Oracle how to find the blocking sql - oracle

I have got a java app which after x number of requests just hangs. Looking at the app, it hangs on the execution of a query against an oracle database. Checked the blocking session using this sql and getting this:
Clearly SID 68 is blocking the SID 10. But why isn't it showing the blocking sql? The output from v$lock shows the following locks:
How do I find the actual blocking sqls?

The reason it's not showing the blocking SQL statement is because this cannot be known.
Consider this scenario:
Session 1 - 'SELECT FOR UPDATE ... WHERE EMP_ID = '123" (thus locking that row)
SESSION 1 - .... some other SQL (still hasn't committed)
Session 1 - .... some other SQL (still hasn't committed)
Session 1 - .... some other SQL (still hasn't committed)
Session 1 - .... some other SQL (still hasn't committed)
Session 2 - 'SELECT FOR UPDATE ... WHERE EMP_ID = '123" (is blocked by session 1, which _still has not committed and so is still holding it's lock)
So, we can know that session 1 is the blocking session, but there is no view that will indicate that it was the sql 3 previous to it's current sql that actuall placed the lock.

In your case, the blocking session is inactive, you must look at PREV_SQL_ID on V$SESSION in order to identify the last sql executed by the session that remains inactive.
V$LOCK lists the locks currently held by the Oracle Database and outstanding requests for a lock or latch. There are many types of locks in Oracle that is why you have so many rows on that view.


dbms_session.close_database_link in oracle procedures

I have many procedures for which i am using the same db link and this procedure can be executed at different time or some of the procedure runs at the same time depending on the scheduler job. This procedure used to fetch the data from remote database and insert the data in my local database. As i dont want to left open the db connection after execution of every procedure because it produces the load on the database connection which might impact on query cost and query execution time. Thats why i am using dbms_session to close the database link at the end of each and every procedure.
But i dont know whether this results any issue while fetching the data for some of the procedure which executes at the same time. As the dbms session close the db link connection for some of the procedures and at the same time if any of the procedure try to acess the db link and it might not fetch the data or results in any error. Will this situation arises while using
Following are the ways links could be closed:
A. Only session which opened the database link can close it..
Database link are closed when the session is closed...
select * from dba_DB_LINKS will show database links created
V$DBLINK will lists all open/active database links in your session,..
For an indication on how long the dblink has been open, run:
select t.addr, s.sid, s.username, s.machine, s.status,
(sysdate - to_date(t.start_time, 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS')) * 24 as hours_active
from v$transaction t, v$session s
where t.addr = s.taddr;
How to know if a transaction is local or distributed?
Check v$global_transaction
B. Using ALTER SESSION or explicitly using command:
alter session close database link <name>;
or use the following package:
C. It is also posible to set idle_time limit to user under which connects dblink.
On the server side of dblink (target of dblink) issue:
create profile pidle limit idle_time 5; -- 5 minutes
alter user test profile pidle; -- user under which connects dblink
alter system set resource_limit=true; -- must be set to work idle_time limit
(or add resource_limit=true to init.ora or both)

SAS connection to Oracle hung up for 2 hours

In SAS we have a library which is actually ORACLE schema and today I faced with a strange event when trying to query a table in this library.
A regular SAS SQL query:
proc sql;
delete from table where id=123;
Was hung up for two hours while it usually took some seconds:
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 2:00:33.49
cpu time 0.03 seconds
While this operation was being performed I tried to delete a nearby row in ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER but it hung up processing delete request too. However deleting a row that was not nearby these rows did not cause any problems. Well how can I find out the possible reason? I guess that was a sort of deadlock.
It sounds like someone has locked a row that your session is trying to delete. You should be able to spot this by querying v$session:
select sid, schemaname, osuser, terminal, program, event
from v$session
where type != 'BACKGROUND';
and checking if your session has an event of "enq: TX - row lock contention" (or similar). If so, then you'll have to work out who has the blocking lock (if you have access to Toad's session browser, this is easy to do, but Google should throw up something that can help. Or, if your database is Oracle 11.2, there's a view: v$session_blockers that ought to pinpoint the blocking session), and then get them to either commit or rollback their transaction.

