Check if document is part of Elasticsearch query? - elasticsearch

Curious if there is some way to check if document ID is part of a large (million+ results) Elasticsearch query/filter.
Essentially I’ll have a group of related document ID’s and only want to return them if they are part of a larger query. Hoping to do database side. Theoretically seemed possible since ES has to cache stuff related to large scrolls.

It's a interesting use-case but you need to understand that Elasticsearch(ES) doesn't return all the matching documents ids in the search result and return by default only the 10 documents in the response, which can be changed by the size parameter.
And if you increase the size param and have millions of matching docs in your query then ES query performance would be very bad and it might bring even entire cluster down if you frequently fire such queries(in absence of circuit breaker) so be cautious about it.
You are right that, ES cache the stuff, but again that if you try to cache huge amount of data and that is getting invalidate very frequent then you will not get the required performance benefits, so better do the benchmark against it.
You are already on the correct path to use, scroll API to iterate on millions on search result, just see below points to improve further.
First get the count of search result, this is included in default search response with eq or greater value which will give you idea that how many search results you have based on which you can give size param for subsequent calls to see if your id is present or not.
See if you effectively utilize the filters context in your query, which is by default cached at ES.
Benchmark your some heavy scroll API calls with your data.
Refer this thread to fine tune your cluster and index configuration to optimize ES response further.


Query ElasticSearch after the index operation

I have the eservice A that executes some text processing. After it, service B has to execute some set of Elasticsearch queries on the document. The connectivity between the services provided by Kafka. The solution is tightly coupled to ES free text search capabilities, so I can't query in another way.
Possible solution:
To store the document in ES and query it. The problem is that ES is eventually consistent and I don't know if the document already indexed or not.
Is there some API to ensure that the document is already indexed?
Another option is to publish a message from service A with delay X+5 seconds, where X is the refresh interval of the index, where the document should be stored. Seems to me an unreliable solution. What do you think?
Another direction that I thought about, is some way to query the document with ES queries where the document is in memory. For example, if I will have some magic way to convert the ES query to Luciene DSL, so I don't need to deal with the eventual consistent behavior of Elasticsearch and I can query Lucine directly.
Maybe there are some other solutions?
take a look at the ?refresh flag so that an indexing request will only return once a refresh has happened. otherwise you can use the GET API to see if the document exists or not
however there is no magic options here, Elasticsearch is eventually consistent and you need to factor that in

ElasticSearch indexed document not returned immediately

I'm using ES as backend. So, my architecture is based on a client-server.
Very often, maybe too much, I'm realizing when I perform two operations from client: index and search almost one after the other, the document indexed is not returned by ES.
When I refresh the result, the last indexed document is obtained from server.
Should I take something in mind in order to avoid this behavior?
Is this behavior something usual?
Yes, it is usual behaviour. ElasticSearch refreshes shard every 1 second.
ElasticSearch could work really slow if you refresh it after every index.

ElasticSearch - Configuration to Analyse a document on Indexing

In a single request, I want to retrieve documents from a SOR, store them in ElasticSearch, and then search those documents using the ES search API.
There seems to be some lag from the time the document is indexed and the time it is analyzed and ready to be searched.
Is there any way to configure ES to not return from the request to index a document until the analyzer has analyzed it and so that it can immediately be searched?
Elasticsearch is "near real-time" by nature, i.e. all indices are refreshed every second (by default). While it may seem enough in a majority of cases, it might not, such as in your case.
If you need your documents to be available immediately, you need to refresh your indices explicitly by calling
POST /_refresh
or if you only want to refresh one index
POST /my_index/_refresh
The refresh needs to happen after the indexing call returned and before the search call is sent off.
Note that doing this on every document indexing will hurt the performance of your system. It might be better to make your application aware of the near real-time nature of ES and handle this on the client-side.
The refresh API, as suggested in the accepted answer, is heavy in nature and you may not want to call this API after every index operation, if you are going to do a significant number of indexing operations.
What happens under the hood is that the translog maintained by elasticsearch is written to the in memory segment which elasticsearch maintains. This operations is best left to the discretion of elasticsearch, however, there are some configuration parameters you can play around with.
There is an alternative approach you can take, it may or may not suit your specific use case, but here it goes.
Query the index/_stats/refresh api and retrieve the status of refresh from there, index your document and then keep performing the same stats query again. If the version has increased since your indexing time, it means you are good for searching your document.

