Let's assume I have a passage with coordinates as:
(0,0) (1,0) ...(10,0)
Now bunch of 5 persons enter from (0,0) one by one with 0.5 intervals.
So I have defined a counter with variable-A , starting from 0-6 in JMeter with the following function in MQTT publish.
So when I run the above functions in loop, the person get treated as entering the passage one by one with 0.5 intervals..
Now the problem is , how to write the similar functions, if the bunch of 5 person's with same interval 0.5, enters from (8,0)... How to have the counter in decrement fashion or the Jmeter support any other functions to replicate this scenario. Pls help.
So what's your problem? "Increment" value of the Counter test element doesn't have to be a positive number, you can put a negative one there as well:
So the counter will be decremented by 1 on each iteration of it's respective Loop Controller
More information: How to Use a Counter in a JMeter Test
I am trying to complete a mortality table, using loops in Visual Foxpro. I have run into one difficulty where the math operation involves doing a sum of of all data in a column for the remaining rows - this needs to be incorporated into a loop. The strategy I thought would work, nesting a SUM REST function into the SCAN REST function, was not successful, and I haven't found a good alternative approach.
In FoxPro, I can successfully use the SCAN function as follows, say:
Go 1
Replace survivors WITH 1000000
SCAN rest
replace survivors WITH (1 - oprev.prob) * oprev.survivors
(to take the mortality rates in a table and use it to compute number of survivors at each age)
Or, say:
Replace Yearslived WITH 0
SCAN rest
replace Yearslived WITH (oprev1.survivors + survivors) * 0.5
In order to complete a mortality table I want to use the Yearslived and survivors data (which were produced using the SCANs above) to get life expectancy data as follows. Say we have the simplified table:
100 0 ?
80 90 ?
60 70 ?
40 50 ?
20 30 ?
0 10 ?
Then each LIFEEXP record should be the sum of the remaining YEARSLIVED records divided by the corresponding Survivors record, i.e:
LIFEEXP (1) = (90+70+50+30+10)/100
LIFEEXP (2) = (70+50+30+10)/80
...and so on.
I attempted to do this with a similar SCAN approach - see below:
Go 1
SCAN rest
replace lifeexp WITH ((SUM yearslived Rest) - oprev2.yearslived) / oprev2.survivors
But here I get the error message "Function name is missing)." Help tells me this is probably because the function contains too many arguments.
So I then also tried to break things down and first use SCAN just to get all of my SUM REST data, as follows:
SCAN rest
SUM yearslived REST
... in the hope that I could get this data, define it as a variable, and create a simpler SCAN function above. However, I seem to be doing something wrong here as well, as instead of getting all necessary sums (first the sum of rows 2 to end, then 3 to end, etc.), I only get one sum, of all the yearslived data. In other words, using the sample data, I am given just 250, instead of the list 250, 160, 90, 40, 10.
What am I doing wrong? And more generally, how can I create a loop in Foxpro that includes a function where you Sum up all remaining data in a specific column over and over again (first 2nd through last record, then 3rd through last record, and so on)?
Any help will be much appreciated!
Well you are really hiding the important detail, your table's structure, sample data and desired output. Then it is mostly guess work which have a high chance of to be true.
You seem to be trying to do something like this:
Create Cursor Mortality (Survivors i, YearsLived i, LifeExp b)
Local ix, oprev1
For ix=100 To 0 Step -20
Insert Into Mortality (Survivors, YearsLived) Values (m.ix,0)
Survivors = Mortality.Survivors
Scan Rest
Replace YearsLived With (m.Survivors + Mortality.Survivors) * 0.5
Survivors = Mortality.Survivors
*** Here is the part that deals with your sum problem
Local nRecNo, nSum
* Save current recnord number
nRecNo = Recno()
* Sum REST after skipping to next row
Sum YearsLived Rest To nSum
* Position back to row where we started
Go m.nRecNo
* Do the replacement
Replace LifeExp With Iif(Survivors=0,0,m.nSum/Survivors)
* ENDSCAN would implicitly move to next record
* We are done. Go first record and browse
While there are N ways to do this in VFP, this is one xbase approach to do that and relatively simple to understand IMHO.
Where did you go wrong?
Well, you tried to use SUM as if it were a function, but it is a command. There is SUM() function for SQL as an aggregate function but here you are using the xBase command SUM.
