how to make all columns visible in mobile of KTDatatable - datatable

I am using KTDatatable. it works like a charm in desktop view. but when I view the table on the mobile screen, only first two-column is being shown. Code:
<div class="kt-datatable"></div>
function listing(){
translate: {
records: {
processing: '{{"Please wait"|__}}...',
noRecords: '{{"No records found"|__}}'
toolbar: {
pagination: {
items: {
default: {
first: '{{"First"|__}}',
prev: '{{"Previous"|__}}',
next: '{{"Next"|__}}',
last: '{{"Last"|__}}',
more: '{{"More pages"|__}}',
input: '{{"Page number"|__}}',
select: '{{"Select page size"|__}}'
info: "{{"Displaying"|__}} {{ '{{' }}start{{ '}}' }} - {{ '{{' }}end{{ '}}' }} {{"of"|__}} {{total}} {{"records"|__}}"
// layout definition
layout: {
scroll: false, // enable/disable datatable scroll both horizontal and vertical when needed.
footer: false, // display/hide footer
// column sorting
sortable: true,
pagination: true,
search: {
input: $('#generalSearch'),
delay: 400,
data: {
type: 'remote',
source: {
read: {
url: '{{url("api/dashboardpayments")}}'
pageSize: 10, // display 20 records per page
serverPaging: true,
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true,
// columns definition
columns: [
field: "id",
title: "{{'#'|__}}",
sortable: true,
width: 100
field: "amount",
title: "{{'Amount'|__}}",
sortable: false,
width: 'auto',
field: "trxId",
title: "{{'trxId'|__}}",
sortable: false,
width: 'auto'
field: "for",
title: "{{'Service'|__}}",
sortable: false,
width: 'auto'
field: "created_at_date",
title: "{{'Date'|__}}",
sortable: false,
width: 'auto',
field: "Actions",
width: 100,
title: "{{'Actions'|__}}",
sortable: false,
overflow: 'visible',
template: function (data) {
var output = '' +
'<div class="btn-group btn-group">'+
'<a href="javascript:;" data-id='' class="btn btn-brand btn-sm btn-icon confirmPayment" data-skin="dark" data-toggle="kt-tooltip" data-placement="top" title="{{"OK"|__}}"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></button>';
return output;
$('body').tooltip({selector: '[data-toggle="kt-tooltip"]'});
I am trying a lot of possible ways of custom CSS. But no luck. Any idea?

To make this work you can add the following:
rows: {
autoHide: false
// layout definition
layout: {
scroll: true, // enable/disable datatable scroll both horizontal and vertical when needed.
footer: false, // display/hide footer
header: true,

I just put autoHide:false in a column definition. i.e:
columns: [
field: "id",
title: "{{'#'|__}}",
sortable: true,
width: 100,
autoHide: false


How can I modify kendo Grid Column filter option when grid is loaded in JQuery?

How can I modify column filter option in kendo grid when grid is loaded? For example
add filter option filterable: { multi: true } or change width width: 120.
More detail, I have this code:
dataSource: { data },
pageSize: 30,
pageable: true,
sortable: true,
navigatable: true,
resizable: true,
groupable: true,
filterable: true,
selectable: "multiple, row",
[{ field: "ID", title: "ID", width: "20px", },
{ field: "Customer.Title", title: "Customer", width: "30px" },
{ field: "Author.Title", title: "Expert", width: "30px" },
{ field: "Body", title: "Body", width: "200px" },
{ field: "RemainderBody", title: "RemainderBody", width: "50px" },
I want to modify Customer filterable like filterable: { multi: true }
Going along with #NigelK and suggesting to use setOptions. Here is an example of setting an individual column to use multicheck filtering.
<div id="grid"></div>
grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
columns: {
1: {
filterable: {
multi: true
Here is a dojo to test the code above.
You can use the setOptions method to change the grid configuration after it has been created. Check the API reference for the grid:
Note that this will destroy and recreate the grid.