alter table constraint on unlock oracle

I am trying to write a script to be executed by a client who has no real knowledge of pl/sql,
I do a bunch of transactions in PL/sql to clean up their landscape and then have to add in some constraints to keep this from happening again, I commit automatically after the cleaning, and would like to finish my PL block with adding these constraints
only issue is I have no guarantee that the tables will not be locked when trying to add constraints to them, is there a wait until unlock type of command in oracle?
thank you, new to oracle and cannot seem to find this, I have combed through a bit of API but am at the point of time sensitivity and is proving very difficult to find when i think it seems like it would be a pretty regular issue with DB management
in your pl/sql block before execute any DDL you should call via execute immedaite :
where is number of seconds to wait.
But bear in mind even if you get lock after your first ddl it will be released because DDL commits automatically. So there is no way to guarantee that list of DDL commands will be executed one-by-one as in one transaction.
The command would be:
This will wait indefinitely if there is another session with a similar lock (which there should not be).
You can lock a table explicitly (with "WAIT") prior to a DDL, but that won't necessarily solve all of your problems if you are worried about another session holding an exclusive lock. Sounds more like you may have experienced an ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired due to a DML transaction in another session. This will eventually finish, so issuing the above lock command prior to ALTER TABLE will help you here. Just be aware that if there is a hung session elsewhere the LOCK TABLE command can wait indefinitely unless you have set a timeout.
So lets do an example:
In session A I start a transaction on tab
In session B I attempt to add a constraint to the table.
SQL> alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name);
alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expire
So I'd have to try again. But instead if you precede your DDL with a LOCK ... EXCLUSIVE (WAIT)
SQL> lock table tab in exclusive mode;
-- indefinite period while the session A transaction blocks session B
Then session A commits or rolls back
SQL> commit;
Session B immediately continues when we see the lock command return Table(s) locked
Table(s) Locked.
SQL> alter table tab add constraint uk_name unique(name);
Table altered. (**comment Lock is released by the implicit commit issued the DDL statement)
Since the DDL statement releases the lock, each DDL will need to be preceded with a fresh LOCK statement. If you want to use this, I recommend adding a timeout (as suggested in comments by Justin). Lets wait up to a minute before giving up.
SQL> lock table tab in exclusive mode WAIT 60;
Although if this is an unattended script on a busy database, I'd probably go with something more than 60 seconds. Just log everything to a spool file, and check the log later for errors.
Anything more than this sort of maintenance probably requires that you quiesce your database first, else just deal with the contention on a case by case basis.

Not able to insert the same record after connection interruption

I was inserting some records in the production table ,while doing that before commit ,I lost the production connection and none of the record got inserted.
Now when I am trying to insert the same record ,the sql plus is getting hanged and data is not getting saved.
But when I tried for other record which I was not inserted ,those records are getting inserted.
I have checked the table again ,for availability of data.Those previous data has not stored anywhere.
SQL plus is not generating any error also ,so that I can check the error and try to rectify.
Can anyone please help me to analyse and troubleshoot the problem.
while inserting in oracle the connection has lost now I am not able to add the same data
If your SQL/Plus session hangs, it's probably being blocked by your previous session. To find the offending session, you can use (requires DBA privileges):
select * from v$lock where block = 1
This should give you the session ID of the blocking session. Now you can run
select * from v$session
and check whether the session ID returned by the first query indeed belongs to your previous session. To kill the session, use the command
alter system kill session '<SID>,<serial#>'

Is a deadlock possible when updating and deleting different rows in a table?

