How can I check email validation in cypress - cypress

I want to check validation for input element. Can I check if typing wrong or valid Email format in my input.
Like this.
var email = "";
var possible = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
email += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return email;

According to what you expect to do, you need two external functions to create emails and to get a valid state of emails. Then you need to loop the it hook throughout all the emails.
//Create Emails
//Did a small modification so that you can decied the email length you need
const emails = (val) => {
var email = "";
var possible = "";
for (var i = 0; i < val; i++){
email += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));}
return email;
//validate emails
//I have used a general Regex here, use the regex you have used in your website insted
const validateEmail = (email) => {
var re = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
return re.test(email);
//Test Cases (I have added 10 loops so it will create 10 test cases)
//Change the test case count as much as you need
for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
const TestEmail = emails(10)
const EmailState = validateEmail(TestEmail)
it("EmailTest -"+ TestEmail +" - " + EmailState,() => {
Your method of creating emails is awesome. But make sure you add a separate test to check specific and valid scenarios as random emails might not cover them all
This is how the tests are going to look like.
Note: As I have mentioned earlier. It's always better to know your test data. So Without a random generation. Try to have a list of valid, invalid email scenarios with true false conditions And loop through them.

First of all it's good to generate random emails, but the best way to do is have a set of emails in a array. (may be in a JSON) and loop through them and check for the email validity.
Because then you know the email conditions you are testing. But if you want to go with a random email generation method. I totally agree with the Muditha Perera's answer. It works perfectly.


Get Student Submissions from Google Classroom

Goal: use Google App Script to get {link:url} and {driveFile:alternativeLink} from student submissions (attachments) to a Google Classroom Assignment.
Issue: While I can get all of the attachments, I cannot filter down to the specific type of attachment or it's respected property. Specific types of attachments return 'undefined'. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can get the the desired results using the Classroom API website by adding to the "field" input:
studentSubmissions.assignmentSubmission.attachments.driveFile text
function testStudSubs(){
function getStudSubs(){
const COURSE_ID = "60005382479";
const COURSE_WORK_ID = "141252225149";
const USR_ID = {userId:"105308051639096321984"};
const ID = "Cg0IhMWczB0Q_dCnmo4E";
const submissions = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(COURSE_ID, COURSE_WORK_ID, USR_ID).studentSubmissions
return => {
return `${submission.assignmentSubmission.attachments}`
Answer: (Special thanks to for pointing me in the correct direction.)
1st: ensure proper scopes have been added...see response from Sourabh Choraia stackOverflow response. The scopes will ensure we have access to the objects. Once we request a specific object (ex: link or driveFile), attachments that are not of that object type will display as undefined.
2nd: we need to remove the undefined objects. To do this, we can following w3resource (javascript version), adding the format to our "test" function (w3resource example).
We also need to tweak the array by flattening it. Flattening the array will show the correct length by including the undefined objects.
Finally, for the result, we will map it and pull the desired property (Google Api - Student Submissions List).
Here is working example:
function testStudSubs(){
console.log(getStudSubs().flat(2)); // creates separate object for each...ex: 4
const myFlat = getStudSubs().flat(2);
let index = -1;
const arr_length = myFlat ? myFlat.length : 0;
let resIndex = -1;
const result = [];
while (++index < arr_length) {
const value = myFlat[index];
if (value) {
result[++resIndex] = value;
console.log( => { return result.alternateLink + `:` + result.title}));
return => { return result.alternateLink + `:` + result.title});
/ Pulls student submitted work from Classroom
function getStudSubs(){
const COURSE_ID = "60005382479"; // update
const COURSE_WORK_ID = "141252225149"; //update
const USR_ID = {userId:"105308051639096321984"}; //update
const submissions = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(COURSE_ID, COURSE_WORK_ID, USR_ID).studentSubmissions
return => {
return =>
return attachments.driveFile
return submissions

