Spring Integration (SFTP) message source isn't getting more than 1 file per poll despite setting to unlimited - spring

I have following code to read xml files from a sftp server as InputStream:
public class SftpConfig {
#InboundChannelAdapter(channel = "stream", poller = #Poller(fixedDelay="60000"))
public MessageSource<InputStream> messageSource() {
SftpStreamingMessageSource messageSource = new SftpStreamingMessageSource(template());
messageSource.setFilter(new SftpSimplePatternFileListFilter("*.xml"));
// messageSource.setMaxFetchSize(-1); no matter what i set this to, it only fetches one file
return messageSource;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "stream", adviceChain = "after")
public MessageHandler handle() {
return message -> {
Assert.isTrue(message.getPayload() instanceof InputStream, "Payload must be of type $InputStream");
String filename = (String) message.getHeaders().get(FileHeaders.REMOTE_FILE);
InputStream is = (InputStream) message.getPayload();
log.info("I am here"); // each poll only prints this once
When I debugged or checked the logs for MessageHanlder$handleMessage, I continuously only saw one message (file object) came through. And there are more than one .xml file sitting on the sftp server as I could verify by seeing file coming through in the next poll. The documentation says
* Set the maximum number of objects the source should fetch if it is necessary to
* fetch objects. Setting the
* maxFetchSize to 0 disables remote fetching, a negative value indicates no limit.
* #param maxFetchSize the max fetch size; a negative value means unlimited.
void setMaxFetchSize(int maxFetchSize);
So that I fiddled with different numbers but to no avail. What am I missing here?

Sorry for misleading, but fetch doesn't mean poll. The fetch options just take as many remote entities to the local cache on a first poll and every single subsequent polls just take entries from that cache until it is exhausted.
The option about max messages per poll belongs to that #Poller configuration. See a respective option:
* #return The maximum number of messages to receive for each poll.
* Can be specified as 'property placeholder', e.g. {#code ${poller.maxMessagesPerPoll}}.
* Defaults to -1 (infinity) for polling consumers and 1 for polling inbound channel adapters.
String maxMessagesPerPoll() default "";
Pay attention to that 1 for polling inbound channel adapters. That's how you see only one message coming through.
Nevertheless the logic is like push only one message to the channel. There is no batching for how many files you have a the moment. Independently of fetch perPoll only one message is sent to the channel. Although I agree that with infinite perPoll all the messages are sent in the same thread and during the same poll cycle.


Spring Integration - Concurrent access to SFTP outbound gateway GET w/ STREAM and accessing the response from Queue Channel

Per the spring docs https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/sftp.html#using-the-get-command, the GET command on the SFTP outbound gateway with STREAM option would return the input stream corresponding to the file passed in the input channel.
We could configure an integration flow similar to the recommendation at
public QueueChannelSpec remoteFileOutputChannel() {
return MessageChannels.queue();
public IntegrationFlow sftpGetFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("sftpGetInputChannel")
AbstractRemoteFileOutboundGateway.Command.GET, "payload")
I plan to obtain the input stream from the caller similar to the response provided in the edits in the question here No Messages When Obtaining Input Stream from SFTP Outbound Gateway
public InputStream openFileStream(final int retryCount, final String filename, final String directory)
throws Exception {
InputStream is = null;
for (int i = 1; i <= retryCount; ++i) {
if (sftpGetInputChannel.send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(directory + "/" + filename).build(), ftpTimeout)) {
is = getInputStream();
if (is != null) {
} else {
logger.info("Failed to obtain input stream so attempting retry " + i + " of " + retryCount);
return is;
private InputStream getInputStream() {
Message<?> msgs = stream.receive(ftpTimeout);
if (msgs == null) {
return null;
InputStream is = (InputStream) msgs.getPayload();
return is;
I would like to pass the input stream to the item reader that is part of a Spring Batch job. The job would read from the input stream and close the stream/session upon completion.
The response from the SFTP outbound gateway is sent to a queue channel. If there are concurrent GET requests to the gateway from multiple jobs/clients, how does the consumer pick the appropriate input stream from the blocking queue in the queue channel? The solution I could think of
Mark getInputStream as synchronized. This would ensure that only one consumer can send commands to the outbound gateway. Since all we are doing is returning a reference to the input stream, it is not a huge performance bottleneck. We could also set the capacity of the queue channel as an additional measure.
This is not an ideal solution because it is very much possible for other devs to bypass the synchronized method here and interact with the outbound gateway. We run the risk of fetching an incorrect stream.
The underlying SFTP client implementation used by Spring doesn't impose any such restrictions so I am seeking a Spring integration solution that can overcome this problem.
Does the GET with STREAM return any headers with the input file name from the payload that can be used by the client to make sure that the stream corresponds to the requested file? This would require peeking + inspection in to the queue before popping a message out of the queue. Not ideal, I think.
Is there a way to pass the response queue channel name as a parameter from the caller?
Appreciate any insights.
Yes, simply set the replyChannel header with a new QueueChannel for each request and terminate the flow with the gateway; if there is no output channel, the ob gateway sends the reply to the header channel.
That is similar to how inbound gateways work.

