Cypress find() keeping state? - cypress

I'm using the latest version of Cypress (4.12.0). I'm having problems using two find() commands in a row. It seems to me that Cypress is somehow keeping state, which is changed by doing a find().
Here is my Cypress JS code, to find the contents of three fields that are at the same level:
1. const shipmentContainer: any = cy.get(`div .shipment-container:contains("${SHIPMENT_LABEL} ${shipmentIndex + 1}")`);
2. shipmentContainer.find('div div').contains(`${TRACKING_NUMBER_LABEL} ${shipment[TRACKING_NUMBER_FIELD]}`);
3. shipmentContainer.find('div div').contains(`${SHIPPING_STATUS_LABEL} ${shipment[SHIPPING_STATUS_FIELD]}`);
4. shipmentContainer.find('div div').contains(`${SHIP_METHOD_LABEL} ${shipment[SHIP_METHOD_FIELD]}`);
I'm not including the HTML, because I don't think the details of the data matter.
Here is what is happening. Line 1 sets the container correctly. Line 2 gets the correct data, which I can see in the Cypress UI. But line 3 fails, because it appears to be starting in a totally different location than what the container was set to. If I comment out line 2, then line 3 works, but line 4 doesn't. So only the first find() ever works.
This led me to believe that the container must be keeping state. So I tried the following, but it made no difference at all, which debunked my hyposthesis.
const shipmentContainer: any = cy.get(`div .shipment-container:contains("${SHIPMENT_LABEL} ${shipmentIndex + 1}")`);
_.cloneDeep(shipmentContainer).find('div div').contains(`${TRACKING_NUMBER_LABEL} ${shipment[TRACKING_NUMBER_FIELD]}`);
_.cloneDeep(shipmentContainer).find('div div').contains(`${SHIPPING_STATUS_LABEL} ${shipment[SHIPPING_STATUS_FIELD]}`);
_.cloneDeep(shipmentContainer).find('div div').contains(`${SHIP_METHOD_LABEL} ${shipment[SHIP_METHOD_FIELD]}`);
Is Cypress itself keeping state on a find()? And if so, how can I reset it back so that each of my finds on a container starts in the same location?

That's because cypress commands are running asynchronously:
Return Values
You cannot assign or work with the return values of any Cypress command. Commands are enqueued and run asynchronously.
For me, I often use alias to reuse the commands:
cy.get('div .some-class').as('fancyDiv');


golang is executing the certian code which it shuoldn't in if else (log checked)

All log in this area is not printed (showing inside it's not running). However the last line is execute anyway. I'm so frustrated and sad, totally had no idea. Many thanks if there's any idea on it.
if !reflect.DeepEqual(MachineNow.TCP_machine.Two_D_Dta_Old, twoD_new) {
//the situation should not be executed
log.Println("new to old updated") //all log is not printing (O)
fmt.Println("new", twoD_new[0][0])
fmt.Println("old", MachineNow.TCP_machine.Two_D_Dta_Old[0][0])
MachineNow.TCP_machine.Two_D_Dta_Old = twoD_new //this line is doing anyway (X)
Have you checked your “log” output and level?
Maybe you set the output level to be higher than “Println”, so it’s simply ignored.
Try to use debug to know if this runs into this code block or just your assumption.
One more thing to check is: that if you run it by unit test, you need to add the “-v” flag to show output.
Solution: I trasform the object into JSON format and assign to the object. I don't know why but this is the only way to avoid execute that line no matter what. I thought it was just a mistake, now seems that line was indeed executed for unknown reason. it was running windows x64.
new_json, _ := json.Marshal(twoD_new)
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(new_json), &MachineNow.TCP_machine.Two_D_Dta_Old)

