's AppLab readRecords function problem - app-lab

I call readRecords on line 74 and the syntax is simple, but the program hangs at this line. The Students table exists, with 12 students, it was originally created with the createRecord on line
60. I've looked at the syntax for this line for tooooo long. What am I missing?
Also, is there a more elegant way to use this data outside of the readRecords code block? I'm copying it to arrays (no 2-dimensional arrays or structures in applab). I tried to create a global 'records' of some kind, without success. The App Lab project examples I learned from use the data within the readRecords code block, but not outside the block.
The project:
my project:
The specific code:
onEvent("choosePeriodNext", "click", function() {
var chosenPeriod = getText("period2");
readRecords("Students", {}, function(records) {
numStudents = records.length;
if (numStudents>0) {
for (var i =0; i < numStudents; i++) {
console.log (records[i].goesBy);
goesBys[i] = records[i].goesBy;
pronounss[i] = records[i].pronouns;
periods[i] = records[i].period;
firsts[i] = records[i].first;
lasts[i] = records[i].last;
games[i] = records[i].game;
jobs[i] = records[i].job;
goodAts[i] = records[i].goodAt;
toKnows[i] = records[i].toKnow;
photos[i] = records[i].photo;
} else setScreen ("home");
Thank you for your help!

I answered my own question.
I found that this code worked in a collegue's browser, but not mine.
I cleared cache and cookies, then restarted my browser. Now it works.
Oh my.


Lua 5.4 source inclusion Not quite right in c++Builder 10.1

I have downloaded the latest version of Lua and included the source in to my project in c++builder from Embarcadero. All went rather well. Compiles perfectly.
But when I run my script, that's when it stops working correctly.
This script is ok
-- Script
Tp = tonumber( Temp )
Sp = tonumber( Setpoint )
Clr = "0xFF00FF00"
Db = 0.5
Hi = (Sp+Db)+1
Lo = (Sp-Db)-1
f = Hi
This script fails
-- Script
Tp = tonumber( Temp )
Sp = tonumber( Setpoint )
Clr = "0xFF00FF00"
Db = 0.5
Hi = (Sp+Db)+1
Lo = (Sp-Db)-1
f = math.floor( Hi )
It also fails if I try to use string.format, so it looks like the libs have not loaded correctly.
I use luaL_openlibs() to load the libraries.
I have come to the conclusion that there must be a compiler directive that I need to use. But I can't find anything that makes any difference.
If anyone has any info on building the source into their own application, I would love to know.
The main reason I have done it this way is for speed.
My Application is a data server that runs scripts against incoming data, and I expect to have several hundred data connections, both in and out.
The Answer is to call
lua_openlibs( state );
and not this code
static const luaL_reg lualibs[] =
{"base", luaopen_base},
{"table", luaopen_table},
{"io", luaopen_io},
{"string", luaopen_string},
{"math", luaopen_math},
{"debug", luaopen_debug},
{"loadlib", luaopen_loadlib},
/* add your libraries here */
static void openstdlibs( lua_State *l )
const luaL_reg *lib = lualibs;
for (; lib->func; lib++)
lib->func(l); /* open library */
lua_settop(l, 0); /* discard any results */
I can only assume that there is some path information missing that openlibs has.
Sorry about the formatting, couldn't get it to look right

InDesign Server Crashing on Data Merge

I'm trying to do a very basic data merge with InDesign Server and keep getting a crash.
I begin the server with ./InDesignServer -port 18383 starts with no problems.
I call the script with ./sampleclient ./scripts/test.jsx
The .jsx looks like this:
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.indd")
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.pdf")
var sourceData = File("/Users/me/Desktop/InDesign Server/example/example.csv")
var doc =;
doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences.recordNumber = 1;
doc.dataMergeProperties.mergeRecords(); // <-- Crashes here
var myPDFExportPreset = app.pdfExportPresets.item(0);
app.documents.item(0).exportFile(ExportFormat.pdfType, destination, false, myPDFExportPreset);
InDesign Server responds with:
Tue Sep 18 09:48:21 2018 INFO [javascript] Executing Script
./InDesignServer: line 13: 30363 Segmentation fault: 11 "$installed_name" "$#"
And crashes. This script runs perfectly fine in InDesign CC Desktop. Server appears to crash on the .mergeRecords() call. Any ideas why?
Edit: I've modified the code to 1) Have no spaces in the file path 2) check that my objects all exist before performing the merge.
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.indd");
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.pdf");
var sourceData = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.csv");
var doc =;
if (source.exists && destination.exists && sourceData.exists) {
try {
app.consoleout("Performing merge...");
doc.dataMergeProperties.mergeRecords(); // <-- Crashes here
} catch (err) {
} else {
app.consoleout("Something doesn't exist...");
It logs "Performing merge..." so my file paths do in fact point to files that exist. What's more, it full on crashes, and does not report any errors.
Edit 2:
It should be noted, this is the error the Terminal window which launched sampleclient gets from IDS: Error -1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]
"End of file or no input: Operation interrupted or timed out"
Detail: [no detail]
The folks at Adobe took notice, and fixed this issue for the 2019 release of InDesign Server. The same script, with a similar merging document, no longer produces the error.
So, for a solution, update to 2019.
More information:
Adobe Forums Post
Found a solution, if others find themselves in my situation.
Still a mystery why mergeRecords() seems broken in Server.
Props to Colecandoo:
My code is now:
var source = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.indd");
var destination = File("/Users/me/Desktop/example/example.pdf");
var sourceData = File("Macintosh HD:Users:me:Desktop:example:example.csv");
var doc =;
var myExport = File(doc.filePath + "/" +".indd")[0] + ".pdf");
doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences.recordNumber = 3;
with (doc.dataMergeProperties.dataMergePreferences) {
recordSelection = RecordSelection.ONE_RECORD;
app.dataMergeOptions.removeBlankLines = true;
doc.dataMergeProperties.exportFile(myExport, "[High Quality Print]", );
Still takes some tweaking, but it's performing the merge - this is what I needed.