Search is not working in JqGrid

Not sure why the search is not working in the grid. Click Find just no response. But it can pop out the search form.
See the image.
My code:
$(document).ready(function () {
function styleSearchForm(form) {
var dialog = form.closest('.ui-jqdialog');
var buttons = dialog.find('.EditTable');
buttons.find('.EditButton a[id*="_reset"]').addClass('btn btn-sm btn-info').find('.ui-icon').attr('class', 'ace-icon fa fa-retweet');
buttons.find('.EditButton a[id*="_query"]').addClass('btn btn-sm btn-inverse').find('.ui-icon').attr('class', 'ace-icon fa fa-comment-o');
buttons.find('.EditButton a[id*="_search"]').addClass('btn btn-sm btn-purple').find('.ui-icon').attr('class', 'ace-icon fa fa-search');
function styleSearchFilters(form) {
form.find('.add-rule').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-primary');
form.find('.add-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-success');
form.find('.delete-group').addClass('btn btn-xs btn-danger');
url: API_URL + 'GetVendors',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
height: 'auto',
colNames: ['pkey', 'Company', 'ContactName', 'ContactPhone', 'UserName', 'UserKey', 'Active', 'FacilityId', 'ClientId', 'PhotoURL', 'PushToGP'],
colModel: [
name: 'pkey', index: 'pkey', width: 50, hidden: true,
formatter: 'integer'
{ name: 'Company', width: 120 },
{ name: 'ContactName', width: 110 },
{ name: 'ContactPhone', width: 120 },
{ name: 'UserName', align: "right", width: 90 },
{ name: 'UserKey', align: "right", width: 120, hidden: true },
{ name: 'Active', width: 50, edittype: "checkbox", editoptions: { value: "True:False" }, unformat: aceSwitch },
{ name: 'FacilityId', align: "right", width: 100, formatter: "integer" },
{ name: 'ClientID', align: "right", width: 100, formatter: "integer" },
{ name: 'PhotoURL', align: "right", width: 80 },
{ name: 'PushToGP', align: "right", width: 80, edittype: "checkbox", editoptions: { value: "True:False" }, unformat: aceSwitch }
cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true, editable: true },
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
pager: pagerSelector,
sortname: 'company',
sortorder: "asc",
viewrecords: true,
jsonreader: {
root: "rows",
page: "page",
total: "total",
records: "records"
caption: "Vendor Managerment"
$(gridSelector).jqGrid('navGrid', pagerSelector,
//navbar options
edit: true,
editicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-pencil blue',
add: true,
addicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-plus-circle purple',
del: true,
delicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-trash-o red',
search: true,
searchicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-search orange',
refresh: true,
refreshicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-refresh green',
view: true,
viewicon: 'ace-icon fa fa-search-plus grey'
//search form
recreateForm: true,
afterShowSearch: function (e) {
var form = $(e[0]);
form.closest('.ui-jqdialog').find('.ui-jqdialog-title').wrap('<div class="widget-header" />');
afterRedraw: function () {
multipleSearch: true
showQuery: true
//view record form
recreateForm: true,
beforeShowForm: function (e) {
var form = $(e[0]);
form.closest('.ui-jqdialog').find('.ui-jqdialog-title').wrap('<div class="widget-header" />');
jQuery(gridSelector).jqGrid('inlineNav', pagerSelector, {search:true, edit: true, add: true, del: true });
Server side code:
public dynamic GetVendors(string sidx, string sortOrder, int page, int rows, int pkey)
var vendors = _vendorRespository.GetAllVendors().AsQueryable();
var pageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(page) - 1;
var pageSize = rows;
var totalRecords = vendors.Count();
var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)totalRecords / (float)pageSize);
if (sidx != null)
vendors = sortOrder == "asc" ? vendors.OrderBy(sidx) : vendors.OrderBy(sidx + " descending");
vendors = vendors.OrderBy(x => x.pkey);
vendors = vendors.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
return new
total = totalPages,
page = page,
records = totalRecords,
rows = (from vendor in vendors
select new
cell = new string[]
Am I missing something?
If your have about 120 total number of items which needed be displayed in the grid, then I would recommend you to use client-side sorting, paging and filtering. The reason of the choice: local sorting, paging and filtering will be typically more quickly as the round-trip to the server. Thus if you even have supper powered server then the sending of the data still be slowly as working with 120 rows in JavaScript.
To implement client-side sorting, paging and filtering you need do two things:
modify (simplify) your server code (url: API_URL + 'GetVendors') to return all data at once. Typical code will consist from one line if you have implemented already the repository which access the data. The format of returned data could be just array of all items.
add loadonce: true and forceClientSorting: true options of jqGrid. The last option exist only in free jqGrid. It force sorting initial loaded data before displaying on the first page.

