Can I Store my ehcache3.xml file in an external file - ehcache

In ehcache2, I stored my properties externally and read them using a input stream which was an available option for configuring this, but the same option isn't present in ehcache3.
ehcache2 code which works:
Create a CacheManager from a configuration in an InputStream.
try {
CacheManager manager = CacheManager.newInstance(fis);
} finally {
Is there any work around for the same in ehcache3?

Ehcache3 doesn't have as straightforward a way of doing this as was present in ehcache2, but it definitely is possible.
You need to use the "import org.w3c.dom.Document" class and pass a Document to the XMLConfiguration constructor which you can use to build your cache manager:
cacheManager = CacheManagerBuilder.newCacheManager(xmlConfiguration);
The document itself is build like this:
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document document = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(inputStream);
XMLConfiguration xmlConfiguration = new XMLConfiguration(document);
And now it should work. You might have xml related errors, but otherwise, this should work perfectly normal if your xml is of the correct format.


How to transform with state?

I'm trying to build a Kafka streams application using the new version of the DSL (v1.0) but I don't see how to configure a stateful stream transformation. A basic but complete example of how to achieve this would be very helpful.
I didn't find any (stateful) transform examples in the source code. According to the documentation the following strategy should be followed:
StateStoreSupplier myStore = Stores.create("myTransformState")
.persistent() // optional
KStream outputStream = inputStream.transform(new TransformerSupplier() { ... }, "myTransformState");
However, it's not clear what the type of builder should be in the example, none of Topology or StreamsBuilder has a method addStore. If I try addStateStore instead it only accepts an argument of type StoreBuilder which is not the type of myStore defined.
As JavaDocs explain, Stores#create is deprecated in 1.0.0:
#deprecated use persistentKeyValueStore(String), persistentWindowStore(String, long, int, long, boolean), persistentSessionStore(String, long), lruMap(String, int). or inMemoryKeyValueStore(String)
Thus, in your case you would create a persistent key-value store supplier via Stores.persistentKeyValueStore("myTransformState")
In a second step, you need to create a StoreBuilder via Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(...) that takes you previously created store supplier as argument.
Afterwards, you can add the StoreBuilder to your builder
StreamsBuilder#addStateStore(final StoreBuilder builder)
To connect the store to your transformer you just provide the store name as additional argument as before.

How to load VM_global_library.vm for Velocity in Spring Boot?

We're using a VelocityLayoutServlet as the view resolver in Spring Boot.
#Bean(name = "velocityViewResolver")
public VelocityLayoutViewResolver velocityViewResolver() {
VelocityLayoutViewResolver resolver = new VelocityLayoutViewResolver();;
return resolver;}
We want to load global macros from a VM_global_library.vm file, as described in the Velocity User Guide. Expected Velocity to load that default file from /templates directory, but not happening.
Adding theexplicit setting mentioned in the Velocity User Guide did not work either:
velocimacro.library - A comma-separated list of all Velocimacro template libraries. By default, Velocity looks for a single library: VM_global_library.vm. The configured template path is used to find the Velocimacro libraries.
Are we missing some magic, or is this missing from the integration?
Velocity properties can be set with "*" attribute.
This configuration works for me:

Save image (via ImageWriter / FileImageOutputStream) to the filesystem without use of a File object

As a learning task I am converting my software I use every day to NIO, with the somewhat arbitrary objective of having zero remaining instances of
I have been successful in every case except one. It seems an ImageWriter can only write to a FileImageOutputStream which requires a
Path path = Paths.get(inputFileName);
InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(path, StandardOpenOption.READ);
BufferedImage bi =;
Iterator<ImageWriter> iter = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("jpg");
ImageWriter writer =;
ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
File outputFile = new File(outputFileName);
ImageOutputStream ios = new FileImageOutputStream(outputFile);
IIOImage iioi = new IIOImage(bi, null, null);
writer.write(null, iioi, param);
Is there a way to do this with a java.nio.file.Path? The java 8 api doc for ImageWriter only mentions FileImageOutputStream.
I understand there might only be a symbolic value to doing this, but I was under the impression that NIO is intended to provide a complete alternative to
A RandomAccessFile, constructed with just a String for a filename, can be supplied to the ImageOutputStream constructor constructor.
This doesn't "use NIO" any more than just using the File in the first place, but it doesn't require File to be used directly..
For direct support of Path (or to "use NIO"), the FileImageOutputStream (or RandomAccessFile) could be extended, or a type deriving from the ImageOutputStream interface created, but .. how much work is it worth?
The intended way to instantiate an ImageInputStream or ImageOutputStream in the javax.imageio API, is through the ImageIO.createImageInputStream() and ImageIO.createImageOutputStream() methods.
You will see that both these methods take Object as its parameter. Internally, ImageIO will use a service lookup mechanism, and delegate the creation to a provider able to create a stream based on the parameter. By default, there are providers for File, RandomAccessFile and InputStream.
But the mechanism is extendable. See the API doc for the javax.imageio.spi package for a starting point. If you like, you can create a provider that takes a java.nio.Path and creates a FileImageOutputStream based on it, or alternatively create your own implementation using some more fancy NIO backing (ie. SeekableByteChannel).
Here's source code for a sample provider and stream I created to read images from a byte array, that you could use as a starting point.
(Of course, I have to agree with #user2864740's thoughts on the cost/benefit of doing this, but as you are doing this for the sake of learning, it might make sense.)

