I am using Laravel Backpack with Postgres. I am wanting to groupBy (or distinct?) by a column to limit the list view. I have a single table that I want to groupBy thread_id. My latest attempt has been something like this:
That code returns the error:
message: "SQLSTATE[42803]: Grouping error: 7 ERROR: column "messages.created_at" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
(SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from "messages" where "to_user_id" = 2 or "from_user_id" = 2 group by "thread_id" order by "thread_id" desc, "created_at" desc)"
Has anyone ran into this issue, specifically with Backpack?
Is it possible to do selection from the database similar to this sql statment with laravel? Or will I have to add a win_percent column and do the calculation manually when adding new entries to the database?
select *, wins / (wins + losses) AS win_percent
When querying a product code table I have the following
$results = Stock::orderBy('stk_physical', 'desc')->paginate(10);
This works fine on the initial load of 10 records but when a subsequent call is made for page 2 I get the following error
Incorrect syntax near 'offset'. (SQL: select * from [stock_records] order by [stk_physical] desc offset 10 rows fetch next 10 rows only)
I'm using Laravel 8.0 with SQL
You should append query string to the pagination like this
$results = Stock::orderBy('stk_physical', 'desc')->paginate(10);
$results->appends(["order_by" => "stk_physical"]);
This will append the &order_by=stk_physical to each link in the view and you can also use withQueryString() to take in consideration query string in future pagination like this
$results = Stock::orderBy('stk_physical', 'desc')->paginate(10)->withQueryString();
I'm trying to group data by month for the current year. The query below works on MySQL database but gives an error when connected to PostgreSQL.
$results = DB::table('visits')
->select(DB::raw('month(visitdate) month, count(*) data'))
->where('team_id', 2)
->whereYear('visitdate', now()->year)
This error was generated:
SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "month" LINE 1: select month(visitdate) month, count() data from "visits" w... ^ (SQL: select month(visitdate) month, count() data from "visits" where "team_id" = 2 and extract(year from "visitdate") = 2021 group by "month")
I tried a similar query with Eloquent and got the same results.
The visitdate column stores the date in the format "2021-01-01"
I'm using laravel 8 with Breeze
month is a keyword. You should choose something else instead, or put it in double quotes, or in this case just put AS in front of it. Any of the three should work.
i have this raw query and i want to use it in eloquent query builder
but seems i cant use date method in eloquent and gave me this error im new in eloquent. what is the problem:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'date(prizes.created_at), user_id' in 'group statement' (SQL: select user_id,COUNT(user_id), date(created_at) from `prizes` group by `date(prizes`.`created_at), user_id` having `user_id` = 1 order by `date(created_at)` desc)
raw SQL:
user_id,COUNT(user_id), DATE(created_at) FROM prizes
GROUP BY DATE(prizes.created_at), user_id
HAVING user_id = 1
ORDER BY DATE(created_at) DESC
limit 2
$points = \App\Prize::selectRaw('user_id,COUNT(user_id), date(created_at)')
->groupBy("date(prizes.created_at), user_id")
what is the the cleanest and best form??
By default, Laravel tries to parse all strings as tables. This means it will add the string between `.
To avoid this, you can put the string in a DB:raw() function to let Laravel know not to parse this string and send it as-is to the database.
->orderBy(\DB::raw("date(created_at)"), "DESC")
Or use the raw method for ordering:
->orderByRaw('date(created_at) desc')
This question has been posted several times but I am not able to get it work. I tried the approach mentioned in Update column to the COUNT of rows for specific values in another column. SQL Server. It gives me SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row error not sure what I can do.
Below is my problem
UPDATE dataTable
SET ACCX = (select b.cnt
from dataTable a
(SELECT Account,
COUNT(1) cnt
FROM dataTable
GROUP BY Account) b
on a.Account=b.Account)
,ACCR = 15481
,ACCF = 3
WHERE ID = 1625
I only have the access & can change to the bold part since rest of the query is generated by the tool I cannot change it & I have to update ACCX column with the count of the value in column Account. Is it possible to do?
Note: - Account column is already populated with values.
You cannot follow that query because it is for sqlserver and NOT oracle. It is simpler in oracle and does not need a join to itself.
This update will set the count for id 1625 only based on number of account numbers in datatable. See demo here;
update dataTable a
set ACCR = 15481,
ACCF = 3,
a.ACCX = (
select COUNT(*)
from dataTable b
where b.Account=a.Account)
WHERE a.ID = 1625;