#PreAuthorize without username password and UserDetailsService interface - spring-boot

So here is the scenario.
I have login API and it return jwt token to client, this API has annotation #PermitAll.
Then I have another API that is secured and can only be accessed after verifying jwt token. The request to secured API is sent in such a manner that Authorization parameter is added in the header with the value of jwt token and the request is passed to the secured API. Please note that authorization type for this API is No Auth. I wrote a class JwtRequestFilter extends OncePerRequestFilterin which i intercepted the request, extracted the token, verified it, returned appropriate response, it all works well. But there is a problem, and the problem is that there is #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('RANDOM_PRIV_1')") annotation at the top of the method in the controller class and it is not verified by the JwtRequestFilter and practically it shouldn't be since this is not its job to do that.
I know list of GrantedAuthorities are passed to the implementation of UserDetailsService and it gets verified by method loadUserByUsername. But I cannot use this interface's implementation, reason being, its implementation is called only when authorization type is Basic Auth and I am not using this type of Authentication.
So what I am looking for is an interface/class with I can verify GrantedAuthorities; the way it is verified by UserDetailsService.
If there is not such functionality then I have second working option of extending HandlerInterceptorAdapter and in the preHandle, I verify token as well as verify grantedAuthorities associated with user and verify(manually) them against the PreAuthorize annotation present on the method. This is working for me, but still I am looking for much cleaner solution.
P.S: I went through this link as well but didn't find any useful information.
Spring boot basic authentication without UserDetailsService method.
Any help would be really appreciated.

If you are wanting to use JWTs to authenticate requests, then you can use Spring Security's built-in support for it.
You'll still need to create the JWT yourself, but for processing the JWT and turning it into Granted Authorities, you can do:
.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -> oauth2
.jwt(jwt -> {})
This tells Spring Security to stand up a filter (BearerTokenAuthenticationFilter) that extracts the token and processes it, probably a lot like your JwtRequestFilter.
Since you are creating the JWT locally (instead of using an Authorization Server, for example), you'll need to tell Spring Security how to verify the token. This is usually done with a symmetric key:
JwtDecoder jwtDecoder() {
return NimbusJwtDecoder.withSecretKey(...).build();
And finally, to your question about granted authorities. Assuming, for example, that the authority you mentioned (RANDOM_PRIV_1) is listed as a scope in your JWT, you can construct a JwtAuthenticationConverter bean:
JwtAuthenticationConverter jwtAuthenticationConverter() {
JwtAuthenticationConverter converter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
converter.setJwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter(jwt -> {
Collection<String> scopes = jwt.getClaim("scope");
return scopes.stream()
return converter;
And then add that to the DSL:
.oauth2ResourceServer(oauth2 -> oauth2
.jwt(jwt -> jwt
Then, when a JWT is presented in the request, Spring Security will process it, extract authorities, and verify that they match the one using the #PreAuthorize annotation.


Spring Boot Authorization Server + Google OAuth2/OpenId Connect should work with access_token or id_token?

