data structure to find value for closest point to input data - algorithm

I have a dataset where I map a value to a three dimensional point. e.g. (1,2,3)->5; (2,4,1)->7; and so on.
I need to store these and be able to quickly find the desired value. If there were an entry for every possible input, I could just use an 3D array (or a dictionary), use the point as an index and do no searching at all.
The input however is real valued, so not every single point exists in the dataset. I want to find the n nearest points to the input data and get their related values to perform interpolation.
Which data structure could I use to implement this in an efficient way? The data structure only needs to be created once and does not have to change later.

What you want is a K-d tree.
It is a data structure designed especially to partition points of a k dimensional space, and it allows to find the nearest neighbor to a given point remarkably fast (O(log n)).
You also probably won't need to implement a k-d tree yourself, since implementations of the structure exist in many languages (I used it in python, and I'd bet you can find solid implementations in most of the common languages).


Which data structure should be used for range look up?

I was thinking to use HashMap but I think either I have to customize it or I have to create custom data structure for it. As we know HashMap stores Key-Value pair but I need a data-structure where instead of a single key I should be able to put a range. For example:
Range Should return
0 to 50 Object1
51 to 100 Object2
90 to 150 Object3
if user search for 10. He should be able to get Object1,
if user search for 55. He should be able to get Object2,
if user search for 95. He should be able to get Object2 and Object3 both.
I was thinking to put range inside each object and putting all the objects into an ArrayList or LinkedList and then I can iterate it and find the all Objects which are satisfying the input. But its time complexity will be more. For every input I have to traverse whole list. I thought for tree also but in case of overlapping range (like 51 to 100 and 90 to 150), I could not figure out how that will be helpful.
Let me know your views, my target is time complexity should be less like or near to hashmap
You could use a B-Tree: B-Tree or maybe a Disjoint-set structure: Disjoint-set Another S.O. user suggests a TreeMap: TreeMap The final possibility (Possibly solving your overlapping range dilemma) is the R-Tree: R-Tree
R-Tree Visualization:
With the B-Tree, you can put a small "directory" field in each node object that would immediately be able to tell you what is contained in each Node/object. However, you have to think about what happens when the containing node becomes full of objects and you have to donate/adopt an object to or from another node.
Having said that, the Disjoint-set structure using path compression gives you an amortized runtime of O(1), and a worst-case of O(log*N)! This is also extremely easy to implement; you really only need a handful of core methods, (Union, Find, Union By Size, Find By Size), to get it running.
R-Trees would allow you to handle the case that you have over-lapping ranges, but you also sacrifice a bit of your runtime. In the worst case, you end up with a search time of O(M logMn), which is slower than a HashMap.

Efficiently querying a B+ Tree holding multidimensional data

I have a collection of tuples (x,y) of 64-bit integers that make up my dataset. I have, say, trillions of these tuples; it is not feasible to keep the dataset in memory on any machine on earth. However, it is quite reasonable to store them on disk.
I have an on-disk store (a B+-tree) that allow for the quick, and concurrent, querying of data in a single dimension. However, some of my queries rely on both dimensions.
Query examples:
Find the tuple whose x is greater than or equal than some given value
Find the tuple whose x is as small as possible s.t. it's y is greater than or equal to some given value
Find the tuple whose x is as small as possible s.t. it's y is less than or equal to some given value
Perform maintenance operations (insert some tuple, remove some tuple)
The best bet I have found are Z-order curves but I cannot seem to figure out how to conduct the queries given my two dimensional data-set.
Solutions that are not acceptable include a sequential scan of the data, this could be far too slow.
I think, the most appropriate data structures for your requirements are R-tree and its variants (R*-tree, R+-tree, Hilbert R-tree). R-tree is similar to B+-tree, but also allows multidimensional queries.
Other relevant data structure is Priority Search Tree. It is good for queries like your examples 1 .. 3, but not very efficient if you need frequent updates or on-disk store. For details see this paper or this book: "Handbook of Data Structures and Applications" (Chapter 18.5).
Are you saying you don't know how to query z-order curves? The Wikipedia page describes how you do range searches.
A z-curve divides your space into nested rectangles, where each additional bit in the key divides the space in half. To search for a point:
Start with the largest rectangle that might contain your point.
Create a result set of rectangles
For each rectangle in your set
If the rectangle is a single point, you are done, it is what you are looking for.
Otherwise, divide the rectangle in two (specify one additional bit of the z-curve)
If both halves contain a point
If one half is better
Add that rectangle to your result set of rectangles
Add both rectangles to your result set of rectangles
Otherwise, only one half contains a point
Add that rectangle to your result set of rectangles
Search your result set of rectangles
Worst case performance is bad, of course. You can adjust it by changing how you construct your z-order index.
I'm currently working on designing a data structure which is essentially a 'stacked' B+ tree (or a d+ tree where d is the number of dimensions) for multidimensional data. I believe it would suit your data perfectly and is being designed specifically for your use case.
The basic idea is this:
Each dimension is a B+ tree and is linked to the next dimension's B+ tree. Search through the first dimension normally, once a leaf is reached it contains a pointer to the root of the next B+ tree which belongs to the next dimension. Everything in the second B+ tree belongs to the same x value.
The original plan was to only store the unique values for each dimension along with it's count. This employs a very simple compression algorithm (if you can even call it that) while still allowing for the entire data set to be represented. This 'linked' dimension scheme could allow for extra dimensions to be added later as they are simply added to the stack of B+ trees.
Total insert/search/delete time for 2 dimensions would be something similar to this:
log b(card(x)) + log b(card(y))
where b is the base of each B+ tree and card(x) would be the cardinality of the x dimension.
I hope that makes sense. I'm still working on an implementation, however feel free to use or even augment the idea.
Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database. The database is a simple data file containing records, each is a pair of a key and a value. Every key and value is serial bytes with variable length. Both binary data and character string can be used as a key and a value. There is neither concept of data tables nor data types. Records are organized in hash table, B+ tree, or fixed-length array.
Tokyo Cabinet is written in the C language, and provided as API of C, Perl, Ruby, Java, and Lua. Tokyo Cabinet is available on platforms which have API conforming to C99 and POSIX. Tokyo Cabinet is a free software licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
may it easy for u to embed?

