adjacent involving first and last element, Prolog - prolog

HI I would like to know how a method that finds out if two members of a list in Prolog are adjacent as the catch is that the first and the last elements are checked if they are adjacent something like
would give yes they are adjacent. I already have this code
adjacent(X, Y, [X,Y|_]).
adjacent(X, Y, [_|Tail]) :-
adjacent(X, Y, Tail).
but I do not know how to include the head of the list and the last elments as well being compared for being adjacent. If you are really good maybe you can tell me also how it is possible to make something like this
to be true I mean the elements are adjacent no matter which exactly is first.

You can make use of last/2 predicate [swi-doc] to obtain the last element of the list. But you can not use this in the recursive call, since otherwise it will each element in the list pair with the last element as well.
The trick is to make a helper predicate for the recursive part, and then make the adjacent/3 predicate to call the recursive one you wrote yourself, or one where we match with the last element:
adjacent(X, Y, L) :-
adj(X, Y, L).
adjacent(X, Y, [Y|T]) :-
last(T, X).
adj(X, Y, [X,Y|_]).
adj(X, Y, [_|T]) :-
adj(X, Y, T).

Relations about lists can often be described with a Definite Clause Grammar dcg.
A first attempt might be:
adjacent(A, B, L) :-
phrase(adjacent(A, B), L). % interface to DCG
adjacent(A,B) -->
..., ( [A,B] | [B,A] ), ... .
... --> [] | [_], ... .
Yet, this leaves out cases like adjacent(a,d,[a,b,c,d]). One possibility would be to add another rule, or maybe simply extend the list to be considered.
adjacent(A, B, L) :-
L = [E,_|_],
append(L, [E], M),
phrase(adjacent(A, B), L).


I have defined multiple predicates that seem to share a common form

All of these predicates are defined in pretty much the same way. The base case is defined for the empty list. For non-empty lists we unify in the head of the clause when a certain predicate holds, but do not unify if that predicate does not hold. These predicates look too similar for me to think it is a coincidence. Is there a name for this, or a defined abstraction?
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :-
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :-
\+ member(X,Ys),
without_duplicates([X|Xs],[X|Acc]) :-
\+ member(X,Acc),
without_duplicates([X|Xs],Acc) :-
difference([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :-
\+ member(X,Ys),
difference([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :-
delete(E,[X|Xs],[X|Ans]) :-
E \= X,
delete(E,[X|Xs],Ans) :-
E = X,
There is an abstraction for "keep elements in list for which condition holds".
The names are inclide, exclude. There is a library for those in SWI-Prolog that you can use or copy. Your predicates intersect/3, difference/3, and delete/3 would look like this:
:- use_module(library(apply)).
intersect(L1, L2, L) :-
include(member_in(L1), L2, L).
difference(L1, L2, L) :-
exclude(member_in(L2), L1, L).
member_in(List, Member) :-
memberchk(Member, List).
delete(E, L1, L) :-
exclude(=(E), L1, L).
But please take a look at the implementation of include/3 and exclude/3, here:
Also in SWI-Prolog, in another library, there are versions of those predicates called intersection/3, subtract/3, delete/3:
Those are similar in spirit to your solutions.
Your next predicate, without_duplicates, cannot be re-written like that with include/3 or exclude/3. Your implementation doesn't work, either. Try even something easy, like:
?- without_duplicates([a,b], L).
What happens?
But yeah, it is not the same as the others. To implement it correctly, depending on whether you need the original order or not.
If you don't need to keep the initial order, you can simply sort; this removes duplicates. Like this:
?- sort(List_with_duplicates, No_duplicates).
If you want to keep the original order, you need to pass the accumulated list to the recursive call.
without_duplicates([], []).
without_duplicates([H|T], [H|Result]) :-
without_duplicates_1(T, [H], Result).
without_duplicates_1([], _, []).
without_duplicates_1([H|T], Seen0, Result) :-
( memberchk(H, Seen0)
-> Seen = Seen0 , Result = Result0
; Seen = [H|Seen0], Result = [H|Result0]
without_duplicates_1(T, Seen, Result0).
You could get rid of one argument if you use a DCG:
without_duplicates([], []).
without_duplicates([H|T], [H|No_duplicates]) :-
phrase(no_dups(T, [H]), No_duplicates).
no_dups([], _) --> [].
no_dups([H|T], Seen) -->
{ memberchk(H, Seen) },
no_dups(T, Seen).
no_dups([H|T], Seen) -->
no_dups(T, [H|Seen]).
Well, these are the "while loops" of Prolog on the one hand, and the inductive definitions of mathematical logic on the other hand (See also: Logic Programming, Functional Programming, and Inductive Definitions, Lawrence C. Paulson, Andrew W. Smith, 2001), so it's not surprising to find them multiple times in a program - syntactically similar, with slight deviations.
In this case, you just have a binary decision - whether something is the case or not - and you "branch" (or rather, decide to not fail the body and press on with the selected clause) on that. The "guard" (the test which supplements the head unification), in this case member(X,Ys) or \+ member(X,Ys) is a binary decision (it also is exhaustive, i.e. covers the whole space of possible X)
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Acc]) :- % if the head could unify with the goal
member(X,Ys), % then additionally check that ("guard")
(...action...). % and then do something
intersect([X|Xs],Ys,Acc) :- % if the head could unify with the goal
\+ member(X,Ys), % then additionally check that ("guard")
(...action...). % and then do something
Other applications may need the equivalent of a multiple-decision switch statement here, and so N>2 clauses may have to be written instead of 2.
foo(X) :-
foo(X) :-
foo(X) :-
% inefficient pseudocode for the case where Set1, Set2, Set3
% do not cover the whole range of X. Such a predicate may or
% may not be necessary; the default behaviour would be "failure"
% of foo/1 if this clause does not exist:
foo(X) :-
\+ (member(X,Set1);member(X,Set2);member(X,Set3)),
Use memberchk/2 (which fails or succeeds-once) instead of member/2 (which fails or succeeds-and-then-tries-to-succeed-again-for-the-rest-of-the-set) to make the program deterministic in its decision whether member(X,L).
Similarly, "cut" after the clause guard to tell Prolog that if a guard of one clause succeeds, there is no point in trying the other clauses because they will all turn out false: member(X,Ys),!,...
Finally, use term comparison == and \== instead of unification = or unification failure \= for delete/3.