KendoUI Grid Filter Posts Twice

I have this grid with a custom multi-select filter. When I click the filter icon an AJAX method calls an API to grab filter values. The method call is defined in the DocType column.
Here is my grid builder function:
pageable: {
change: function() {
scrollable: false,
sortable: true,
dataSource: attachments,
filterable: {
extra: false,
operators: {
string: {
startswith: "Starts with",
eq: "Is equal to",
neq: "Is not equal to",
contains: "Contains",
title: "id",
field: "Id", //turns out this needs to be lower case
sortable: false,
filterable: false,
template: "<input name='cbCheckboxColumn' type='checkbox' onclick='CH.RelatedItems.ToggleAttachmentsByCheckboxColumn()' data-row='#: Id#' />",
headerTemplate: "<input id='cbCheckboxHeader' type='checkbox' onclick='CH.RelatedItems.ToggleAttachmentsByCheckboxHeader()'",
width: "18px",
title: "Exists?",
field: "IsAlreadyAttached",
type: "boolean",
sortable: false,
template: "<div style='text-align: center'>#: IsAlreadyAttached #</div>",
filterable: false,
width: "110px",
title: "Icon",
field: "DocType",
sortable: true,
template: "<div style='text-align: center'><img src='" + config.SPHostUrl + "/_layouts/images/#: DocIcon #' /></div>",
width: "60px",
filterable: {
ui: CH.RelatedItems.AttachmentsIconFilter,
extra: false,
title: "File Name",
field: "Name",
sortable: true,
filterable: false,
template: "<a href='#: Url#' target='_blank'>#: Name#</a>",
width: "650px",
title: "Modified",
field: "LastModifiedDateOnly",
template: "<span>#: LastModified#</span>",
sortable: true,
width: "250px",
filterable: {
ui: CH.RelatedItems.AttachmentsDateFilter,
extra: false
dataBound: CH.RelatedItems.PostGridDataBound
The AttachmentsIconFilter function is here:
pub.AttachmentsIconFilter = function (element) {
var menu = $(element).parent();
menu.find(".k-filter-help-text").text("Show document types:");
var multiSelect = element.kendoMultiSelect({
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: {
datatype: "jsonp",
url: config.WorkPaperViewRelativePath + "/_RelatedItemsPopup/GetAttachmentsUniqueDocIcons/" + config.SPQueryString
menu.find("[type=submit]").on("click", { widget: multiSelect }, CH.RelatedItems.AttachmentsFilterByIcon);
When the AttachmentsIconFilter runs, the AJAX call get made twice:
Kendo Double GET
I thought that the property: filter: { extra: false } was supposed to prevent this double GET?
Also, when I select my filters and the grid make a new request to get the filtered records, it does a double POST. The function for the call to filter the grid is here:
pub.AttachmentsFilterByIcon = function (e) {
var icons =;
var filter = { logic: "or", filters: [] };
for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++)
filter.filters.push({ field: "DocIcon", operator: "Contains", value: icons[i].Contains });
Any help here? What am I missing?