data structure for NFA representation

In my lexical analyzer generator I use McNaughton and Yamada algorithm for NFA construction, and one of its properties that transition form I to J marked with char at J position.
So, each node of NFA can be represented simply as list of next possible states.
Which data structure best suit for storing this type of data? It must provide fast lookup for all possible states and use less space, but insertion time is not so important.
My understanding is that you want to encode a graph, where the nodes are states and the edges are transitions, and where every edge is labelled with a character. Is that correct?
The dull but practical answer is to have a object for each state, and to encode the transitions in some little structure in that object.
The simplest one would be an array, indexed by character code: that's as fast as it gets, but not naturally space-efficient. You can make it more space efficient by using a sort of offset, truncated array: store only the part of the array which contains transitions, along with the start and end indices of that part. When looking up a character in it, check that its code is within the bounds; if it isn't, treat it as a null edge (or an edge back to the start state or whatever), and if it is, fetch the element at index (character code - start). Does that make sense?
A more complex option would be a little hashtable, which would be more compact but slightly slower. I would suggest closed hashing, because collision lists will use too much memory; linear probing should be enough. You could look into using perfect hashing (look it up), which takes a lot of time to generate the table but then gives collision-free lookup. The generation process is quite complex, though.
A clever approach is to use both arrays and hashtables, and to pick one or the other based on the number of edges: if the compacted array would be more than, say, a third full, use it, but if not, use a hashtable.
Now, something a bit more radical you could do would be to use arrays, but to overlap them - if they're sparse, they'll have lots of holes in, and if you're clever, you can arrange them so that the entries in each array lines up with holes in the others. That will give you fast lookups, but also excellent memory efficiency. You will need some scheme for distinguishing when a lookup has found something from when it's found an empty slot with some other state's transition in, but i'm sure you can think of something.

Data Structure for Storing Ranges

I am wondering if anyone knows of a data structure which would efficiently handle the following situation:
The data structure should store several, possibly overlapping, variable length ranges on some continuous timescale.
For example, you might add the ranges a:[0,3], b:[4,7], c:[0,9].
Insertion time does not need to be particularly efficient.
Retrievals would take a range as a parameter, and return all the ranges in the set that overlap with the range, for example:
Get(1,2) would return a and c. Get(6,7) would return b and c. Get(2,6) would return all three.
Retrievals need to be as efficient as possible.
One data structure you could use is a one-dimensional R-tree. These are designed to deal with ranges and to provide efficient retrieval. You will also learn about Allen's Operators; there are a dozen other relationships between time intervals than just 'overlaps'.
There are other questions on SO that impinge on this area, including:
Determine Whether Two Date Ranges Overlap
Data structure for non-overlapping ranges within a single dimension
You could go for a binary tree, that stores the ranges in a hierarchy. Starting from the root node, that represents an all-encompassing range divided it its middle, you test if your range you are trying to insert belong to the left subrange, right subrange, or both, and recursively carry on in the matching subnodes until you reach a certain depth, at which you save the actual range.
For lookup, you test your input range against the left and right subranges of the top node, and dive in the ones which overlap, repeating until you have reached actual ranges that you save.
This way, retrieval has a logarithmic complexity. You'd still need to manage duplicates in your retrieval, as some ranges are going to belong to several nodes.

