Custom implementation of StatusAggregator - spring-boot

After migration to Spring Boot 2.3.0 I need to create a custom implementation of StatusAggregator.
However, I don't know exactly how to do it properly after when the HealthAggregator is deprecated. I've got several external systems and I check their availability and in the previous version I had method Health aggregate(Map<String, Health> healths) but now it's Status getAggregateStatus(Set<Status> statuses) from interface StatusAggregator where as an argument it has Set of Statuses. I need to recognize from with system Status object comes, so during creation Health, I use the approach where I create Status with description, something like this:
Health.status(new Status((Status.DOWN.getCode(), "TEST_SYSTEM")).build())
Then I want to recognize it in method Status getAggregateStatus(Set<Status> statuses) by this description however when I go to Status.class and check equals it not include description field.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else {
return obj instanceof Status ? ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.code, ((Status)obj).code) : false;
so Set<Status> will return only Statuses with different code.

I was also looking to do something similar and did not find a way to identify the component sending the status. I defined custom health indicators for each API and checked the dependencies for external APIs within those individual health indicators. For custom health indicator, implement the health method in the HealthIndicator and annotate with 'component' to register in the application context as explained in the documentation.


In Kubernetes, how can I detect that my pod is ready?

I have a Kubernetes pod using a readiness probe, and tied with the service this ensures that I don't receive traffic until I'm ready.
I'm using Spring Actuator as the health endpoint for this readiness probe.
But i'd like to trigger some actions whenever the pod is deemed ready by the kubelet.
What would be the simplest way to do this?
Perhaps implement your own HealthCheck. When you find that everything is ok for the first time, run your code.
I use a static variable firstHealthCheckOK is checked. Your logic should run only once.
I am assuming you are running Spring-boot 2.x and are calling a readiness probe on http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
The health() method below is called when Kubernetes calls http://localhost:8080/actuator/health
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class HealthCheck implements HealthIndicator {
static boolean firstHealthCheckOK = false;
public Health health() {
int errorCode = check(); // perform health check
if (errorCode != 0) {
return Health.down()
.withDetail("Error Code", errorCode).build();
if (firstHealthCheckOK == false){
firstHealthCheckOK = true;
return Health.up().build();
private int check() {
//some logic
return 0;
private void doStartUpLogic() {
//some startup logic
You can use a post-install hook provided by helm charts (in case you are using helm to deploy your application). This will perform necessary actions/script/jobs after the pod becomes up and running.
As part of the pod lifecycle events, you may want to attach additional handlers such as podStart and build your custom logic to manipulate the event happening as need be.
Alternatively, you can also run your code to read REST response from
GET /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}/log
build any downstream logic to get pod status
Note, in controlled environments, it's good to not base any of your conditional logic on pods (individual pods) rather rely on deployments. The REST endpoint which you should rather focus on is
GET /apis/apps/v1beta2/namespaces/{namespace}/deployments/{name}/status

What's the purpose of LoggingChannel.Level

I'm trying to understand the proper way to use Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.LoggingChannel. In particular I'd like to understand the purpose behind the Level property and when is this property set.
As described in the MSDN documentation of LoggingChannel, the Level property is read-only. So how can I set the level that a channel accepts messages at?
Currently what I have designed as a logger for my app is something like below:
public class Logger
public LoggingLevel LoggerLoggingLevel { get; set; }
private LoggingSession _session;
private LoggingChannel _channel;
public Logger()
_channel = new LoggingChannel("MyChannel");
_session = new LoggingSession("MySession");
public void LogMessage(string msg, LoggingLevel level)
if (level >= LoggerLoggingLevel)
_channel.LogMessage(msg, level);
// The consumer of the Logger class will instantiate an instance of it,
// sets the LoggerLoggingLevel, and then starts logging messages at various levels.
// At any point, the consumer can change LoggerLoggingLevel to start accepting
// messages at different levels.
IS this the right approach or is there a better way (for example by somehow setting the level of _channel and then passing the message & level to the channel, letting the channel decide whether it should filter out the message or accept and log it)?
LoggingChannel.Level tells you "somebody has expressed interest in receiving messages from you that are of severity 'Level' or higher". This property will be set automatically by the runtime when somebody subscribes to events from your LoggingChannel instance. (Within your app, you can subscribe to your app's events using the LoggingSession class; outside of your app, you can record your app's events using a tool like tracelog or xperf.)
In simple scenarios, you don't need to worry about the value of LoggingChannel.Level. The LoggingChannel.LogMessage function already checks the value of LoggingChannel.Level. It also checks the value of LoggingChannel.Enabled, which tells you whether anybody is subscribed to your events at any level. (Note that the value of LoggingChannel.Level is UNDEFINED and MEANINGLESS unless LoggingChannel.Enabled is true.) In normal use, you don't need to worry about LoggingChannel.Enabled or LoggingChannel.Level -- just call LogMessage and let LoggingChannel check the levels for you.
LoggingChannel exposes the Enabled and Level properties to support a more complex scenario where it is expensive to gather the data you are about to log. In this case, you would probably like to skip gathering the data if nobody is listening for your event. You would then write code like this:
if (channel.Enabled && channel.Level <= eventLevel)
string expensiveData = GatherExpensiveData();
channel.LogMessage(expensiveData, eventLevel);
Note that the Windows 10 version of LoggingChannel added a bunch of new methods to make life a bit easier. If your program will run on Windows 10 or later, you can use the IsEnabled method instead of separate checks for Enabled and Level:
if (channel.IsEnabled(eventLevel))
string expensiveData = GatherExpensiveData();
channel.LogMessage(expensiveData, eventLevel);
A bunch of other stuff was also added to LoggingChannel for Windows 10. You can now log complex events (strongly-typed fields) instead of just strings, you can define keywords and opcodes (look up ETW documentation for more information), and you can basically have your LoggingChannel act like a first-class ETW citizen.

