Adding multiple times together - vbscript

I'm trying to add some data that is pulled from a database in the format of HH:MM:SS I'm trying to get them to add together so if we have 00:00:05 then 00:00:10 so we have 00:00:15
I have attempted both TimeSpan, DateTime but I get the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: 'TimeSpan'
Script Location, line 157
This is the code:
While Not objRS.EOF
activecalls = activecalls + objRS("talkingagents")
callswaiting = callswaiting + objRS("callswaiting")
averagetalkingtime = averagetalkingtime + objRS("convavgtalkduration")
totalqueue = totalqueue + 1
totalcalls = totalcalls + objRS("totalcalls")
newWait = objRS("convavgwaitduration")
TimeSpan t1 = TimeSpan.Parse(newWait)
TimeString FormattedDate = t1.Add(FormattedDate)
timeString = timeString.Add(t1).ToString("dd\.hh\:mm\:ss")

Not clear with your code but this probably what you are looking for.
t1 = CDate("00:00:05")
t2 = CDate("00:00:10")
t3 = t1 + t2
MsgBox Right("00" & Hour(t3), 2) + ":" + Right("00" & Minute(t3), 2) + ":" + Right("00" & Second(t3), 2)


"ORA-00917: missing comma" & vbLf

Below is my query which is created in .Net code for insertion in oracle table. I found other related articles but they are different and not answering this. I was creating below query using a datatable.
`Public Sub UpdateOracleRecordset(dtTable As DataTable)
Dim sql As String = String.Empty
Dim i As Integer = 0
sql = "insert into " + dtTable.TableName + "("
For Each dc As DataColumn In dtTable.Columns
sql = sql + dc.ToString() + ","
sql = sql.TrimEnd(",") + ")" + " select "
Dim rowVal As String = String.Empty
For Each dtRow As DataRow In dtTable.Rows
For Each dc As DataColumn In dtTable.Columns
rowVal = rowVal + dtRow(dc).ToString() + ","
rowVal = rowVal.TrimEnd(",")
sql = sql + rowVal
End Sub`
"insert into CS_INV(LOANNO,CASENUMBER,INQ_TYPE,FUP_REASON,FUP_DATE,FUP_PROM,USERID,DATA_DAT,UNIT) values ( 5735985,103550709,399,58,9/24/2018 1:37:01 AM,9/25/2018 12:00:00 AM,Anurag,9/24/2018 1:37:08 AM,1 ) "
Wenfried is right and I used prepared statements which helped to resolve the issue
Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb)
Dim sql As String = String.Empty
Dim sqlValues As String = String.Empty
Dim i As Integer = 0
sql = "insert into " + dtTable.TableName + "("
For Each dc As DataColumn In dtTable.Columns
sql = sql + dc.ToString() + ","
sqlValues = sqlValues + ":" + dc.ToString() + ","
sql = sql.TrimEnd(",") + ")" + " values ( " + sqlValues.TrimEnd(",") + ")"
Dim commandText = sql
Dim Command As New OracleCommand(sql, conn)
For Each dtRow As DataRow In dtTable.Rows
For Each dc As DataColumn In dtTable.Columns
Command.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter(dc.ToString(), dtRow(dc)))

how to create automatic number based on string, date in vb6

i try to make auto number based on format string, date and counter like USR20180815001, USR20180815002, when the day/date change it reset the counter to USR20180806001, USR20180806001, and so on. here is my code so far....
Sub AutomaticNumber()
Call Connection
Set Rs_User = New ADODB.Recordset
MAX(id_user)FROM TBL_USER)ORDER BY id_user DESC", Conn
Dim x As String * 15
Dim count As Long
With Rs_User
If .EOF Then
x = "USR" + Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") + "001"
NewNumber = x
If Left(!id_user, 8) <> Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") Then
x = "USR" + Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") + "001"
Count = Right(!id_user, 3) + 1
x = "USR" + Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") + Right("00" &
Count, 2)
End If
End If
NewNumber = x
End With
End Sub
this code can result USR20180805001, but when i try to add another record to databases, it can not add since the code failed to counter/increase the last 3 digit on the right. hence show error duplicate entry. thank you for the attention.

