How can I Bold one Word in a Line in iText 7? - itext7

I can set text bold using iText 7 like so:
parExecSummHeader2.Add(new Text(subj).SetBold());
...but when I try to combine a "normal" (non-bolded) bit of text with a bolded part, it doesn't work. I have this, which prints the line all "regular" (no bold):
parExecSummHeader2.Add("Average words per sentence (the general average is 15 - 20): " + Math.Round(WordsPerSentenceInDoc, 2).ToString());
...but want to make the calculated value bold. I tried both this:
parExecSummHeader2.Add("Average words per sentence (the general average is 15 - 20): ");
parExecSummHeader2.Add(new Text(Math.Round(WordsPerSentenceInDoc, 2).ToString().SetBold()));
...and this:
parExecSummHeader2.Add("Average words per sentence (the general average is 15 - 20): ");
string mathval = Math.Round(WordsPerSentenceInDoc, 2).ToString();
parExecSummHeader2.Add(new Text(mathval.SetBold()));
...but they both won't compile, complaining, "Error CS1061 'string' does not contain a definition for 'SetBold' and no accessible extension method 'SetBold' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found"

Shorter option which may result in not perfect quality of text rendering because bold simulation is used instead of a proper bold font:
Paragraph parExecSummHeader2 = new Paragraph();
parExecSummHeader2.Add("Average words per sentence (the general average is 15 - 20): ");
parExecSummHeader2.Add(new Text("123").SetBold());
Option with more code but better output quality because the proper bold font is use:
PdfFont boldFont = PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.HELVETICA_BOLD);
Paragraph parExecSummHeader2 = new Paragraph();
parExecSummHeader2.Add("Average words per sentence (the general average is 15 - 20): ");
parExecSummHeader2.Add(new Text("123").SetFont(boldFont));

For iText 7:
public static final Font HELVETICA_BOLD =
new Font(FontFamily.HELVETICA, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLUE);
new Text("MyText").setFontColor(Color.BLUE)
You have some more details examples here
For iText 5:
public const string DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "Arial";
public static Font SmallFontBold
BaseColor black = new BaseColor(0, 0, 0);
Font font = FontFactory.GetFont(DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, 10, Font.BOLD, black);
return font;
Phrase aPh = new Phrase("My Bold", SmallFontBold);
And from here, you can try to use it combined.


In InDesign, is there a way to bold a whole word that has one bold character?

I'm working on an index in InDesign. Some of the page numbers are in bold, others are in italics or regular. During editing, somehow the first numbers of some of the bold page numbers got changed. I've figured out how to highlight those page numbers by coloring the bold numbers and recoloring the page numbers that are correct using a GREP search for bold words (\b\w+\b). What I can't figure out is how to select the "bad" page numbers that have only some numbers and make the entire "word" bold. Any ideas? It would be nice not to have to fix them manually.
I just tried this on a document and added a few numbers that were only partially bold.
I was able to fix it by doing a search for only digits with (\b\d+\b), changing all to $1. I left find format blank and change format to regular font. This changed all numbers to regular with no mixed bold and regular.
After that you can run the same find and replace again but switching format to bold. This will change all numbers to be fully bold.
It heavily depends on the text you have. If it's just one first digit that need to change, if you don't use character styles, if you have no digits in your body text, if the font you're using has the common names for styles, if ... there is a lot of 'if's, actually. I'd recommend to share a sample of your file (IDML).
So, here is the script that could do the job (if all of those "if"'s are true):
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var styles = doc.characterStyles;
// STEP 1 -- apply style1 (regular) to all regular numbers \d\d+
var style1 = styles.add(); = 'digits_regular';
style1.fontStyle = 'Regular';
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '\\b\\d\\d+'; // two or more digits
app.findGrepPreferences.fontStyle = 'Regular';
app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = '$0';
app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = style1;
// STEP 2 -- apply style2 (italic) to all italic numbers \d\d+
var style2 = styles.add(); = 'digits_italic';
style2.fontStyle = 'Italic';
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '\\b\\d\\d+';
app.findGrepPreferences.fontStyle = 'Italic';
app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = '$0';
app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = style2;
// STEP 3 -- apply style3 (bold) to all unstyled numbers
var style3 = styles.add(); = 'digits_bold';
style3.fontStyle = 'Bold';
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '\\b\\d\\d+';
app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = styles[0]; // syle '[None]'
app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = '$0';
app.changeGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = style3;
// clean prefs
app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
Then you can remove the character styles you don't need them. But I'd recommend to use styles. They make the life easier exactly in such cases.
It's much easier to use the Find/Change interface in Indesign.

