How do I get startup code that I have edited to compile? - compilation

I am trying to edit the startup code for the MCUXpresso LPC51U68 board so that I can flash an enhanced image to the board See instructions in section 3.5.6 (pg. 17) of this user manual (NXP_LPC51U68_UM). I changed the bolded lines from the user manual in the startup code that I downloaded from the SDK for the LPC51U68 board (on NXP's website). I wrote the IMAGEHEADER_T fuction from the user manual in the startup code also.
My edits to the startup code ended up looking like this:
__attribute__ ((used, section(".isr_vector")))
void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) = {
// Core Level - CM0P
&_vStackTop, // The initial stack pointer
ResetISR, // The reset handler
NMI_Handler, // The NMI handler
HardFault_Handler, // The hard fault handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
__valid_user_code_checksum, // LPC MCU checksum
0, // ECRP
(void*) 0xEDDC9494, // Enhanced image marker (This was added)
imageHeader, // Pointer to enhanced image header (This was added)
SVC_Handler, // SVCall handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
PendSV_Handler, // The PendSV handler
SysTick_Handler, // The SysTick handler
and this is the definition for the image header (should be exactly as appears in the user manual):
/*Image Header*/
const IMAGEHEADER_T imageHeader = {
IMAGE_ENH_BLOCK_MARKER, //Required marker for image header
IMG_NO_CRC, //No CRC, makes development easier
0x00000000, //crc32_len
0x00000000, //crc32_val
0x00000000 //version
HOWEVER, after making these edits I found that the startup code won't compile. When I checked the memory at offset 0x24 to see if it receive the enhanced image flag 0xEDDC9494, it wasn't there. I tried typing some garbage in the startup code and then building and compiling to see if I got an error and there was no error. How do I get my startup code to compile???

If i create a default LPC51U68 SDK project with MCUXpresso there are no defines for the mentioned structs and values. So you need to do it yourself.
#define IMG_NORMAL 0
#define IMG_NO_CRC 1
unsigned int header_marker;
unsigned int img_type;
unsigned int crc32_len;
unsigned int crc32_val;
unsigned int version;
/* Image header */
const IMAGEHEADER_T imageHeader = {
IMAGE_ENH_BLOCK_MARKER, /* Required marker for image header */
IMG_NO_CRC, /* No CRC, makes development easier */
0x00000000, /* crc32_len */
0x00000000, /* crc32_val */
0x00000000 /* version */
// The vector table.
// This relies on the linker script to place at correct location in memory.
extern void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void);
extern void * __Vectors __attribute__ ((alias ("g_pfnVectors")));
__attribute__ ((used, section(".isr_vector")))
void (* const g_pfnVectors[])(void) = {
// Core Level - CM0P
&_vStackTop, // The initial stack pointer
ResetISR, // The reset handler
NMI_Handler, // The NMI handler
HardFault_Handler, // The hard fault handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
__valid_user_code_checksum, // LPC MCU checksum
0, // ECRP
(void*) IMAGE_SINGLE_ENH_SIG, // Enhanced image marker #0x24
(void*) &imageHeader, // Pointer to enhanced image header #0x28
SVC_Handler, // SVCall handler
0, // Reserved
0, // Reserved
PendSV_Handler, // The PendSV handler
SysTick_Handler, // The SysTick handler
// Chip Level - LPC51U68
}; /* End of g_pfnVectors */
This should compile. However i dont know whats the enhanced image is for.


