I have a Datatable with fields Name, Id number , Username, Position.
Then I have search field with a dropdown which has two fields as that of fields in datatable.
I enter the searchitem and select the option from dropdown which is columnname in which I want to search the entered text and display the result.
I tried $(table).DataTable().column(columnname).search(searchtext).draw() but it didn't worked.
Is this sample right? Or how can I search into single column in datatable?
Your intention is not very clear. It looks as you are trying to implement client-side single-column search/filtering in Datatables. If true, I recommend this example.
BTW, I don't see anything specific to AEM or HTL/Sightly in your question, will be removing those tags.
Forgive my ignorance for the proper terminology, but let me try to explain what I want to happen.
I have two custom fields on the incident table/form. I have created a custom table with 2 columns. I have figured out how to reference the table in one of the fields, allowing me to search the entries. Now I want to link the field selection to the other field via the custom table I made. When I make a selection in field A, I want field B to populate with the other column on the same row Field A pulled from in the first place. How would I do that?
Sounds like you want what's commonly referred to as a "derived field" or a dot-walked field.
You have a reference field which stores the reference to the other table, and want a second field on the form that shows another field on that referenced table. You don't actually need to create a new element, you just need to add a dot-walked form element.
Once you have the reference field added, go to Personalize/Configure the form layout.
In the slushbucket of available fields, you'll notice that reference
fields show up in green text with a little [+] next to them.
Select your reference field and a little button will show up between the two
lists, just above the "Add" button
Click that button and the left-side available fields will show the fields available on that reference field's table.
From here, select that second field that you want to display on your form, and bring it over to the right side where you want it.
First, I tried to create a multivalued combo box in a form but the Lookup Wizard didn't give me the option like it does in a Table.
So...then I created exactly what I wanted in the field in the table. I know how to display the correct values you want using column bound, column width, etc.
I thought I could create a text box in the form and bound it to the appropriate field in the table. But the result I get is the ID number Access assigned to each record...not the descriptive value I actually want. How do I get the descriptive field (not the ID) to display in my form?
Use a combobox.
ControlSource = field name
ColumnCount = 2
CoulmnWidths = 0cm
I would like to pass a search value to one of the columns in the jsgrid. Can this be done?
Say I have a grid with the following columns:
City, Size, and Postal Code
I would like to pass in a postal code value to display in the toolbar search box and then run the search.
You can access the text fields of the searching toolbar by ids. The id of the filed will be build based on the value of name property of the column in colModel and the prefix "gs_". For example if you have columns with name="city" then to set the value "London" in the corresponding input field you can use $("#gs_city").val("London"). After you set all the values which you need you can trigger change event on any of the elements of the toolbar to apply the filtering on the grid. Alternatively one can call triggerToolbar method saved on DOM element of the grid: $("#gridid")[0].triggerToolbar();.
I am working in Oracle Apex .i want to add TextBox i-e Disease from AddNew Button because i have Multiple Entries for one TextBox.The entries will be selected from another table through POPUP LOV. Below is the picture.
I don't think I can explain it step by step here, but it sounds like you could make use of a Tabular Form in your case.
In a Tabular form, you can dynamically add-update-delete new rows with a button, and for each field you can have Popop LOVS or Comboboxes to select data from.
Here are a few things to note:
When you insert a Tabular Form in your page, you'll instantly get three processes; one for Automated Row Fetching and two for save-update operations. By default, these processes are triggered through a button. You might want to change that since you have other items to submit in your page.
In a tabular form, you define a SQL query and the resulting columns of that query becomes your fields. For each field, you can select whether you want it to be a Combobox, Popup LOV etc.
Since you want to use a single column "DISEASE" in your treatment table, you can use one of the list item types that support multiple values (generally separated by colons (:)) - for example, a Shuttle.
I am using custom paging in a RadGrid. It is working fine. But filter is not working as i want. So I thought of writing my own code for filter. But how could i get the filter text and the coloumn for which the filter was applied in the NeedDataSource event.
I got the answer, but I forgot to update here. My bad...
The answer is: gridObject.MasterTableView.FilterExpression. This grid property has all the filters concatenated as a string. this string contains column headers and the filter applied separated by comma ,. You can split that and work on it.
I found another way, which I discovered thanks to ckr's answer here. You need to do this for each filterable column you are interested in:
var filterValue = rgFilterPoints.MasterTableView.GetColumn("YourColumnName").CurrentFilterValue;
Another option, if you happen to be in an event whose EventArgs parameter has Item (like GridCommandEventArgs), you can use this:
You need to use column index in this case. Beware there are a few "hidden" columns at the beginning, so in this example I'm accessing the 4th column in the markup.