I want to group my routes in different files, so the main file won't be very messy.
I want something like this in their own files:
v1 := router.Group("/v1")
v1.Group("users", usersRoutes)
v1.Group("pictures", picturesRoutes)
v1.Group("friends", friendsRoutes)
So each one of the *Routes would look something like this:
users := v1.Group("/users")
users.GET("/", getUsers)
users.POST("/", createUser)
Is this possible? Right now my code looks like this:
package app
import (
func getUrls() {
v1 := router.Group("/v1")
ping := v1.Group("/ping")
ping.GET("/", pongFunction)
users := v1.Group("/users")
users.GET("/", getUsersFunction)
But this is going to increase its size a lot.
You would need to store router variable in your struct or global variable. Then individual go files will add handlers to that variable. Here is an example:
package app
import (
type routes struct {
router *gin.Engine
func NewRoutes() routes {
r := routes{
router: gin.Default(),
v1 := r.router.Group("/v1")
return r
func (r routes) Run(addr ...string) error {
return r.router.Run()
package app
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
func (r routes) addPing(rg *gin.RouterGroup) {
ping := rg.Group("/ping")
ping.GET("/", pongFunction)
func pongFunction(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"message": "pong",
package app
import "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
func (r routes) addUsers(rg *gin.RouterGroup) {
users := rg.Group("/users")
users.GET("/", getUsersFunction)
func getUsersFunction(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"users": "...",
these is my api and i don't know what is the problem for that endpoints duplicated, i was trying if is something of config but there is not nothing about in their documentation
package main
import (
func main() {
app := fiber.New(fiber.Config{
AppName: "Aurora Api V1",
app.Get("/AAAAAAAA", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON("hellow from login")
routesList := app.GetRoutes()
for i, route := range routesList {
fmt.Printf("%d - %d\n", i+1, route)
package routes
import (
func ServerRoutes(server *fiber.App) {
package user
import "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2"
func UserRoutes(router fiber.Router) {
router.Get("/login", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON("hellow from login")
router.Get("/logout", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON("hellow from logout")
router.Get("/signup", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.JSON("hellow from signup")
i want that golang just map GET endpoints not HEAD endpoints, or there a reason for that?
I think HEAD method is used as default for GET routes in Fiber since it's nearly the same thing. Read more about HEAD method in MDN Docs.
Lets say I have some routes in a subemenuRoutes.go file like this:
package routes
// GetSubMenuRoutes return a group of routes for login
func GetSubMenuRoutes() *gin.Engine{
router := gin.Default()
menuRoutes := router.Group("/submenu")
getRoutes := menuRoutes.Group("/get")
getRoutes.GET("/getallsubmenus", middlewares.GetAllSubMenus)
return router
And I am running them from main.go like this :
package main
func main(){
fmt.Println("from main")
router := gin.Default()
router = routes.GetSubMenuRoutes()
Up to this, all working.
Now my question is :
lets say I have some other routes in a file menuRoutes.go :
package routes
// GetMenuRoutes return a group of routes for login
func GetMenuRoutes() *gin.Engine{
router := gin.Default()
menuRoutes := router.Group("/menu")
getRoutes := menuRoutes.Group("/get")
getRoutes.GET("/getallmenus", middlewares.GetAllMenus)
return router
Now, I want to run both menu routes and submenu routes from main .
But In my main.go , you see, I did this before running,
router = routes.GetSubMenuRoutes()
So How Can I merge all routes coming from routes.GetSubMenuRoutes() and routes.GetMenuRoutes()
before I call router.Run in main.go?
As their doc said I wanted something like this in main.go, But my routes are coming from function. You see : I cant hardcode my route like v1 or v2 like them, because mine is coming from getMenuRoute() and getSubmenuRoute() function
func main() {
router := gin.Default()
// Simple group: v1
v1 := router.Group("/v1")
v1.POST("/login", loginEndpoint)
v1.POST("/submit", submitEndpoint)
v1.POST("/read", readEndpoint)
// Simple group: v2
v2 := router.Group("/v2")
v2.POST("/login", loginEndpoint)
v2.POST("/submit", submitEndpoint)
v2.POST("/read", readEndpoint)
instead of declaring your gin.Default() inside each function you can pass it as a parameter to your router functions.
func GetMenuRoutes(router *gin.Engine){
menuRoutes := router.Group("/menu")
getRoutes := menuRoutes.Group("/get")
getRoutes.GET("/getallmenus", middlewares.GetAllMenus)
you can register all these routes on to a main router using
a for loop.
your main func() will have the following lines
func main() {
v1 := getGroup1().Routes()
v2 := getGroup2().Routes()
rt := gin.Default()
for _, a := range v1 {
rt.Handle(a.Method, a.Path, a.HandlerFunc)
for _, a := range v2 {
rt.Handle(a.Method, a.Path, a.HandlerFunc)
#whitespace 's answer is good. But I found another solution.
So, as you remember, I have a lot of routes coming from 2 functions.