Spring Integration FTP - poll without transfer?

I'd like to utilize Spring Integration to initiate messages about files that appear in a remote location, without actually transferring them. All I require is the generation of a Message with, say, header values indicating the path to the file and filename.
What's the best way to accomplish this? I've tried stringing together an FTP inbound channel adapter with a service activator to write the header values I need, but this causes the file to be transferred to a local temp directory, and by the time the service activator sees it, the message consists of a that refers to the local file and the remote path info is gone. It is possible to transform the message prior to this local transfer occurring?
We have similar problem and we solved it with filters. On inbound-channel-adapter you can set custom filter implementation. So before polling your filter will be called and you will have all informations about files, from which you can decide will that file be downloaded or not, for example;
<int-sftp:inbound-channel-adapter id="test"
<int:poller trigger="pollingTrigger" max-messages-per-poll="${sftp.max.msg}"/>
<beans:bean id="customFilter" class="your.class.location.SftpRemoteFilter"/>
Filter class is just implementation of the FileListFilter interface. Here it is dummy filter implementation.
public class SftpRemoteFilter implements FileListFilter<LsEntry> {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SftpRemoteFilter.class);
public final List<LsEntry> filterFiles(LsEntry[] files) {"Here is files.");
//Do something smart
return Collections.emptyList();
But if you want to do that as you described, I think it is possible to do it by setting headers on payloads and then using same headers when you are using that payload, but in that case you should use Message<File> instead File in your service activator method.

Watch for updated properties in Wicket

In my current project we need to implement a way for texters to manage the wicket messages/internationalization via upload of property files.
Also see this question: Administrating internationalized wicket applications
As suggested there, I've implemented a custom IStringResourceLoader and added it at the beginning of the StringResourceLoader list to override any properties already in place:
getResourceSettings().getStringResourceLoaders().add(0, new CustomStringResourceLoader());
This however is not enough, because updates can happen and need to be loaded at runtime. StringResources are cached by wicket and updated only when the ResourceWatcher is triggered.
I found where Wicket adds the string resources to the watcher: the PropertiesFactory in the settings. The method to add a resource to the watcher is addToWatcher(...). However this method is protected and also the whole setup suggests this is used for development purposes and not for production.
I managed to use this method by extending PropertiesFactory and effectively creating a custom version to add to settings:
getResourceSettings().setPropertiesFactory(new CustomPropertiesFactory(getResourceSettings()));
So my Question is: I feel this is quite the circuitious solution. Is there another way to watch for changing properties files?
My solution to the problem:
getResourceSettings().getStringResourceLoaders().add(0, new CustomResourceLoader());
getResourceSettings().getResourceFinders().add(new Path("/pathToResources"));
This inserts my CustomResourceLoader at the beginning of the list so all properties are first checked there.
The added Path tells the PropertiesFactory to look for resources in a given arbitrary directory outside of wicket.
I needed custom names for my resource files as well, I realized this in the CustomResourceLoader:
public String loadStringResource(final Class<?> clazz, final String key, final Locale locale, final String style, final String variation) {
final String myResourceFilename = createCustomResourceFileName(locale);
final IPropertiesFactory pF = Application.get().getResourceSettings().getPropertiesFactory();
final org.apache.wicket.resource.Properties props = pF.load(clazz, myResourceFilename);
When using the PropertiesFactory to load the files, it adds them to the internal IModificationWatcher automatically.
It turns out that part of the problem was, that the resource files are in a non-standard encoding. This can be fixed by adding a special IPropertyLoader to the PropertiesFactory in the settings:
((PropertiesFactory) getResourceSettings().getPropertiesFactory()).getPropertiesLoaders().add(0,
new UtfPropertiesFilePropertiesLoader("properties", "your-favorite-encoding"));
