msbuild can't find references in projects.assets.json - visual-studio

I have a .net standard library project targeting .net standard 2.0 and I'm trying to build it in VSTS using MSBuild, the build server where the build agent is installed doesn't have internet access so I copied the dependencies to the C:\users\username.nuget\packages folder however MSBuild fails saying "Netsdk1064, Package microsoft.csharp, version 4.3.0 was not found".
I've tried copying the dependencies on the packages folder of the solution but still now working. I can't use Nuget restore on the build server so I was wondering if there is a way to redirect project.assets.json to look in the folder I created?

You need to check if package Netsdk1064, Package microsoft.csharp successfully copied in C:\users\username\.nuget\packages folder, since it errored this package was not found.
As workaround, you can create a nuget.config file and commit to your repo. And add the local directory where the all your packages reside under the packageSources element of nuget.config file. See below example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="local" value="C:\users\username\.nuget\packages" />
Check Package source sections of nuget.config for more information.
Then you can use nuget restore task to restore the packages. And Set nugetConfigPath point to the nuget.config created above.
- task: NuGetCommand#2
command: 'restore'
restoreSolution: 'SmartFuel.sln'
feedsToUse: 'config'
nugetConfigPath: 'nuget.config'
If the nuget restore task failed to restore from the local package source. Please check the nuget version used in your pipeline. If the nuget version is 4.1.0 or older. You need to use NuGet Tool Installer task to use a higher versions of nuget. See this thread for more information.
Another possible workaround is to edit the .csproj file and manually point the referenced package to the .dll in local folder using hintpath. For example below:
<Reference Include="DependPackage">


Automate Artifactory NuGet download during build in Visual Studio

I have been working with Artifactory NuGet packages in Visual Studio 2019 recently, and have a workflow which looks sort of like this:
Add private Artifactory repo as NuGet Package Source
Download specific older version of my NuGet package [either using Package Manager UI or Package Manager Console]
Once NuGet package is installed, build VS2019 project
I need to eliminate the need for a user to know how to go through these steps, and make it as simple as possible for a Visual Studio 2019 project to automatically install a specific version of my private NuGet package hosted in artifactory.
I've been trying to accomplish this but with no luck, I'm not sure if this would best be done by editing the Visual Studio project file, or by editing the windows global nuget.config file, or create a custom nuget.config file for my visual studio project.
Any advice/help would be appreciated, thanks.
Since your question does not contain relevant information like if you're using a Visual Studio Solution (*.sln file), Git, etc., I can only have a guess 😉
Assuming you're using Git and having a folder structure like this:
- MyProject
- .git
- MyProject.sln
- ProjectA
- ProjectA.csproj
- ProjectB
- ProjectB.csproj
Now you can create a file MyProject/NuGet.config with the following content and put it under version control:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="Your Artifactory source" value="https://your.artifactory.source/v3/index.json" />
According to the docs, NuGet should pick up NuGet.config automatically.