I need to merge them, before main calls all of them
So my first route function from : menuRoutes.go
package routes
// GetMenuRoutes return a group of routes for menu
func GetMenuRoutes(router *gin.Engine) *gin.Engine{
menuRoutes := router.Group("/menu")
getRoutes := menuRoutes.Group("/get")
getRoutes.GET("/getallmenus", middlewares.GetAllMenus)
return router
My second route function from: submenuRoutes.go
package routes
// GetSubMenuRoutes return a group of routes for submenu
func GetSubMenuRoutes(router *gin.Engine) *gin.Engine{
menuRoutes := router.Group("/submenu")
getRoutes := menuRoutes.Group("/get")
getRoutes.GET("/getallsubmenus", middlewares.GetAllSubMenus)
// router.GET("/getallsubmenus", middlewares.GetAllSubMenus)
return router
Finally, I merged both route groups to : main.go
package main
func main(){
fmt.Println("from main")
router := gin.Default()
// router = routes.GetSubMenuRoutes()
I have this code :
package main
import (
func main() {
r := gin.New()
r.GET("/user/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
// How can I get the litteral string "/user/:id" here ?
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"message": "received request"})
Is there any way that I can retrieve inside the handler the litteral string /user/:id? If I use c.Request.Path it will give me the full output of the path like /user/10.
According to the documentation you can use FullPath().
router.GET("/user/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.FullPath() == "/user/:id" // true
I need to get property value:
telegram_token: "telegramtoken"
other_token: "othertoken"
But if I do Init() of import api and initialize function in func main() I don't get property value.
This is works:
package main
import (
var (
cfg Config
configData = []byte(`api:
telegram_token: "telegramtoken"
other_token: "othertoken"`)
type Config struct {
API ConfigAPI `yaml:"api"`
type ConfigAPI struct {
TelegramToken string `yaml:"telegram_token"`
OtherToken string `yaml:"other_token"`
func (c *Config) parse() {
err := yaml.Unmarshal(configData, c)
if err != nil {
func Init() {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", cfg)
func main() {
{API:{TelegramToken:telegramtoken OtherToken:othertoken}}
Doesn't work:
package api
import (
var (
cfg Config
configData = []byte(`api:
telegram_token: "telegramtoken"
waves_token: "wavestoken"`)
type Config struct {
API ConfigAPI `yaml:"api"`
type ConfigAPI struct {
TelegramToken string `yaml:"telegram_token"`
WavesToken string `yaml:"waves_token"`
func (c *Config) parse() {
err := yaml.Unmarshal(configData, c)
if err != nil {
func Init() {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", cfg)
package main, see on api.Init()
// The daemon that starts the API in background process.
package main
import (
api "github.com/krypton-code/waves-bot/pkg/api"
var (
host = "https://api.telegram.org/bot"
method = "/getMe"
// Index - home page.
func Index(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
fmt.Fprint(w, "<h1>Server of TelegaBot for Waves Platform is running!</h1>\n")
func main() {
router := httprouter.New()
router.GET("/", Index)
s := &http.Server{
Addr: ":8089",
Handler: router,
ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
log.Printf("\nApp listening on port%s. Go to http://localhost:8089/", s.Addr)
{API:{TelegramToken: WavesToken:}}
Modify the YAML to match the expected structure by indenting the token fields:
configData = []byte(`api:
telegram_token: "telegramtoken"
waves_token: "wavestoken"`)
I have two files main.go and group.go... it looks something like this
package main
import (
func main() {
// Creates a gin router with default middlewares:
// logger and recovery (crash-free) middlewares
router := gin.Default()
v1 := router.Group("/v1")
v1.GET("/", func (c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "{'sup': 'dup'}")
groups := v1.Group("/groups")
groups.GET("/", groupIndex)
groups.GET("/:id", groupShow)
groups.POST("/", groupCreate)
groups.PUT("/:id", groupUpdate)
groups.DELETE("/:id", groupDelete)
// Listen and server on
So the methods groupIndex, groupCreate, groupUpdate, etc are located in another file under routes/group.go
package main
import (
func groupIndex(c *gin.Context) {
var group struct {
Name string
Description string
group.Name = "Famzz"
group.Description = "Jamzzz"
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, group)
func groupShow(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "{'groupShow': 'someContent'}")
func groupCreate(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "{'groupShow': 'someContent'}")
func groupUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "{'groupUpdate': 'someContent'}")
func groupDelete(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "{'groupDelete': 'someContent'}")
But when I try to compile I get the following error
stuff/main.go:21: undefined: groupIndex
stuff/main.go:23: undefined: groupShow
stuff/main.go:24: undefined: groupCreate
stuff/main.go:25: undefined: groupUpdate
stuff/main.go:26: undefined: groupDelete
I'm super new to go, but I thought if you put files in the same package, then they'll have access to each other. What am I doing wrong here?
There are two ways to fix this:
Move group.go to the same directory as main.go.
Import group.go as a package. Change the package declaration on group.go to:
package routes // or the name of your choice
Export the functions by starting them with a capital letter:
func GroupIndex(c *gin.Context) {
Import the package from main:
import "path/to/routes"
groups.GET("/", routes.GroupIndex)
The document How To Write Go Code explains this and more.