MVStore Online Back Up

The information in the MVStore docs on backing up a database is a little vague, and I'm not familiar with all the concepts and terminology, so I wanted to see if the approach I came up with makes sense.
I'm a Clojure programmer, so please forgive my Java here:
// db is an MVStore instance
FileStore fs = db.getFileStore();
FileOutputStream fos =;
FileChannel outChannel = fos.getChannel();
try {
ByteBuffer bb = fs.readFully(0, fs.size());
finally {
Here's what it looks like in Clojure in case my Java is bad:
(defn backup-db
[db path-to-backup-file]
(let [fs (.getFileStore db)
backup-file ( path-to-backup-file)
out-channel (.getChannel backup-file)]
(.commit db)
(.setReuseSpace db false)
(let [file-contents (.readFully fs 0 (.size fs))]
(.write out-channel file-contents))
(.close out-channel)
(.setReuseSpace db true)))))
My approach seems to work, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything or see if there's a better way. Thanks!
P.S. I used the H2 tag because MVStore doesn't exist and I don't have enough reputation to create it.
The docs currently say:
The persisted data can be backed up at any time, even during write
operations (online backup). To do that, automatic disk space reuse
needs to be first disabled, so that new data is always appended at the
end of the file. Then, the file can be copied. The file handle is
available to the application. It is recommended to use the utility
class FileChannelInputStream to do this.
The classes FileChannelInputStream and FileChannelOutputStream convert a java.nio.FileChannel into a standard InputStream and OutputStream. There is existing H2 code in that shows how to use them. We can improve upon it using Java 9 input.transferTo(output); to copy the data:
public void backup(MVStore s, File backupFile) throws Exception {
try {
try(RandomAccessFile outFile = new, "rw");
FileChannelOutputStream output = new FileChannelOutputStream(outFile.getChannel(), false)){
try(FileChannelInputStream input = new FileChannelInputStream(s.getFileStore().getFile(), false)){
} finally {
Note that when you create the FileChannelInputStream you have to pass false to tell it to not close the underlying file channel when the stream is closed. If you don't do that it will close the file that your FileStore is trying to use. That code uses try-with-resource syntax to make sure that the output file is properly closed.
In order to try this, I checked out the mvstore code then modified the TestMVStore to add a testBackup() method which is similar to the existing testSimple() code:
private void testBackup() throws Exception {
// write some records like testSimple
String fileName = getBaseDir() + "/" + getTestName();
MVStore s = openStore(fileName);
MVMap<Integer, String> m = s.openMap("data");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
m.put(i, "hello " + i);
// create a backup
String fileNameBackup = getBaseDir() + "/" + getTestName() + ".backup";
backup(s, new File(fileNameBackup));
// this throws if you accidentally close the input channel you get from the store
// open the backup and verify
s = openStore(fileNameBackup);
m = s.openMap("data");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assertEquals("hello " + i, m.get(i));
With your example, you are reading into a ByteBuffer which must fit into memory. Using the stream transferTo method uses an internal buffer that is currently (as at Java11) set to 8192 bytes.