ElasticSearch documentation says not to use scroll for user requests, only for data transformation

I'm new to ES and confused by its documentation of scroll. From the docs "Scrolling is not intended for real time user requests, but rather for processing large amounts of data, e.g. in order to reindex the contents of of one index into a new index with a different configuration".
And yet...further down on the same page it says not to use from() and size() to do pagination because it "is very inefficient". And on the Java API page describing Search it shows an example of paging via Scroll.
So, assuming I want to present sorted search results, a page at a time, which approach is recommended: from/size or Scrolling?
from/size is very inefficient when you want to do deep pagination or if you want to request lots of results by page.
The reason is that results are sorted first on each shard, and all those results are then gathered, merged and sorted by the request coordinator node. This become more and more costly as the pages grow either in size or in rank. You will find a very good example documented here.
You could limit the size of your users' queries (e.g. to something like ~1000 results), and you will be fine using from/size.
If it's not an option, you can still use scroll, but you will lose some features like aggregations and keeping the search context alive has a cost.
You can use search_after. The basic process flow will be like this:
Perform your regular search to return an array of sorted document results by date.
Perform the next query with the search_after field in the body to tell Elasticsearch to only return documents after the specified document (date).
This way, your results remain robust against any updates or document deletions and stay accurate. You also avoid the scrolling costs (as you've likely already read) and the from/size method's linear time operation cost for each query starting from your initial document result.
See the docs for more info and implementation details.
Both scroll and from/size suffer from deep pagination. You could try a hybrid approach by doing pagination in larger steps (e.g. 100 entries at a time), but have the UI show in smaller batches (i.e. 10 only). As the user continues to go to the pages, at some point, you should trigger another background search task for the next batch while the user is occupied. If you track these sessions and get a rough idea on how deep users search, you could find your ideal resultset size and scroll in those number of steps.
Between the two, I had better experience with scrolling than from/size in terms of response times, but YMMV. Comes down to your data, shard setup, etc.
There's a decent article about pagination here. The cliff notes seem to be:
if you're presenting results to a user for application search: use from/size (this technique is preferable up to 10,000 results)
if you're infinite scrolling, use search_after- this is more efficient and can be used with > 10,000 results.
if you have regular inserts on your index, search_after is yet more preferable, because it should avoid duplicates arising from an insert on page 1 pushing results onto page 2.
if you need users to be able to "go back" (from page 2 to page 1) for example, and see consistent results, you need a technique which freezes the results. This could be either:
Point in Time API: ES > 7.10 X-Pack feature
Scroll API: Older, free-er versions of ES
The article merits a read if you've got this far. Bonus link to the es pagination docs.

Does Elasticsearch stream results?

Does Elasticsearch stream the query results as they are "calculated" or does it calculate everything and then return the final response back to the client?
By default elasticsearch will only return a limited set of results for a query. (i.e. searching for * will only return the default count set regardless of the number of matches).
Generally to implement "streaming" , you make an initial search to get total count of matching documents and then ask for documents in ranges ( i.e. first 10, next 10, etc.. )
for how to request the number of documents returned.
Have you tried scroll query? much easier to deal with than pagination.
Scrolling is not intended for real time user requests, but rather for processing large amounts of data, e.g. in order to reindex the contents of one index into a new index with a different configuration.
Answer to the question in the comments:
So question would this be the right way to export large results for a
"report" type system? I'm not talking about frond end? I'm talking
about a back end application that will execute a custom query and
build a file with 300000 + result
I'm sure there might be a valid reasons for doing this, but to me it sounds like you're using a hammer to drive screws. Much of the point of using elasticsearch is to use it's aggregations features to do more of the computing in the data store.
Aggregations Documentation
If you really need the raw data of 300000 records, then thats what you need. However, if it's a report, that implies you're doing some manipulation of the data into metrics. Much of the point of ES is that it allows you to build "custom reports" on the fly. I suspect it will be much faster to put as much logic as you can into the query, rather simply manipulating the raw data.
Without knowing more about the requirements, I can't come up with any better answer than that.
No, Elastic so far does not support this. The Elastic API uses a traditional request/response model. The query results are paginated, buffered on the server-side, and sent back to the client. A truly read of the response body in a streaming fashion does not seem to be in the Elastic roadmap.
With that said, for big result sets the scroll API has been deprecated and was never intended for real-time user queries. At the moment the best option is the search_after that could be seen as a cursor in traditional RDBMS.