Trap memory accesses inside a standard executable built with MinGW

So my problem sounds like this.
I have some platform dependent code (embedded system) which writes to some MMIO locations that are hardcoded at specific addresses.
I compile this code with some management code inside a standard executable (mainly for testing) but also for simulation (because it takes longer to find basic bugs inside the actual HW platform).
To alleviate the hardcoded pointers, i just redefine them to some variables inside the memory pool. And this works really well.
The problem is that there is specific hardware behavior on some of the MMIO locations (w1c for example) which makes "correct" testing hard to impossible.
These are the solutions i thought of:
1 - Somehow redefine the accesses to those registers and try to insert some immediate function to simulate the dynamic behavior. This is not really usable since there are various ways to write to the MMIO locations (pointers and stuff).
2 - Somehow leave the addresses hardcoded and trap the illegal access through a seg fault, find the location that triggered, extract exactly where the access was made, handle and return. I am not really sure how this would work (and even if it's possible).
3 - Use some sort of emulation. This will surely work, but it will void the whole purpose of running fast and native on a standard computer.
4 - Virtualization ?? Probably will take a lot of time to implement. Not really sure if the gain is justifiable.
Does anyone have any idea if this can be accomplished without going too deep? Maybe is there a way to manipulate the compiler in some way to define a memory area for which every access will generate a callback. Not really an expert in x86/gcc stuff.
Edit: It seems that it's not really possible to do this in a platform independent way, and since it will be only windows, i will use the available API (which seems to work as expected). Found this Q here:
Is set single step trap available on win 7?
I will put the whole "simulated" register file inside a number of pages, guard them, and trigger a callback from which i will extract all the necessary info, do my stuff then continue execution.
Thanks all for responding.
I think #2 is the best approach. I routinely use approach #4, but I use it to test code that is running in the kernel, so I need a layer below the kernel to trap and emulate the accesses. Since you have already put your code into a user-mode application, #2 should be simpler.
The answers to this question may provide help in implementing #2. How to write a signal handler to catch SIGSEGV?
What you really want to do, though, is to emulate the memory access and then have the segv handler return to the instruction after the access. This sample code works on Linux. I'm not sure if the behavior it is taking advantage of is undefined, though.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#define REG_ADDR ((volatile uint32_t *)0x12340000f000ULL)
static uint32_t read_reg(volatile uint32_t *reg_addr)
uint32_t r;
asm("mov (%1), %0" : "=a"(r) : "r"(reg_addr));
return r;
static void segv_handler(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
int main()
struct sigaction action = { 0, };
action.sa_sigaction = segv_handler;
action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL);
// force sigsegv
uint32_t a = read_reg(REG_ADDR);
printf("after segv, a = %d\n", a);
return 0;
static void segv_handler(int, siginfo_t *info, void *ucontext_arg)
ucontext_t *ucontext = static_cast<ucontext_t *>(ucontext_arg);
ucontext->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RAX] = 1234;
ucontext->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_RIP] += 2;
The code to read the register is written in assembly to ensure that both the destination register and the length of the instruction are known.
This is how the Windows version of prl's answer could look like:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define REG_ADDR ((volatile uint32_t *)0x12340000f000ULL)
static uint32_t read_reg(volatile uint32_t *reg_addr)
uint32_t r;
asm("mov (%1), %0" : "=a"(r) : "r"(reg_addr));
return r;
static LONG WINAPI segv_handler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *);
int main()
// force sigsegv
uint32_t a = read_reg(REG_ADDR);
printf("after segv, a = %d\n", a);
return 0;
static LONG WINAPI segv_handler(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep)
// only handle read access violation of REG_ADDR
if (ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ||
ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[0] != 0 ||
ep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1] != (ULONG_PTR)REG_ADDR)
ep->ContextRecord->Rax = 1234;
ep->ContextRecord->Rip += 2;
So, the solution (code snippet) is as follows:
First of all, i have a variable:
__attribute__ ((aligned (4096))) int g_test;
Second, inside my main function, i do the following:
AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, VectoredHandler);
DWORD old;
VirtualProtect(&g_test, 4096, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD, &old);
The handler looks like this:
LONG WINAPI VectoredHandler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo)
static DWORD last_addr;
if (ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION) {
last_addr = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1];
ExceptionInfo->ContextRecord->EFlags |= 0x100; /* Single step to trigger the next one */
if (ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_SINGLE_STEP) {
DWORD old;
VirtualProtect((PVOID)(last_addr & ~PAGE_MASK), 4096, PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD, &old);
This is only a basic skeleton for the functionality. Basically I guard the page on which the variable resides, i have some linked lists in which i hold pointers to the function and values for the address in question. I check that the fault generating address is inside my list then i trigger the callback.
On first guard hit, the page protection will be disabled by the system, but i can call my PRE_WRITE callback where i can save the variable state. Because a single step is issued through the EFlags, it will be followed immediately by a single step exception (which means that the variable was written), and i can trigger a WRITE callback. All the data required for the operation is contained inside the ExceptionInformation array.
When someone tries to write to that variable:
*(int *)&g_test = 1;
A PRE_WRITE followed by a WRITE will be triggered,
When i do:
int x = *(int *)&g_test;
A READ will be issued.
In this way i can manipulate the data flow in a way that does not require modifications of the original source code.
Note: This is intended to be used as part of a test framework and any penalty hit is deemed acceptable.
For example, W1C (Write 1 to clear) operation can be accomplished:
void MYREG_hook(reg_cbk_t type)
/** We need to save the pre-write state
* This is safe since we are assured to be called with
* both PRE_WRITE and WRITE in the correct order
static int pre;
switch (type) {
case REG_READ: /* Called pre-read */
case REG_PRE_WRITE: /* Called pre-write */
pre = g_test;
case REG_WRITE: /* Called after write */
g_test = pre & ~g_test; /* W1C */
This was possible also with seg-faults on illegal addresses, but i had to issue one for each R/W, and keep track of a "virtual register file" so a bigger penalty hit. In this way i can only guard specific areas of memory or none, depending on the registered monitors.