Retrieving an AD SID with ADODB returns an incorrect SID

I have a script that is running on login to do some profile manipulation and it's returning an incorrect SID. When a do the same with powershell, I get the correct SID. I've been researching for a day solid now and cannot seem to determine what part of this script would cause an incorrect SID to be returned.
Could it be something with the domain infrastructure?
Given a good SAM below, I'm getting a good SID returned, but it's not the correct SID. There is no SID history for this user object, so I'm perplexed as to why I'm getting an incorrect SID.
'* Build LDAP query to lookup user
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
base = "<LDAP://" & rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext") & ">"
'* Filter on user objects with the given account name
fltr = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=Person)" & _
"(sAMAccountName=" & strSamAccountName & "))"
'* Add other attributes according to your requirements
attr = "distinguishedName,sAMAccountName,objectSid,userPrincipalName"
scope = "subtree"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
conn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = base & ";" & fltr & ";" & attr & ";" & scope
outFile.WriteLine("Command Text" & cmd.CommandText)
'* Retrieve SID from user object, convert to decimal and hex values
Set rs = cmd.Execute
Do Until rs.EOF
arrSid = rs.Fields("objectSid").Value
strSidHex = OctetToHexStr(arrSid)
strSidDec = HexStrToDecStr(strSidHex)
'strUPN = rs.Fields("userPrincipalName").Value
Dim objTranslator
Set objTranslator = CreateObject("NameTranslate")
objTranslator.Init 3, ""
objTranslator.Set 3, strUPN
strGUID = objTranslator.Get(7)
outFile.WriteLine("DN: " & rs.Fields("distinguishedName").Value)
outFile.WriteLine("SID: " & strSidDec)
outFile.WriteLine("UPN: " & rs.Fields("userPrincipalName").Value)
'* Function to convert OctetString (byte array) to Hex string.
Function OctetToHexStr(arrbytOctet)
Dim k
OctetToHexStr = ""
For k = 1 To Lenb(arrbytOctet)
OctetToHexStr = OctetToHexStr _
& Right("0" & Hex(Ascb(Midb(arrbytOctet, k, 1))), 2)
End Function
'* Function to convert hex Sid to decimal (SDDL) Sid.
Function HexStrToDecStr(strSid)
Dim arrbytSid, lngTemp, j
ReDim arrbytSid(Len(strSid)/2 - 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(arrbytSid)
arrbytSid(j) = CInt("&H" & Mid(strSid, 2*j + 1, 2))
HexStrToDecStr = "S-" & arrbytSid(0) & "-" _
& arrbytSid(1) & "-" & arrbytSid(8)
lngTemp = arrbytSid(15)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(14)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(13)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(12)
HexStrToDecStr = HexStrToDecStr & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
lngTemp = arrbytSid(19)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(18)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(17)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(16)
HexStrToDecStr = HexStrToDecStr & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
lngTemp = arrbytSid(23)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(22)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(21)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(20)
HexStrToDecStr = HexStrToDecStr & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
lngTemp = arrbytSid(25)
lngTemp = lngTemp * 256 + arrbytSid(24)
HexStrToDecStr = HexStrToDecStr & "-" & CStr(lngTemp)
End Function
Your function HexToDecStr() assumes that a binary SID will always be 26 bytes long. That isn't necessarily true. Try this instead:
Function DecodeSID(binSID)
Dim i, sid
ReDim bytes(LenB(binSID))
For i = 1 To LenB(binSID)
bytes(i-1) = AscB(MidB(binSID, i, 1))
sid = "S-" & CStr(bytes(0)) & "-" & _
Arr2Str(Array(bytes(2), bytes(3), bytes(4), bytes(5), bytes(6), bytes(7)))
For i = 8 To (4 * bytes(1) + 4) Step 4
sid = sid & "-" & Arr2Str(Array(bytes(i+3), bytes(i+2), bytes(i+1), bytes(i)))
DecodeSID = sid
End Function
Function Arr2Str(arr)
Dim i, v
v = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
v = v * 256 + arr(i)
Arr2Str = CStr(v)
End Function

