Laravel forcing Http for asssets - laravel

this is a little bit strange because most of the questions here wanted to force https.
While learning AWS elastic beanstalk. I am hosting a laravel site there. Everything is fine, except that none of my javascripts and css files are being loaded.
If have referenced them in the blade view as :
<script src="{{asset('assets/backend/plugins/jquery/jquery.min.js')}}"></script>
First thing I tried was looking into the file/folder permissions in the root of my project by SSHing into EC2 instance. Didn't work even when I set the permission to public folder to 777.
Later I found out that, the site's main page url was http while all the assets url were 'https'.
I dont want to get into the SSL certificates things just yet, if it is possible.
Is there anyway I can have my assets url be forced to Http only?
Please forgive my naiveity. Any help would be appreciated.

This usually happens if your site is for example behind an reverse proxy, As the URL helper facade, trusts on your local instance that is beyond the proxy, and might not use SSL. Which can be misleading/wrong.
Which is probaly the case on a EC2 instance... as the SSL termination is beyond load balancers/HA Proxies.
i usually add the following to my AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()
if (Str::startsWith(config('app.url'), 'https')) {
} else {
Of course this needs to ensure you've set app.url / APP_URL, if you are not using that, you can just get rid of the if statement. But is a little less elegant, and disallows you to develop on non https


some laravel route not changing to https

There are some my route not going to HTTPS in my Javascript code
loadSettingTable("{{ route('') }}");
they become like this, so my datatable can't be load because mixed content.
but my css and JS file already become HTTPS.
I already give this on my AppServiceProvider and ENV
//AppServiceProvider.php on Boot
if(env('REDIRECT_HTTPS')) {
But some of it work fine with this code, why my code with route name not giving https?
I found the error myself, but don't really know why this error happens on my production server not staging server. I remove $url->formatScheme('https'); because it giving some error on production but not always and it's fixed my problem.

Swagger page being redirected from https to http

AWS Elastic Load Balancer listening through HTTPS (443) using SSL and redirecting requests to EC2 instances through HTTP (80), with IIS hosting a .net webapi application, using swashbuckle to describe the API methods.
Home page of the API ( has a link to Swagger documentation which can bee read as when you hove over on the link.
If I click on the link it redirects the request on the browser to which displays a Page Not Found error
but if I type directly in the browser URL then it loads Swagger page, but then, when expanding the methods an click on "Try it out", the Request URL starts with "http" again.
This configuration is only for Stage and Production environments. Lower environments don't use the load balancer and just use http.
Any ideas on how to stop https being redirected to http? And how make swagger to display Request URLs using https?
Thank you
I'm using a custom index.html file
Seems is a known issue for Swashbuckle. Quote:
"By default, the service root url is inferred from the request used to access the docs. However, there may be situations (e.g. proxy and load-balanced environments) where this does not resolve correctly. You can workaround this by providing your own code to determine the root URL."
What I did was provide the root url and/or scheme to use based on the environment
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.RootUrl(req => GetRootUrlFromAppConfig(req));
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
public static string[] GetEnvironmentScheme()
public static string GetRootUrlFromAppConfig(HttpRequestMessage request)
The way I would probably do it is having a main file, and generating during the build of your application a different swagger file based on the environnement parameters for schemes and hosts.
That way, you have to manage only one swagger file accross your environments, and you only have to manage a few extra environnement properties, host and schemes (if you don't already have them)
Since I don't know about swashbuckle, I cannot answer for sure at your first question (the redirect)