I'm a bit confused regarding whether I should be accessing my Spring Boot Resource Server via an access_token or an id_token.
First, let me quickly explain my setup:
Spring Boot app as an OAuth 2.0 Resource Server. This is configured as described in the Spring docs: Minimal Configuration for JWTs This app provides secured #Controllers that will provide data for a JavaScript SPA (eg. React)
Google's OAuth 2.0 AP / OpenID Connect already configured (Credentials, Client Id, Client Secret)
A JavaScript SPA app (eg. React) that logs the user into Google and makes requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server for secured data. These requests include the Authorization header (with Bearer token obtained from Google) for the logged in user.
For development purposes, I'm also using Postman to make requests to the Spring Boot Resource Server
I can easily configure Postman to get a token from Google. This token response from Google includes values for access_token, id_token, scope, expries_in and token_type.
However, my requests to the Resource Server are denied when Postman tries to use the value from retrieved token's access_token field as the Bearer in the Authorization header
The only way I'm able to successfully access the secured #Controllers is by using the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header.
Is it expected that I should use the id_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header? Or is it expected that I should use the access_token?
Some additional relevant info:
The value of the id_token is a JWT token. The value of the access_token is not a JWT token. I know this because I can decode the id_token on jwt.io but it is unable to decode the value of the access_token. Further, the Spring Boot Resource Server fails with the following when I send the access_token as the Bearer in the Authorization header:
An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Invalid unsecured/JWS/JWE header: Invalid JSON: Unexpected token ɭ� at position 2.
This blog post Understanding identity tokens says the following:
You should not use an identity token to authorize access to an API.
To access an API, you should be using OAuth’s access tokens, which are intended only for the protected resource (API) and come with scoping built-in.
Looking at at the spring-security-samples for using OAuth2 Resource Server, I see the value of there hard-coded access_token (for testing purposes) is indeed a valid JWT. As opposed to the access_token returned from Google which is not a JWT.
In summary:
I can access my Spring Boot Resource Server using the value of the id_token obtained from Google. The value of the access_token is not a JWT and fails to parse by Spring Boot.
Is there something wrong with my understanding, my configuration or what? Does Google's OpenId Connect behave differently regarding how the access_token works?
Happy to clarify or add more info if needed. Thanks for your consideration and your patience!
The blog post you mentioned is correct in my view, and I believe the OpenID Connect 1.0 spec does not intend for an id_token to be used for access purposes.
Like you, I expected that using Google as an Authorization Server would work out of the box, because Spring Security works with Google as a common OAuth2 provider for providing social login. However, this is not the case, and I believe it is not really intended, because Google is not really your authorization server. For example, I don't believe you can configure Google to work with scopes/permissions/authorities of your domain-specific application. This is different from something like Okta, where there are many options for configuring things in your own tenant.
I would actually recommend checking out Spring Authorization Server, and configuring Google as a federated identity provider. I'm working on a sample for this currently and it will be published within the next week or so (see this branch).
Having said that, if you're still interested in a simple use case where Google access tokens are used for authenticating with your resource server, you would need to provide your own opaque token introspector that uses Google's tokeninfo endpoint. It doesn't match what Spring Security expects, so it's a bit involved.
public class SecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests((authorizeRequests) -> authorizeRequests
// #formatter:on
return http.build();
public OpaqueTokenIntrospector introspector() {
return new GoogleTokenIntrospector("https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo");
public final class GoogleTokenIntrospector implements OpaqueTokenIntrospector {
private final RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
private final String introspectionUri;
public GoogleTokenIntrospector(String introspectionUri) {
this.introspectionUri = introspectionUri;
public OAuth2AuthenticatedPrincipal introspect(String token) {
RequestEntity<?> requestEntity = buildRequest(token);
try {
ResponseEntity<Map<String, Object>> responseEntity = this.restTemplate.exchange(requestEntity, new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {});
// TODO: Create and return OAuth2IntrospectionAuthenticatedPrincipal based on response...
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BadOpaqueTokenException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
private RequestEntity<?> buildRequest(String token) {
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
MultiValueMap<String, String> body = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
body.add("access_token", token);
return new RequestEntity<>(body, headers, HttpMethod.POST, URI.create(introspectionUri));
issuer-uri: https://accounts.google.com
jwk-set-uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs

Spring Authorization Server: How to use login form hosted on a separate application?

