Laravel Project Image Uploadings path error in CPanel - laravel

i have uploaded my laravel project into the cpanel. but image upload function does not work correct that means, image path should be created on public_html/properties but those are created on project directory /public/properties.


unable to load images from storage path on shared hosting in laravel 9 and laravel voyager admin

i have a project in laravel 9 with laravel voyager admin panel. my problem is when i am using CLI to launch the app everything is fine but when i upload my website to shared hosting of htdocs (in case of localhost) images from storage folder is not loaded.
You need to locate your photo in the public access folder read Voyager documentation and also you need to keep your statice photo in the separate folder

Image Not Found 404 But Image Path Correctly in Laravel

I copy project laravel to new hosting and new domain, its working fine. But the problem is when i upload new image, that image successfully upload to file storage/app/public/upload/folder, but that image not showing on page. See below image
You need to run: php artisan storage:link
to link storage to public folder

how to upload laravel project to subdomain with database

I try to upload laravel project on subdomain, upload whole folder on subdomain and move public folder to main directory and change in index file but show directory of laravel folder.

How to Change File Upload Path in Voyager

I have a application created using Laravel and Voyager Admin Panel when I run my application on localhost voyager uploaded image save in project/public/storage but when I deploye my Project to shared hosting voyager files uploading to project/storage/app/public so how can I fix this issue?
Then change your file system as below:
replace the first file ecosystem local to public
and then below down change your public disk URL location to storage/app/public or whatever you want.

how I can change the upload path from laravel ntervention image

I want change the path upload from laravel 5.4 intervention image, now the images upload to (public) folder, I want change it.