Self-hosted Azure Devops build cant resolve packages

I have a Azure DevOps build pipeline that runs as expected on a hosted vs2017 agent, but fails on a self-hosted agent.
The error I get in the Visual Studio build step is:
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\.NETStandard,Version=v2.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs(4,20): Error CS0400: The type or namespace name 'System' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)
The two agents seems to run the same version of msbuild.
From the diagnostic output from msbuild I can see that the output from the ResolvePackageDependencies task contains a lot of packages where the ResolvedPath is empty, for instance:
But the NuGet restore step seems to complete without problems.
Any suggestions for what I am missing?
I believe I had a similar issue. I ended up having to install the latest Nuget and then run Nuget on the solution including a NuGet.config file.
Add a nuget.config to your solution so it is part of your repo/pull. Mine is in the same directory as the solution file. Example below
Add a task "NuGet Tool Installer" - I install NuGet 4.4.1, just put 4.4.1 in the Version to install input.
Add a task "NuGet Installer" - Different from above. Version 0.* - I have not tried the other versions.
Set the Path to the solution. IE. $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Source/Sample.sln
Add the path to the Nuget config file. Example $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)/Source/nuget.config
Nuget.config contains how to get the packages. Add other locations if you get packages from other sources like a local folder or something.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Used to specify the default Sources for list, install and update.
See: nuget.exe help list
See: nuget.exe help install
See: nuget.exe help update
<add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />
<!-- Allow NuGet to download missing packages -->
<add key="enabled" value="True" />
<!-- Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio -->
<add key="automatic" value="True" />
Your build task should run fine now and find all the packages.
Self-hosted Azure Devops build cant resolve packages
According to the error message, it seem nuget not restore the reference from SDK.
To resolve this issue, we need update our nuget.exe version to 4.0 and above.
In the NuGet tool installer we could specify the nuget.exe version:
As you comment above, it seems you have already use nuget installer, in this case, you can try to update Visual Studio to 15.3 and above on the build server. Because VS only adds proper support for .NET Core 2.0 SDK in version 15.3.
Finally, if your project/solution is .net core/standard you can use dotnet restore and then run dotnet build to compile your app.
Hope this helps.

Install NuGet packages to Project Dirs instead of Solution Dir?

I have a solution in Visual Studio 2015 with about 40 projects in it. Some of these projects have some NuGet packages referenced.
Due to a combination of our branching strategy (where each project folder is branched individually) and our security requirements (that the NuGet binaries are actually checked into TFS) I would like the NuGet packages for each Project to be installed into each Project's folder, not in the solution's folder. Space usage is not a concern here.
I've looked at:
And they've helped my understanding of how the config files work... but I can't seem to get it to do what I want.
I've tried this in my config file:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="$(ProjectDir)\Nuget\" />
But it creates a folder in the solution folder actually called '$(ProjectDir)'.
And I can't hardcode the path to the project folders (i.e. 'C:\myteam\teampackages' in the NuGet docs) as pretty much everyone in the team have different paths to their local workspaces!
How can I do this?
Firstly, you should not check in NuGet packages into TFS Version Control. As one of the advantages of using NuGet is that you can use it to avoid checking in binaries to your version control system.
Instead, you need to restore NuGet packages during TFS build process and the required packages will be downloaded. In VS2015, you need to follow steps in this blog:
Some key steps are (assume you're working with XAML build):
Add following items to the solution. (Content of the nuget.config and .tfignore file can be found here)
Add one build.proj file under the root path of the solution folder. (Content of the build.proj file can be found here)
Create one folder named tools under the root path of the solution folder. Create NuGet sub-folder under tools folder, download and save nuget.exe under tools\NuGet path.
Check in nuget.config, .tfignore, build.proj and tools\NuGet\nuget.exe into TFS version control.
Modify the build definition to choose to build the build.proj file.
Then you will have NuGet packages restored successfully during the TFS build process.
The Nuget docs mentions specifying package folder location is to have many different solutions share the same package. This is an opposite scenario as your. Repository path setting only allows you to install the NuGet packages in the specified folder (like C:\teampackages ) or for relative path (like ../Nuget).
To make installing package in different repositoryPath, you can try:
<add key="repositoryPath" value="../Nuget" />
Check case: Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