setting an i2c register to high

I have this project that my boss asked me to do and the first step is to figure out how to set a given I2C register to high or low using the silicon lab library, if anyone knows any good sources for this type of problem please provide them thank you. The pic that I am using is the pic16f1823, I've already looked at the documentation of the pic but into only states how to read and write to an I2c.
I use this as a header file and seems to work well for PIC16F1827 which is basically the same as the 1823. It used the peripheral of the PIC. Just include in in any c file you want to use i2c in. Make sure you #define FOSC in order to calculate the correct baud rate. Also double check the port and tris assignments are correct for your device and make adjustments.
It uses polling instead of an interrupt. Uncomment the interrupt setup code and write an interrupt service routine to catch the interrupts.
#ifndef I2C_H
#define I2C_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Hi-Tech C I2C library for 12F1822
* Master mode routines for I2C MSSP port to read and write to slave device
* Copyright (C)2011 2011
* Freely distributable.
#define I2C_WRITE 0
#define I2C_READ 1
// Initialise MSSP port. (12F1822 - other devices may differ)
void i2c_Init(void){
// Initialise I2C MSSP
// Master 100KHz
TRISB2 = 1;
TRISB5 = 1;
SSP1CON1 = 0b00101000; // I2C Master mode
SSP1CON2 = 0b00000000;
SSP1CON3 = 0b00000000;
//SSP1MSK = 0b00000000;
SSP1ADD = I2C_BRG; // clock = FOSC/(4 * (SSPxADD+1))
//SSP1IE = 1; // enable interrupt
SSP1STAT = 0b10000000;
// i2c_Wait - wait for I2C transfer to finish
void i2c_Wait(void){
while ( ( SSP1CON2 & 0x1F ) || ( SSPSTAT & 0x04 ) );
// i2c_Start - Start I2C communication
void i2c_Start(void)
// i2c_Restart - Re-Start I2C communication
void i2c_Restart(void){
// i2c_Stop - Stop I2C communication
void i2c_Stop(void)
// i2c_Write - Sends one byte of data
void i2c_Write(unsigned char data)
SSPBUF = data;
// i2c_Address - Sends Slave Address and Read/Write mode
// mode is either I2C_WRITE or I2C_READ
void i2c_Address(unsigned char address, unsigned char mode)
unsigned char l_address;
SSPBUF = l_address;
// i2c_Read - Reads a byte from Slave device
unsigned char i2c_Read(unsigned char ack)
// Read data from slave
// ack should be 1 if there is going to be more data read
// ack should be 0 if this is the last byte of data read
unsigned char i2cReadData;
i2cReadData = SSPBUF;
if ( ack ) SSP1CON2bits.ACKDT=0; // Ack
else SSP1CON2bits.ACKDT=1; // NAck
SSP1CON2bits.ACKEN=1; // send acknowledge sequence
return( i2cReadData );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* I2C_H */
Then you can use the higher level functions defined above to control a device, which is described in the datasheet of the slave device.
For example, to read from an eeprom:
#include <xc.h>
#define FOSC 16000000
#include "i2c.h"
unsigned char i2c_read_eeprom( unsigned char slaveaddress, unsigned char memaddress )
unsigned char data;
data = 123;
i2c_Address( slaveaddress, I2C_WRITE);
if( SSP1CON2bits.ACKSTAT )
else txstring("nACK!\r\n");
i2c_Address( slaveaddress, I2C_READ);
data = i2c_Read(0);
return data;