Convert Seconds to Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds in VBScript

Is there a function to convert a specified number of seconds into a week/day/hour/minute/second time format in vbscript?
eg: 969234 seconds = 1wk 4days 5hrs 13mins 54secs
Dim myDate
dim noWeeks
dim noDays
dim tempWeeks
dim pos
myDate = DateAdd("s",969234,CDate(0))
tempWeeks = FormatNumber(myDate / 7,10)
pos = instr(tempWeeks, ".")
if pos > 1 then
tempWeeks = left(myDate, pos -1)
end if
noWeeks = Cint(tempWeeks)
noDays = Cint(((myDate / 7) - noWeeks) * 7)
wscript.echo noWeeks & "wk " & noDays & "days " & datepart("h", myDate) & "hrs " & datepart("n", myDate) & "mins " & datepart("s", myDate) & "secs"
No built in function to do that.
Here is a quick and dirty one:-
Function SecondsToString(totalSeconds)
Dim work : work = totalSeconds
Dim seconds
Dim minutes
Dim hours
Dim days
Dim weeks
seconds = work Mod 60
work = work \ 60
minutes = work Mod 60
work = work \ 60
hours = work Mod 24
work = work \ 24
days = work Mod 7
work = work \ 7
weeks = work
Dim s: s = ""
Dim renderStarted: renderStarted = False
If (weeks <> 0) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(weeks)
If (weeks = 1) Then
s = s & "wk "
s = s & "wks "
End If
End If
If (days <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(days)
If (days = 1) Then
s = s & "day "
s = s & "days "
End If
End If
If (hours <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(hours)
If (hours = 1) Then
s = s & "hr "
s = s & "hrs "
End If
End If
If (minutes <> 0 OR renderStarted) Then
renderStarted = True
s = s & CStr(minutes)
If (minutes = 1) Then
s = s & "min "
s = s & "mins "
End If
End If
s = s & CStr(seconds)
If (seconds = 1) Then
s = s & "sec "
s = s & "secs "
End If
SecondsToString = s
End Function
You wantto use timer pseudo-variable :
start = timer
Rem do something long
duration_in_seconds = timer - start
wscript.echo "Duration " & duration_in_seconds & " seconds."

How to use VBScript in Powerdesigner?

In Powerdesign would like to create a VBscript to rename/reform the following names in powerdesigner- Conceptural or Physical model
Alternative/Unique Key Name:
UQ {table_name} {tablecolumnname} ///////
Example = UQ_Account_AccountNumber
Relationship Name:
//////Example = FK_Account_AccountPhone_HomePhoneID
Problem is, how do I get the "table_column_name" and "reference_column_name"?
Here's something I used to rename the 'friendly' names, plus the constraint names of all my references. Maybe it will help you out.
Option Explicit
ValidationMode = True
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
Dim mdl
Set mdl = ActiveModel
If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no current Model"
ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not a Physical Data model."
ProcessFolder mdl
End If
Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
Dim Tab, Key, Rel
for each Rel in Folder.References
Rel.ForeignKeyConstraintName = "FK_" + UCASE(Rel.ParentTable.Name) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ParentKeyColumnList) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ChildTable.Name) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ForeignKeyColumnList)
Rel.Name = "FK_" + UCASE(Rel.ParentTable.Name) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ParentKeyColumnList) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ChildTable.Name) + "_" + UCASE(Rel.ForeignKeyColumnList)
end sub