NuGet restoring PostSharp package before the build begins

I am using PostSharp and I have the following target description in my project file:
<Target Name="EnsurePostSharpImported" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild" Condition="'$(PostSharp30Imported)' == ''">
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\packages\PostSharp.3.1.33\tools\PostSharp.targets')" Text="This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see" />
<Error Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\PostSharp.3.1.33\tools\PostSharp.targets')" Text="The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build. For more information, see" />
As far as I understand, this is added to the project when PostSharp is referenced through NuGet, and the error conditions check the following:
The first error condition breaks the build when PostSharp is not available (i.e. NuGet did not restore it successfully).
The second error condition breaks the build when PostSharp was successfully restored by NuGet on the last build but was therefore not included in the project, so therefore a rebuild is necessary.
BUT, if I have the following configuration in NuGet.Config and .csproj file, is the second error condition even necessary?
NuGet.Config file:
<!-- Allow NuGet to download missing packages -->
<add key="enabled" value="True" />
<!-- Automatically check for missing packages during build in Visual Studio -->
<add key="automatic" value="True" />
.csproj file:
As far as I understand, NuGet will then restore the missing packages BEFORE the build even starts. The second error condition will essentially break the build for no reason at all.
Note: I am using Visual Studio 2013 and NuGet 2.8.
It depends on how the restore is done and which version of NuGet you have installed. It looks like the error messages are trying to cover three scenarios:
Building without the MSBuild based package restore enabled (which is configured inside Visual Studio by right clicking the solution and selecting Enable Package restore).
Building outside of Visual Studio when the MSBuild based package restore is not enabled.
Building with Visual Studio using an old version of NuGet which does not support the automatic restore before a build.
If you are using the MSBuild based package restore then the restore will occur during the build and the PostSharp files will not be imported at this point so the $(PostSharp30Imported) will be empty and the second error message will be displayed. At least I suspect that is the case.
If you building from the command line and not using the MSBuild based package restore then you would see the first error message if the NuGet packages were missing.
If you are not using the MSBuild based package restore, and are building from within Visual Studio with a recent version of NuGet, then you are correct that the packages will be restored before anything is built at all. So the PostSharp imports should be available to MSBuild before it is even executed.
As PostSharp dlls are required during msbuild loading (so targets referencing this dlls are available during build) they must be available during final call to msbuild.
While in VS it is acceptable to click build twice, I was using PostSharp in CI environment, and requirement to call build on solution two times was frustrating (first build restore nugets but also failed build due to error).
I ended up with separate build steps:
Restore nuget Packages (this downloads PostSharp packages and return success code to environment):
NuGet.exe restore SolutionWithProjectsUsingPostSharp.sln
Build solution.
You need to edit the second error condition in the target in the csproj
<Target Name="EnsurePostSharpImported" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild" Condition="'$(PostSharp30Imported)' == ''">
<Error Condition="!Exists('....\packages\PostSharp.3.1.33\tools\PostSharp.targets')" Text="This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see" />
<Error Condition="Exists('....\packages\PostSharp.3.1.33\tools\PostSharp.targets')" Text="The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include these packages in the build. For more information, see" />
I have answered in detail in a different post at SO
We are using 'old' MSBuild-Integrated package restore ( .nuget\NuGet.targets file is present) and normally do not store in source control packages, but rely on build to restore them for each build.
But for PostSharp on TeamCity build server I am getting error :
The build restored NuGet packages. Build the project again to include
these packages in the build.
The simplest way is to explicitly include in source control packages\PostSharp.VerXXX.
Alternatively solution could be migrating to automatic package restore,
as it was advised in Issue Using PostSharp 3.x with NuGet Auto Restore
Right click on the solution, Manage Nuget packages; and remove the packages you dont want .
This error also shows up , when trying to restore the packages from the web. Just connect your self to the internet and then try opening the project.
The errors went away for me on following the above steps.

Is it possible to get NuGet.exe running disconnected from Visual Studio?