How can I unify this list instead of just adding more variables to it?

I'm doing a project in college and I'm trying to use Prolog, in this case I have to run trough the elements of the list three by three, but I've not been successful at unifying the list with the correct variables (X, Y, Z) and my program keeps adding more and more variables to the list.
aplica_R1_fila_aux(Fila, N_Fila) :-
copia(Fila, N_Fila).
aplica_R1_fila_aux(Fila, [X,Y,Z|T]) :-
aplica_R1_Triplo([X,Y,Z], F),
aplica_R1_fila_aux(Fila, T).
This code it should copy the list Fila to N_Fila then unify [X,Y,Z|T] with N_Fila and change the list but instead it just keeps adding variables to N_Fila.
The main trick you need to make this work is that you can use call/N with varying numbers of arguments. So once you have peeled off X, Y and Z, you can obtain the result of your Goal against them with call(Goal, X, Y, Z, Result).
There are several ways to do this, but I would prefer to just make three sublists and recur on all three of them. When the rightmost one is exhausted, you are done recurring. This gives you fewer base cases to worry about (lists with no, one or two elements do not need to be handled separately) and there are no cuts so your code will wind up looking like this:
map3(Goal, [X,Y,Z|L], Solutions) :-
map3(Goal, [X,Y,Z|L], [Y,Z|L], [Z|L], Solutions).
map3(_, _, _, [], []).
map3(Goal, [X|XR], [Y|YR], [Z|ZR], [R|Rest]) :-
call(Goal, X, Y, Z, R),
map3(Goal, XR, YR, ZR, Rest).
This could also be solved without the helper predicate, but there was something that offended me about it and this really shouldn't be much worse in terms of expense, so this is the way I went.
With a dummy goal of foo(X,Y,Z, foo(X,Y,Z)), I got this example query and result:
?- map3(foo, [a,b,c,d,e,f], Result).
Result = [foo(a, b, c), foo(b, c, d), foo(c, d, e), foo(d, e, f)] ;
I think this is basically what you are trying to get, let me know if I can clarify anything.

