Divide list code snippet I dont understand - prolog

can you explain this piece of code for me?
teile_Liste([X,Y|Liste],[X|Liste1],[Y|Liste2]) :-
?- teile_Liste([a,b,c,d,e],X,Y).
X = [a, c, e],
Y = [b, d] .
I don't understands whats happing there. I even looked into it with trace but that didn't help me either.

teile_Liste/3 is true for the special case of all arguments being empty lists:
teile_Liste/3 is also true for the special case of two identical one-element list on positions 1 and 2, and the empty list on position 3.
In the one other case that shall be true we use induction:
The case is described as
So the argument at position 1 must be a list of at least 2 elements, which also appear as element of lists at argument positions 2 and 3, distributed.
But we also want to say something about the smaller lists Liste, Liste1, Liste2, which cannot be whatever they are but which must follow the recursive relationship:
Evidently this is a specification to relate three lists in a way such that the first list's contents are distributed over the other two lists. This specification is complete enough for Prolog to build one list if two other are giving, or to fail the query if that is not possible (as in teile_Liste([a],[b],[X,Y]): NOPE!). Alternatively if all three lists are given, Prolog can verify that the relationship holds.
And so the proof proceeds:
Only the head of the 3rd clause matches that query. It's a rule. The rule's variables are set to be as follows by unification:
teile_Liste([a,b|[c,d,e]],[a|Liste1],[b|Liste2]) :-
According to the principles of Prolog, we shall now prove the body of the matching rule:
Again, only the 3rd clause matches (rule application B):
teile_Liste([c,d|[e]],[c|Liste1],[d|Liste2]) :-
According to the principles of Prolog, we shall now prove the body of the matching rule:
Only the head of the second clause matches.
This is a "base case match", i.e. we match a fact instead of a rule; there won't be any recursion. All the rules encountered have also been completely worked off. So we are done with "query success". We just need to check what happens to the variables of the query. These are printed out by the Prolog Toplevel.
So we match the fact:
thus forcing the previously-unknown values of List1 and List2 to be [e] and [], respectively.
These are same variables than the ones of CLAUSE MATCH 2, so the head there can now be written
or simpler:
This means that for CLAUSE MATCH 1:
Liste1 = [c,e]
Liste2 = [d]
so the head there is equal to
or simpler:
and thus the variables of the query are:
X = [a,c,e]
Y = [b,d]
...which is what is printed out.

teile_Liste describes a relation, such that
the triple ( [], [], []) is in the relation;
the triple ( [X], [X], []) is in the relation, whatever value the variable X has (or none); this means the first two argument are the same, one-element, list, and the third argument is an empty list;
the triple ( [X, Y | Z], [X | Z1], [Y | Z2]) is in the relation, if
( Z, Z1, Z2) is in this relation, whatever the values of X, Y, Z, Z1 and Z2,
where each reference to a variable with the same name refers to the same value:
relation( [X, Y | Z], [X | Z1], [Y | Z2] ) :-
relation( Z, Z1 , Z2 ).
This means that relation teile_Liste( A, B, C) holds
teile_Liste( A, B, C) :-
A = [X, Y | Z], % and
B = [X | Z1], % and
C = [ Y | Z2], % and the relation
teile_Liste( Z, Z1, Z2 ). % holds.
the first argument is a list starting with X and Y and having more elements in it after that, Z;
the second list argument starts with X and has more elements in it, Z1;
the third list argument starts with Y and has more elements in it, Z2;
Z, Z1, Z2 relate in the same fashion, so overall it is:
[X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ....., XN, YN]
[X, X1, X2, ....., XN ]
[ Y, Y1, Y2, ....., YN]
(when recursion ends on the ([], [], []) case, so, the first list argument's length is even), or
[X, Y, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, ....., XN1, YN1, XN]
[X, X1, X2, ....., XN1 , XN]
[ Y, Y1, Y2, ....., YN1 ]
(when recursion ends on the ([XN], [XN], []) case, so, the first list argument's length is odd).


