how to use while loop in pseudocode - pseudocode

I am trying to add the user inputs using a while loop and If statements. I am having trouble figuring out how to add all the userNumbers to each other. Any help would be appreciated.
Declare Integer userIn = 0
Declare Integer total = 0
//read numbers and calculate
While decision == decY
Display “Please enter your numbers: ”
Input decision
If UserIn > 0
Display userNumbers
Set total = userIn + 1
Display “Would you like to enter another number Y/N?”
Input decision
If decision == decN
Display “Done reading numbers, your total is ”, total
End If
End If
End While

Decide on a separator for the input, unless they're only allowed to enter a single number at a time in which case you can skip to 3.
Use string splitting to cut the input up and then loop through that list with for, while, do, until, or etc.
Create a sum total variable and add each input value to it, e.g. sum = sum + split_input[index], or if it will only allow a single input at a time sum = sum + input.
Some Notes:
Adding a value to a variable can be shortened to variable += value to add a value to an existing variable and assign the result to the variable, but not all languages support this syntax.
Not all programming languages start at 0 for list indices, so be sure to change the starting index accordingly.


Input to different attributes values from a random.sample list

so this is what I'm trying to do, and I'm not sure how cause I'm new to python. I've searched for a few options and I'm not sure why this doesn't work.
So I have 6 different nodes, in maya, called aiSwitch. I need to generate random different numbers from 0 to 6 and input that value in the aiSiwtch*.index.
In short the result should be
aiSwitch1.index = (random number from 0 to 5)
aiSwitch2.index = (another random number from 0 to 5 different than the one before)
And so on unil aiSwitch6.index
I tried the following:
import maya.cmds as mc
import random
allswtich ='aiSwitch*')
for i in allswitch:
print i
S = range(0,6)
print S
shuffle = random.sample(S, len(S))
print shuffle
for w in shuffle:
print w
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', w)
This is the result I get from the prints:
aiSwitch1 <-- from print i
[0,1,2,3,4,5] <--- from print S
[2,3,5,4,0,1] <--- from print Shuffle (random.sample results)
1 <--- from print w, every separated item in the random.sample list.
Now, this happens for every aiSwitch, cause it's in a loop of course. And the random numbers are always a different list cause it happens every time the loop runs.
So where is the problem then?
aiSwitch1.index = 1
And all the other aiSwitch*.index always take only the last item in the list but the time I get to do the setAttr. It seems to be that w is retaining the last value of the for loop. I don't quite understand how to
Get a random value from 0 to 5
Input that value in aiSwitch1.index
Get another random value from 0 to 6 different to the one before
Input that value in aiSwitch2.index
Repeat until aiSwitch5.index.
I did get it to work with the following form:
allSwitch ='aiSwitch')
for i in allSwitch:
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', random.uniform(0,5))
This gave a random number from 0 to 5 to all aiSwitch*.index, but some of them repeat. I think this works cause the value is being generated every time the loop runs, hence setting the attribute with a random number. But the numbers repeat and I was trying to avoid that. I also tried a shuffle but failed to get any values from it.
My main mistake seems to be that I'm generating a list and sampling it, but I'm failing to assign every different item from that list to different aiSwitch*.index nodes. And I'm running out of ideas for this.
Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a somewhat Pythonic way: shuffle the list of indices, then iterate over it using zip (which is useful for iterating over structures in parallel, which is what you need to do here):
import random
index = list(range(6))
allSwitch ='aiSwitch*')
for i,j in zip(allSwitch,index):
mc.setAttr(i + '.index', j)