EDIT: And BTW in this code:
SCAN rest
SUM yearslived REST
What you are doing is, starting a SCAN with a scope of REST, in loop you are using another scoped command
SUM yearslived REST
This effectively does the summing on the REST of records and places the record pointer to bottom. Endscan further advances it to eof(). Thus it only works for the first record.
Good morning,
I have a little problem there.
I would like work with data from two different time interval.
for example, BTC (1 day time interval) and BTC (4 hour time interval) chart.
The main time interval is the 4 hour. The value "HA_C", this is the close value of "BTC 1 Day".
The "close BTC 1 Day time interval" value displayed correct in the 4 hour chart.
But the value "test" with a simple arithmetic problem differs greatly and is wrong.
You can test this as follows:
Loads the strategy in "BTC", time interval "1 Day",
note from one day the "BTC Close" value and the "test" value.
Then switch to "BTC" 4 hour time interval.
You will see, that the "HA_C Close" from the 1 hour time interval is the correct value,
but the "test" value is displayed incorrectly.
Why is the "test" value after a calculation incorrectly, although the "Close" value is correct ???
I have find out, that the problem is the "ta.ema (source, length)" function. Can someone give me a formula, that calculates the same value as the "ta.ema (source, length)" function.
**// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © flashpit
strategy("TEST", process_orders_on_close=true, overlay=true, calc_on_every_tick=true, pyramiding=30)
varip test = 0.0
HA_Symbol = ticker.heikinashi("BINANCE:BTCUSDT")
HA_C = request.security(HA_Symbol, "1D", close)
test:= ta.ema(HA_C, 7) * 1.05
plot (HA_C)
plot (test)**
I have finde the correct code. Here is it:
c2_1D = request.security(ticker.heikinashi('BINANCE:BTCUSDT'), "1D", t3_D (close, T3Length_1D, T3FactorCalc_1D))
It is due to the context you have called the ema function. If your chart is H4 and you perform your test calculation in the global scope, it is using 7 x H4 bars of HA_C. On BTCUSDT, over the last 7 H4 bars, it would have been 7 bars made up of multiples of only 2 daily values, hence the incorrect result.
When you change the chart to D1, it shows the correct result because now the global context of the script is now operating in the same timeframe as the security call.
If you want the correct value from the ema using 7 x 1D bars it has to be done within the context of the security call. For example :
test = request.security(ticker.heikinashi("BINANCE:BTCUSDT"), "D", ta.ema(close, 7))
If you need to perform multiple operations using the same ticker, you can also wrap them in a function and just pass the one function to a single security call. For example, this will return the daily close and the daily ema 7 :
f_ema_and_close(_src, _len) =>
_ema = ta.ema(_src, _len)
[_src, _ema]
[D1_close, D1_ema7] = request.security(ticker.heikinashi("BINANCE:BTCUSDT"), "D", f_ema_and_close(close, 7))
plot(D1_close, color = color.yellow)
plot(D1_ema7, color = color.red)
so this is what I'm trying to do, and I'm not sure how cause I'm new to python. I've searched for a few options and I'm not sure why this doesn't work.
So I have 6 different nodes, in maya, called aiSwitch. I need to generate random different numbers from 0 to 6 and input that value in the aiSiwtch*.index.
In short the result should be
aiSwitch1.index = (random number from 0 to 5)
aiSwitch2.index = (another random number from 0 to 5 different than the one before)
And so on unil aiSwitch6.index
I tried the following:
import maya.cmds as mc
import random
allswtich = mc.ls('aiSwitch*')
for i in allswitch:
print i
S = range(0,6)
print S
shuffle = random.sample(S, len(S))
print shuffle
for w in shuffle:
print w
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', w)
This is the result I get from the prints:
aiSwitch1 <-- from print i
[0,1,2,3,4,5] <--- from print S
[2,3,5,4,0,1] <--- from print Shuffle (random.sample results)
1 <--- from print w, every separated item in the random.sample list.
Now, this happens for every aiSwitch, cause it's in a loop of course. And the random numbers are always a different list cause it happens every time the loop runs.
So where is the problem then?
aiSwitch1.index = 1
And all the other aiSwitch*.index always take only the last item in the list but the time I get to do the setAttr. It seems to be that w is retaining the last value of the for loop. I don't quite understand how to
Get a random value from 0 to 5
Input that value in aiSwitch1.index
Get another random value from 0 to 6 different to the one before
Input that value in aiSwitch2.index
Repeat until aiSwitch5.index.