Xcode XCUITest - extra characters entered into searchField when using typeText

I have a test in Xcode (XCUITests) that uses typeText to enter a string into a searchField. For our test, we do 2 taps into the searchField first. Then, we do:
searchField.typeText(ourStringHere + "\n")
When this line runs, it types the first character 2 extra times. So, if we pass in "tree", it will type "tttree". This obviously causes our tests to fail.
On this screen in our app that we are testing, we have actions occur based on matching as you type. So, after the first character is typed, some results are shown. I believe this is causing a timeout issue.
Then Xcode is trying to type the whole word again. I believe this also happens twice. On the third attempt, the screen has settled down with it's background actions and the word it then successfully typed.
Ifs there was some way to override typeText() to delete anything it had previously tried, that would be helpful. Also, adding some pauses in between characters as they are typed would help. We could then have the test wait for the background actions to show all of the results and then type the next letter.
Other than this, I don't know how to fix this.
Based on your preconditions I think you should paste text instead of typing (but it is a little unsafe if you run your tests in parallel)
let pasteMenuItem = app.menuItems.firstMatch
UIPasteboard.general.string = "Preparing Pasteboard"
_ = pasteMenuItem.waitForExistence(timeout: 5)
UIPasteboard.general.string = ourStringHere + "\n"
Also, check out comments here typeText() is typing inconsistent characters for a slow typing.

Logging and asserting the number of previously-unknown DOM elements

I'ts my first tme using Cypress and I almost finalized my first test. But to do so I need to assert against a unknown number. Let me explain:
When the test starts, a random number of elements is generated and I shouldn't have control on such a number (is a requirement). So, I'm trying to get such number in this way:
var previousElems = cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length');
I'm not really sure if I'm getting the right data, since I can not log it (the "cypress console" shows me "[Object]" when I print it). But let's say such line returns (5) to exemplify.
During the test, I simulate a user creating extra elements (2) and removing an (1) element. Let's say the user just creates one single extra element.
So, at the end os the test, I need to check if the number of eements with the same class are equals to (5+2-1) = (6) elements. I'm doing it in this way:
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length').should('eq', (previousTasks + 1));
But I get the following message:
CypressError: Timed out retrying: expected 10 to equal '[object Object]1'
So, how can I log and assert this?
Thanks in advance,
PD: I also tryed:
var previousTasks = (Cypress.$("ul").children)? Cypress.$("ul").children.length : 0;
But it always returns a fixed number (2), even if I put a wait before to make sure all the items are fully loaded.
I also tryed the same with childNodes but it always return 0.
Your problem stems from the fact that Cypress test code is run all at once before the test starts. Commands are queued to be run later, and so storing variables as in your example will not work. This is why you keep getting objects instead of numbers; the object you're getting is called a chainer, and is used to allow you to chain commands off other commands, like so: cy.get('#someSelector').should('...');
Cypress has a way to get around this though; if you need to operate on some data directly, you can provide a lambda function using .then() that will be run in order with the rest of your commands. Here's a basic example that should work in your scenario:
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('length').then(previousCount => {
// Add two elements and remove one...
cy.get('.list-group-item').its('.length').should('eq', previousCount + 1);
If you haven't already, I strongly suggest reading the fantastic introduction to Cypress in the docs. This page on variables and aliases should also be useful in this case.