return first two element and last two element from the list

can someone help me with this, Prolog language
find the first two-element and the last two elements from the list
the answer should be like this.
?- my_list([a,b, [c,[h], d], [] ,e, h], Q).
Q = [a,b,e,h]
A simple solution is:
my_list([X1,X2|Xs], [X1,X2,X3,X4]) :- reverse(Xs, [X4,X3|_]).
How does it work?
To get the first two elements of the list (X1 and X2), you only need to use unification:
?- [a,b, [c,[h], d], [] ,e, h] = [X1,X2|Xs].
X1 = a,
X2 = b,
Xs = [[c, [h], d], [], e, h].
To get the last two elements (X3 and X4), you can use reverse/2 and unification:
?- [a,b, [c,[h], d], [] ,e, h] = [X1,X2|Xs], reverse(Xs, [X4,X3|_]).
X1 = a,
X2 = b,
Xs = [[c, [h], d], [], e, h],
X4 = h,
X3 = e.
my_list(List, Result) :-
Result = [A,B,Y,Z],
append([A,B], Tail, List),
append( _, [Y,Z], Tail).
Tells Prolog to seek an answer where Result must be a list of four elements, and the first two must fit a pattern of being at the front of the List leaving a remainder in Tail, and the second two must fit the pattern of being at the end of the remainder, leaving the middle of the list which we discard into _ because we don't care about it.
You could instead use nth1/3 to pick out the list elements by their indices; nth1(2, List, Elem) getting the second element. The last index coming from length(List, Len) and calculating the last-but-one index with math.
Or you could use pattern matching to build predicates that match the first two items in a list [A,B|Tail] and a list of two items [Y,Z] and uses recursion to trim down the Tail until it only has two elements. Then combine both those into my_list.
In Prolog folklore there is append/2, that allows a simple solution:
my_list(List,[A,B,Y,Z]) :-