Generating Random Numbers and Letters

Keep getting this error sometimes when mid is ZERO:
Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Mid'
How would I fix this?
Function CreateRandomString(iSize)
Const VALID_TEXT = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"
Dim sNewSearchTag
Dim I
For I = 0 To iSize
sNewSearchTag = sNewSearchTag & Mid(VALID_TEXT,Round(Rnd * Len(VALID_TEXT)),1)
CreateRandomString = sNewSearchTag
End Function
For the random range to be correct you need to make sure the random value generated is between 1 and the length of the VALID_TEXT string value.
The simple formula to do this using Rnd() is
(Rnd() * Len(VALID_TEXT)) + 1
also move Randomize() outside the loop, as it is you'll just make it less random as you're resetting the seed with every iteration of the loop.
The reason for the error is Mid() expects a valid start and size, which a zero value is not. See this question for more information.
More information about random number ranges can be found in this answer to another question.
The second argument of Mid is 1 based. That means that if you did:
you will get "a", not "b" as you might be expecting.
An easy fix would be to add 1 to the second argument, but then you'll run into the same problem on the top end. Typically people will round a random number down after multiplying it instead of using Math.Round, either view Math.Floor or Integer truncation.

Enter string repeatedly Ruby Cucumber

I have a test that includes character lengths within fields etc.
I was wondering if I could have a set string of 10 characters like str = 'abcdefghij'
then have it multiply that string by the amount of times needed to fulfil the character length and fill in the field.
I've tried the times method but that just enters the same value over x iterations.
What I want is to take str, increase it ten fold and enter that value as 1 continuous string so abcdefghij becomes abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghijabcdefghij etc
I'd parameterize the number of times to increase it depending on the field I'm testing. I want to do this so that I don't have huge amounts of variables stored to satisfy each test.
Can this be done? I hope I've explained clearly.
String#* would do:
'abc' * 10
#⇒ "abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcabc"
To use a floating point parameter:
λ = ->(input, count) do
i, f = *count.divmod(1)
input * i << input[0...(f * input.size).to_i]
λ.('abcd', 2.5)
#⇒ 'abcdabcdab'

SPSS Ranking Data In One Column

I'm still new with SPSS, I Have Data For The Following :
Cereals Vegetables Fruit Meat Dairy Fat Sugar Pulses
I Have Also Computed The Variables With This Formula :
Total FCS = (Cereals*2)+(Vegetables)+(Fruits)+(Meat*4)+(Dairy*4)+(Sugar*0.5)+(Pulses*3)
Now I Want To Rank The Data from the Total FCS In One Column In Order To Make Graph From It As Following:
Rank as :
<28 Poor
>28.5 - <42 Borderline
>42.5 Acceptable
What Should I Do ?
I would use a DO IF statement to assign the ranks. Example below.
DO IF FCS < 28.
ELSE IF FCS <= 42.5.
1 'Poor'
2 'Borderline'
3 'Acceptable'.
There is a command called Recode in SPSS, you can use that command to create this rank variable. Recode command has two options
1). Recode into same variables
2). Recode into Different variables.
I am using 2nd option as you need to create a new Rank variable.
RECODE FCS (Lowest thru 28='Poor') (28.5 thru 42='Borderline')
(42.5 thru Highest='Acceptable')