Passing data to dependencies registered with Execution Context Scope lifetime in Simple Injector

Is there a way to pass data to dependencies registered with either Execution Context Scope or Lifetime Scope in Simple Injector?
One of my dependencies requires a piece of data in order to be constructed in the dependency chain. During HTTP and WCF requests, this data is easy to get to. For HTTP requests, the data is always present in either the query string or as a Request.Form parameter (and thus is available from HttpContext.Current). For WCF requests, the data is always present in the OperationContext.Current.RequestContext.RequestMessage XML, and can be parsed out. I have many command handler implementations that depend on an interface implementation that needs this piece of data, and they work great during HTTP and WCF scoped lifestyles.
Now I would like to be able to execute one or more of these commands using the Task Parallel Library so that it will execute in a separate thread. It is not feasible to move the piece of data out into a configuration file, class, or any other static artifact. It must initially be passed to the application either via HTTP or WCF.
I know how to create a hybrid lifestyle using Simple Injector, and already have one set up as hybrid HTTP / WCF / Execution Context Scope (command interfaces are async, and return Task instead of void). I also know how to create a command handler decorator that will start a new Execution Context Scope when needed. The problem is, I don't know how or where (or if I can) "save" this piece of data so that is is available when the dependency chain needs it to construct one of the dependencies.
Is it possible? If so, how?
Currently, I have an interface called IProvideHostWebUri with two implementations: HttpHostWebUriProvider and WcfHostWebUriProvider. The interface and registration look like this:
public interface IProvideHostWebUri
Uri HostWebUri { get; }
container.Register<IProvideHostWebUri>(() =>
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return container.GetInstance<HttpHostWebUriProvider>();
if (OperationContext.Current != null)
return container.GetInstance<WcfHostWebUriProvider>();
throw new NotSupportedException(
"The IProvideHostWebUri service is currently only supported for HTTP and WCF requests.");
}, scopedLifestyle); // scopedLifestyle is the hybrid mentioned previously
So ultimately unless I gut this approach, my goal would be to create a third implementation of this interface which would then depend on some kind of context to obtain the Uri (which is just constructed from a string in the other 2 implementations).
#Steven's answer seems to be what I am looking for, but I am not sure how to make the ITenantContext implementation immutable and thread-safe. I don't think it will need to be made disposable, since it just contains a Uri value.
So what you are basically saying is that:
You have an initial request that contains some contextual information captured in the request 'header'.
During this request you want to kick off a background operation (on a different thread).
The contextual information from the initial request should stay available when running in the background thread.
The short answer is that Simple Injector does not contain anything that allows you to do so. The solution is in creating a piece of infrastructure that allows moving this contextual information along.
Say for instance you are processing command handlers (wild guess here ;-)), you can specify a decorator as follows:
public class BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator<T> : ICommandHandler<T>
private readonly ITenantContext tenantContext;
private readonly Container container;
private readonly Func<ICommandHandler<T>> decorateeFactory;
public BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator(ITenantContext tenantContext,
Container container, Func<ICommandHandler<T>> decorateeFactory) {
this.tenantContext = tenantContext;
this.container = container;
this.decorateeFactory = decorateeFactory;
public void Handle(T command) {
// Capture the contextual info in a local variable
// NOTE: This object must be immutable and thread-safe.
var tenant = this.tenantContext.CurrentTenant;
// Kick off a new background operation
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
using (container.BeginExecutionContextScope()) {
// Load a service that allows setting contextual information
var context = this.container.GetInstance<ITenantContextApplier>();
// Set the context for this thread, before resolving the handler
// Resolve the handler
var decoratee = this.decorateeFactory.Invoke();
// And execute it.
Note that in the example I make use of an imaginary ITenantContext abstraction, assuming that you need to supply the commands with information about the current tenant, but any other sort of contextual information will obviously do as well.
The decorator is a small piece of infrastructure that allows you to process commands in the background and it is its responsibility to make sure all the required contextual information is moved to the background thread as well.
To be able to do this, the contextual information is captured and used as a closure in the background thread. I created an extra abstraction for this, namely ITenantContextApplier. Do note that the tenant context implementation can implement both the ITenantContext and the ITenantContextApplier interface. If however you define the ITenantContextApplier in your composition root, it will be impossible for the application to change the context, since it does not have a dependency on ITenantContextApplier.
Here's an example:
// Base library
public interface ITenantContext { }
// Business Layer
public class SomeCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<Some> {
public SomeCommandHandler(ITenantContext context) { ... }
// Composition Root
public static class CompositionRoot {
// Make the ITenantContextApplier private so nobody can see it.
// Do note that this is optional; there's no harm in making it public.
private interface ITenantContextApplier {
void SetCurrentTenant(Tenant tenant);
private class AspNetTenantContext : ITenantContextApplier, ITenantContext {
// Implement both interfaces
private class BackgroundProcessingCommandHandlerDecorator<T> { ... }
public static Container Bootstrap(Container container) {
container.RegisterPerWebRequest<ITenantContext, AspNetTenantContext>();
container.Register<ITenantContextApplier>(() =>
container.GetInstance<ITenantContext>() as ITenantContextApplier);
A different approach would be to just make the complete ITenantContext available to the background thread, but to be able to pull this off, you need to make sure that:
The implementation is immutable and thus thread-safe.
The implementation doesn't require disposing, because it will typically be disposed when the original request ends.