Understanding Prolog Lists

I am trying to understand Prolog lists, and how values are 'returned' / instantiated at the end of a recursive function.
I am looking at this simple example:
val_and_remainder(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|R]) :-
If I call val_and_remainder(X, [1,2,3], R). then I will get the following outputs:
X = 1, R = [2,3];
X = 2, R = [1,3];
X = 3, R = [1,2];
But I am confused as to why in the base case (val_and_remainder(X,[X|Xs],Xs).) Xs has to appear as it does.
If I was to call val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). then it seems to me as though it would run through the program as:
% Initial call
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R]) :- val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R).
% Hits base case
val_and_remainder(2, [2|[3]], [3]).
If the above run through is correct then how does it get the correct value for R? As in the above case the value of R should be R = [1,3].
In Prolog, you need to think of predicates not as functions as you would normally in other languages. Predicates describe relationships which might include arguments that help define that relationship.
For example, let's take this simple case:
same_term(X, X).
This is a predicate that defines a relationship between two arguments. Through unification it is saying that the first and second arguments are the same if they are unified (and that definition is up to us, the writers of the predicate). Thus, same_term(a, a) will succeed, same_term(a, b) will fail, and same_term(a, X) will succeed with X = a.
You could also write this in a more explicit form:
same_term(X, Y) :-
X = Y. % X and Y are the same if they are unified
Now let's look at your example, val_and_remainder/3. First, what does it mean?
val_and_remainder(X, List, Rest)
This means that X is an element of List and Rest is a list consisting of all of the rest of the elements (without X). (NOTE: You didn't explain this meaning right off, but I'm determining this meaning from the implementation your example.)
Now we can write out to describe the rules. First, a simple base case:
This says that:
Xs is the remainder of list [X|Xs] without X.
This statement should be pretty obvious by the definition of the [X|Xs] syntax for a list in Prolog. You need all of these arguments because the third argument Xs must unify with the tail (rest) of list [X|Xs], which is then also Xs (variables of the same name are, by definition, unified). As before, you could write this out in more detail as:
val_and_remainder(X, [H|T], R) :-
X = H,
R = T.
But the short form is actually more clear.
Now the recursive clause says:
val_and_remainder(X, [Y|Ys], [Y|R]) :-
val_and_remainder(X, Ys, R).
So this means:
[Y|R] is the remainder of list [Y|Ys] without X if R is the remainder of list Ys without the element X.
You need to think about that rule to convince yourself that it is logically true. The Y is the same in second and third arguments because they are referring to the same element, so they must unify.
So these two predicate clauses form two rules that cover both cases. The first case is the simple case where X is the first element of the list. The second case is a recursive definition for when X is not the first element.
When you make a query, such as val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). Prolog looks to see if it can unify the term val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R) with a fact or the head of one of your predicate clauses. It fails in its attempt to unify with val_and_remainder(X,[X|Xs],Xs) because it would need to unify X with 2, which means it would need to unify [1,2,3] with [2|Xs] which fails since the first element of [1,2,3] is 1, but the first element of [2|Xs] is 2.
So Prolog moves on and successfully unifies val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R) with val_and_remainder(X,[Y|Ys],[Y|R]) by unifying X with 2, Y with 1, Ys with [2,3], and R with [Y|R] (NOTE, this is important, the R variable in your call is NOT the same as the R variable in the predicate definition, so we should name this R1 to avoid that confusion). We'll name your R as R1 and say that R1 is unified with [Y|R].
When the body of the second clause is executed, it calls val_and_remainder(X,Ys,R). or, in other words, val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R). This will unify now with the first clause and give you R = [3]. When you unwind all of that, you get, R1 = [Y|[3]], and recalling that Y was bound to 1, the result is R1 = [1,3].
Stepwise reproduction of Prolog's mechanism often leads to more confusion than it helps. You probably have notions like "returning" meaning something very specific—more appropriate to imperative languages.
Here are different approaches you can always use:
Ask the most general query
... and let Prolog explain you what the relation is about.
?- val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys).
Xs = [X|Ys]
; Xs = [_A,X|_B], Ys = [_A|_B]
; Xs = [_A,_B,X|_C], Ys = [_A,_B|_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,X|_D], Ys = [_A,_B,_C|_D]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,X|_E], Ys = [_A,_B,_C,_D|_E]
; ... .
So Xs and Ys share a common list prefix, Xs has thereafter an X, followed by a common rest. This query would continue producing further answers. Sometimes, you want to see all answers, then you have to be more specific. But don't be too specific:
?- Xs = [_,_,_,_], val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys).
Xs = [X,_A,_B,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,X,_B,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,X,_C], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,X], Ys = [_A,_B,_C]
; false.
So here we got all possible answers for a four-element list. All of them.
Stick to ground goals when going through specific inferences
So instead of val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R). (which obviously got your head spinning) rather consider val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], [1,3]). and then
val_and_remainder(2, [2,3],[3]). From this side it should be obvious.
Read Prolog rules right-to-left
See Prolog rules as production rules. Thus, whenever everything holds on the right-hand side of a rule, you can conclude what is on the left. Thus, the :- is an early 1970s' representation of a ←
Later on, you may want to ponder more complex questions, too. Like
Functional dependencies
Does the first and second argument uniquely determine the last one? Does X, Xs → Ys hold?