Google sheets api adding multiple rows

I'm trying to figure this out and I must be overlooking something basic. (It took me WAAAY longer than it should have just to realize I hadn't added the trigger.)
When forms are submitted, if that page runs out of rows, it automatically expands. I have a reconciliation page where it is pulling the submitted data over line by line and analyzing it for discrepancies (the form collects billable time and tasks.)
So while the Form Responses 1 page will expand, I want to use a trigger on form submit to add a line to the reconciliation page and copy the formulas down. I can't seem to get the line to add though. Looking at the google page for expanding the number of rows, I'm not sure what I am doing wrong there either but I THINK I need to add more java features to my computer.
If I simply copy and paste the example into a new sheet, most of the code is black instead of the standard editor colors. Saving pops up "Missing ; before statement. (line 1, file "Code")"
Line one is simply "import*;"
So zerothly: Whats the most basic code I can use to add that blank row?
Then first: Do I need to import a bunch of stuff to get this (adding rows) to work?
Second: If so, and I transfer ownership of the sheet to someone, do they need to do the imports also?
Third: If so, and I want to do edits on another device, will I need to do imports there too?
Fourth: The example uses Update() but I can't seem to find an Update() function in javascript or googlesheets api documentation.
This is the code I am trying and variations commented out which doesn't seem to work:
function onFormSubmit(e) {
Logger.log('form submit triggered')
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sss = sheet.getSheetByName('Reconciliation')
var col2 = sss.getRange("B:B");
var col2val = col2.getValues();
var counter = 0;
var sssrange = sss.getDataRange();
// sss.Rows = sss.getLastRow() + 1 //Object does not allow properties to be added or changed if I uncomment - this seems to match the google example line though
var newsssrange = sssrange.offset(1,0); // didn't actually think this would work (since it also had the .update() part that previously didn't work for me) but came across it and was getting desparate.
// sss.setRowCount(sss.getLastRow() + 1); // TypeError: Cannot find function setRowCount in object Sheet.
Logger.log(sss.getLastRow()); //=8
// sss.Update();//TypeError: Cannot find function Update in object Sheet.
Sigh... I am still wondering how to add more rows but I did answer my original need of adding a single line since form submits only add a single line. So I'm going to answer it since I had done so many searches and for some reason this never came up, maybe someone will find this useful if they are having the same issue.
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sss = sheet.getSheetByName('Reconciliation')
Note that this adds a single blank line. If you run it a second time it won't add a second blank line as appendRow() adds after the last line with data. If you put a string in there or something and run it over and over you will get multiple lines.
I really would like to know about adding multiple lines though also since that will come up and I still seem to be missing something, probably obvious.
Did you know that arrayformula woluld make new lines automatically.? If you paste this formula in Sheet2:
and then paste new values in Sheet1 range A:A, then new rows would be added on Sheet2.

How can I use OpenArgs to print multiple reports in a loop situation?

I am slimming down my databases, eliminating duplicate reports where I can and creating better code. I have one database that involves our welders and foremen. In this code, I can print a report for an individual foreman, which sends the string "strActive" through openargs The report looks at strActive and on the OpenForm action, sets the filter for active, inactive, or all welders, based on the string value passed through.
It works perfectly for the single page at a time code. There, the user chooses a foreman from a list or enters the foreman's clock number. The query the report is based on uses the global string "ForemanCLK" to only get results for that welder.
Formerly, I had three reports; one for all welders, one for active welders, and one for inactive welders.
Previously, I would set a variable based on strActive and open the appropriate report using another variable in the code in place of the report name. The loop worked fine and opened the report 39 times, each time with a new foreman name and data.
I'm baffled as to why opening the report now, with an openarg, doesn't work. I only get the first foreman name, 39 times. I've verified that I get the foremanCLK variable of the different foremen by commenting out the docmd line and debug.print(ing) the various values needed by the form. The report simply doesn't load it correctly.
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
The above code gets me many copies of the same foreman's report filtered by strActive
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
But this gets me all the different foremen, except it is not filtered.
I've tried passing in a Where clause.
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & False
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True & " OR [active]=" & False
I did the same verification with the single report, and it filters correctly, but in the loop, it does not filter at all. It does, however give me the different foremen.
The big question here is...
WHY? Does access not have enough time between reports to close it and therefore it doesn't perform the operations on the open event?
Any other ideas?
You must close the report explicitly inside your loop: DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptForeman". If OpenReport is called a second time on an already-open report, the object gets the focus in access, but it doesn't re-run the Open event.
Okay, I must hang my head in shame.
I error checked the hell out of that code above using every variable except strActive.
When I added that to my debug.print line, it came up with nothing. How can that be!?!!??
I simply forgot to set that at the beginning of the sub, like I did with the other action that opens a single report. strActive is a global variable, but was not set at any other point in the code up until this piece.
Once this was added to the beginning of the sub, all worked fine.