use camel case serialization only for specific actions

I've used WebAPI for a while, and generally set it to use camel case json serialization, which is now rather common and well documented everywhere.
Recently however, working on a much larger project, I came across a more specific requirement: we need to use camel case json serialization, but because of backward compatibility issues with our client scripts, I only want it to happen for specific actions, to avoid breaking other parts of the (extremely large) website.
I figure one option is to have a custom content type, but that then requires client code to specify it.
Is there any other option?
Try this:
public class CamelCasingFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private JsonMediaTypeFormatter _camelCasingFormatter = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
public CamelCasingFilterAttribute()
_camelCasingFormatter.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver();
public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
ObjectContent content = actionExecutedContext.Response.Content as ObjectContent;
if (content != null)
if (content.Formatter is JsonMediaTypeFormatter)
actionExecutedContext.Response.Content = new ObjectContent(content.ObjectType, content.Value, _camelCasingFormatter);
Apply this [CamelCasingFilter] attribute to any action you want to camel-case. It will take any JSON response you were about to send back and convert it to use camel casing for the property names instead.

Return an object and control status code

I upgraded from the ASP.NET Web API release on (the version before the RC on Friday) to the nightly builds on As expected there were many breaking changes, and one of them I can't seem to get around: We have a scenario where we want our action to return an object and set the status code to 201 Created. This was quite easily done before (might not compile - conceptual code from the top of my head):
Session session = GetSessionInfo(requestMessage);
var response = new HttpResonseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);
response.Content = response.CreateContent(session);
return response;
CreateContent was actually an extension method located in System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessageExtensions calling an internal constructor in ObjectContent. With the new release HttpResponseMessageExtensions seems to be gone in the new release and so does the internal constructors of ObjectContent. Now it seems I must call an ObjectContent constructor, and the following seems to be the most appropriate for our needs:
public class ObjectContent<T> : ObjectContent
public ObjectContent(T value, MediaTypeFormatter formatter)
However it seems I have to pass a MediaTypeFormatter into it, mixing content negotiation into the logic of the action. In our setup content negotiation is generic and completely decoupled from the controllers.
Does anyone have a suggestion for solving the scenario to return an object, set the response status code, but not have to deal with MediaTypeFormatter, media type or any other content negotiation related stuff?
We redesigned how ObjectContent<T> creation works. Starting with the RC, you should be calling the CreateResponse() set of extension methods (they're off HttpRequestMessage). This will actually produce an instance of HttpResponseMessage with an instance of a content-negotiated ObjectContent<T> inside. So, something like:
Session session = GetSessionInfo(requestMessage);
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, session);
return response;