In Oracle 10+ versions, can update and delete on the same table cause deadlocks even if they are operating on different rows of same table concurrently?
The table has primary key made-up of two columns, and do not have any FK associated/refereed with any other table. And there is no parent/child relation with other table
What I believe is, it will not create a deadlock, but I'm facing a issue in my application.
adding the oracle trace :
The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a deadlock due to user error in the design of an application or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following information may aid in determining the deadlock:
Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds waits
TX-0007003e-0081d6c3 45 790 X 104 20 X
TX-00080043-0085e6be 104 20 X 45 790 X
session 790: DID 0001-002D-000035F9 session 20: DID 0001-0068-000007F6
session 20: DID 0001-0068-000007F6 session 790: DID 0001-002D-000035F9
Rows waited on:
Session 790: obj - rowid = 0000F0C8 - AAAPDIAAMAAAEfIAAA
(dictionary objn - 61640, file - 12, block - 18376, slot - 0)
Session 20: obj - rowid = 0000F0C8 - AAAPDIAAMAAAEfGAAA
(dictionary objn - 61640, file - 12, block - 18374, slot - 0)
----- Information for the OTHER waiting sessions ----- Session 20:
sid: 20 ser: 4225 audsid: 57496371 user: 72/RPT_TABLE
flags: (0x45) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-
flags2: (0x40009) -/-/INC
pid: 104 O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 20798
image: oracle#caidb10p-node1
client details:
O/S info: user: gtsgen, term: unknown, ospid: 1234
machine: program: JDBC Thin Client
application name: JDBC Thin Client, hash value=2546894660
current SQL:
delete from RPT_TABLE.TEMP_TABLE_T1 where TEMP_T1_ID=:1
----- End of information for the OTHER waiting sessions -----
Information for THIS session:
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=bsaxpc2bdps9q) ----- UPDATE RPT_TABLE.TEMP_TABLE_T1 temp1 SET temp1.CLIENT_ID = (SELECT MIN(INVMAP.CLIENT_ID) FROM LI_REF.REF_CLIENT_MAP INVMAP WHERE INVMAP.F_CODE = :B2 AND INVMAP.AID = temp1.ID AND temp1.R_ID=:B1 )
----- PL/SQL Stack -----
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
object line object
handle number name
45887d750 24 procedure RPT_TABLE.T1_UPDATE_StoredProc
6399ba188 1 anonymous block
If you could update your question with the deadlock graph, that would be useful information. (When your application encounters a deadlock, Oracle will raise an ORA-00060, and a tracefile will be written to the user_dump_dest.) If you look in the trace file, you'll find a section called the "Deadlock Graph". If you can post that, and also post the statement that caused the deadlock and other statements involved in the deadlock, then we can begin to draw some conclusions. (All the information I requested is available in the trace file.)
As Alessandro mentioned, it's possible for sessions locking different rows in the same table to deadlock due to unindexed foreign keys on the child table of a parent/child relationship. Also, It's possible that you could have deadlocks on two sessions updating different rows of the same table, even if the table is not part of a parent/child relationship, if, for example, the table has a shortage of ITL entries.
Again, post the information requested above, and I'm confident we can determine the root cause of your deadlock.
Added on 7/30/2012 **
Adding the following, now that the deadlock trace file has been supplied:
Ok, first off, based on the trace file contents, this is a simple deadlock due to sessions overlapping/colliding on the rows they are trying to lock. Despite your previous comments about the deadlock being on different rows, I'm here to tell you that this particular deadlock is due to row-level locking on the same rows.
The fact that the deadlock graph shows mode the lock is held in is 'X' (exclusive) and the mode the lock is waited on is 'X', tells me this is simple row-level locking.
In this case, SID 20 is executing "delete from RPT_TABLE.TEMP_TABLE_T1 where TEMP_T1_ID=:1" and already has a lock on rowid AAAPDIAAMAAAEfIAAA.
Meanwhile, SID 790 is executing "RPT_TABLE.T1_UPDATE_StoredProc", while already holding a lock on rowid AAAPDIAAMAAAEfGAAA.
Note from the "Rows waited on" section of the tracefile, that SID 20 is waiting on the row that SID 790 holds and SID 790 is waiting on the row that SID 20 is holding. This is a classic deadlock.
Some additional information:
Enqueue type is TX (see the deadlock graph), so, this is definitely not locking due to unindexed foreign keys. If it were locking due to unindexed FKs, the enqueue type would be TM, not TX. (There is at least one other case where TM enqueues are involved, and it's not unindexed FKs. So, don't assume that TM enqueue always means unindexed FKs.)
The mode the lock is being waited on is 'X' (exclusive), so this is row-level locking. If the mode waited on was 'S' (shared), then it would not be row-level locking. Rather, it could be ITL shortage or PK or UK enforcement.
Hope that helps!
I don't know if you have foreign keys involved in your application but it could probably be the source of your locks. If so take a look at these links:
Oracle Database maximizes the concurrency control of parent keys in relation to dependent foreign keys. Locking behaviour depends on whether foreign key columns are indexed. If foreign keys are not indexed, then the child table will probably be locked more frequently, deadlocks will occur, and concurrency will be decreased. For this reason foreign keys should almost always be indexed. The only exception is when the matching unique or primary key is never updated or deleted.
Locks and Unindexed Foreign Keys
When both of the following conditions are true, the database acquires a full table lock on the child table:
No index exists on the foreign key column of the child table.
A session modifies a primary key in the parent table (for example, deletes a row or modifies primary key attributes) or merges rows into the parent table. Inserts into the parent table do not acquire table locks on the child table.
If this is not your case try to provide more informations about it. Tell us about the Kind of locks Holden/requested by the sessions and take a look at the system tables V$LOCK, V$LOCKED_OBJECT, DBA_DDL_LOCKS, DBA_DML_LOCKS or V$SESSION_WAIT.