Laravel 5 Route Strange Behaviour

I have a Laravel site set up on a Homestead box, so I'm accessing it on I have a route called "news" but when I try to go to I get oddly bounced out to
If I change the routename to "news2" I can access the desired controller action as per normal at So somehow it's "news" itself that has become uncooperative - and I'm pretty sure that we aren't even getting as far as the NewsController, when I try to access that url.
Can anyone work out from these symptoms what might be going wrong? One "news"-related change I made at some point was to add $router->model('news', "App\News"); in the boot method of the RouteServiceProvider, but removing this doesn't seem to make the difference.
ETA: People keep asking for the routes.php file. I can literally remove everything from the file except
Route::get('news', function() {
return "hello world";
Route::get('news2', function() {
return "hello world";
and /news2 will work but /news will bounce me out. So I remain pretty convinced that the problem is somewhere deeper than routes.php...
I finally worked out what boneheaded action of mine had been causing this behaviour!
I had created a folder in /public named "news"... i.e. with the same name as an important route. Not sure exactly what havoc this was wreaking behind the scenes for Laravel every time a request for /news was being made, but one can assume it was nothing good.
Advice for anyone tearing their hair out over a route that "mysteriously doesn't work" - check your public folder for possible collisions!
This is a known issue Larvel missing port
The easiest way to solve this problem is to go to public/index.php and set the SERVER_PORT value.
Don't forget to set the base url in the config if you are using links on website, the url generator uses the base-url defined in the config.
Last option is to change the vm portfoward in VagrantFile to point to port 80 and use port 80 for your app.

Magento Transactional Email Logo and HTTPS (SSL)

In Magento CE 1.8, it appears {{var logo_url}} defaults to using an HTTPS link in its transactional emails (if SSL enabled). This causes an issue in Outlook, because Outlook will not display images with an SSL URL.
Is there any "easy" way to force {{var logo_url}} to HTTP?
I don't think it's a good idea to enforce anything to be HTTP instead of HTTPS but well... The easiest way I can think of would be to extend Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template_Abstract in a own extension (better) or to overwrite it in your local code pool (faster and okay but not so clean) and adapt the function _addEmailVariables($variables, $storeId).
For the sake for demonstration I'll show the second approach:
Copy app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template/Abstract.php to app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template/Abstract.php and create any folders which don't exist already in app/code/local/.
Now in app/code/local/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template/Abstract.php in the function _addEmailVariables($variables, $storeId) look for
if (!isset($variables['logo_url'])) {
$variables['logo_url'] = $this->_getLogoUrl($storeId);
and replace it with something like this
if (!isset($variables['logo_url'])) {
$variables['logo_url'] = str_replace("https", "http", $this->_getLogoUrl($storeId));
Not tested but this should work. You can adapt this approach in an own extension as well. Check out the excellent articles on if you are not familiar with the proccess ( is a good starting point).

MVC3 SSL Trouble - Can't switch from HTTPS to HTTP when SSL is not required

I'm trying to get my MVC3 site to redirect from HTTPS back to HTTP when the user browses to a page where it's not required (and they aren't logged in). I Don't want to have the load of running the whole site HTTPS but it's looking like thats the way I'll have to go.
I've been having loads of trouble with remote debug and symbols, but having gone back in time to 1985 and using message box equivalents to debug with I've come to the following conclusion:
if (filterContext.ActionDescriptor
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequireHttpsAttribute), true)
return true;
return false;
Always returns false.
The controller def starts as:
ConfigurationKeyAllowedSingleIPs = "AllowedAdminSingleIPs",
ConfigurationKeyAllowedMaskedIPs = "AllowedAdminMaskedIPs",
ConfigurationKeyDeniedSingleIPs = "DeniedAdminSingleIPs",
ConfigurationKeyDeniedMaskedIPs = "DeniedAdminMaskedIPs"
public class AccountController : Controller
And it doesn't seem to work for any actions in this controller (although they do get successfully routed to SSL).
Any suggestions? I'd love to see an answer for what I perceive as my own nubery ;)
Custom NotRequreHttpsAttribute tutorial
I use the above link post to implement my custom attribute, and redirect from https to http. Hope this helps.
My problem was discovered to be related to the bindings on the server published to. We use the same server for stage and production, and the stage https bindings were not set, so whenever it was calling an https page it was resolving into our production site (which looked the same so it was hard to spot).
Once I added a binding it was all solved. My code was ok...