Single RabbitMQ queue and multiple routing key

We've got an application that will be using RabbitMQ. The design is to use a single exchange single queue with multiple routing keys for multiple teams and they will communicate through this single queue.
I'm developing a java Application to just listen to that queue using a routingKey assigned to my team.
#RabbitListener(bindings = #QueueBinding(
value = #Queue(value = "queue", durable = "true"),
exchange = #Exchange(value = "exchange", autoDelete = "false", type = "topic"),
key = "abc_rk"))
public void consumeMessagesFromRabbitMQ(Request request) throws InterruptedException {
System.out.println("Start:Request from RabbitMQ: " + request);
System.out.println("End:Request from RabbitMQ: " + request);
Let's say the queue has 3 routingKey messages and out of them my application just want to listen to abc_rk. But when I run this code, it's not filtering out the other messages but instead irrespective of what I've set in "key = ?" it pulls all the messages from the queue.
Note that I can't change the design and use the separate queue for each routingKey.
RabbitMQ doesn't work that way (it has no concept of a message selector unlike JMS).
In fact, consumers know nothing about routing keys, only producers; the only reason you see it on #RabbitListener is to aid configuration.
To do what you want, you need to bind 3 different queues to the exchange with the respective routing keys.
Note that I can't change the design and use the separate queue for each routingKey.
You could add a MessagePostProcessor to the container (afterReceivePostProcessors) to discard the unwanted messages by returning null. That is the only mechanism the framework provides for filtering messages.
* Set {#link MessagePostProcessor}s that will be applied after message reception, before
* invoking the {#link MessageListener}. Often used to decompress data. Processors are invoked in order,
* depending on {#code PriorityOrder}, {#code Order} and finally unordered.
* #param afterReceivePostProcessors the post processor.
* #since 1.4.2
* #see #addAfterReceivePostProcessors(MessagePostProcessor...)
public void setAfterReceivePostProcessors(MessagePostProcessor... afterReceivePostProcessors) {
But the best solution is 3 queues.

How to aggrate messages from a queue Channel with using spring integration DSL?

i define a queue channel
public MessageChannel mailRecipientActionMessageChannel() {
return new QueueChannel(20);
the flow below, i will aggrate messages from the queue channel, i tried this:
public IntegrationFlow mailRecipientActionLaundryListMessageFlow(#Qualifier("laundryListMessageHandler") MessageHandler laundryListMessageHandler) {
return IntegrationFlows.from("mail-action-laundry-list-channel")
.log("--> laundry list messages::")
.aggregate(aggregatorSpec -> aggregatorSpec
.releaseExpression("#this.size() == 5")
.messageStore(new SimpleMessageStore(100))
but why it aggrate first 5 messages from the channel always, and aggrate other message no longer
You need to configure expireGroupsUponCompletion(true) on the aggregator:
When set to true (default false), completed groups are removed from the message store, allowing subsequent messages with the same correlation to form a new group. The default behavior is to send messages with the same correlation as a completed group to the discard-channel.
Looks like your subsequent messages from the queue has the same email property. Therefore an aggregator can't form a new group for the same correlation key.

