Is there a way to refresh screen in MIT App Inventor 2? - app-inventor

I have a button and when clicked, sends the data to google sheet. Immediately, I need to see the result which I sent on my screen but that only works when I refresh the screen manually.
Call Web.Get doesn't work. May I know if there is a way to refresh the screen after a button click?
I tried open another screen screenName = current screen, but that didn't help either.


In Xamarin, how to check if any DisplayAlert or DisplayActionSheet is currently open?

Before doing a particular action- say taking a screenshot, in any page in my App I need to check if any DisplayAlert or DisplayActionSheet is already open;If any, I need to close it.
You can track the opening of a DisplayAlert or DisplayActionSheet, and you can track which option a user has selected on them, but you can't track if a user clicks outside the Alert or ActionSheet to dismiss them.
But you could instead use a Modally presented page, so that you it acts as Dismissible alert/action sheet, that will help you track when the modal is opened, and when the modal is dismissed. Since users can't click outside the modal to dismiss it, you won't have that disadvantage here. Thus you will know if that display is already open for your screenshot. Let me know if it makes sense

How do you make a button automatically press without user interaction in Swift Cocoa

This sounds like a weird question, but I am using Swift 2.0 and Xcode to create a cocoa app, and I have a popover linked to an invisible button. I wan't to activate it so it pops up after the user has been on the page for a little while. I have a timer set, but I can't figure out the code to get the button to actually activate at that time, so that the popover will show. I am using a button so I can have an access spot for the popover to show at.
Right now, if you click the (invisible) button, everything shows perfectly. However, I need the click to activate programmatically. I would really appreciate any help!

What is the hype around the Windows Phone 8 back button?

I know how to implement the back button. My question is about the desired behaviour (as I experienced there is a hype around it that the good implementation of back button is required to sell the app in the store).
There is the official source:
But I have never used a WP8 for more than 5 minutes. I understood that the "Windows" button/key is the same as android home and ios home buttons. Is it true, that the WP8 back should be the same as the android back? (Briefly navigate back through pages (screens/activities), dismiss alerts or cancel confirm popups, or if it is the first/only/final page/activity, the app should exit.)
As I experienced, there is a long-press on the back button, which brings up the app switcher (~ios double home). Is it true that I should not take care about of this button? Is the default behavoiur the same for the remaining buttons (windows, power off, camera (half and full), search)? Should I override them? Can I override them (I think I can use camera, but can I use volume controls for other purposes)?
The certification requirements lay out what the back button should do pretty well. In short, it sounds like how you described the Android back button - here are the relevant requirements:
( Pressing the Back button must return the app to the previous page or return to any previous page within the back stack.
( Pressing the Back button from the first screen of an app must close the app.
( If the current page displays a context menu or a dialog, the pressing of the Back button must close the menu or dialog and return the user to the screen where the context menu or dialog box was opened.
You don't have to handle triggering the long-press, nor do you need to handle navigation specifically (assuming you're using the NavigationService for page navigation.)
You can definitely override the camera button, but search, power, and volume are off limits.

Prompt a message "Press back button twice to return to app" in wp7

I am working on WP7 app.
In this am launching youtube url in Yotube app.
To return to my app from YouTube user will have to click back button twice, as per my research this is a known issue.
I need to show a message(inside youtube) to user like "Press back button again to return" whenever he presses back button.
How can I achieve this?
Welcome any comment!!
If I understand you correctly, you want to display a popup in another application? In your case a Youtube-app?
Unfortunately, you can not change the behavior of another app. There aren't any hooks in other apps from your own app.
That is not possible.

Upload dialog in Chrome and Firefox on Mac doesn't disable mouseout event for the page element

My task is to implement a file upload form in a popup sub-menu panel. I am using XmlHttpRequest, so it's important to keep that popup opened until I receive an event status that file loading completed/failed. Onmouseover and onmouseout events are used to show/hide the popup.
On "hide" the popup panel is detached from the DOM, and cannot be used anymore as a listener for XHR events.
When I click form's "Browse" button, a system dialog window is opened above the browser. In IE, Chrome and Firefox in Windows the system dialog disables events handling by page. Which means if you move a mouse cursor out of the dialog window on one of the page element, the page won't do anything like reacting on mouseOver/mouseOut events. Unfortunately, in case with Chrome/Firefox on Mac (Safari is OK) the page elements do react on mouse over/out. And my popup menu becomes closed (due to mouseOut event handler for the popup) -> XHR response is not managed properly.
Assuming having an upload form in a popup is a must, what are the possible ways of keeping that panel/form visible while system Upload File dialog window is up? Probably a Mac specific solution.
Sample code can be seen here
Solved this by freezing popup panel and covering the whole page with transparent div ('glass').
In case if user chooses file(s) and upload starts, I remove the glass and unfreeze the popup using the XHR function readyStateChangeHandler (or may do that in handler of load event).
If user clicks Cancel in system dialog window or closes it with "X" button - no events passed to the page and 'glass' remains on screen. Then any click on the 'glass' causes its removal and unfreezing (or simple hiding) the popup menu.
'Glass' is required to make a single one-click point (panel) for unfreezing the popup in case if Cancel/Close were pressed.
I wouldn't say this is a perfect solution (sometimes required extra action), but very close to what I was looking for.