Meteor app crashing only on FireFox

My Meteor app is crashing when run on FireFox with this error 4 times, the fourth one must be the one crashing it because this function is called about 30 times through out the html template.;
"Exception in template helper: # /onepage.js?6b34dec0cc55de19e1c0ff682ac83dd9dce574d6:57:2
bindDataContext/<# /blaze.js?efa68f65e67544b5a05509804bf97e2c91ce75eb:2727:14
Works fine using Chrome, IE, and Safari. This is the function that it refers to at line 57;
Handlebars.registerHelper("formatMoney", function(str) {
console.log(str); // reports 0 in Chrome, IE, Safari. undefined in FF
if (typeof str == "string")
str = Number(str); // line 57
str = str.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
if (str == "0.00")
return "0.00";
} else {
return "$"+str;
When it first starts I have no data yet so that function is just receiving str = 0. Any idea of what might be happening in FF?
This can be because of 2 things:
First, regex, especially with a /g can cause bugs, without testing anything, I bet this is the problem.
Second, you've got a lot of coercion going on here, so first, I'd force the str argument to be a number before you pass it into the function. If this is coming from your DB this should be easy because you sanitized the data before it got in, right? right?
Implement both & your new function looks like this:
Template.registerHelper("formatMoney", function(str) {
var formatOpts = {style: "currency", currency: "USD"};
return str ? str.toLocaleString("en-US", formatOpts ) : "0.00";

How to find out Joomla JTable column/field names?

I'm using Joomla 2.5 to build a medium-sized website, and I've decided to ease maintenance and content management headaches through creating menus automatically.
I've looked for extensions which did this, but only found Joomla 1.5 extensions. I ended up trying to upgrade a GPL extension called Auto Menu Magic.
It was easy to deal with the basic issues like the XML tags in the extension file, since there's a page in the Joomla which helps you migrate from Joomla 1.5 to 1.6.
The extension I mentioned has a function named onContentAfterSave which is called by joomla when an article is saved. I've been debugging through creating rubbish articles in the admin interface and changing the code to throw exceptions in several places, which I can see as error messages on the admin frontend.
This is where I got stuck:
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$menu = JTable::getInstance( 'menu');
$menu->menutype = $menutype;
$menu->name = $name;
$menu->link = $link;
$menu->type = $linktype;
$menu->published = $published;
$menu->componentid = $componentid;
$menu->parent = $menuparentid;
$menu->sublevel = $menusublevel;
$menu->checked_out = 0;
$menu->checked_out_time = 0;
$menu->pollid = 0;
$menu->browserNav = 0;
$menu->access = 0;
$menu->utaccess = 0;
$menu->lft = 0;
$menu->rgt = 0;
$menu->home = 0;
$menu->params = $params;
// Figure out the order (Just pop this article at the end of the list):
$menu->ordering = $menu->getNextOrder(
"menutype = ".$db->Quote($menu->menutype).
" AND published >= 0 AND parent = ".(int) $menu->parent
// Validate:
if (!$menu->check())
return NULL;
// DEBUG 2 -- Integrity check
throw new Exception ("menutype: $menutype, name: $name, link: $link published: $published, componentid: $componentid menuparentid: $menuparentid menusublevel: $menusublevel");
// Save:
if (!$menu->store())
return NULL;
// DEBUG 1
throw new Exception(" Could save! ");
As you can see above, I tried to throw an exception (DEBUG 1) when the menu was saved to the database. This exception was never reached, but the upper exception (DEBUG 2) is reached. This means that $menu->check() returns true, but not $menu->store(). I assume that the database is returning an error because some of the Joomla database structure might have changed after 1.5.
I have read the source a lot these past hours, but I can't find one thing. How can I look at the columns that a Joomla table uses, so I can debug this error properly?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I've looked at the SQL database too, but it doesn't help much. The variables seem to have different naming conventions from the column names.
I think it should look like this because I have been trying to convert auto menu as well!
$db = &JFactory::getDBO();
$menu = JTable::getInstance('menu');
$menu->menutype = $menutype;
$menu->title = $title;
$menu->alias = strtolower($title) ;
$menu->note = "Created by automenu";
$menu->path = $link;
$menu->link = $link;
$menu->type = $linktype;
$menu->published = $published;
$menu->parent_id = $menuparentid
$menu->level = $menusublevel;
$menu->componentid = $componentid;
$menu->ordering = 0;
$menu->checked_out = 0;
$menu->checked_out_time = 0;
$menu->browserNav = 0;
$menu->access = 1;
$menu->img = '';
$menu->templat_style_id = 0;
$menu->params = $params;
$menu->lft = 0;
$menu->rgt = 0;
$menu->home = 0;
$menu->language = '*';
$menu->client_id = 0;
I would be interseted to know if you ever got it working!
I'd suggest turning on Joomla debugging in the System Configuration. At the bottom of each page it shows all the queries it has executed, and this (depending on the plugin) might show you what SQL is being executed, and presumably, failing. There's likely to be a big list, so you may have to search through it a bit to find the statement you're interested in.
Many thanks! I will try it out and see if I can improve it further.
You're forgetting the first rule of Exceptions Club, if you throw something... you have to catch it.
I don't see a try/catch pair in your code so PHP would be stopping with a "Fatal Error..." for the uncaught exception so it would never get to the DEBUG 1. e.g.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message ...
Try wrapping your code in a try/catch pair and allowing the execution to continue after DEBUG 2 have a look at the PHP doc's for exceptions