Kendo UI Grid - not working in IE for POST/DELETE requests

I am having problem getting the Kendo Grid to work correctly. I am using ASP.NET WebAPI to fetch data from SQL Server and display it in the grid. Use the Kendo Grid to do Updates and Deletes.
POST: While debugging I noticed that a NULL object in IE but Chrome gets a valid data.
which I am passing to update the DB.
IE versions 10 and 11. There are no JS errors but the object is NULL on the WEB API.
WEBAPI - GET Works (IE and Chrome),
POST/DELETE does not work in IE (Works in Chrome)
#model dynamic
ViewBag.Title = "FunctionalGroup";
<div class=".col-xs-12 .col-sm-6 .col-lg-8">
<div class="well well-sm">
<h2>Functional Groups - Management</h2>
<p>Create, Update and Delete Functional Groups</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="well well-sm">
<div style="overflow-x: auto" id="FunctionalGroupGrid"></div>
<div id="window"></div>
<button data-role="button" data-icon="cancel"></button>
#section Scripts{
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="windowTemplate">
<p>Delete <strong>#= FunctionalGroupName #</strong> ? </p>
<p>#= FunctionalGroupDescription # </p>
<button class="k-button" id="yesButton">Yes</button>
<button class="k-button" id="noButton"> No</button>
var windowTemplate = kendo.template($("#windowTemplate").html());
var window = $("#window").kendoWindow({
title: "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
visible: false, //the window will not appear before its .open method is called
modal: true,
resizable: false,
width: "400px",
height: "200px",
var LookupFunctionalGroupType = new{
transport: {
read: "/api/FunctionalGroupType",
datatype : "json"
function getfunctionalGroupType(functionalGroupTypeID) {
for (var idx = 0, length = LookupFunctionalGroupType.length; idx < length; idx++) {
if (LookupFunctionalGroupType[idx].FunctionalGroupTypeID === functionalGroupTypeID) {
return LookupFunctionalGroupType[idx].FunctionalGroupTypeName;
function functionalGroupTypeDropDownEditor(container, options) {
$('<input data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
dataTextField: "FunctionalGroupTypeName",
dataValueField: "FunctionalGroupTypeID",
dataSource: LookupFunctionalGroupType
$(function () {
var baseUrl = "/api/FunctionalGroup";
var datatype = "json";
var contentType = "application/json";
var datasourceFG = new{
serverPaging: true,
pageSize: 10,
autoSync: false,
batch: true,
transport: {
read: {
url: baseUrl,
dataType: datatype,
contentType: contentType
create: {
url: baseUrl,
dataType: datatype,
contentType: contentType,
type: "POST"
update: {
url: baseUrl,
dataType: datatype,
contentType: contentType,
type: "PUT"
destroy: {
url: baseUrl,
dataType: datatype,
contentType: contentType,
type: "DELETE"
, parameterMap: function (data, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && data.models) {
return kendo.stringify(data.models);
else {
return {
take: data.take,
skip: data.skip,
pageSize: data.pageSize,
schema: {
data: "Data.$values",
total: "RecordCount",
model: {
id: "FunctionalGroupID",
fields: {
FunctionalGroupID: { editable: false, type: "number" },
FunctionalGroupName: { editable: true, nullable: false, validation: { required: true } },
FunctionalGroupDescription: { editable: true, nullable: false, validation: { required: true } },
FunctionalGroupTypeID: { field: "FunctionalGroupTypeID", type: "number", defaultValue: 101 },
IsActive: { editable: true, nullable: false, type: "boolean" },
CreatedBy: { editable: false, nullable: false, validation: { required: true } },
CreatedDateTime: { editable: false, type: "date", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss}" },
ModifiedBy: { editable: false},
ModifiedDateTime: { editable: false, type: "date", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss}" }
dataSource: datasourceFG,
navigatable: true,
autoBind: false,
pageable: true,
resizable: true,
reorderable: true,
editable: ? "popup":true,
groupable: true,
filterable: true,
columnMenu: true,
selectable: "row",
mobile: true,
toolbar: ["create", "save", "cancel"],
columns: [
{ field: "FunctionalGroupID", width: 50, title: "ID", hidden: true },
{ field: "FunctionalGroupName", width: 150, title: "Functional Group" },
{ field: "FunctionalGroupDescription", width: 200, title: "Description" },
field: "FunctionalGroupTypeID", width: 180, title: "Functional Group Type"
, template: '#=getfunctionalGroupType(FunctionalGroupTypeID)#'
, editor: functionalGroupTypeDropDownEditor, filterable:false
field: "IsActive", width: 80, title: "Is Active",
template: '<input type="checkbox" #= IsActive ? checked="checked" : "" # disabled="disabled" ></input>'
{ field: "CreatedBy", width: 100, title: "Created By", hidden: true },
{ field: "CreatedDateTime", width: 100, title: "Created DateTime", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", hidden: true },
{ field: "ModifiedBy", width: 100, title: "ModifiedBy", hidden: true },
{ field: "ModifiedDateTime", width: 100, title: "Modified DateTime", format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", hidden: true },
title: "Actions",
command: [
name: "destroy",
text: "Delete",
click: function (e) { //add a click event listener on the delete button
var tr = $("tr"); //get the row for deletion
var data = this.dataItem(tr); //get the row data so it can be referred later
window.content(windowTemplate(data)); //send the row data object to the template and render it;
$("#yesButton").click(function () {
grid.dataSource.remove(data) //prepare a "destroy" request
//grid.dataSource.sync() //actually send the request (might be ommited if the autoSync option is enabled in the dataSource)
$("#noButton").click(function () {
LookupFunctionalGroupType.fetch(function () {
LookupFunctionalGroupType =; //First fetch the Lookup data; // This will bind to the grid.
Which versoin of IE are you running? Are you seeing JS error in IE?
I see in your secript
You might want to remove "," if there are no elements following it in the list