MigraDoc Formatting

I am completely new to PDF creation including MigraDoc. I have gotten this far, which is really close to what I want for now. My question is that the text string (myMessage) that I pass to the "bodyParagraph" is up to 100 lines long, which causes three pages to be created, which is good. However the first page's Top margin is slightly greater than the second and third pages. I have no idea of why...
Basically, I am trying to create every page the same. Same header, footer and the body to take the same space regardless of the number of lines in the "bodyParagraph" content. If I have taken the completely wrong approach I would be open to suggestions.
Also, if there is a good tutorial to point me to that would be great. I can't really find anything but samples. I have learned everything from the samples, but sections, paragraph, etc is all new to me and I would like to get a better understanding of what I've done.
public static Document CreateWorkOrderPDF2(Document document, string filename, string WorkOrderHeader, string myMessage)
Section section = document.AddSection();
section.PageSetup.PageFormat = PageFormat.Letter;
section.PageSetup.StartingNumber = 1;
section.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 40;
//Sets the height of the top margin
section.PageSetup.TopMargin = 100;
section.PageSetup.RightMargin = 40;
section.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 40;
HeaderFooter header = section.Headers.Primary;
header.Format.Font.Size = 16;
header.Format.Font.Color = Colors.DarkBlue;
MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Shapes.Image headerImage = header.AddImage("../../Fonts/castorgate.regular.png");
headerImage.Width = "2cm";
Paragraph headerParagraph = section.AddParagraph();
headerParagraph = header.AddParagraph(WorkOrderHeader);
Paragraph bodyParagraph = section.AddParagraph();
bodyParagraph = section.AddParagraph(myMessage);
bodyParagraph.Format.Font.Size = 10;
bodyParagraph.Format.Font.Color = Colors.DarkRed;
//paragraph.Format.Distancne = "3cm";
Paragraph renderDate = section.AddParagraph();
renderDate = section.AddParagraph("Work Order Generated: ");
return document;
The line Paragraph bodyParagraph = section.AddParagraph(); adds an empty paragraph. I assume that is the extra space on the first page.
Same issue with renderDate in the following code block.
Just remove the calls section.AddParagraph() to remove the empty paragraphs if you don't want them.
MigraDoc is much like Word and understanding sections, paragraphs, &c. in Word will also help you with MigraDoc. That knowledge along with the samples and IntelliSense should get you going.
You can use MigraDoc to create an RTF file, open the RTF in Word, and click the pilcrow to show formatting characters in Word.