I've been wrestling with NuGet for a few days now and I'm turning to StackOverflow in frustration - hopefully someone here can be kind enough to point me in the right direction.
I've used NuGet several times for simple one-man pet projects, but this is the first time I've used it for something I really care about and want to have fully continuous builds, etc. I'm trying to create a simple NAnt build script to get the source for Git, ensure the external dependencies have been brought down, compile, and run tests - vanilla CI.
I originally went down the path of trying to get solution restore working, but it just didn't work or I didn't how it worked. Visual Studio is not on the build server and will not be installed there - that is not an option. As an aside, I couldn't get solution restore to work just with two developers (one trying to bring down the source fresh and build cleanly). I'm assuming it's because "allow solution restore" must be turned on everywhere (and is not by default). I punted on that approach before I got to the bottom of it - frankly, having my package manager so tightly coupled to the IDE makes me uncomfortable and was hoping I could do it another way. The package managers I'm used to using are simple command line tools - the CI build script invokes it on build, and developers do it on demand. I've spent the last two hours trying to get this working with the last 30 minutes in the NuGet source code. I feel like I'm fighting the tool and need to reboot.
Does anyone have any examples of the best to use NuGet in a multi-developer + CI scenario? This is what I want:
Any and all developers can get the source and run the tests in 3 or
less clicks (preferably 1). If the binaries are not present locally, that will be JIT fetched. If they are there, they will be updated if necessary, etc. This would ideally not even require NuGet to be installed (i.e. NuGet.exe would need to be in my repo).
Do #1 via a CI server like Jenkins, TeamCity, etc. (preferably using the same script)
If its not overly fighting the tool, I would like to have all this disconnected from Visual Studio with a single packages.config file and all binaries dumped into a single Lib folder in the root of the repo.
Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
Below, how I think you can achieve each your requisites:
You need to "Enable NuGet Package Restore" in your solution:
As #alexander-doroshenko mentioned for TeamCity you can use Nuget Installer:, but if you want a script to run in Jenkins, try this (works at TC too, as a command line step) for each project:
nuget.exe install "[Project folder]/packages.config" -source "" -solutionDir "" -OutputDirectory "packages"
This requisite will be done by item 1 and 2.
TeamCity has a build step for that, called "NuGet Installer", it fetch required packages from .sln file and download the locally. It does not require Visual Studio to run.
Read more about it here:
There are several different solutions for integrating NuGet into your build process depending on how much integration you require. In our case we wanted to use NuGet as package manager and allow developers to build their solutions even if they haven't got NuGet installed on their machine. For that to work we enabled package restore which adds the NuGet binaries to your solution folder and updates the project files. Note that NuGet doesn't always do the update of the project files correctly. In our case we found that some project files got updated but others didn't. To verify that the project was updated you will need to open the project file as XML file. To achieve this load the solution and right click the project in question and select unload project. Then right click the project again and select edit [PROJECT_NAME]. In the project file you should see
A RestorePackages property in the first propertygroup. This property should have the value true
An import statement at the very end of the project file. This import statement should point to the 'NuGet.targets file that accompanies the NuGet binary.
Below is an example of one of our project files (heavily edited)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<SolutionDir Condition="'$(SolutionDir)' == '' or '$(SolutionDir)' == '*undefined*'">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..</SolutionDir>
<!-- Allow NuGet to restore the packages if they are missing -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\BaseConfiguration.targets" />
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Compile Include="MyClass.cs" />
<!-- Import the Nuget.targets file which integrates NuGet in the build process -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\NuGet.targets')" />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
The next step you'll need to take is to provide a solution level NuGet configuration file in which you'll indicate where the packages need to be 'installed' and what the URL of the package repository is. In our case the solution directory structure looks like:
(D) root
(D) build
(D) packages
(D) source
(D) .nuget
(D) MyCoolProject
(D) templates
Where (D) indicates a directory.
The NuGet.config file contains the following configuration settings.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="enabled" value="True" />
<add key="repositorypath" value="packages" />
<add key="OurPackageServer" value="PACKAGE_SERVER_ADDRESS" />
<add key="All" value="(Aggregate source)" />
This configuration file indicates that package restore is enabled, that the repository path (where the packages are placed) is the packages directory and which package sources are active.
By placing a NuGet.config file in the root directory we can use the hierarchical configuration option with NuGet. This allows the individual solutions to override computer specific configurations. The other benefit is that this way we don't need to have NuGet installed on the build server (because the executable and the configurations are in the repository).
With this setup developers can build the solution from Visual Studio. The build should work fine on developers machines even if they don't have NuGet installed. Note however that they won't be able to add packages to a project without having NuGet installed in visual studio.
On the build server you can simply use MsBuild to build the solution which will automatically download the packages from your package repository. Visual Studio is not required to be installed on the build machine for that (just the .NET framework of your choice).