Print array length for each element of an array

Given a string array of variable length, print the lengths of each element in the array.
For example, given:
string[] ex = {"abc", "adf", "df", "ergd", "adfdfd");
The output should be:
2 3 4 6
One possibility I'm considering is to use a linked list to save each string length, and sort while inserting and finally display the results.
Any other suggestions for efficient solutions to this problem?
Whenever you want to maintain a collection of distinct things (ie: filter out duplicates), you probably want a set.
There are many different data structures for storing sets. Some of these, like search trees, will also "sort" the values for you. You could try using one of the many forms of binary search trees.
What you are doing now (or the given answer) is called the insertion sort. It basically compare the length of the string-to-insert from the inserted strings. After then, when printing, teh length of string-to-print (at current pointer) will be compared to the length of the string before it and after it, if has the same length, do not print!
Another approach is, the bubble sort, it will sort two strings at a time, sort them, then move to next string...
The printing is the most important part in your program, regardless of what sorting algorithm you use, it doesn't matter.
Here's an algorithm for bubble sort and printing process, it's VB so just convert it...
Dim YourString(4) As String
YourString(0) = "12345" 'Will not be printed
YourString(1) = "12345" 'Will not be printed
YourString(2) = "123" 'Will be printed
YourString(3) = "1234" 'Will be printed
Dim RoundLimit As Integer = YourString.Length - 2
'Outer loop for how many times we will sort the whole array...
For CycleCounter = 0 To RoundLimit
Dim CompareCounter As Integer
'Inner loop to compare strings...
For CompareCounter = 0 To RoundLimit - CycleCounter - 1
'Compare lengths... If the first is greater, sort! Note: this is ascending
If YourString(CompareCounter).Length > YourString(CompareCounter + 1).Length Then
'Sorting process...
Dim TempString = YourString(CompareCounter)
YourString(CompareCounter) = YourString(CompareCounter + 1)
YourString(CompareCounter + 1) = TempString
End If
'Cycles = Array length - 2 , so we have 2 cycles here
'First Cycle!!!
'"12345","12345","123","1234" Compare 1: index 0 and 1 no changes
'"12345","123","12345","1234" Compare 2: index 1 and 2 changed
'"12345","123","1234","12345" Compare 3: index 2 and 3 changed
'Second Cycle!!!
'"123","12345","1234","12345" Compare 1: index 0 and 1 changed
'"123","1234","12345","12345" Compare 2: index 1 and 2 changed
'"123","1234","12345","12345" Compare 3: index 2 and 3 no changes
'No more cycle!
'Now print it! Or use messagebox...
Dim CompareLimit As Integer = YourString.Length - 2
For CycleCounter = 0 To CompareLimit
'If length is equal to next string or the preceeding string, do not print...
If ((CycleCounter - 1) <> -1) Then 'Check if index exist
If YourString(CycleCounter).Length = YourString(CycleCounter - 1).Length Then
Continue For 'The length is not unique, exit compare, go to next iteration...
End If
End If
If ((CycleCounter + 1) <> YourString.Length - 1) Then 'Check if index exist
If YourString(CycleCounter).Length = YourString(CycleCounter + 1).Length Then
Continue For 'The length is not unique, exit compare, go to next iteration...
End If
End If
'All test passed, the length is unique, show a dialog!
The question as stated doesn't say anything about sorting or removing duplicates from the results. It is only the given output that implies the sorting and duplicate removal. It doesn't say anything about optimisation for speed or space or writing for maintainability.
So there really isn't enough information for a "best" solution.
If you want a solution that will work in most languages you probably should stick with an array. Put the lengths in a new array, sort it, then print in a loop that remembers that last value to skip duplicates. I wouldn't want to use a language that couldn't cope with that.
If a language is specified you might be able to take advantage of set or associate array type data structures to handle the duplicates and/or sorting automatically. E.g., in Java you could pick a collection class that automatically ignores duplicates and sorts, and you could structure your code such that a one line change to use a different class would let you keep duplicates, or not sort. If you are using C# you could probably write the whole thing as a one-line LINQ statement...
Here is a C++ solution:
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
string strarr[] = {"abc", "adf", "df", "ergd", "adfsgf"};
vector< string > vstr(strarr, strarr + 5);
set< size_t > s;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vstr.size(); i++)
s.insert( vstr[i].size() );
for (set<size_t>::iterator ii = s.begin(); ii != s.end(); ii++)
cout << *ii << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
$ g++ -o set-str set-str.cpp
$ ./set-str
2 3 4 6
A set is used because (quoting from here):
Sets are a kind of associative container that stores unique elements,
and in which the elements themselves are the keys.
Associative containers are containers especially designed to be
efficient accessing its elements by their key (unlike sequence
containers, which are more efficient accessing elements by their
relative or absolute position).
Internally, the elements in a set are always sorted from lower to
higher following a specific strict weak ordering criterion set on
container construction.
Sets are typically implemented as binary search trees.
And for details on vector see here and here for string.
Depending on the language, the easiest way might be to iterate through the array using a for loop
for (i=0;i<array.length;i++){
print array[i].length;
do you need to print them in order?