I am using Spring Security along with Spring Authorization Server and experimenting with creating an auth server.
I have a basic flow allowing me to login with the pre-built login page (from a baledung guide - this is the code I'm working off ). I'm assuming this login page form comes from formLogin() like so:
http.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests ->
return http.build();
I would like to not use this pre-built form as I have a need to host and run the login form front-end application completely separately. ie on a different server, domain and codebase.
Another way to ask this question could be:
How do I disable the built in form in authorization-server so I can use it with a completely separate form?
Are there any recommended ways of learning about how customise my SecurityFilterChain along these lines? Is this the correct place to look? I find the baledung article (and articles like that) helpful as a starting point, but seldom works for more practical use case. I'm confident Spring Security and the oauth2 libraries will allow me to do what I want, but not entirely clear.
After discussing this with you, I've gathered that what you're trying to do is essentially pre-authenticate the user that was authenticated through another (separately hosted) login page, actually a separate system. The idea is that the other system would redirect back with a signed JWT in a query parameter.
This really becomes more of a federated login problem at that point, which is what SAML 2.0 and OAuth 2.0 are aimed at solving. However, if you have to stick with things like a signed JWT (similar to a SAML assertion), we could model a fairly simple pre-authenticated authorization_code flow using the Spring Authorization Server.
Note: I haven't explored options for JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants but it could be a viable alternative. See this issue (#59).
Additional note: There are numerous security considerations involved with the approach outlined below. What follows is a sketch of the approach. Additional considerations include CSRF protection, using Form Post Response Mode (similar to SAML 2.0) to protect the access token instead of a query parameter, aggressively expiring the access token (2 minutes or less), and others. In other words, using a federated login approach like SAML 2.0 or OAuth 2.0 will always be RECOMMENDED over this approach when possible.
You could to start with the existing Spring Authorization Server sample and evolve it from there.
Here's a variation that redirects to an external authentication provider and includes a pre-authentication mechanism on the redirect back:
public SecurityFilterChain authorizationServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.exceptionHandling(exceptionHandling -> exceptionHandling
.authenticationEntryPoint(new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("https://some-other-sso.example/login"))
// #formatter:on
return http.build();
public SecurityFilterChain standardSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests(authorize -> authorize
// #formatter:on
return http.build();
public JwtDecoder jwtDecoder(PublicKey publicKey) {
return NimbusJwtDecoder.withPublicKey((RSAPublicKey) publicKey).build();
public BearerTokenResolver bearerTokenResolver() {
DefaultBearerTokenResolver bearerTokenResolver = new DefaultBearerTokenResolver();
return bearerTokenResolver;
The first filter chain operates on authorization server endpoints, such as /oauth2/authorize, /oauth2/token, etc. Note that the /oauth2/authorize endpoint requires an authenticated user to function, meaning that if the endpoint is invoked, the user has to be authenticated, or else the authentication entry point is invoked, which redirects to the external provider. Also note that there must be a trusted relationship between the two parties, since we're not using OAuth for the external SSO.
When a redirect from the oauth client comes to the /oauth2/authorize?... endpoint, the request is cached by Spring Security so it can be replayed later (see controller below).
The second filter chain authenticates a user with a signed JWT. It also includes a customized BearerTokenResolver which reads the JWT from a query parameter in the URL (?access_token=...).
The PublicKey injected into the JwtDecoder would be from the external SSO provider, so you can plug that in however it makes sense to in your setup.
We can create a stub authentication endpoint that converts the signed JWT into an authenticated session on the authorization server, like this:
public class SsoController {
private AuthenticationSuccessHandler successHandler = new SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler();
public void login(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication)
throws ServletException, IOException {
this.successHandler.onAuthenticationSuccess(request, response, authentication);
The .oauth2ResourceServer() DSL causes the user to be authenticated when the /login endpoint is invoked. It requires an access_token parameter (used by the BearerTokenResolver) to pre-authenticate the user by validating the signed JWT as an assertion that the user has been externally authenticated. At this point, a session is created that will authenticate all future requests by this browser.
The controller is then invoked, and simply redirects back to the real authorization endpoint using the SavedRequestAwareAuthenticationSuccessHandler, which will happily initiate the authorization_code flow.
Re your comnent: "I'm attempting to build an Authorization Server":
Coding your own Authorization Server (AS) or having to build its code yourself is highly inadvisable, since it is easy to get bogged down in plumbing or to make security mistakes.
By all means use Spring OAuth Security in your apps though. It is hard enough to get these working as desired, without taking on extra work.
Choose a free AS and run it as a Docker Container, then connect to its endpoints from your apps.
If you need to customize logins, use a plugin model, write a small amount of code, then deploy a JAR file or two to the Docker container.
This will get you up and running very quickly. Also, since Spring Security is standards based, you are free to change your mind about providers, and defer decisions on the final one.
Curity, along with other good choices like Keycloak or Ory Hydra are Java based and support plugins:
Curity Community Edition
Custom Authenticator Example

How do I extract the Oauth2 access token in a Spring application using code grant flow?

