How to capture a common request parameter for all requests in spring BOOT REST - spring

In Jersey Rest API
if any common request parameters are there then we can capture that value at RootResource level using the below code.
private String qQueryParams
Is there any similar approach in Spring Rest API.
In other words, all my endpoint URL will contain the query parameter "q". How to capture this data at class level instead of every request.
Thanks, Vijay

you can use #RequestMapping({q}/test) above controller and pass #PathVariable String q as method argument.
#RequestMapping(value = "{q}/test")
class TestController {
public ModelAndView doSomething(#PathVariable String q) {
// do something with q...


How the request body of form is passed to spring mvc controller and how to map to pojo class instance?

How the request body of form is passed to the spring MVC controller and how to map to the POJO class instance?
I presume, you are building end point using POST. If yes, you can annotate method parameter with #RequestBody to a capture request body.
Basically, #RequestBody is used to bind the HTTP request body with a domain object in method parameter. Behind the scenes, these annotation uses HTTP Message converters to convert the body of HTTP request to domain objects.
#RequestMapping(value="/user/create", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void createUser(#RequestBody User user){
// your logic goes here..
// Make sure that parameters in User POJO matches with HTTP Request Parameters.
I assume you are using POST API request for your use case. In the spring mvc controller class, we can make use of #RequestBody annotation followed by Pojo class.
public ResponseEntity<ResponseDto> saveData(#RequestBody Data data) {
// Access to service layer
Let's say you're doing a POST request.
public void saveSomeData(#RequestBody PojoClass pojoClass){
// whatever you wanna do
The #RequestBody annotation extracts the data your client application is sending on the body of the request. Also, you'd want to name the member variables on your pojo class similar to how you named it in on your request body.
Your POJO class can be something like:
public class PojoClass{
private String name;
private int age;
Now you can create getters and setters or use the Lombok annotation #Data on the class level to auto-generate the getters and setters.
Hope this was helpful:)

Get raw json string in Spring MVC Rest

Im have #RestController and this method. how can I get any json and then select the handler depending on the method and pass it there for processing
PS. I use GSON instead of JACKSON
You can use #RequestBody in your method and take a String parameter:
public AbstractJsonResponse(#PaqthVariable String method, #RequestBody String json) {
See here:
Mainly the part that says:
Annotation indicating a method parameter should be bound to the body of the web request

how to Enforce request header on all spring web RestController equests

Is there an option to specify a request header once in spring web RestController instead of doing it on every request?
public class MyClass{
public Value list(#RequestHeader(USER_ID_HEADER_PARAM) String user) {
...some code
public Workflow create(#RequestBody Workflow workflow, #RequestHeader(USER_ID_HEADER_PARAM) String user) {
... some code
the #RequestHeader(USER_ID_HEADER_PARAM) will be repeated in every request.
is there a way to specity it in the #RestCotroller level or the class level?
Use some kind of filter class that can be configured to wrap around your requests in your servlets based on the URL path.
Here is info about the generic Servlet API filter API:
If you're using Spring, there's another way to do it:

Spring REST mandatory #RequestParam for all the API

Is there a way to configure #RequestParam for all the API in a class.
I want all my API to have a mantory request param like token.
Have you seen the #RequestMapping#params annotation element?
#RequestMapping is an annotation that you can put on the top of your controller and then you can provide the required parameter names that need to be present for it to be accessible on your controller:
#RequestMapping(params = { "token" }, ...)
public class MyRequiredTokenEndpoints { ... }

Spring Boot MVC request mapping overrides static resources

I want to have rest controller in Spring Boot to handle all requests like this: "/{arg}", EXCEPT "/sitemap.xml". How can I achieve that?
You could specify your request mapping on the controller level via regex and exclude some resources (e.g. 'excludeResourceA' and 'excludeResourceB') with:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{arg:(?!sitemap.xml|excludeResourceA|excludeResourceB).*$}")
public class YourRestController {
// your implementation
Of course you can also specify the request mapping on the method level with the same regex relative to your controller path matching and you can pass the argument with #PathVariable("arg") String arg in your method signature to your method body if you need it.
