can you build a maven project inside of a gradle wrapper - maven

It may be just that I have a general misunderstanding how gradle build works, but it feels to me that I can not build a maven file inside of a gradle build. Since gradle uses the file, and maven uses a pom.xml, it does not seem as though I can do this. I have multiple maven projects that I would like to wrap up with a gradle wrapper. I can not find ANYTHING on whether this is even possible.

Both Maven and Gradle are build tools and you should only use one of them for a given project.
If you have existing Maven projects and like the functionality provided by the Gradle wrapper, there is a similar wrapper for Maven (note that this is currently a third-party plugin but they plan to include it in the upcoming release 3.7 of Maven).
Alternatively you could convert your projects entirely to Gradle.


Build and package a maven plugin within another project

I am trying to build a Maven plugin using Eclipse. I need it to be in a project called Utilities (contains some other utility tools), i.e. I do not want the plugin to be an Eclipse project all by itself.
The <packaging> tag for Utilities project in its POM is jar, while technically a maven plugin needs to be packaged as a maven-plugin. Is there any way to get around this? Or must I build the Maven plugin as a separate project?

Building Maven sub-modules in a Gradle project

I have a Gradle build working for a bunch of Java and C sub-modules. I would like to add several sub-modules which are incoming from existing code base and are already setup as Maven builds. Is there a way for Gradle to pickup the Maven sub-modules as part of the parent build?
It seems, there is no native way to run some maven goal within gradle build script. By the way, it is possible to run a maven goal, just providig a custom task of Exec type, which will run a maven build as a command line process. You can read more about this task type here.
Furthermore, it is even possible to provide the maven goal artifacts as dependencies for the gradle project, after you build them from custom gradle task and specify the file-dependency with builtBy property. You can read about it in the official user guide.

What is the difference between gradle install and gradle publishToMavenLocal?

In gradle, the install task is introduced by the maven plugin.
The publishToMavenLocal task is introduced by the maven-publish plugin.
The documentation of both tasks says they install/publish the module/artifacts to the local maven cache (.m2 directory).
If I need to publish a local project to my local maven cache, so that another local project can depend on it, which of the two tasks should I use?
As far as I know, these two accomplish the same thing.
That said, I recommend using the maven-publish plugin because:
It's newer and has a nicer publishing DSL, see the Maven Publish Plugin page for more details
It doesn't explicitly depend on the java plugin, which is useful if you ever build non-Java projects
You can always write: task install(dependsOn: 'publishToMavenLocal') if you like the task name install.

How does Maven resolve sbt transitive dependencies? Is this Maven at all?

I have a maven project that depends on several sbt project, which in turn depends on more projects. Are these transitive dependencies being resolved by maven? E.g. in packing of assemby jar?
Let me answer this question with mine: How can you know what build tool was used in a dependency?
You can't unless the build tool leaves some files to let you guess what the build tool could have been. But still, they're just files that are generated as part of the publishing process so the other build tools could resolve dependencies.
That's the point of any build tool to let you integrate with the other build systems in a less troublesome way.
Maven requires pom.xml and an appropriate repository layout. sbt follows the rules while publishing project artifacts to Maven repositories.
Ivy requires other files in repositories and sbt does generate them (by default).
Gradle plugs itself in to the game by following Maven's standard files and directory layout.
Read about publish task. You may want to consult the official documentation of sbt. Start with

Complete reference to Gradle's Maven plugin

I want to write a Gradle script, which generates a Maven pom.xml file.
Where can I find a reference or, better, the source code of the Gradle Maven plugin? I want to find out whether I can add module elements to a pom.xml file in Gradle (and if yes, how).
Here are some useful resources:
Gradle User Guide
Gradle Build Language Reference
Gradle Javadoc
Gradle Github repository (search for org.gradle.api.plugins.MavenPlugin)
Also worth a look are the samples in the full Gradle distribution. You can also browse them in the GitHub repository (under subprojects/docs/src/samples/maven).