Need help understanding stack frame layout

While implementing a stack walker for a debugger I am working on I reached the point to extract the arguments to a function call and display them. To make it simple I started with the cdecl convention in pure 32-bit (both debugger and debuggee), and a function that takes 3 parameters. However, I cannot understand why the arguments in the stack trace are out of order compared to what cdecl defines (right-to-left, nothing in registers), despite trying to figure it out for a few days now.
Here is a representation of the function call I am trying to stack trace:
void Function(unsigned long long a, const void * b, unsigned int c) {
printf("a=0x%llX, b=%p, c=0x%X\n", a, b, c);
_asm { int 3 }; /* Because I don't have stepping or dynamic breakpoints implemented yet */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
Function(2, (void*)0x7A3FE8, 0x2004);
return 0;
This is what the function (unsurprisingly) printed to the console:
a=0x2, c=0x7a3fe8, c=0x2004
This is the stack trace generated at the breakpoint (the debugger catches the breakpoint and there I try to walk the stack):
0x3EF5E0: 0x10004286 /* previous pc */
0x3EF5DC: 0x3EF60C /* previous fp */
0x3EF5D8: 0x7A3FE8 /* arg b --> Wait... why is b _above_ c here? */
0x3EF5D4: 0x2004 /* arg c */
0x3EF5D0: 0x0 /* arg a, upper 32 bit */
0x3EF5CC: 0x2 /* arg a, lower 32 bit */
The code that's responsible for dumping the stack frames (implemented using the DIA SDK, though, I don't think that is relevant to my problem) looks like this:
ULONGLONG stackframe_top = 0;
m_frame->get_base(&stackframe_top); /* IDiaStackFrame */
/* dump 30 * 4 bytes */
for (DWORD i = 0; i < 30; i++)
ULONGLONG address = stackframe_top - (i * 4);
DWORD value;
SIZE_T read_bytes;
if (ReadProcessMemory(m_process, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(address), &value, sizeof(value), &read_bytes) == TRUE)
debugprintf(L"0x%llX: 0x%X\n", address, value); /* wrapper around OutputDebugString */
I am compiling the test program without any optimization in vs2015 update 3.
I have validated that I am indeed compiling it as cdecl by looking in the pdb with the dia2dump sample application.
I do not understand what is causing the stack to look like this, it doesn't match anything I learned, nor does it match the documentation provided by Microsoft.
I also checked google a whole lot (including osdev wiki pages, msdn blog posts, and so on), and checked my (by now probably outdated) books on 32-bit x86 assembly programming (that were released before 64-bit CPUs existed).
Thank you very much in advance for any explanations or links!
I had somehow misunderstood where the arguments to a function call end up in memory compared to the base of the stack frame, as pointed out by Raymond. This is the fixed code snippet:
ULONGLONG stackframe_top = 0;
m_frame->get_base(&stackframe_top); /* IDiaStackFrame */
/* dump 30 * 4 bytes */
for (DWORD i = 0; i < 30; i++)
ULONGLONG address = stackframe_top + (i * 4); /* <-- Read before the stack frame */
DWORD value;
SIZE_T read_bytes;
if (ReadProcessMemory(m_process, reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>(address), &value, sizeof(value), &read_bytes) == TRUE)
debugprintf(L"0x%llX: 0x%X\n", address, value); /* wrapper around OutputDebugString */

