how to click an input where a td is empty? - xpath

I have this table like this
var tdCnt=0;
$('table tr').each(function(){
$('<input />', {
type : 'checkbox',
id : 'td' + tdCnt,
class : 'dt-checkboxes',
value : name
.dt-checkboxes {
float :left;
<script src=""></script>
I just want to click the inputs where the 4th td is empty how can I achieve that?
this is the code im using, but it keeps clicking the ones that are not empty
(//input[#type='checkbox' and //td[4]/descendant::div[string-length()=0]])[$counter]
or this one
(//input[#type='checkbox' and //td[4][not(text())]])[2]
and neither works, it keeps clicking the ones that are not empty how can I achieve this?
Thank you for all your help

To complete, 3 ways to select an empty td element (in your case : the fourth) :
Regarding your sample data, you have one checkbox per tr element. To select 'inputs where the 4th td is empty', you can use :
The first will look for the empty td element, then its first preceding input element containing a specific attribute.
The second will look for the empty td element, then the child of its parent (ie : the input element).
or if I fix your second try :
Look anywhere for an input element whith a specific attribute. And where the fourth td element, child of its first tr ancestor, is empty.
Output : 2 inputs nodes


: EL1008E: Property or field 'LEVEL' cannot be found on object of type 'java.util.ArrayList' - maybe not public or not valid?

please assist with the below. I am trying to display an arraylist returned from the controller and display it to an Html table but I get the above error.
here is my controller code:
#GetMapping(value="/chart" )
public List<List<CanvasjsChartData.DataPointModel>> chart(Model modelMap) {
List<List<CanvasjsChartData.DataPointModel>> dataPointsList = canvasjsChartService.getCanvasjsChartData();
modelMap.addAttribute("dataPointsList", dataPointsList);
return dataPointsList;
and this is the table I want to display my list in
<table class="table" id="dataTable" style="width:100%">
<tr th:each="item :${dataPointsList}">
<td th:text="${item.LEVEL}"> </td>
<td th:text="${item.OCCURENCES}"> </td>
I know for sure the ArrayList has the data I require as shown below I dont know why its giving me the error
Your debug shows you have an List<List<CanvasjsChartData.DataPointModel>> (two Lists inside of each other) -- when your HTML is expecting List<CanvasjsChartData.DataPointModel>. You should fix that in your controller/model by only returning a single list.
You could also display your HTML like this (where you loop over the 0th element of the outer array):
<tr th:each="item :${dataPointsList[0]}">
<td th:text="${item.LEVEL}" />
<td th:text="${item.OCCURENCES}" />

Fetch parent of a specific row in a table without iteration

Consider the below table structure contains many rows with multiple column values. I need to identify the parent of specific row, which has to be identified using the cell .
<table class = 'grid'>
<thead id = 'header'>
<span class="group">
<span class="group__link"><a class="disabledlink"">copy</a>
<td class="COLUMNNAME">ACE</td>
<td class="COLUMNLONGNAME">Adverse Childhood Experiences</td>
<li>Family Medicine</li>
<li>General Practice</li>
<td class="COLUMNSEXFILTER">Both</td>
<td class="COLUMNAGEFILTERMIN">Any</td>
<td class="COLUMNTYPE">Score Only</td>
<td class="nowrap" showactionitem="2">
<span class="group">
<span class="group__link"><a onclick="Check()" href="#">copy</a>
<td class="COLUMNNAME">AM-PAC</td>
<td class="COLUMNLONGNAME">AM-PAC Generic Outpatient Basic Mobility Short Form</td>
<td class="COLUMNNOTE"></td>
<td class="COLUMNRESTRICTEDYN">No</td>
<td class="COLUMNSPECIALTYID"></td>
<td class="COLUMNSEXFILTER">Both</td>
<td class="COLUMNAGEFILTERMIN">Any</td>
<td class="COLUMNTYPE">Score Only</td>
Likewise this table contains around 100 rows. I did the same using iteration and it is working fine.
Is it possible to find the parent of specific row without iteration?
You can use the parent method to find the parent of an element. Assuming that you have located a table cell, let's call it cell, you can get its row using parent and then the parent of the row with another call to parent:
#=> a <tr> element
#=> the parent of the specific row - a <tbody> element in this case
Chaining multiple parent calls can become tedious and difficult to maintain. For example, you would have to call parent 4 times to get the table cell of the "copy" link. If you are after an ancestor (ie not immediate parent), you are better off using XPath:
cell.table(xpath: './ancestor::table')
#=> the <table> element containing the cell 'copy').tr(xpath: './ancestor::tr')
#=> the <tr> element containing a copy link
Hopefully Issue 451 will be implemented soon, which will remove the need for XPath. You would be able to call:
cell.parent(tag_name: 'table') # equivalent to `cell.table(xpath: './ancestor::table')`
There's no need for anything fancy, Watir has an Element#parent method.
You can use this one:
The below example will selects the parent node of the input tag of Id='email'.
Ex: //input[#id='email']/parent::*
the above can also be re-written as
XPath tutorial for Selenium