Possible to calculate closest locations via lat/long in better than O(n) time?

I'm wondering if there is an algorithm for calculating the nearest locations (represented by lat/long) in better than O(n) time.
I know I could use the Haversine formula to get the distance from the reference point to each location and sort ASC, but this is inefficient for large data sets.
How does the MySQL DISTANCE() function perform? I'm guessing O(n)?
If you use a kd-tree to store your points, you can do this in O(log n) time (expected) or O(sqrt(n)) worst case.
You mention MySql, but there are some pretty sophisticated spatial features in SQL Server 2008 including a geography data type. There's some information out there about doing the types of things you are asking about. I don't know spatial well enough to talk about perf. but I doubt there is a bounded time algorithm to do what you're asking, but you might be able to do some fast set operations on locations.
If the data set being searched is static, e.g., the coordinates of all gas stations in the US, then a proper index (BSP) would allow for efficient searching. Postgres has had good support since the mid 90's for 2-dimensional indexed data so you can do just this sort of query.
Better than O(n)? Only if you go the way of radix sort or store the locations with hash keys that represent the general location they are in.
For instance, you could divide the globe with latitude and longitude to the minutes, enumerate the resulting areas, and make the hash for a location it's area. So when the time comes to get the closest location, you only need to check at most 9 hash keys -- you can test beforehand if an adjacent grid can possibly provide a close location than the best found so far, thus decreasing the set of locations to compute the distance to. It's still O(n), but with a much smaller constant factor. Properly implemented you won't even notice it.
Or, if the data is in memory or otherwise randomly accessible, you could store it sorted by both latitude and longitude. You then use binary search to find the closest latitude and longitude in the respective data sets. Next, you keep reading locations with increasing latitude or longitude (ie, the preceding and succeeding locations), until it becomes impossible to find a closer location.
You know you can't find a close location when the latitude of the next location to either side of the latitude-sorted data wouldn't be closer than the best case found so far even if they belonged in the same longitude as the point from which distance is being calculated. A similar test applies for the longitude-sorted data.
This actually gives you better than O(n) -- closer to O(logN), I think, but does require random, instead of sequential, access to data, and duplication of all data (or the keys to the data, at least).
I wrote a article about Finding the nearest Line at DDJ a couple of years ago, using a grid (i call it quadrants). Using it to find the nearest point (instead of lines) would be just a reduction of it.
Using Quadrants reduces the time drastically, although the complexity is not determinable mathematically (all points could theoretically lie in a single quadrant). A precondition of using quadrants/grids is, that you have a maximum distance for the point searched. If you just look for the nearest point, without giving a maximum distance, you cant use quadrants.
In this case, have a look at A Template for the Nearest Neighbor Problem (Larry Andrews at DDJ), having a retrival complexity of O(log n). I did not compare the runtime of both algorithms. Probably, if you have a reasonable maximum width, quadrants are better. The better general purpose algorithm is the one from Larry Andrews.
If you are looking for the (1) closest location, there's no need to sort. Simply iterate through your list, calculating the distance to each point and keeping track of the closest one. By the time you get through the list, you'll have your answer.
Even better would be to introduce the concept of grids. You would assign each point to a grid. Then, for your search, first determine the grid you are in and perform your calculations on the points in the grid. You'll need to be a little careful though. If the test location is close to the boundary of a grid, you'll need to search those grid(s) as well. Still, this is likely to be highly performant.
I haven't looked at it myself, but Postgres does have a module dedicated to the management of GIS data.
In an appliation I worked on in a previous life we took all of the data, computed it's key for a quad-tree (for 2D space) or an oct-tree (for 3D space) and stored that in the database. It was then a simple matter of loading the values from the database (to prevent you having to recompute the quad-tree) and following the standard quad-tree search algorithm.
This does of course mean you will touch all of the data at least once to get it into the data structure. But persisting this data-structure means you can get better lookup speeds from then on. I would imagine you will do a lot of nearest-neighbour checks for each data-set.
(for kd-tree's wikipedia has a good explanation:
You need a spatial index. Fortunately, MySQL provides just such an index, in its Spatial Extensions. They use an R-Tree index internally - though it shouldn't really matter what they use. The manual page referenced above has lots of details.
I guess you could do it theoretically if you had a large enough table to do this... secondly, perhaps caching correctly could get you very good average case?
An R-Tree index can be used to speed spatial searches like this. Once created, it allows such searches to be better than O(n).