Here is a sample query that asks for Ys and Ys2 being different for the same X and Xs.
?- val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys), val_and_remainder(X, Xs, Ys2), dif(Ys,Ys2).
Xs = [X,_A,X|_B], Ys = [_A,X|_B], Ys2 = [X,_A|_B], dif([_A,X|_B],[X,_A|_B])
; ... .
So apparently, there are different values for Ys for a given X and Xs. Here is a concrete instance:
?- val_and_remainder(x, [x,a,x], Ys).
Ys = [a,x]
; Ys = [x,a]
; false.
There is no classical returning here. It does not return once but twice. It's more of a yield.
Yet, there is in fact a functional dependency between the arguments! Can you find it? And can you Prolog-wise prove it (as much as Prolog can do a proof, indeed).
From comment:
How the result of R is correct, because if you look at my run-though
of a program call, the value of Xs isn't [1,3], which is what it
eventually outputs; it is instead [3] which unifies to R (clearly I am
missing something along the way, but I am unsure what that is).
This is correct:
% Initial call
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R]) :- val_and_remainder(2, [2,3], R).
% Hits base case
val_and_remainder(2, [2|[3]], [3]).
however Prolog is not like other programming languages where you enter with input and exit with output at a return statement. In Prolog you move forward through the predicate statements unifying and continuing with predicates that are true, and upon backtracking also unifying the unbound variables. (That is not technically correct but it is easier to understand for some if you think of it that way.)
You did not take into consideration the the unbound variables that are now bound upon backtracking.
When you hit the base case Xs was bound to [3],
but when you backtrack you have look at
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R])
and in particular [1|R] for the third parameter.
Since Xs was unified with R in the call to the base case, i.e.
R now has [3].
Now the third parameter position in
val_and_remainder(2, [1|[2,3]], [1|R])
is [1|R] which is [1|[3]] which as syntactic sugar is [1,3] and not just [3].
Now when the query
val_and_remainder(2, [1,2,3], R).
was run, the third parameter of the query R was unified with the third parameter of the predicate
so R was unified with [Y|R] which unpon backtracking is [1,3]
and thus the value bound to the query variable R is [1,3]
I don't understand the name of your predicate. It is a distraction anyway. The non-uniform naming of the variables is a distraction as well. Let's use some neutral, short one-syllable names to focus on the code itself in its clearest form:
foo( H, [H | T], T). % 1st clause
foo( X, [H | T], [H | R]) :- foo( X, T, R). % 2nd clause
So it's the built-in select/3. Yay!..
Now you ask about the query foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) and how does R gets its value set correctly. The main thing missing from your rundown is the renaming of variables when a matching clause is selected. The resolution of the query goes like this:
|- foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) ? { }
%% SELECT -- 1st clause, with rename
|- ? { foo( H1, [H1|T1], T1) = foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) }
**FAIL** (2 = 1)
**BACKTRACK to the last SELECT**
%% SELECT -- 2nd clause, with rename
|- foo( X1, T1, R1) ?
{ foo( X1, [H1|T1], [H1|R1]) = foo( 2, [1,2,3], R) }
|- foo( X1, T1, R1) ?
{ X1=2, [H1|T1]=[1,2,3], [H1|R1]=R }
|- foo( 2, [2,3], R1) ? { R=[1|R1] }
%% SELECT -- 1st clause, with rename
|- ? { foo( H2, [H2|T2], T2) = foo( 2, [2,3], R1), R=[1|R1] }
** OK **
|- ? { H2=2, T2=[3], T2=R1, R=[1|R1] }
|- ? { R=[1,3] }
The goals between |- and ? are the resolvent, the equations inside { } are the substitution. The knowledge base (KB) is implicitly to the left of |- in its entirety.
On each step, the left-most goal in the resolvent is chosen, a clause with the matching head is chosen among the ones in the KB (while renaming all of the clause's variables in the consistent manner, such that no variable in the resolvent is used by the renamed clause, so there's no accidental variable capture), and the chosen goal is replaced in the resolvent with that clause's body, while the successful unification is added into the substitution. When the resolvent is empty, the query has been proven and what we see is the one successful and-branch in the whole and-or tree.
This is how a machine could be doing it. The "rewrite" steps are introduced here for ease of human comprehension.
So we can see here that the first successful clause selection results in the equation
R = [1 | R1 ]
, and the second, --
R1 = [3]
, which together entail
R = [1, 3]
This gradual top-down instantiation / fleshing-out of lists is a very characteristic Prolog's way of doing things.
In response to the bounty challenge, regarding functional dependency in the relation foo/3 (i.e. select/3): in foo(A,B,C), any two ground values for B and C uniquely determine the value of A (or its absence):
2 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,2,1,3]).
A = 1 ;
3 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,1,2,3]).
A = 1 ;
4 ?- foo( A, [0,1,2,1,3], [0,1,2,4]).
f ?- foo( A, [0,1,1], [0,1]).
A = 1 ;
A = 1 ;
Attempt to disprove it by a counterargument:
10 ?- dif(A1,A2), foo(A1,B,C), foo(A2,B,C).
Action (h for help) ? abort
% Execution Aborted
Prolog fails to find a counterargument.
Tying to see more closely what's going on, with iterative deepening:
28 ?- length(BB,NN), foo(AA,BB,CC), XX=[AA,BB,CC], numbervars(XX),
writeln(XX), (NN>3, !, fail).
29 ?- length(BB,NN), foo(AA,BB,CC), foo(AA2,BB,CC),
XX=[AA,AA2,BB,CC], numbervars(XX), writeln(XX), (NN>3, !, fail).
AA and AA2 are always instantiated to the same variable.
There's nothing special about the number 3, so it is safe to conjecture by generalization that it will always be so, for any length tried.
Another attempt at Prolog-wise proof:
findall(N, between(1,LEN,N), NS),
maplist( \A^member(A,NS), L).
bcs(N, BCS):-
bagof(B-C, A^(ground_list(N,B),ground_list(N,C),foo(A,B,C)), BCS).
as(N, AS):-
bagof(A, B^C^(ground_list(N,B),ground_list(N,C),foo(A,B,C)), AS).
as(N,AS), bcs(N,BCS),
length(AS,N1), length(BCS, N2), N1 =:= N2.
This compares the number of successful B-C combinations overall with the number of As they produce. Equality means one-to-one correspondence.
And so we have,
2 ?- proof(2).
3 ?- proof(3).
4 ?- proof(4).
5 ?- proof(5).
And so for any N it holds. Getting slower and slower. A general, unlimited query is trivial to write, but the slowdown seems exponential.