Something strange with positioning text with custom font in Itext7

I'm working on a program that creates several pdf docs and puts different text in the same location in them.
Text should be placed in a particular area and if it doesn't fit it in width it should wrap. It also has a custom font and may be differently aligned in that area. It should be Vertically aligned to Top because when the area is laid out for three lines and I has only one, it should appear on the top. Finally, I need to preserve leading on the level of font-size.
It is important to be precise in text positioning (e.g. I need an upper left corner of "H" from "Hello world" to appear definitely at 0, 100).
Now, I'm using
canvas.showTextAligned(paragraph, 0, 300,
However, when I try to implement it with different fonts it has a various offset from desired y = 300. Moreover, offset differ from font to font. For Helvetica (everywhere 50 fontSize is used) offset is about 13 px, for Oswald about 17 px and for SedgwickAveDisplay it is massive 90 px.
I added borders to paragraph for debugging purpose and things become more strange.
The full snippet of my code to create pdf is below:
public byte[] createBadgeInMemory(int i) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfDocument newPdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(out));
PdfPage page = newPdf.getFirstPage();
PdfCanvas pdfCanvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(pdfCanvas, newPdf, pageSize);
File defaultFont = new File("src/main/resources/fonts/Helvetica.otf");
PdfFont font = PdfFontFactory
.createFont(fontPath == null ? defaultFont.getAbsolutePath() : fontPath,
PdfEncodings.IDENTITY_H, true);
String value = "Example word";
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(value);
float textWidth = font.getWidth("Example", 50);
switch (alignment) {
textWidth /= 2;
textWidth = 0;
.setFontColor(new DeviceRgb(red, green, blue))
paragraph.setBorderTop(new DashedBorder(Color.BLACK, 0.5f))
.setBorderBottom(new DashedBorder(Color.BLACK, 0.5f))
.setBorderRight(new DashedBorder(Color.BLACK, 0.5f));
paragraph.setHyphenation(new HyphenationConfig(0,
0 + textWidth,
return out.toByteArray();
I also tried variant from here, but for some reason text inside rectangle cuts out at some point (for instance, if I have area width 100px and text snippet I put in that I know occupies exactly 100 px (with the help of font.getWidth(value)), I have my text cut at nearly 80 px).
I also haven't found a way to align text inside a rectangle.
This is the result with Rectangle. A solid border is Rectangle border. As you can see it cuts letter "t" in "Redundant". It also should contain "word" on the second line, but it doesn't.
I copied code from an example.
I need your help. What am I doing wrong or may be there is another way to layout text in particular area with alignment and font?
Thank you in advance.
Update 21.09.17
Also tried variant from this question with SedgwickAveDisplay:
paragraph.setFixedPosition( 0, 300 - textHeight, "Example".length());
The result is the same as on the second screenshot.
This is a font-specific problem. iText guesses information about font glyphs, namely the bboxes incorrectly.
There is a quick and dirty method to adjust this behavior. You can create a custom renderer for text and adjust the calculated positions in it. An example of such a class would be as follows:
class CustomTextRenderer extends TextRenderer {
private CustomTextRenderer(Text text) {
public LayoutResult layout(LayoutContext layoutContext) {
LayoutResult result = super.layout(layoutContext);
Rectangle oldBbox = this.occupiedArea.getBBox().clone();
// you can also make the height more than font size or less if needed
this.occupiedArea.setBBox(oldBbox.moveUp(oldBbox.getHeight() - fontSize).setHeight(fontSize));
yLineOffset = fontSize * 0.8f; // here you config the proportion of the ascender
return result;
public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
return new CustomTextRenderer((Text) modelElement);
In order that new rendering logic to be applied, you have to use it in the following way:
Text text = new Text(value);
text.setNextRenderer(new CustomTextRenderer(text));
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(text);
Please note that you have to be very careful with this kind of low-level layouting, be aware of you are doing and use this as seldom as possible.
Finally, I created a variant that worked for me.
.setFontAndSize(font, fontSize)
.moveText(0, 300);
numberOfLines = 0;
sumOfShifts = 0;
float maxWidth = computeStringWidth("Exaxple");
String[] words = value.split("\\s");
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
float spaceWidth = computeStringWidth(" ") ;
float lineWidth;
for (int index = 1; index < words.length; index++) {
String word = words[index];
float wordWidth = computeStringWidth(word) ;
lineWidth = computeStringWidth(line.toString()) ;
if (lineWidth + spaceWidth + wordWidth <= maxWidth) {
line.append(" ").append(word);
} else {
showTextAligned(alignment, pdfCanvas, line.toString(), lineWidth, maxWidth);
line.delete(0, line.length());
if(line.length() != 0) {
lineWidth = computeStringWidth(line.toString()) ;
showTextAligned(alignment, pdfCanvas, line.toString(), lineWidth, maxWidth);
As computeStringWidth(String str) I used
Toolkit.getToolkit().getFontLoader().computeStringWidth(String str, Font font);
from import with Font from javafx.scene.text.Font. I've chosen it because I use it in other parts of my app.
showTextAligned(...) is my own method that looks this way:
private void showTextAligned(String alignment,
PdfCanvas pdfCanvas,
String line,
float lineWidth,
float maxWidth) {
switch (alignment) {
case "CENTER": {
float shift = (maxWidth - lineWidth) / 2 - sumOfShifts;
pdfCanvas.moveText(shift, 0);
if(numberOfLines == 0) pdfCanvas.showText(line);
else pdfCanvas.newlineShowText(line);
sumOfShifts += shift;
case "RIGHT": {
float shift = maxWidth - lineWidth - sumOfShifts;
pdfCanvas.moveText(shift, 0);
if(numberOfLines == 0) pdfCanvas.showText(line);
else pdfCanvas.newlineShowText(line);
sumOfShifts += shift;
pdfCanvas.moveText(0, 0);
if(numberOfLines == 0) pdfCanvas.showText(line);
else pdfCanvas.newlineShowText(line);
In my project, I used my variant, because it gives me an opportunity to work with hyphenation deeper (for instance, I can in future add functionality to avoid putting prepositions as a last word in the line).

