per_sec . This will limit the impact but will also slow the re-balancing and recovery).
Also, if you care about your data you don't want to have only 1 node ever. You need your data to be replicated, so you will need at least 2 nodes (or more if you feel safer with a higher replication level).
Another thing to remember is that while you can change the number of replicas, you can't change the number of shards. This is configured when you create your index and cannot be changed (if you want more shards you need to create another index and reindex all your data). So your number of shards should take into account the data size and the cluster size, considering the higher number of nodes you want but also your minimal setup (can fewer nodes hold all the shards and serve the estimated traffic?).
So theoretically, if you want to have 2 nodes at low time and 12 nodes on peak, you can set your index to have 6 shards with 1 replica. So on low times you have 2 nodes that hold 6 shards each, and on peak you have 12 nodes that hold 1 shard each.
But again, I strongly suggest rethinking this and testing the impact of shard moving on your cluster performance.
In cases where the elasticity of your application is driven by a variable query load you could setup ES nodes configured to not store any data ( = false, http.enabled = true) and then put them in for auto scaling. These nodes could offload all the HTTP and result conflation processing from your main data nodes (freeing them up for more indexing and searching).
Since these nodes wouldn't have shards allocated to them bringing them up and down dynamically shouldn't be a problem and the auto-discovery should allow them to join the cluster.
I think this is a concern in general when it comes to employing auto-scalable architecture to meet temporary demands, but data still needs to be saved. I think there is a solution that leverages EBS
map shards to specific EBS volumes. Lets say we need 15 shards. We will need 15 EBS Volumes
amazon allows you to mount multiple volumes, so when we start we can start with few instances that have multiple volumes attached to them
as load increase, we can spin up additional instance - upto 15.
The above solution is only advised if you know your max capacity requirements.
I can give you an alternative approach using aws elastic search service(it will cost little bit more than normal ec2 elasticsearch).Write a simple script which continuously monitor the load (through api/cli)on the service and if the load goes beyond the threshold, programatically increase the nodes of your aws elasticsearch-service cluster.Here the advantage is aws will take care of the scaling(As per the documentation they are taking a snaphost and launching a completely new cluster).This will work for scale down also.
Regarding Auto-scaling approach there is some challenges like shard movement has an impact on the existing cluster, also we need to more vigilant while scaling down.You can find a good article on scaling down here which I have tested.If you can do some kind of intelligent automation of the steps in the above link through some scripting(python, shell) or through automation tools like Ansible, then the scaling in/out is achievable.But again you need to start the scaling up well before the normal limits since the scale up activities can have an impact on existing cluster.
Question: is possible to configure one node to always hold all the shards copies?
Answer: Yes,its possible by explicit shard routing.More details here
I would be tempted to suggest solving this a different way in AWS. I dont know what ES data this is or how its updated etc... Making a lot of assumptions I would put the ES instance behind a ALB (app load balancer) I would have a scheduled process that creates updated AMI's regularly (if you do it often then it will be quick to do), then based on load of your single server I would trigger more instances to be created from the latest instance you have available. Add the new instances to the ALB to share some of the load. As this quiet down I would trigger the termination of the temp instances. If you go this route here are a couple more things to consider
Use spot instances since they are cheaper and if it fits your use case
The "T" instances dont fit well here since they need time to build up credits
Use lambdas for the task of turning things on and off, if you want to be fancy you can trigger it based on a webhook to the aws gateway
Making more assumptions about your use case, consider putting a Varnish server in front of your ES machine so that you can more cheaply provide scale based on a cache strategy (lots of assumptions here) based on the stress you can dial in the right TTL for cache eviction. Check out the soft-purge feature for our ES stuff we have gotten a lot of good value from this.
if you do any of what i suggest here make sure to make your spawned ES instances report any logs back to a central addressable place on the persistent ES machine so you don't lose logs when the machines die