Adding to a list of lists in Prolog

I am currently attempting to write a Prolog program which will add a given character to the end of a list. The list's I want to append are elements within a list. This is what I currently have.
extends(X, [], []).
extends(X, [[Head]|Lists], Y):-
append([X], [Head], Y),
extends(X, Lists, [Y]).
Here I'm attempting to concatenate X and Head, storing it in Y. However I want Y to be a list of lists, so when it repeats the process again the next concatenation will be stored also in Y. So at the end of the program Y would store the results of all the concatenations. I would want the result to look like as follows.
?- extends(a, [[b,c], [d,e,f], [x,y,z]], Y).
Y = [[b,c,a], [d,e,f,a], [x,y,z,a]].
Could anyone help me out with this?
You want to apply some operation to corresponding elements of two lists. That operation talks about lists itself. It's easy to get confused with the nested levels of lists, so let's try not to think in those terms. Instead, define first a predicate that does the extension of one list:
element_list_extended(Element, List, Extended) :-
append(List, [Element], Extended).
This behaves as follows, using cases from your example:
?- element_list_extended(a, [b, c], Extended).
Extended = [b, c, a].
?- element_list_extended(a, List, [x, y, z, a]).
List = [x, y, z] ;
Looks good so far. All we need to do is to apply this operation to corresponding elements of two lists:
extends(_Element, [], []).
extends(Element, [Xs | Xss], [Ys | Yss]) :-
element_list_extended(Element, Xs, Ys),
extends(Element, Xss, Yss).
And this works:
?- extends(a, [[b,c], [d,e,f], [x,y,z]], Y).
Y = [[b, c, a], [d, e, f, a], [x, y, z, a]] ;
The key to making it work was to decompose the problem into two parts and to solve those simpler parts separately.
Now, if we like, since the definition of element_list_extended/3 is a single clause containing a single goal, we might decide to do without it and inline its definition into extends/3:
extends(_Element, [], []).
extends(Element, [Xs | Xss], [Ys | Yss]) :-
append(Xs, [Element], Ys),
extends(Element, Xss, Yss).
As you can see, you were quite close! You just had some superfluous brackets because you got confused about list nesting. That's precisely where decomposing the problem helps.
(As the other answer said, SWI-Prolog has some useful libraries that allow you to express even this in even shorter code.)
extends(PostFix, ListIn, ListOut) :-
maplist({PostFix}/[In,Out]>>append(In,[PostFix],Out),ListIn, ListOut).
This is using library(yall) a maplist/3 and append/3.

Prolog - count occurrence of number

I want to write predicate which can count all encountered number:
count(1, [1,0,0,1,0], X).
X = 2.
I tried to write it like:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- count(Num, T, X1), Num = H, X is X1 + 1.
Why doesn't work it?
Why doesn't work it?
Prolog is a programming language that often can answer such question directly. Look how I tried out your definition starting with your failing query:
?- count(1, [1,0,0,1,0], X).
?- count(1, Xs, X).
Xs = [], X = 0
; Xs = [1], X = 1
; Xs = [1,1], X = 2
; Xs = [1,1,1], X = 3
; ... .
?- Xs = [_,_,_], count(1, Xs, X).
Xs = [1,1,1], X = 3.
So first I realized that the query does not work at all, then I generalized the query. I replaced the big list by a variable Xs and said: Prolog, fill in the blanks for me! And Prolog did this and reveals us precisely the cases when it will succeed.
In fact, it only succeeds with lists of 1s only. That is odd. Your definition is too restricted - it correctly counts the 1s in lists where there are only ones, but all other lists are rejected. #coder showed you how to extend your definition.
Here is another one using library(reif) for
SICStus|SWI. Alternatively, see tfilter/3.
count(X, Xs, N) :-
tfilter(=(X), Xs, Ys),
length(Ys, N).
A definition more in the style of the other definitions:
count(_, [], 0).
count(E, [X|Xs], N0) :-
if_(E = X, C = 1, C = 0),
count(E, Xs, N1),
N0 is N1+C.
And now for some more general uses:
How does a four element list look like that has 3 times a 1 in it?
?- length(L, 4), count(1, L, 3).
L = [1,1,1,_A], dif(1,_A)
; L = [1,1,_A,1], dif(1,_A)
; L = [1,_A,1,1], dif(1,_A)
; L = [_A,1,1,1], dif(1,_A)
; false.
So the remaining element must be something different from 1.
That's the fine generality Prolog offers us.
The problem is that as stated by #lurker if condition (or better unification) fails then the predicate will fail. You could make another clause for this purpose, using dif/2 which is pure and defined in the iso:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- dif(Num,H), count(Num, T, X).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num = H, count(Num, T, X1), X is X1 + 1.
The above is not the most efficient solution since it leaves many choice points but it is a quick and correct solution.
You simply let the predicate fail at the unification Num = X. Basically, it's like you don't accept terms which are different from the only one you are counting.
I propose to you this simple solution which uses tail recursion and scans the list in linear time. Despite the length, it's very efficient and elegant, it exploits declarative programming techniques and the backtracking of the Prolog engine.
count(C, L, R) :-
count(C, L, 0, R).
count(_, [], Acc, Acc).
count(C, [C|Xr], Acc, R) :-
IncAcc is Acc + 1,
count(C, Xr, IncAcc, R).
count(C, [X|Xr], Acc, R) :-
dif(X, C),
count(C, Xr, Acc, R).
count/3 is the launcher predicate. It takes the term to count, the list and gives to you the result value.
The first count/4 is the basic case of the recursion.
The second count/4 is executed when the head of the list is unified with the term you are looking for.
The third count/4 is reached upon backtracking: If the term doesn’t match, the unification fails, you won't need to increment the accumulator.
Acc allows you to scan the entire list propagating the partial result of the recursive processing. At the end you simply have to return it.
I solved it myself:
count(_, [], 0).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num \= H, count(Num, T, X).
count(Num, [H|T], X) :- Num = H, count(Num, T, X1), X is X1 + 1.
I have decided to add my solution to the list here.
Other solutions here use either explicit unification/failure to unify, or libraries/other functions, but mine uses cuts and implicit unification instead. Note my solution is similar to Ilario's solution but simplifies this using cuts.
count(_, [], 0) :- !.
count(Value, [Value|Tail],Occurrences) :- !,
Occurrences is TailOcc+1.
count(Value, [_|Tail], Occurrences) :- count(Value,Tail,Occurrences).
How does this work? And how did you code it?
It is often useful to equate solving a problem like this to solving a proof by induction, with a base case, and then a inductive step which shows how to reduce the problem down.
Line 1 - base case
Line 1 (count(_, [], 0) :- !.) handles the "base case".
As we are working on a list, and have to look at each element, the simplest case is zero elements ([]). Therefore, we want a list with zero elements to have no instances of the Value we are looking for.
Note I have replaced Value in the final code with _ - this is because we do not care what value we are looking for if there are no values in the list anyway! Therefore, to avoid a singleton variable we negate it here.
I also added a ! (a cut) after this - as there is only one correct value for the number of occurrences we do not want Prolog to backtrack and fail - therefore we tell Prolog we found the correct value by adding this cut.
Lines 2/3 - inductive step
Lines 2 and 3 handle the "inductive step". This should handle if we have one or more elements in the list we are given. In Prolog we can only directly look at the head of the list, therefore let us look at one element at a time. Therefore, we have two cases - either the value at the head of the list is the Value we are looking for, or it is not.
Line 2
Line 2 (count(Value, [Value|Tail],Occurrences) :- !, count(Value,Tail,TailOcc), Occurrences is TailOcc+1.) handles if the head of our list and the value we are looking for match. Therefore, we simply use the same variable name so Prolog will unify them.
A cut is used as the first step in our solution (which makes each case mutually exclusive, and makes our solution last-call-optimised, by telling Prolog not to try any other rules).
Then, we find out how many instances of our term there are in the rest of the list (call it TailOcc). We don't know how many terms there are in the list we have at the moment, but we know it is one more than there are in the rest of the list (as we have a match).
Once we know how many instances there are in the rest of the list (call this Tail), we can take this value and add 1 to it, then return this as the last value in our count function (call this Occurences).
Line 3
Line 3 (count(Value, [_|Tail], Occurrences) :- count(Value,Tail,Occurrences).) handles if the head of our list and the value we are looking for do not match.
As we used a cut in line 2, this line will only be tried if line 2 fails (i.e. there is no match).
We simply take the number of instances in the rest of the list (the tail) and return this same value without editing it.

