New Cursive deps module - "Clojure jar not attached to this module" - cursive

In Cursive with a new deps module (within an existing project which uses lein) I'm getting:
"Run configuration error: The Clojure jar is not attached to this module"
How do I attach it?
Relatedly, none of the clojure core functions are recognised by the editor when the file is open (I mean for the editor's code analysis purposes).
But, when I run -main in that new module with clj directly from the terminal, everything works fine.

Solved - open Project Structure and look at the bottom of the left panel in the window that opens, below Platform SDKs, there's a discrete entry called "Problems". If you click that it offers to Fix and adds clojure, spec, etc. as dependencies of the new deps module.


Intellij - adding another SpringBoot project

I have generated two Spring Initializer Maven projects. I open the first one with File-Open-location_of_the_file, It opens up the project, when I want to open the second project it closes the previous project. I want to be able to see both projects in the project window.
I don't want the program to open a second IntelliJ window, I just want them to be inside the same window, same file explorer inside IntelliJ.
I have both projects in the /documents/microservices folder.
I'm relatively new to IntelliJ, help would be greatly appreciated.
Use Import Module action: File | New | Module from Existing Sources.
See Import an existing module documentation for more information.
I solved this issue by doing this:
View -> Tool Windows -> maven -> + "Add maven projects" -> find the pom.xml from the project and then it adds it to your file explorer.

Can't get real path for source - Xcode, SFML, C++

I am new to SFML, and followed SFML & Xcode tutorials for SFML 2.5 to try to get a basic program build and run.
After copying the content of Frameworks to /Library/Frameworks and content of extlibs to /Library/Frameworks, and the Xcode templates, I was able to create a sample app via Xcode using the SFML App template.
When I tried to build it, it failed with the following error:
Any idea what I did wrong?
Help is much appreciated!
Seems like a post build script is pointing to incorrect paths. Here's how to fix this.
In Xcode click on your project's name in the root of the project navigator (where you see the source files) so you can see its configuration.
There should be a header called "build phases". Click on that.
Expand the item called "Run Script".
If you followed the tutorials from SFML to setup your environment, edit the area under the comment "Settings" at the top of the script to look like this.
#These 3 are probably pointing to a directory under
#/Users/SFML right now which is not on our machines
#This Doesn't Change

STS unable to bind maven file (.m2)

I'm working on a maven project in Spring tool suite(STS), issue is unable to navigate to other classes and methods (using ctrl+ mouse click), and its showing many error messages near import statements and other places in the class.
When clicked on the red cross mark which states error and select FIX project setup below is the message displayed on popup window.
The following proposals have been found to fix the unresolvable reference to 'Bootstrap'
Add archive 'lpa-core-1.2.5.jar - c:\Users\tom.m2\repository\com\lpa\lpa-core\1.2.5' to buildpath of 'lpa-realtime-service'
Please suggest how to include .m2 file automatically while build process to avoid the error messages and to navigate to other classes and methods using ctrl and mouse click.
It sounds like your project is not properly set up so that the IDE doesn't really configure its classpath correctly. Normally this would all happen automatically via m2e (i.e. Eclipse's maven support).
M2e is included in STS by default, so its probably installed, but somehow your project isn't treated as a maven project.
You can try to re-import it using the proper 'import wizard' which should set things up correctly for you.
Delete the project from the workspace. Take care not to actually delete the files themselves. (There's a checkbox 'Delete project contents on disk', so don't select that).
clean out all the 'junk' data from your project. Delete all tese files / folders from your project .classpath, .project, .settings, target.
Now that you have a 'clean slate'. Import it using m2e. Menu: File >> Import >> Existing Maven Projects".
This should setup everything correctly.
I say should because it depends to a large degree on what is in the project itself. But this, in principle, is the correct way to import maven project into STS (or Eclipse in general).

Unable to proprerly include Showcase View lib

I have trouble including the ShowcaseView library in my Android application with Android Studio.
On the GitHub repo (, it says it should be easy to install with Maven. But when I search for showcaseview, Maven finds no result.
So I clone the repo on my computer and try to include it's library folder as a java library in my project's module dependencies. But when I try to use it in my code, it says
Cannot resolve symbol 'ShowcaseView'
My guess is because the actual ShowcaseView library is not compiling due to errors (the cloned repo is showing in multiple files the error
Cannot resolve symbol 'R'
event after adding the NineOldAndroids as a module dependency as showed on the GitHub repo.
Is there something I am missing?
You shouldn't include library folder as a java library.
try following way to add ShowcaseView library as a module to your project:
Go to file > Project Structure...
in the left panel select Modules and in the middle panel click plus icon and then select Import Module
from browsing dialog select path of ShowcaseView library
click next... to finish importing (but notice the directory /gen of library unchecked)
Then goto the Library section in left panel and select libs in middle panel
if the library robolectric-2.2-20130909.210745-40-jar-with-dependencies.jar existed in right panel then you should remove it.
Goto the Modules section and select your main project module in middle panel and click plus icon in right panel and select Module Dependency... then select ShowcaseView library that previously included.
Now you should rebuild your project...
Go to ShowcaseView Manifest and change the package name to com.espiandev.showcaseview
the rebuild, re-organize imports, R would resolve to the new package.

UI Acceleo Launcher Project fails

I've followed this simple tutorial to create an UI launcher...but when I finish and I make a right click on my uml model, I don't have the acceleo tag "Acceleo Model to Tex", so I'm unable to run the you know how is it possible?
I use th eclipse version 3.6.1 with topcased...
I can see only two ways for this popup menu not to show. The least likely is that the extension of your model does not match the "model file name filter" field from the "new UI project" wizard ("*.uml" by default). I do not think that this is your case, but thought I would mention it anyways.
What I think is the problem in your case is : this tutorial does not really explain to people who are not familiar with Eclipse plugins how to use the UI project. Namely : this new "UI project" is an Eclipse plugin. In order for the menu it contributes to show, you have to deploy the project as a plugin in your Eclipse. This can be done by exporting the project as a deployable plugin (right-click => Export => Deployable plug-ins and fragments) or by spawning a new Eclipse instance from the Eclipse that contains the project (Run => Run Configurations... => double click 'Eclipse Application' then hit "Run").
This last solution is preferred for plugins undergoing development as it allows you to change the plugin and simply spawn a new instance again in order for the changes to show ... however if you do not aim at developping Eclipse plugins, this might not be the best solution as it forces you to have two workspaces : one for the development of the plugin, another for the testing. The UML model on which you will generate code has to be in this "testing" workspace.