I have followed this guide.
I have a simple Oauth2 webapp using code grant authorization flow. I have a #GetMapping endpoint (as per the tutorial) that returns user information retrieved from a service provider I'm using. Since this correctly returns my information to the webapp, I can tell the code grant flow has worked. Code for working endpoint:
public Map<String, Object> user(#AuthenticationPrincipal OAuth2User principal) {
return principal.getAttributes();
Now I want to create a new #GetMapping where I use the access token to query the API of the service provider that just authorized us.
The problem is that the example above somehow magically makes the request for me based solely on configuration and only returns user info. Now I want to get the access token for this session that Spring stores somewhere to access the API however I like "manually".
How can I extract the access token in my new #GetMapping?
I have been searching a lot, but I am new to both Oauth2 and Spring, and there is so much spring classes and tutorials that I "can't see the forest because of all the trees".
I appriciate any help.
I solved it.
Add the following:
private OAuth2AuthorizedClientService authorizedClientService;
private String getSessionBearerToken() {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
OAuth2AuthenticationToken oauthToken = (OAuth2AuthenticationToken) authentication;
OAuth2AuthorizedClient client =
return client.getAccessToken().getTokenValue();
This method will get you the access token when you call it.

Is there any advantage using UserDetailsService of Spring Security, when setting membership with JWT?

I'm applying JWT to authenticate the requests. Parsing and Validating works in my Spring Cloud Gateway.
I made a custom filter on SecurityWebFilterChain, which parse and validate the JWT in request header.
I will add this custom filter to ServerHttpSecurity using ServerHttpSecurity.addFilterBefore(myCustomJwtRequestFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class).
I want to use
SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authentication) of Spring Security to authenticate the request.
I found that most of examples of it use UserDetails to make Authentication class.
Most of examples I found use UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, and I found that it requires UserDetails. To build UserDetails, it essentially requires username, password, roles.
But in my case, I do not want to validate my jwt with User DB every time I got requests. Also, I do not need the password of user since I will not validate it once I generated Token. I want to use only Username and Roles in JWT payload itself.
In summary, I want to make Authentication class only with username and roles and set it authenticated if parsed jwt is validated with my custom method.
It works well with custom userDetails:
UserDetails userDetails = User.builder().username(String.valueOf(parsedInfo.get("username")))
But I have to set Dummy password into it, which I do not need.
I think my solution is not properly applying spring security.
But if I won't use UserDetails, is there benefit to use spring security?
Is there any better solution for my case?
If you just need to validate the JWT token then you can use Spring AOP for that.
public class JwtAspect {
#Before("execution(* com.yourpackageName.* (..))")
public void checkJwtToken(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
String jwtTOken = request.getToken();
if (null == jwtToken) {
throw new Exception("Token Not Found. ");
If you get the token, parse it and also check the expiry. If above everything works fine, you can proceed your JoinPoint.

Spring Security: How to use a UserDetailsService with JwtAuthenticationProvider?

I have a REST service, written using Spring MVC. The server is an OAuth2 resource server and I am using the JwtAuthenticationProvider to have the JWT parsed and turned into the Principal. This all works fine.
However, what I really want to do is to load user details from a database, using the username provided from a Claim in the JWT. Then that new Principal should replace or (ideally) wrap the Jwt so that it is available directly from the SecurityContext.
I am really struggling to see how to do this. The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not seem to work with a UserDetailsService. I also looked at doing this with a Converter - but it is not easy to extend JwtAuthenticationConverter because the convert method is final (why?).
So to be very clear, here is what I ideally want to happen:
Bearer token is presented to service.
Parse Jwt and extract claims
Use one of these claims as a key to my user database, where I can look up attributes, entitlements etc
Turn these into a new Principal object which is available in the SecurityContext's Authentication object.
The configure method in my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has this:
I cannot be the only person who wants to use a user database along with OAuth2, so I must be missing something fundamental? I am using Spring Security 5.2.0.
The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not support an UserDetailsService because in theory you are not supposed to have UserDetails in an application that does not manage credentials. I'm not saying that you cannot have any type of user, but the UserDetailsService will not be used or autowired by Spring Security.
You could register a bean of type JwtAuthenticationConverter, do whatever you need in the convert method and return your custom authentication token, like so:
public class JwtAuthenticationConverterAdapter implements Converter<Jwt, AbstractAuthenticationToken> {
private JwtAuthenticationConverter jwtAuthenticationConverter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
public AbstractAuthenticationToken convert(Jwt jwt) {
var token = this.jwtAuthenticationConverter.convert(jwt);
// build your custom token with the properties from the token above
return customToken;
I agree with your concerns - and I have found it useful to override Spring's default processing. There is a claims extensibility pattern I use with some providers, where JWT handling is only one part.
I have a Spring Boot code sample that you can run - it uses a custom filter and Connect2Id classes - OAuth integration is described here. Happy to answer any follow up questions if it helps