Problem listing assignments of a student in Google Classroom

I am starting to use Classroom API to enhance local apps in our school. In order to make a report for a class, I want to list all student assignments and gradings. I use loops to go through all courses for a student, then all coursework for every course, and then all submissions for every coursework. Here is the piece of code that I use:
function fListWorkStudent(idStudent)
// Variables
var pageToken = null;
var optionalArgs =
pageToken: pageToken,
courseStates: 'ACTIVE',
studentId: idStudent,
pageSize: 0
var optionalArgs2 =
pageToken: pageToken,
userId: idStudent,
pageSize: 0
// Courses for a student
var response = Classroom.Courses.list(optionalArgs);
var sCourses =;
if (sCourses.length === 0)
Logger.log("No courses");
for (course in sCourses)
var idCourse=sCourses[course].id;
var nomprof=getUserName(sCourses[course].ownerId);
// Coursework for every course
var responseW = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.list(idCourse);
var works = responseW.courseWork;
if (works && (works.length > 0))
for work in works)
var idWork=works[work].id;
// Submissions for every coursework
var responseS = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2);
var submissions = responseS.studentSubmissions;
if (submissions && submissions.length >0)
for (submission in submissions)
// Prepare report here
The problem with this code is that when I call Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2) to get the submissions filtered of selected student, and the loop reaches a coursework not assigned to that student, the call fails with error '; error: Requested entity was not found.'
I could solve it by checking in the loop if the coursework is not assigned to that student before calling the API function, or maybe using a try..catch clause to catch the possible error, but I would like to know if there is a smarter solution to this issue.
Unfortunately the API does not give you an endpoint to list directly all assignment / submissions of a given student
However, you are not alone with this problem, there is already a feature request for this functionality on Google's Public Issue Tracker.
I recommend you to give it a "star" in order to increase visibility.
In the mean time, indeed you either need to implement a try...catch statement, or a conditonal statement, something like:
if(works[work].assigneeMode == "ALL_STUDENTS" || (works[work].assigneeMode == "INDIVIDUAL_STUDENTS" && works[work].individualStudentsOptions.studentIds.indexOf(idStudent)!=-1))
var responseS = Classroom.Courses.CourseWork.StudentSubmissions.list(idCourse, idWork, optionalArgs2);

Check if current user is a member of exchange distribution list - Outlook C#

I want to find out if current Outlook user is a member of particular exchange distribution list. If he is, then he should see child form and if he isn't; then he should see message box.
My following code is working up to the point, if user is a member of DistList, he get child form but I don't know how to check show him message box if he isn't member.
string UserName = (string)application.ActiveExplorer().Session.CurrentUser.Name;
string PersonalPublicFolder = "Public Folders - " + application.ActiveExplorer().Session.CurrentUser.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser().PrimarySmtpAddress;
Outlook.MAPIFolder contactsFolder = outlookNameSpace.Folders[PersonalPublicFolder].Folders["Favorites"];
Outlook.DistListItem addressList = contactsFolder.Items["ContactGroup"];
if (addressList.MemberCount != 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= addressList.MemberCount; i++)
Outlook.Recipient recipient = addressList.GetMember(i);
string contact = recipient.Name;
if (contact == UserName)
var assignOwnership = new AssignOwnership();
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Use Application.Session.CurrentUser.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser().GetMemberOfList() - it will return AddressEntries object that contains all DLs that the user is a member of.
Be prepared to handle nulls and errors.

Dynamic menu configuration section with conditional inputs on Magento custom module

I've followed this tutorial to create a custom dynamic backend configuration with serialized data, and everything is working as expected. yay
But now I want to take another step and only show some inputs when a specific value is selected in a select box. I know that I can use when doing this with system.xml, but how can I accomplish the same thing via code with dynamics serialized tables?
I ended up doing some kind of Javascript workaround to enable/disable a certain input.
function togleSelect(element)
var val = element.value;
var name =;
if (val == 0) // select value to be triggered
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = false;
name = name.substr(0, name.lastIndexOf("[")) + "[name_of_my_input]";
var target = document.getElementsByName(name);
target[0].disabled = true;
It's not the best solution but it's working.

Knockout Performance - Filtering an Observable Array

I'm new to Knockout, and I'm trying to use it on a page showing a system's users and the roles that each user has.
The data is in an observableArray of users. The user object has a roles property, which is another observableArray. This second array contains an object for each role, with an ID and a boolean "granted" property.
I want to be able to display all of the users with a specific role, so there's a checkbox for each role - when one of these is checked, the list should show the users with that role.
The problem I've got is that filtering the 1,000 or so users by roles takes several seconds. Filtering by the text in the name is very quick (a few milliseconds), but filtering by role is not. I've put some timing code in, and the issue is the method I'm using to check whether the user has the selected role(s) so I'm just wondering whether there's a better way of doing it, maybe using some Knockout magic.
Below is the ko.computed on the view model that I'm using to do the filtering. The results table is bound to this function.
self.filteredUsers = ko.computed(function () {
var textFilter = self.filter(); // this is an observable bound to a text field
var checkedRoles = self.selectedRoles(); // this is a computed, which returns an array of checked roles
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(self.users(), function (user) {
var match = true;
if (user.displayName.toLowerCase().indexOf(textFilter.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
match = false;
// for each ticked role, check the user has the role
for (var i = 0; i < checkedRoles.length; i++) {
var roleMatch = false;
for (var j = 0; j < user.roles().length; j++) {
if (user.roles()[j].roleId === checkedRoles[i].roleId && user.roles()[j].granted()) {
roleMatch = true;
if (!roleMatch) {
match = false;
return match;
I think that a good optimization would be creating a grantedRoles computed on your user object. This computed would return an object that you can use as an index, would contain properties keyed by a role's unique identifier and would only contain roles that are granted.
Then in filteredUsers, you would check the grantedRoles object against each checked role, rather than looping through user.roles() for each checked role.