glMapBufferRange crashing on Android GLES app

I am trying to morph some vertices on a GLES application on android and glMapBufferRange keeps crashing with the following error:
SIGSEGV (signal SIGSEGV: address access protected (fault address: 0xef13d664))
I more or less followed the example of this web-site:
but not sure if I am missing something.
I created my VBOs at initialization time and I can draw the object with no issues. The code of creation goes:
void SubObject3D::CreateVBO(VBOInfo &vboInfoIn) {
// m_vboIds[0] - used to store vertex attribute data
// m_vboIds[l] - used to store element indices
glGenBuffers(2, vboInfoIn.vboIds);
// Let the buffer all dynamic for morphing
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboInfoIn.vboIds[0]);
(GLsizeiptr) (vboInfoIn.vertexStride * vboInfoIn.verticesCount),
vboInfoIn.pVertices, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboInfoIn.vboIds[1]);
(GLsizeiptr) (sizeof(GLushort) * vboInfoIn.indicesCount),
vboInfoIn.pIndices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
struct VBOInfo {
VBOInfo() {
memset(this, 0x00, sizeof(VBOInfo));
vboIds[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
vboIds[1] = 0xdeadbeef;
// VertexBufferObject Ids
GLuint vboIds[2];
// Points to the source data
GLfloat *pVertices; // Pointer of original data
GLuint verticesCount;
GLushort *pIndices; // Pointer of original data
GLuint indicesCount;
GLint vertexStride;
then later in the Rendering loop I tried to get the hold of my vertex pointer as such:
// I stored the information at creation time here:
VBOInfo mVBOGeometryInfo;
//later I call here to get the pointer
GLfloat *SubObject3D::MapVBO() {
GLfloat *pVertices = nullptr;
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mVBOGeometryInfo.vboIds[0]);
GLsizeiptr length = (GLsizeiptr) (mVBOGeometryInfo.vertexStride *
pVertices = (GLfloat *) glMapBufferRange(
if (pVertices == nullptr) {
LOGE ("Could not map VBO");
return pVertices;
but it crashed right at glMapBufferRange.
This is an android application that uses NDK. The hardware is a Samsung S6 phone.
This was quite painful to resolve this issue, but there is no problem with the code above per se. It was basically the include. My code was based off the google sample "more teapots" located here:
I had to follow their pattern and change my include to GLES from:
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
to use their stubs:
#include "gl3stub.h"
why? I don't know, but likely causing the linker to link incorrect code.

