How to pass contant string value for a column in SUMMARIZECOLUMN - dax

I want to pass a constant string value i.e. Not Applicable for one of the column values that will be used in SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function. But I am not find any format in how to do the same.

SUMMARIZECOLUMNS( table_name[column_name], "Custom_Column_Name", "Not Applicable")


Power Automate - Subtract two integer variables

I am trying to subtract two integer values as such:
But I get this error:
Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Negative_Index_of_Snabel-a' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'sub' expects its first parameter to be an integer or a decimal number. The provided value is of type 'String'. Please see for usage details.'.
I know that my variables in the sub() function is in quotes. But I cannot save it otherwise.
You're passing in literal string values, you need to specify that the values you want to evaluate are variables, like thus ...

Change value psql where value between, as string

I have a query that must set a value if the number is between 2 values, but the output is not ok, I think because that column is a string. Any way to do it even it's string?
(In output I have value as , 5 witch is not ok).
All the values that are incorrect are Integer.
SET lkp_age_category_id = 7
age BETWEEN '26' and '35.99';
I guess, only working on the SQL side, you could cast the values right into the query, e.g.:
SET lkp_age_category_id = 7
WHERE age BETWEEN '26'::float AND '35.99'::float;
Also check this answer

In TI-BASIC, how do I display the Variable Name given only the variable?

I'm creating a function that displays a lot of variables with the format Variable + Variable Name.
Define LibPub out(list)=
Local X
for x,1,dim(list)
list[x]->name // How can I get the variable name here?
Disp name+list[x]
Return 1
Given a list value, there is no way to find its name.
Consider this example:
b:=a ; this stores {1,2,3,4} in b
Line 1: First the value {1,2,3,4} is created. Then an variable with name a is created and its value is set to {1,2,3,4}.
Line 2: The expression a is evaluated; the result is {1,2,3,4}. A new variable with the name b is created and its value is set to `{1,2,3,4}.
Line 3: The expression b is evaluated. The variable reference looks up what value is stored in b. The result is {1,2,3,4}. This value is then passed to the function out.
The function out receives the value {1,2,3,4}. Given the value, there is no way of knowing whether the value happened to be stored in a variable. Here the value is stored in both a and b.
However we can also look at out({1,1,1,1}+{0,2,3,4}).
The system will evaluate {1,1,1,1}+{0,2,3,4} and get {1,2,3,4}. Then out is called. The value out received the result of an expression, but an equivalent value happens to be stored in a and b. This means that the values doesn't have a name.
In general: Variables have a name and a value. Values don't have names.
If you need to print a name, then look into strings.
This will be memory intensive, but you could keep a string of variable names, and separate each name by some number of characters and get a substring based on the index of the variable in the list that you want to get. For instance, say you want to access index zero, then you take a substring starting at (index of variable * length of variable name, indexofvariable *length + length+1).
The string will be like this: say you had the variables foo, bas, random, impetus
the string will be stored like so: "foo bas random impetus "

grid filter in foxpro

I have a grid on a form that displays some columns from a dbf table and a textbox.
I want to search the value displayed in the textbox over all columns from a dbf table. Some fields are numeric and other are character
If I want to find a number, should search all record that contain that number in all columns, no matter the column type.
If I want to search a substring should give me all record that contain that substring.
SET FILTER TO ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) $Content or ALLTRIM(val(ThisForm.Text1.Value)) $registrationNumber or ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) $holderNo
Your approach with the "$" wildcard "contains" approach appears to be ok. However, your attempt via allt( val( )) would fail as you cant trim a numeric value, it would have to be pre-converted to a string.
Now, that said, you could shorten your query by just doing a $ against a concatenation of ALL columns something like (assuming your registration number is a numeric field)...
set filter to ALLTRIM(ThisForm.Text1.Value) ;
$ ( Content +"," +str(registrationNumber) +," + holderNo )
if you have dates or date/time fields you could do DTOC( dateField ) or TTOC( dateTimeField). So, by building a single string of all values, you dont have to explicitly repeat the OR condition repeatedly.
You could do something like:
select curGrid
lcRow = transform(field1) + transform(field2) ... + transform(lastfield)
if lcSearchValue $ lcRow
This leverages the fact that transform() will give a string representation of any data type.

NULL when casting string values to decimal in Hive

I'm using Hive 0.13 and I have in a STRING column of my table values like 1.250,99
I want to cast these values into decimal, so I must replace "." by "" and "," by "." The result would be 1250.99
This is my hql sentence:
cast(regexp_replace(regexp_replace(price, '\\.',''), ',','.') as decimal(18,6))
But it returns NULL, I suppose because the conversion does not succeed. What is the problem?
If I don't do the conversion, it returns the expected string.
My problem was that there were white spaces in the column, so it could not convert it into decimal value. I have used trim function before doing the conversion.
Try this:
select cast(regexp_replace(regexp_replace('1.234,56','\\.',''),'\,','\.') as decimal(10,2));