Prolog multiply elements of a list

How can I get my Prolog program to output
If I input simplify([1,a,b,c],S).?
At the moment the result would be
s([H|T],C) :- T\=[],s(H,SA), s(T,SB), s0(SA*SB,C).
s([H|T],H) :- T==[].
S = A*B.
Thanks for your help.
The difference between 1*a*b*c and 1*(a*(b*c)) is associativity, i.e., the position of the parentheses:
?- X = 1*a*b*c, X = ((One * A) * B) * C.
X = 1*a*b*c,
One = 1,
A = a,
B = b,
C = c.
One way to do this is to "fold over the list from the left", that is to say, compute a result for the first element of the list, combine with the second element, then the third, etc. This is typically done using an accumulator argument to pass the intermediate result. In contrast, your recursion folds the list "from the right" (combining a result for the tail list with the first element, instead of the initial list with the last element).
Here's a way (very lightly tested):
list_multexp([X|Xs], Multexp) :-
list_multexp(Xs, X, Multexp). % use first element as initial acc
list_multexp([X], Acc, Acc * X).
list_multexp([X|Xs], Acc, Multexp) :-
dif(Xs, []),
list_multexp(Xs, Acc * X, Multexp).
This works for your example:
?- list_multexp([1,a,b,c], Multexp).
Multexp = 1*a*b*c ;
Depends on what Prolog you're using. SWI has foldl/4 built in, which is like "reduce" in other languages. So, you could simplify your program to the following:
simplify([H|L],E):- foldl(s,L,H,E).
Not sure that is what do you want but... using atom_concat/3...
simplify([A | T], D) :-
atom_concat(A, '*', C),
atom_concat(C, B, D).
But you have to use 1 as an "atom", so
simplify(['1',a,b,c], S),