SEH Handlers using RtlAddFunctionTable

I've been trying to setup SEH on x64 windows using gcc by calling the RtlAddFunctionTable. Unfortunately, the API call returns success but my handler doesn't seem to ever be called. And I can't find out what's wrong. My small example is:
, void* arg1 __attribute__((unused))
, struct _CONTEXT* ctxt __attribute__((unused))
, void* arg2 __attribute__((unused))
printf("Exception will be handled!\n");
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
HMODULE GetCurrentModule()
{ // NB: XP+ solution!
return hModule;
typedef struct {
UINT8 Version : 3;
UINT8 Flags : 5;
UINT8 SizeOfProlog;
UINT8 CountOfUnwindCodes;
UINT8 FrameRegister : 4;
UINT8 FrameRegisterOffset : 4;
ULONG ExceptionHandler;
/* Hack, for bug in ld. Will be removed soon. */
#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define __ImageBase __MINGW_LSYMBOL(_image_base__)
/* Get the end of the text section. */
extern char etext[] asm("etext");
/* Get the base of the module. */
/* This symbol is defined by ld. */
extern IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase;
static UNWIND_INFO info[1];
static RUNTIME_FUNCTION handlers[1];
#define base (ULONG)((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase)
int main()
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
HMODULE hModule = GetCurrentModule();
GetModuleInformation(hProcess, hModule, &mi, sizeof(mi));
printf( "Module: 0x%.8X (0x%.8X) 0x%.8X |0x%.8X| [0x%.8X] {0x%.8X}\n\n"
, mi.lpBaseOfDll
, base
, (char*)etext
, mi.SizeOfImage
, &catchDivZero
, (ULONG)(&catchDivZero - base)
printf("Building UNWIND_INFO..\n");
info[0].Version = 1;
info[0].Flags = UNW_FLAG_EHANDLER;
info[0].SizeOfProlog = 0;
info[0].CountOfUnwindCodes = 0;
info[0].FrameRegister = 0;
info[0].FrameRegisterOffset = 0;
info[0].ExceptionHandler = (ULONG)(&catchDivZero - base);
printf("Created UNWIND_INFO at {0x%.8X}\n", info[0].ExceptionHandler);
printf("Building SEH handlers...\n");
handlers[0].BeginAddress = 0;
handlers[0].EndAddress = (ULONG)(etext - base);
handlers[0].UnwindData = (ULONG)((char*)info - base);
printf("Adding SEH handlers to .pdata..\n");
printf("Handler Unwind: 0x%.8X\n", &info);
printf( "Handler Info:: s: 0x%.8X, e: 0x%.8X, u: 0x%.8X\n"
, handlers[0].BeginAddress
, handlers[0].EndAddress
, handlers[0].UnwindData
if (RtlAddFunctionTable(handlers, 1, (DWORD64)base))
printf("Hook succeeded.\nTesting..\n");
printf("Things to do: %i\n", 12 / 0);
printf("Hook failed\n");
DWORD result = GetLastError();
printf("Error code: 0x%.8X\n", result);
However when called the output I get is:
> .\a.exe
Module: 0x00400000 (0x00400000) 0x00402FF0 |0x00022000| [0x00401530] {0x00001530}
Building UNWIND_INFO..
Created UNWIND_INFO at {0x00001530}
Building SEH handlers...
Adding SEH handlers to .pdata..
Handler Unwind: 0x00407030
Handler Info:: s: 0x00000000, e: 0x00002FF0, u: 0x00007030
Hook succeeded.
The message in my handler is never printed.
Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
RtlAddFunctionTable() adds a dynamic function table; if there already is a static function table (.pdata section) for the base address, the RtlAddFunctionTable() calls succeeds, but the static function table still takes precedence.
You need to allocate memory outside the image range, e.g. using VirtualAlloc(), and have your code and runtime table and unwind info there. The address of allocated memory is the base address for all the RVAs in the tables, and needs to be passed to RtlAddFunctionTable().
You can experiment with RtlLookupFunctionEntry() to see if the function table entry is found for a given address.
Sample code showing RtlAddFunctionTable() in action is at
Didn't you forget to register your handler with call to SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (if you use SEH as stated in your post) or AddVectoredExceptionHandler (if you decide to switch to VEH)? In your code you add information about the handler but do not register it.
I have tested your sample with the change of the handler itself:
printf("Exception will be handled!\n");
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
and adding the code:
if (::AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, catchDivZero))
printf("Set exception handler.\nContinuing..\n");
printf("Setting exception handler failed\n");
DWORD result = GetLastError();
printf("Error code: 0x%.8X\n", result);
return 1;
just before the call to RtlAddFunctionTable.
Now the message from the handler is printed.
To remove the handler use:
Hope it helps.
Note: as an alternative you may use SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(catchDivZero)). Keep in mind that it's not that useful for debugging:
After calling this function, if an exception occurs in a process that
is not being debugged, and the exception makes it to the unhandled
exception filter, that filter will call the exception filter function
specified by the lpTopLevelExceptionFilter parameter.
With VEH way we can debug the handler function right in IDE, with SEH we can not (there is probably a solution to this but I do not know about it) so I've proposed VEH as the main solution.