Regarding two implementations of min_of_list in prolog

Can someone explain clearly why this implementation (from SO 3965054) of min_of_list works in prolog:
% via:
min_of_list_1( [H], H).
min_of_list_1([H,K|T],M) :- H =< K, min_of_list_1([H|T],M).
min_of_list_1([H,K|T],M) :- H > K, min_of_list_1([K|T],M).
while this implementation generates an incorrect output:
min_of_list_2( [H], H).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], X) :- compare(<, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, X).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], H) :- compare(>, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, X).
min_of_list_2( [H| T], H) :- compare(=, X, H), min_of_list_2(T, H).
Epilogue. This works.
min_of_list_3( [H], H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], X) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(<, X, H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], H) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(>, X, H).
min_of_list_3( [H| T], H) :- min_of_list_3(T, X), compare(=, X, H).
The behavior I get is that min_of_list_2 returns the last element in the list.
The first clause of min_of_list_2/2 is OK, it says the minimum of a list with a single element is that element. The second clause is not quite so OK: The intention seems to state that if X is the minimum of the list T, and X is smaller than H, then X is also the minimum of the list [H|T], and this would work as intended if compare/3 behaved like a true relation, but unfortunately it doesn't:
?- compare(<, a, b).
Yet the more general query fails as if there were no solution (although we know there is at least one!):
?- compare(<, a, X).
Since one typical usage of min_of_list_2/2 (including for example its use in the third clause) leaves the second argument uninstantiated, you will run into this problem. Your code will work as expected if you place all calls of compare/3 after the respective recursive calls of min_of_list_2/2. As a consequence, your predicate is then no longer tail recursive, in contrast to the other program you posted. The compare/3 call in the last clause should be removed (what is the X in that case?), as it will always fail!
the first one compares the first two elements of the list and then puts the min again in the list till there is only one element.
the second one... takes the head of the list and compares with X. X is non-instantiated in the first call so compare(<,X,_any_number) will be true. X wont be instantiated so the same will repeat till there is only one element in the list which will be returned* (the last one).
'* where returned = unified with the second argument.