iText - Adding external image using Chunk

I am new to iText and faced with a real interesting case about adding external images to a paragraph. Here is the thing:
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("out2.pdf"));;
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
Image img = Image.getInstance("blablabla.jpg");
img.setAlignment(Image.LEFT| Image.TEXTWRAP);
// Notice the image added to the Paragraph through a Chunk
p.add(new Chunk(img2, 0, 0, true));
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Hello Worlddd!");
gives me the picture and "Hello Worlddd!" string below. However,
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("out2.pdf"));;
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
Image img = Image.getInstance("blablabla.jpg");
img.setAlignment(Image.LEFT| Image.TEXTWRAP);
// Notice the image added directly to the Paragraph
Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Hello Worlddd!");
gives me the picture and string "Hello worlddd!" located on the right hand side of the picture and one line above it.
What is the logic behind that difference?
The behaviour you described is because in the second code snippet the Paragraph doesn't adjust its leading, but adjust its width. If in the second snippet you add the line
p.add("Hello world 1")
just before
you'll see the string "Hello world 1" on the left and a little bit above the string "Hello Worlddd!". If you output the leading of p (System.out.println(p.getLeading()) you can see it's a low number (typically 16) and not the height of the image.
In the first example you use the chunk constructor with 4 arguments
new Chunk(img, 0, 0, true)
with the last (true) saying to adjust the leading, so it print as you expected.
If you add an image directly, its alignment properties (set with
setAlignment()) are taken into account. So the image is on the left (Image.LEFT) and the text is wrapped around (Image.TEXTWRAP).
If you wrap the image in a Chunk it is handled as if it were a chunk of
text. So the alignment properties, specific to images, are lost. This results in the text being below the image.
If you try Image.RIGHT, this becomes more apparent. Nothing changes in the first example: the image is still on the left. In the second example, the image is aligned to the right and the text is wrapped left of it.

ZPL - zebra: print justified text block without overwriting last line

I'm using the following command to print a justified text:
The command ^FB1800,3,0,J prints a field block in a width of 1800 dots, maximum 3 lines, justified.
The problem is that if the text exceeds the maximum number of lines, it overwrites the last line! :( That of course makes the text of the last line unreadable.
How can I avoid that? Does anybody know if is there a way to cut the exceeding text?
The documentation says exactly that this happens:
Text exceeding the maximum number of lines overwrites the last line. Changing the font size automatically increases or decreases the size of the block.
For reference: I'm using printer Zebra 220Xi4.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Take a look at the ^TB command. It is preferred over the ^FB command and truncates if the text exceeds the size defined in the TB params
I had just about the same problem, what fixed it in my case - although not the most elegant way - is to specify a higher number of maximum lines, and then formatting it in a way that only the first 3 are in the visible area.
In your case it would be for example ^FB1800,7,0,J instead of ^FB1800,3,0,J
This at least fixed it for me right away, because I print this text at the bottom of the label. If you need to have it somewhere in the middle or top, there might be some tricks with putting a (white) box on top of the overflow-area, since the Zebra printers seem to render before printing. Hope it helps.
Depending on the higher-level programming language you're using (assuming that you are), you could accomplish the same thing (truncate the text to be printed to a specified number of characters) with code like this (C# shown here):
public void PrintLabel(string price, string description, string barcode)
const int MAX_CAPS_DESC_LEN = 21;
const int MAX_LOWERCASE_DESC_LEN = 32;
bool descAllUpper = HHSUtils.IsAllUpper(description);
if (descAllUpper)
if (description.Length > MAX_CAPS_DESC_LEN)
description = description.Substring(0, MAX_CAPS_DESC_LEN);
else // not all upper
if (description.Length > MAX_LOWERCASE_DESC_LEN)
description = description.Substring(0, MAX_LOWERCASE_DESC_LEN);
. . .
This is what I'm using; is there any reason to prefer the "raw" ^TB command over this?