Shifting of cell's value to right side

I'm working on kendoui. If we observe a grid then all the values are on the left side of each cell.I have a field of price and i want its value on the right side of cell.
Is it possible in kendo ui?
My code :-
<div id="grid"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
var crudServiceBaseUrl = ${grailsApplication.config.grails.serverURL}"+/course/,
dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
url: crudServiceBaseUrl+"listAll", dataType: "json",
cache: false
parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return {models:
batch: true,
pageSize: 15,
sort: { field: "dateCreated", dir: "desc" },
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
name: { editable: false, type: "string", validation: { required:
true, min: 1} },
type: { editable: false, type: "Type",validation: { required: true, min: 1}
fee: { editable: false, type: "double",validation: { required: true, min: 1}
duration: { editable: false, type: "integer", validation: { required: true, min: 1} },
status: { editable: false, type:"Status" , validation: { required: true, min: 1} }
dataSource: dataSource,
navigatable: true,
pageable: true,
height: 300,
columns: [
{field: "name",
title:'<g:message code="grid.billingServicesGroup.holidayName.label"
default="Course Name" />'},
{field: "",
title:'<g:message code="grid.billingServicesGroup.reason.label"
default="Type of course" />'},
{field: "fee",title:'<g:message
default="Fee" />'},
{field: "duration",title:'
<g:message code="grid.billingServicesGroup.holidayDate.label"
default="Duration(Year)" />'}
{field: "",title:'<g:message
code="grid.billingServicesGroup.status.label" default="Status" />'},
editable: true,
scrollable: {
virtual: true
You can use a column template to wrap the contents of all the cells in that column in for example a div-tag.
You can then use a class on the div to style the contents using CSS.
For example:
template: "<div class='foobar'>#= Department#</div>"
/* CSS */
.foobar {
width: 100%;
text-align: right;