Count occurrences Prolog

I'm new in Prolog and trying to do some programming with Lists
I want to do this :
?- count_occurrences([a,b,c,a,b,c,d], X).
X = [[d, 1], [c, 2], [b, 2], [a, 2]].
and this is my code I know it's not complete but I'm trying:
occurrences([X|Y],X,N):- occurrences(Y,X,W), N is W + 1.
occurrences([X|Y],Z,N):- occurrences(Y,Z,N), X\=Z.
My code is wrong so i need some hits or help plz..
Here's my solution using bagof/3 and findall/3:
count_occurrences(List, Occ):-
findall([X,L], (bagof(true,member(X,List),Xs), length(Xs,L)), Occ).
An example
?- count_occurrences([a,b,c,b,e,d,a,b,a], Occ).
Occ = [[a, 3], [b, 3], [c, 1], [d, 1], [e, 1]].
How it works
bagof(true,member(X,List),Xs) is satisfied for each distinct element of the list X with Xs being a list with its length equal to the number of occurrences of X in List:
?- bagof(true,member(X,[a,b,c,b,e,d,a,b,a]),Xs).
X = a,
Xs = [true, true, true] ;
X = b,
Xs = [true, true, true] ;
X = c,
Xs = [true] ;
X = d,
Xs = [true] ;
X = e,
Xs = [true].
The outer findall/3 collects element X and the length of the associated list Xs in a list that represents the solution.
Edit I: the original answer was improved thanks to suggestions from CapelliC and Boris.
Edit II: setof/3 can be used instead of findall/3 if there are free variables in the given list. The problem with setof/3 is that for an empty list it will fail, hence a special clause must be introduced.
count_occurrences(List, Occ):-
setof([X,L], Xs^(bagof(a,member(X,List),Xs), length(Xs,L)), Occ).
Note that so far all proposals have difficulties with lists that contain also variables. Think of the case:
?- count_occurrences([a,X], D).
There should be two different answers.
X = a, D = [a-2]
; dif(X, a), D = [a-1,X-1].
The first answer means: the list [a,a] contains a twice, and thus D = [a-2]. The second answer covers all terms X that are different to a, for those, we have one occurrence of a and one occurrence of that other term. Note that this second answer includes an infinity of possible solutions including X = b or X = c or whatever else you wish.
And if an implementation is unable to produce these answers, an instantiation error should protect the programmer from further damage. Something along:
count_occurrences(Xs, D) :-
( ground(Xs) -> true ; throw(error(instantiation_error,_)) ),
... .
Ideally, a Prolog predicate is defined as a pure relation, like this one. But often, pure definitions are quite inefficient.
Here is a version that is pure and efficient. Efficient in the sense that it does not leave open any unnecessary choice points. I took #dasblinkenlight's definition as source of inspiration.
Ideally, such definitions use some form of if-then-else. However, the traditional (;)/2 written
( If_0 -> Then_0 ; Else_0 )
is an inherently non-monotonic construct. I will use a monotonic counterpart
if_( If_1, Then_0, Else_0)
instead. The major difference is the condition. The traditional control constructs relies upon the success or failure of If_0 which destroys all purity. If you write ( X = Y -> Then_0 ; Else_0 ) the variables X and Y are unified and at that very point in time the final decision is made whether to go for Then_0 or Else_0. What, if the variables are not sufficiently instantiated? Well, then we have bad luck and get some random result by insisting on Then_0 only.
Contrast this to if_( If_1, Then_0, Else_0). Here, the first argument must be some goal that will describe in its last argument whether Then_0 or Else_0 is the case. And should the goal be undecided, it can opt for both.
count_occurrences(Xs, D) :-
foldl(el_dict, Xs, [], D).
el_dict(K, [], [K-1]).
el_dict(K, [KV0|KVs0], [KV|KVs]) :-
KV0 = K0-V0,
if_( K = K0,
( KV = K-V1, V1 is V0+1, KVs0 = KVs ),
( KV = KV0, el_dict(K, KVs0, KVs ) ) ).
=(X, Y, R) :-
equal_truth(X, Y, R).
This definition requires the following auxiliary definitions:
if_/3, equal_truth/3, foldl/4.
If you use SWI-Prolog, you can do :
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
count_occurrences(L, R) :-
foldl(\X^Y^Z^(member([X,N], Y)
-> N1 is N+1,
select([X,N], Y, [X,N1], Z)
; Z = [[X,1] | Y]),
L, [], R).
One thing that should make solving the problem easier would be to design a helper predicate to increment the count.
Imagine a predicate that takes a list of pairs [SomeAtom,Count] and an atom whose count needs to be incremented, and produces a list that has the incremented count, or [SomeAtom,1] for the first occurrence of the atom. This predicate is easy to design:
increment([], E, [[E,1]]).
increment([[H,C]|T], H, [[H,CplusOne]|T]) :-
CplusOne is C + 1.
increment([[H,C]|T], E, [[H,C]|R]) :-
H \= E,
increment(T, E, R).
The first clause serves as the base case, when we add the first occurrence. The second clause serves as another base case when the head element matches the desired element. The last case is the recursive call for the situation when the head element does not match the desired element.
With this predicate in hand, writing count_occ becomes really easy:
count_occ([], []).
count_occ([H|T], R) :-
count_occ(T, Temp),
increment(Temp, H, R).
This is Prolog's run-of-the-mill recursive predicate, with a trivial base clause and a recursive call that processes the tail, and then uses increment to account for the head element of the list.
You have gotten answers. Prolog is a language which often offers multiple "correct" ways to approach a problem. It is not clear from your answer if you insist on any sort of order in your answers. So, ignoring order, one way to do it would be:
Sort the list using a stable sort (one that does not drop duplicates)
Apply a run-length encoding on the sorted list
The main virtue of this approach is that it deconstructs your problem to two well-defined (and solved) sub-problems.
The first is easy: msort(List, Sorted)
The second one is a bit more involved, but still straight forward if you want the predicate to only work one way, that is, List --> Encoding. One possibility (quite explicit):
list_to_rle([], []).
list_to_rle([X|Xs], RLE) :-
list_to_rle_1(Xs, [[X, 1]], RLE).
list_to_rle_1([], RLE, RLE).
list_to_rle_1([X|Xs], [[Y, N]|Rest], RLE) :-
( dif(X, Y)
-> list_to_rle_1(Xs, [[X, 1],[Y, N]|Rest], RLE)
; succ(N, N1),
list_to_rle_1(Xs, [[X, N1]|Rest], RLE)
So now, from the top level:
?- msort([a,b,c,a,b,c,d], Sorted), list_to_rle(Sorted, RLE).
Sorted = [a, a, b, b, c, c, d],
RLE = [[d, 1], [c, 2], [b, 2], [a, 2]].
On a side note, it is almost always better to prefer "pairs", as in X-N, instead of lists with two elements exactly, as in [X, N]. Furthermore, you should keep the original order of the elements in the list, if you want to be correct. From this answer:
rle([], []).
rle_1(Rest, First, 1, Encoded).
rle_1([], Last, N, [Last-N]).
rle_1([H|T], Prev, N, Encoded) :-
( dif(H, Prev)
-> Encoded = [Prev-N|Rest],
rle_1(T, H, 1, Rest)
; succ(N, N1),
rle_1(T, H, N1, Encoded)
Why is it better?
we got rid of 4 pairs of unnecessary brackets in the code
we got rid of clutter in the reported solution
we got rid of a whole lot of unnecessary nested terms: compare .(a, .(1, [])) to -(a, 1)
we made the intention of the program clearer to the reader (this is the conventional way to represent pairs in Prolog)
From the top level:
?- msort([a,b,c,a,b,c,d], Sorted), rle(Sorted, RLE).
Sorted = [a, a, b, b, c, c, d],
RLE = [a-2, b-2, c-2, d-1].
The presented run-length encoder is very explicit in its definition, which has of course its pros and cons. See this answer for a much more succinct way of doing it.
refining joel76 answer:
count_occurrences(L, R) :-
foldl(\X^Y^Z^(select([X,N], Y, [X,N1], Z)
-> N1 is N+1
; Z = [[X,1] | Y]),
L, [], R).