JmsTemplate's browseSelected not retrieving all messages

I have some Java code that reads messages from an ActiveMQ queue. The code uses a JmsTemplate from Spring and I use the "browseSelected" method to retrieve any messages from the queue that have a timestamp in their header older than 7 days (by creating the appropriate criteria as part of the messageSelector parameter).
myJmsTemplate.browseSelected(myQueue, myCriteria, new BrowserCallback<Integer>() {
public Integer doInJms(Session s, QueueBrowser qb) throws JMSException {
final Enumeration<Message> e = qb.getEnumeration();
int count = 0;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
final Message m = e.nextElement();
final TextMessage tm = (TextMessage) MyClass.this.jmsQueueTemplate.receiveSelected(
MyClass.this.myQueue, "JMSMessageID = '" + m.getJMSMessageID() + "'");
return count;
The BrowserCallback's "doInJms" method adds the messages which match the criteria to a list ("myMessages") which subsequently get processed further.
The issue is that I'm finding the code will only process 400 messages each time it runs, even though there are several thousand messages which match the criteria specified.
When I previously used another queueing technology with this code (IBM MQ), it would process all records which met the criteria.
I'm wondering whether I'm experiencing an issue with ActiveMQ's prefetch limit: http://activemq.apache.org/what-is-the-prefetch-limit-for.html
Versions: ActiveMQ 5.10.1 and Spring 3.2.2.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
The broker will only return up to 400 message by default as configured by the maxBrowsePageSize option in the destination policies. You can increase that value but must use caution as the messages are paged into memory and as such can lead you into an OOM situation.
You must always remember that a message broker is not a database, using it as one will generally end in tears.

Request-response pattern using Spring amqp library

everyone. I have an HTTP API for posting messages in a RabbitMQ broker and I need to implement the request-response pattern in order to receive the responses from the server. So I am something like a bridge between the clients and the server. I push the messages to the broker with specific routing-key and there is a Consumer for that messages, which is publishing back massages as response and my API must consume the response for every request. So the diagram is something like this:
So what I do is the following- For every HTTP session I create a temporary responseQueue(which is bound to the default exchange, with routing key the name of that queue), after that I set the replyTo header of the message to be the name of the response queue(where I will wait for the response) and also set the template replyQueue to that queue. Here is my code:
public void sendMessage(AbstractEvent objectToSend, final String routingKey) {
final Queue responseQueue = rabbitAdmin.declareQueue();
byte[] messageAsBytes = null;
try {
messageAsBytes = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(objectToSend);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
MessageProperties properties = new MessageProperties();
properties.setHeader("ContentType", MessageBodyFormat.JSON);
Message message = new Message(messageAsBytes, properties);
Message receivedMessage = (Message)requestTemplate.convertSendAndReceive(routingKey, message);
So what is the problem: The message is sent, after that it is consumed by the Consumer and its response is correctly sent to the right queue, but for some reason it is not taken back in the convertSendAndReceived method and after the set timeout my receivedMessage is null. So I tried to do several things- I started to inspect the spring code(by the way it's a real nightmare to do that) and saw that is I don't declare the response queue it creates a temporal for me, and the replyTo header is set to the name of the queue(the same what I do). The result was the same- the receivedMessage is still null. After that I decided to use another template which uses the default exchange, because the responseQueue is bound to that exchange:
requestTemplate.send(routingKey, message);
Message receivedMessage = receivingTemplate.receive(responseQueue.getName());
The result was the same- the responseMessage is still null.
The versions of the amqp and rabbit are respectively 1.2.1 and 1.2.0. So I am sure that I miss something, but I don't know what is it, so if someone can help me I would be extremely grateful.
1> It's strange that RabbitTemplate uses doSendAndReceiveWithFixed if you provide the requestTemplate.setReplyQueue(responseQueue). Looks like it is false in your explanation.
2> To make it worked with fixed ReplyQueue you should configure a reply ListenerContainer:
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
3> But the most important part here is around correlation. The RabbitTemplate.sendAndReceive populates correlationId message property, but the consumer side has to get deal with it, too: it's not enough just to send reply to the responseQueue, the reply message should has the same correlationId property. See here: how to send response from consumer to producer to the particular request using Spring AMQP?
BTW there is no reason to populate the Message manually: You can just simply support Jackson2JsonMessageConverter to the RabbitTemplate and it will convert your objectToSend to the JSON bytes automatically with appropriate headers.