I did get it to work with the following form:
allSwitch = mc.ls('aiSwitch')
for i in allSwitch:
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', random.uniform(0,5))
This gave a random number from 0 to 5 to all aiSwitch*.index, but some of them repeat. I think this works cause the value is being generated every time the loop runs, hence setting the attribute with a random number. But the numbers repeat and I was trying to avoid that. I also tried a shuffle but failed to get any values from it.
My main mistake seems to be that I'm generating a list and sampling it, but I'm failing to assign every different item from that list to different aiSwitch*.index nodes. And I'm running out of ideas for this.
Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a somewhat Pythonic way: shuffle the list of indices, then iterate over it using zip (which is useful for iterating over structures in parallel, which is what you need to do here):
import random
index = list(range(6))
allSwitch = mc.ls('aiSwitch*')
for i,j in zip(allSwitch,index):
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', j)
Im trying to implement a merge sort using opencl wrapper.
The problem is, each pass needs a different indexing algorithm for threads' memory access.
Some info about this:
First pass(numbers indicate elements and arrows indicate sorting)
0<-->1 2<--->3 4<--->5 6<--->7
group0 group1 group2 group3 ===>1 thread per group, N/2 groups total
Second pass(all parallel)
0<------>2 4<------>6
1<------->3 5<------->7
group0 group1 ========> 2 threads per group, N/4 groups
Next pass
0<--------------->4 8<------------------>12
1<--------------->5 9<------------------->13
2<--------------->6 10<---------------->14
3<--------------->7 11<--------------->15
group0 group1 ===>4 threads per group
but N/8 groups
So, an element of a sub-group cannot make any comparison between another group's element.
I cannot simply do
A[i]<---->A[i+1] or A[i]<---->A[i+4]
because these cover
A[1]<---->A[2] and A[4]<----->A[8]
which are wrong.
I needed a more complex indexing algorithm which has potential to use same number of threads for all passes.
Pass n: global id(i): 0,1, 2,3 4,5 , ... to compare id 0,1 4,5 8,9
looks like compare id1=(i/2)*4+i%2
Pass n+1: global id(i): 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7, ... to compare id 0,1,2,3, 8,9,10,11, 16,17
looks like compare id=(i/4)*8+i%4
Pass n+2: global id(i): 0,1,2,3,... 8,9,10,... to compare id 0,1,2,3,... 16,17,18,...
looks like compare id=(i/8)*16+i%8
compare id1 = ( i/( pow(2,passN) ) ) * pow(2,passN+1) + i%( pow(2, passN) )
compare id2 = compare id1 + pow(2,passN)
so, in the kernel string, can it be
int i=get_global_id(0);
int compareId1=( i/( pow(2,passN) ) ) * pow(2,passN+1) + i%( pow(2, passN) );
int compareId2=compareId1+pow(2,passN);
// this can happen only for the first pass
// needs a different kernel structure for that
but Im not sure.
Question: Can you give any directions about which memory access pattern would not leak while satisfying the "no compare between different groups" condition?
Needed to hard-reset my computer many times already, trying different algortihms(memory leaked, black screen, crash, restart), this one is the last and I fear it can crash entire OS.
I already tried a much simpler version with a decreasing number of threads per pass, had some bad performance.
Edit: I tried the upper code, it sorts reversely ordered arrays. But not randomized arrays.
I have a bunch of values, for example: [1,2,14,51,100,103,107,110,300,505,1034].
And I have a pattern values, for example [1,10,20,100,500,1000].
I need to get the best 'suitable' value FROM pattern. In my example it is 100. How can I detect this value?
Example from life. The app has a bunch of distances between user position and some objects. The app also has a preset filter by distance: [1 meter, 10 meters, 20 meters, 100 meters]. I heed to set the filter by default not just to the first value (1 meter in my example), but to the value which match the bunch of distances the best way(100 meter in my example). I need to detect one value.
Thank you for help and any ideas.
I would say create a function like this (this is not real code) :
var ratio1 = 0.66
var ratio2 = 1.5
function Score(currentPatternValue, arrayOfValues)
count = 0
for each value in arrayOfValues <br>
if value > ratio1 * currentPatternValue AND value < ratio2 * currentPatternValue<br>
return count
then you run this for each value in your pattern values and pick the one with the highest score returned from that function