How to exclude a dependency coming from parent in POM file - maven

I am pulling in dependencies from a parent and need most of the dependencies in there.
But I also wish to be able to exclude 2 dependencies entirely. I am not able to edit the parent
thus this needs to be excluded from my POM file. Is this even possible? I've seen examples for overrides and quite a bit of suggestion to fix the parent POM which as mentioned, I can't do at this time.
Using Maven 3.3.x
My POM file
<!-- other dependencies and build and plugins -->
The parent in above pulls in following plugins which I wish to exclude entirely.
Is there a way around this? Please advice. Thanks.
Tried with Thiago's suggestion, same outcome.

Why not just skip the plugin executions?
You could set the skip parameter of both plugins to true.

<id>ID_AS_IN_PARENT</id> <!-- id is necessary sometimes -->


How to maintain daily SNAPSHOT build using TeamCity in C# projects

I am taking over a project which consists of around 15 projects, whose continuous integration practice was done (the practice was ceased and I need to re-start it in a new environment) by Maven + Nexus OSS + TeamCity and are developed using C#.
What I got, except for those C# solutions themselves, is a POM for each of these project, and another parent POM (which doesn't contain any code) which every other project has parent of. These development POMs only have inter-dependency on SNAPSHOT versions hence the build order is crucial. But these POMs that I have do not need any VS plugin, which means (I guess) the compile procedure is not done by Maven but by TeamCity (VS runner). The Maven scripts I have are probably only in charge of e.g., downloading dependencies, validating and installing/deploying/releasing. Unfortunately I can't find any TeamCity configurations so I have no clue how this was done before.
I'll try to put some POM and script file that I have and see if someone can see some clue on the build procedure.
The files I got from SVN are mainly in three kinds categories:
1) The C# source code and project/solution files. Each solution has a 'Dependency' folder which contains all the dependencies, both on other projects on third-party dlls, so that this solution can be built in VS by the developer right after he checkout this solution.
2) The (development) POMs.
Firstly I have the POM of the parent project. This project doesn't contain any code but only the POM and some scripts (other projects have similar files too). The POM looks like this:
<!-- Whether to purge only snapshot artifacts. -->
Here we see that the plugins used in the build are dependency (to download dependencies), 'assembly' (to package), deploy (to deploy files to Nexus) and release--frankly I can't figure out how it is used. The scripts that I have (I'll describe later) don't use it explicitly and it doesn't seem to be executed in other standard build phases.
And in each of the solution the POM has parent of the configuration. And they look like this:
In ProjB which depends on ProjA, the POM is like this:
3) Then some .bat scripts as well as deploy.pom and release.pom.
The deploy pom and release pom just simply replace the version numbers and declare the dependencies:
deploy.pom for ProjA:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
By deploy I assume it means the the deployment of SNAPSHOT version as the version number indicates.
And the release.pom are basically the same but change the version to release version (in ProjA it is 1.1.1).
In each solution I also have some scripts which I believe are called by TeamCity. a) a file called download.bat, which basically calls mvn -U clean and then mvn -U validate. And b) a file called upload.bat which basically calls mvn prepare-package and then mvn verify. In both scripts we pass some mvn options like -DDeployPomFile, -DNexusUrl, -DRepositoryId. From the parent POM we can see some plugins are executed in those scripts too. And I guess the download.bat is called before TC is executing the VS build and upload.bat is called after the build (assume the target of the build is to publish the latest version).
Above is all I got. I suspect I still miss some TeamCity configuration because they are not stored in the SVN. But anyway, can somebody help figure out how to manage the daily build? Thank you very much!

maven goal doesn't execute properly if plugins are defined under pluginManagement

I have maven-jaxb2-plugin. I generate jaxb objects and refer it in other classes of project.I've put jaxb plugin and compiler plugin under pluginManagement tag. Maven is executing compile phase first than generate phase where as if i remove pluginManagement tag, it works fine, first generate phase gets executed and all jaxb object gets generated and then compile phase gets executed. Due to pluginManagement tag, my project doesn't compile. Is pluginManagement tag used only for defining all the plugins in parent pom so that child pom can refer to these plugins ? My project is not a multi-module project.
Yes, <pluginManagement> is used to create ready-to-use configurations, but does not automatically activate your plugins - you still need to include them.
So in effect you are right, <pluginManagement>, just like <dependencyManagement> are very useful in the parent pom to centralize plugin configurations and dependency management.
Effectively, 'declaring' your plugins in the right module benefits from a much more compact syntax:

maven-dependency-plugin unpack not being executed during phase

I'm packaging an ejb and I need to include some .classes from a dependency into the jar, I'm trying to use the maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the artifact and put the files in my ${}/classes directory during the package phase, but when I execute mvn package I dont see any log or reference to the maven-dependency-plugin (nothing happens), I even tried putting a invalid version of the plugin and It doesn't even throw exceptions.
Below my pom.xml
...repository and props
what am I missing?
PS: the artifact model is installed in the local repo and I have tried with other phases too.
If you remove the lines containing the text <pluginManagement> and </pluginManagement> the plugin should execute. Just those two lines, not the lines in between. pluginManagement is a marginally advanced feature.
PluginManagement provides configuration details to POMs that inherit from this POM. However this section provides only the configuration details. To actually be executed, the plugin must be explicitly referred to outside of a pluginManagement section.
See POM Reference

Disable a Maven plugin defined in a parent POM

I am using a parent POM that defines a plugin that I do not want to be run in a child POM. How can I disable the plugin in the child pom completely?
Constraint: I cannot change the parent POM itself.
The following works for me when disabling Findbugs in a child POM:
<id>ID_AS_IN_PARENT</id> <!-- id is necessary sometimes -->
Note: the full definition of the Findbugs plugin is in our parent/super POM, so it'll inherit the version and so-on.
In Maven 3, you'll need to use:
for the plugin.
See if the plugin has a 'skip' configuration parameter. Nearly all do. if it does, just add it to a declaration in the child:
If not, then use:
The thread is old, but maybe someone is still interested.
The shortest form I found is further improvement on the example from λlex and bmargulies. The execution tag will look like:
2 points I want to highlight:
phase is set to nothing, which looks less hacky than 'none', though still a hack.
id must be the same as execution you want to override. If you don't specify id for execution, Maven will do it implicitly (in a way not expected intuitively by you).
After posting found it is already in stackoverflow:
In a Maven multi-module project, how can I disable a plugin in one child?
I know this thread is really old but the solution from #Ivan Bondarenko helped me in my situation.
I had the following in my pom.xml.
What I wanted, was to disable the execution of generate-citrus-war for a specific profile and this was the solution:
<!-- disable generating the war for this profile -->
<!-- do something else -->

maven exclude plugin defined in parent pom

I have a parent pom with a few plugins. In my child pom, I want to exclude one plugin.
How can I do this?
I had a similar requirement to run some plugins in the child but not the parent POM. i achieved this by stating <skip>true</skip> in the parent POM.
the parent pom entry is below
The child project pom entry is below
You can define all plugins in parent pom in pluginManagement section
And after in parent and child poms you can control the execution phase of this plugin
If you paste this in parent pom do not forget option <inherited>false</inherited>, its disable execution inheritance in child pom.
You can declare all the plugins in your parent pom within <pluginManagement>. In each child, you can declare the plugins which are used by that child. This way, you can include or exclude plugins as appropriate.
You can look at this related SO discussion as well.
You could use a profile activated by a property to determine whether the plugin is used or not. By default the property could be activated and the one project you do not want to use it in could include the property value to exclude the plugin.