Scraping page with correct xpath using Mechanize and nokogiri

I am trying to access data contained in a table that is itself contained in a table with class ='L1'.
So basically my html structure is like this:
<table class="L1">
I need to catch the data contained in a all <a> </a> that are in the second contained in <tr> </tr> but only starting with the second <tr> of the table.
So far I came up with that:
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr/td[2]/a[1]")
But seems to me that this doesn't express the fact that I want to start only after the second <tr> (second <tr> included?
What would be the right code to do this ?
You can use position() to select the later elements that you want.
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr[position()>1]/td[2]/a[1]")
As the comments on that SO answer say, remember XPath counts from 1, so >1 skips the first tr.

xpath: searching a node in a html table row (multiple conditions)

Looking for a xpath node whose table row must fulfill several conditions
Searching for those node "col_functions" whose table row values is "John Wayne" from the table #class="table_list".
("col_functions", "col_firstname" and "col_lastname are sibling nodes and childs from the table)
<table class="table_list">
<td class="col_firstname">John</td>
<td class="col_lastname">Lennon</td>
<td class="col_functions"></td>
<td class="col_firstname">John</td>
<td class="col_lastname">Wayne</td>
<td class="col_functions"></td> <=== looking for this node!!
<td class="col_firstname">Wayne</td>
<td class="col_lastname">John</td>
<td class="col_functions"></td>
One option would be to check for class names all over the place:
//table[#class="table_list"]//tr[td[#class="col_firstname"] = "John" and td[#class="col_lastname"] = "Wayne"]/td[#class="col_functions"]/text()
Here we are basically checking all rows inside the table for cells with first name John and last name Wayne, getting the cell with col_functions as an output.
Using siblings it will be like that:

Import data from HTML page using feeds importer in drupal

I'm trying to import some data from a HTML page with feeds importer. The context is this:
<table class="tabela">
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Nome:</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<b>Raul Fernando de Almeida Moreira Vidal</b>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Sigla:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Código:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Estado:</td>
<td class="topo">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Categoria:</td>
<td>Professor Associado</td>
<td class="formulario-legenda">Carreira:</td>
<td>Pessoal Docente de Universidades</td>
<td class="formulario-legenda">Grupo profissional:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Departamento:</td>
<a href="uni_geral.unidade_view?pv_unidade=151"
title="Departamento de Engenharia Informática">Departamento de Engenharia Informática</a>
I tried with this:
but nothing appears. Can someone help me with the right syntax to obtain "Grupo Profissional"?
Quick answer that might work
Considering just the HTML sample you provided (which only has two tables) you can select the text you want using this expression, based on the table's position:
This will work in the HTML you pasted above. But it might not work in your actual scenario, since you might have other tables, the table you want to select has no ID and you didn't suggest some invariant text in your code which could be used to anchor the context for the expression. Assuming the initial part of your XPath expression (the div sequence) is correct, you might be able to use:
But it's wuite a fragile expression and vulnerable to any changes in the document.
A (possibly) better solution
A better alternative is to look for some identifier you could use. I can only guess, since I don't know your code. In your sample code, I would guess that Codigo and the number following it 206415 might be some identifier. If it is, you could use it to anchor your context. First you select it:
The expression above will select the table which contains a td with the exact text Código: followed by a td containing the exact text 206415. This will create a unique context (considering that the number is an unique identifier). From that context, you can now select the text you want, which is inside the next table (following-sibling::table[1]). This is the context of the second table:
And this should select the text you want (Grupo profissional:) which is in the third row tr[3] and first cell/column td[1] of that table:
