jinja variable substitution inside blockinfile module - ansible

I'm looking to use variables inside blockinfile block and so I made this playbook:
- name: New user
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
become: yes
become_user: root
nome_utente: pippo
dominio: pluto.it
gruppo: root
- name: Add new user
dest: /root/ansible/users.yml
backup: yes
block: |
'{{ nome_utente }}'#'{{ dominio }}':
gruppo: '{{ gruppo }}'
but I get the following error:
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
found character that cannot start any token
The error appears to be in '/home/francesco/test.yml': line 16, column 27, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
block: |
'{{ nome_utente }}'#'{{ dominio }}':
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
Sorry but I cannot find in any documentation if blockinfile supports jinja templating inside block module.
Do you have any ideas?

The indentation of the block is wrong. See examples and fix it
- name: Add new user
dest: /root/ansible/users.yml
backup: yes
block: |
'{{ nome_utente }}'#'{{ dominio }}':
gruppo: '{{ gruppo }}'
See Popular Editors that support auto-indentation and syntax highlighting.


how do I use an ansible string variable that contains jinja delimiters?

- name: ugly
hosts: localhost
badstr: "asdf{%jkl"
mydir: "."
Value: "blue!42!"
Value: "a{%isbad"
- copy:
dest: "{{ item.key }}"
content: "{{ item.value.Value }}"
loop: "{{ mydict|default({})|dict2items }}"
gives me this error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while templating 'asdf{%jkl'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: template error while templating string: Encountered unknown tag 'jkl'.. String: asdf{%jkl"}
The 'mydict' structure is returned from a plugin and I do not get to define the members. One of the 'Value's contains a "{%". Any reference to it will cause an error, whether as a variable, file content or in a template.
I have tried all kinds of quoting and combinations of unsafe, {{, %raw, etc. It either gives me the error or puts the name of the variable in the file.
How can I write the value to a file? Or just use it as a variable?
Ansible 2.8.4 on MacOS 11.3, also ansible 2.9 on RHEL 7.
You can use !unsafe for the variables expected to have these chars. Check this documentation. when !unsafe is used, the string/variable will never get templated.
- name: ugly
hosts: localhost
badstr: !unsafe "asdf{%jkl"
mydir: "."
Value: !unsafe "blue!42!"
Value: !unsafe "a{%isbad"
- copy:
dest: "{{ item.key }}"
content: "{{ item.value.Value }}"
loop: "{{ mydict|default({})|dict2items }}"
When handling values returned by lookup plugins, Ansible uses a data
type called unsafe to block templating. Marking data as unsafe
prevents malicious users from abusing Jinja2 templates to execute
arbitrary code on target machines. The Ansible implementation ensures
that unsafe values are never templated. It is more comprehensive than
escaping Jinja2 with {% raw %} ... {% endraw %} tags.
You can use the same unsafe data type in variables you define, to
prevent templating errors and information disclosure. You can mark
values supplied by vars_prompts as unsafe. You can also use unsafe in
playbooks. The most common use cases include passwords that allow
special characters like { or %, and JSON arguments that look like
templates but should not be templated. For example:
mypassword: !unsafe 234%234{435lkj{{lkjsdf
The problem here is not in the copy task where the values are
evaluated; the problem is how they are being set. For example, if I
create a simple ansible module named example.sh that looks like
cat <<EOF
"files": {
"filea": {
"Value": "blue!42!"
"fileb": {
"Value": "a{%isbad"
I can write a playbook like this:
- name: ugly
hosts: localhost
- example:
register: mydict
- copy:
dest: "{{ item.key }}"
content: "{{ item.value.Value }}"
loop: "{{ mydict.files|dict2items }}"
And this runs as expected, creating without any errors a file fileb with the content:
Similarly, if I read the data from a JSON file and pass it through from_json, it also works fine:
- name: ugly
hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
mydict: "{{ lookup('file', 'data.json')|from_json }}"
- copy:
dest: "{{ item.key }}"
content: "{{ item.value.Value }}"
loop: "{{ mydict.files|dict2items }}"
The problem only happens if you define the variables in a context in
which Ansible is looking for Jinja templating -- so, as the values of
variables in a playbook, a vars file, the arguments to set_fact,
You can potentially work around the problem by changing how you are
consuming these values.

How to use ansible when condition when string contains '#'

I am writing playbook to check user principal in kerberos servers. If principal exists it should skip task and if not it should create user principal. I am not sure how to use string with when condition I am trying below but getting errors
"ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
expected <block end>, but found '<scalar>'
The error appears to be in '/home/revyas/RHELProjects/Atlas/eda-datalake/playbooks/provision-emr.yml': line 42, column 31, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
path: "{{ user_dir }}"/"{{ keytab_name }}"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
- name: Check if user principals exist
command: 'kadmin -w "{{ emr_kdc_admin_password }}" -p kadmin/admin listprincs'
register: user_princs
delegate_to : "{{ emr_kerberos_master }}"
tags: "emr_acct"
- name: Create user kerberos principal if not exist
command: 'kadmin -w {{ emr_kdc_admin_password }} -p kadmin/admin addprinc -randkey {{ kerberos_username }}#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}'
when: "{{ kerberos_username }}#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}" not in user_princs.stdout
delegate_to: "{{ emr_kerberos_master }}"
tags: "emr_acct"
User principal from kdc have format given below:
For the first cited issue, yaml doesn't behave like python or shell which automatically concatenate string literals together
You'll want:
path: "{{ user_dir }}/{{ keytab_name }}"
And the second error is because yaml believes the leading " is the start of a YAML literal, but in fact it's the start of a Jinja2 literal, thus:
when: '"{{ kerberos_username }}#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}" not in user_princs.stdout'
Or you can use any of the scalar folding syntaxes, if you prefer that:
when: >-
"{{ kerberos_username }}#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}"
not in user_princs.stdout
when: "{{ kerberos_username }}#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}" not in user_princs.stdout
change to
when: "{{ kerberos_username }}\\#{{ emr_kerberos_realm }}" not in user_princs.stdout

I tried to use "with_items" inside when statement but failed

- hosts: 22rrvgndns01
gather_facts: no
- /etc/ansible/dnschange/dns_resource_record.yml
- shell: grep "{{item.name}}" check_result.txt
chdir: /cluster/dnschange
when: "{{item.action}}" is match("delete")
with_items: "{{resource_record}}"
Here is the resource_record:
- resource_record:
- name: test.201.apn.epc.mnc002.mcc505.3gppnetwork.org
record_type: naptr
action: create
view: MME
ttl: 300
order: 100
preference: 999
flags: s
service: x-3gpp-pgw:x-gn:x-gp:x-s5-gtp
replacement: wip-ows-pgw-e-NSW.node.epc.mnc002.mcc505.3gppnetwork.org
I got the error when I executed the script
The offending line appears to be:
chdir: /cluster/dnschange
when: "{{item.action}}" is match("delete")
^ here
I could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
Can anyone help me out?
I guess your indentation is wrong and change in when condition. Can you try as below
- shell: grep "{{item.name}}" check_result.txt
chdir: /cluster/dnschange
when: item.action == 'delete'
with_items: "{{resource_record}}"

How to register with_items and act on conditional check result for each item

I'd like to register the contents of bashrc for two users and edit as/if required. My play is as follows.
- name: Check bashrc
shell: cat {{ item }}/.bashrc
register: bashrc
- "{{ nodepool_home }}"
- "{{ zuul_home }}"
- name: Configure bashrc
cmd: |
cat >> {{ item }}/.bashrc <<EOF
- "{{ nodepool_home }}"
- "{{ zuul_home }}"
when: '"STUFF" not in bashrc.stdout'
It fails as follows:
fatal: [ca-o3lscizuul]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "The conditional check '\"STUFF\" not in bashrc.stdout' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (\"STUFF\" not in bashrc.stdout): Unable to look up a name or access an attribute in template string ({% if \"STUFF\" not in bashrc.stdout %} True {% else %} False {% endif %}).\nMake sure your variable name does not contain invalid characters like '-': argument of type 'StrictUndefined' is not iterable\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/root/openstack-ci/infrastructure-setup/staging/zuul/create-user.yml': line 35, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: Configure bashrc\n ^ here\n"}
I think, if I understand your requirement correctly, you can use the 'lineinfile' or 'blockinfile' modules and save yourself the hassle of testing for the existence of the content:
- name: Noddy example data
single_line: "STUFF"
multi_line: |
- "{{ nodepool_home }}"
- "{{ zuul_home }}"
- name: Ensure STUFF exists in file
path: "{{ item }}/.bashrc"
line: "{{ single_line }}"
loop: "{{ profile_dirs }}"
- name: Ensure block of STUFF exists in file
path: "{{ item }}/.bashrc"
block: "{{ multi_line }}"
loop: "{{ profile_dirs }}"
Both modules give a lot more control and you can find their docs here: lineinfile | blockinfile

How to fallback to a default value when ansible lookup fails?

I was a little bit surprised to discover that his piece of code fails with an IOError exception instead of defaulting to omitting the value.
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook -i localhost,
- hosts: localhost
- debug: msg="{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=missing-file.conf') | default(omit) }}"
How can I load a value without raising an exception?
Please note that the lookup module supports a default value parameter but this one is useless to me because it works only when it can open the file.
I need a default value that works even when the it fails to open the file.
As far as I know Jinja2 unfortunately doesn't support any try/catch mechanism.
So you either patch ini lookup plugin / file issue to Ansible team, or use this ugly workaround:
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: no
- debug: msg="{{ lookup('first_found', dict(files=['test-ini.conf'], skip=true)) | ternary(lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=test-ini.conf'), omit) }}"
In this example first_found lookup return file name if file exists or empty list otherwise. If file exists, ternary filter calls ini lookup, otherwise omit placeholder is returned.
In case people like me stumble upon this question in 2022,
Ansible now supports rescue blocks, which is similar to try-catch-finally in programming languages.
Examples can be found in the official documentation Error handling with blocks.
You can use block/rescue as follows:
- hosts: localhost
- block:
- debug: msg="{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=missing-file.conf') }}"
- debug: msg="omit"
You can also convert your input file with a from_yaml filter before using the default filter
- name: "load a yaml file or a default value"
myvar: "{{ lookup('file', 'myfile.yml', errors='ignore') | from_yaml | default(mydefaultObject, true) }}"
To avoid the error when the path doesn't exist, use a condition to check for the path before attempting the lookup:
- hosts: localhost
- debug: msg="{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=missing-file.conf') }}"
when: missing-file.conf | exists
You can use this with set_fact as well, then omit the undefined var when using it if required:
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
foo: "{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=missing-file.conf') }}"
when: missing-file.conf | exists
- debug:
var: foo # undefined
msg: "{{ foo | default(omit) }}" # omitted
Note that lookups and Jinja2 tests run on the controller. If you need to check the path on the host, use the stat and either slurp or fetch modules:
- stat:
file: missing-remote-file-with-text-i-want
register: file
- slurp:
src: missing-remote-file-with-text-i-want
register: slurp
when: file.stat.exists
- set_fact:
foo: "{{ slurp.content | b64decode }}"
when: file.stat.exists
- fetch:
src: missing-file.conf
dest: /tmp/fetched
fail_on_missing: False
- set_fact:
bar: "{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=/tmp/fetched/' + inventory_hostname + '/missing-file.conf') }}"
when: ('/tmp/fetched/' + inventory_hostname + '/missing-file.conf') | exists
Second note, in Ansible v2.5 the grammar for using the path tests was changed, the format is now:
- set_fact:
foo: "{{ lookup('ini', 'foo section=DEFAULT file=missing-file.conf') }}"
when: missing-file.conf is exists