How to print all the facts in prolog

I am a beginner and I am using SWI Prolog to write a rule to print all the facts about addition of two numbers.The following is the code:
addition(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X+Y.
X1 is X+1,
And the following is the output:
1 ?- add(1,2).
As you can see the output addition(2,2,4) is repeating and addition(2,1,3) is missing. What am I doing wrong here??
addition/3 is a "rule", or a "predicate", not a fact. Anyway, you have defined it as:
% addition(X, Y, Z)
% Z is the sum of the integers X and Y
Now you want to apply this predicate to (and I am guessing here) each pair X and Y such that X is between A and B and Y is between A and B:
% add(A, B, Addition)
% Add all numbers X and Y that are between A and B
add(A, B, addition(X, Y, Z)) :-
between(A, B, X),
between(A, B, Y),
addition(X, Y, Z).
You will notice that you don't need recursion (or iteration): you can use the fact that between/3 is non-deterministic and will create choice points that will be evaluated on backtracking.
You can now call it like this:
?- add(1, 2, A).
A = addition(1, 1, 2) ;
A = addition(1, 2, 3) ;
A = addition(2, 1, 3) ;
A = addition(2, 2, 4).
You can press the ; or space to backtrack and evaluate the next solution.
The third argument to add/3 is unified with the term addition/3 in the head of add/3. It happens to have the same name as the predicate addition/3, but it could have been called anything.
If you insist on printing it out from a single call, you could use forall/2:
?- forall(add(1, 2, A), format('~q', [A])).
