Querying complex nested object in cosmosdb using sql Api - linq

How query only those users whose Itemcount > 10 from the complex nested object(with dynamic key) from comosdb using sql api? UDF not preferred.
Something like,
Select c.username from c where c.Data[*].Order.ItemCount > 10;
"Username": "User1",
"Data": {
"RandomGUID123": {
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName123",
"ItemCount" : "40"
"ShipmentNumber": "7657575"
"RandomGUID976": {
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName7686"
"ItemCount" : "7"
"ShipmentNumber": "876876"
"Username": "User2",
"Data": {
"RandomGUID654": {
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName654",
"ItemCount" : "9"
"ShipmentNumber": "7612575"
"RandomGUID908": {
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName545"
"ItemCount" : "6"
"ShipmentNumber": "6454"

I'm not sure about how to handle unknown keys, but if you're willing to model the key as a value instead (simpler and cleaner I'd argue), you could have:
"Username": "User1",
"Data": [
"Id": "RandomGUID123",
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName123",
"ItemCount": 40
"ShipmentNumber": "7657575"
"Id": "RandomGUID976",
"Order": {
"Item": "ItemName7686",
"ItemCount": 7
"ShipmentNumber": "876876"
With a query like:
JOIN (SELECT VALUE d from d IN c.Data where d["Order"].ItemCount > 10)
"Order" is a reserved keyword and requires the bracket syntax to reference.

As Noah answers,model the key as a value is a way to achieve.
Additionally,there is another way to achieve without changing your schema of your document .Create UDF like this:
function getResult(data){
for(var key in data){
const itemCount = data[key].Order.ItemCount;
if (parseFloat(itemCount).toString() != "NaN" && parseFloat(itemCount) > 10 ) {
    return true;
return false;
Then run this sql:
SELECT c.Username FROM c where udf.getResult(c.Data)
"Username": "User1"


DynamoDB query with Ruby SDK

I'm really struggling to make queries work. I'm trying to get all items with primary key ('keyword') equal to 'compost spoons'.
This is one of my items:
"keyword": "compost spoons",
"created_at": "2020-08-12T11:31:21+00:00"
And this is the params in my query:
params = {
table_name: "servings",
return_consumed_capacity: "INDEXES",
key_condition_expression: "keyword = :keyword_val",
expression_attribute_values: {
"keyword_val" => "compost spoon"
Error that it throughs:
"ExpressionAttributeValues contains invalid key: Syntax error; key: \"keyword_val\""
What should be the params in order for the query to work?
The schema:
"AttributeDefinitions": [
"AttributeName": "keyword",
"AttributeType": "S"
"AttributeName": "created_at",
"AttributeType": "S"
"TableName": "servings",
"KeySchema": [
"AttributeName": "keyword",
"KeyType": "HASH"
"AttributeName": "created_at",
"KeyType": "RANGE"
"TableStatus": "ACTIVE",
"CreationDateTime": "2020-08-14T10:26:55.528Z",
"ProvisionedThroughput": {
"LastIncreaseDateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"LastDecreaseDateTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"NumberOfDecreasesToday": 0,
"ReadCapacityUnits": 5,
"WriteCapacityUnits": 5
"TableSizeBytes": 168,
"ItemCount": 3,
"TableArn": "arn:aws:dynamodb:ddblocal:000000000000:table/servings"
Looks like you're missing a colon in front of your keyword_val in the expression_attribute_values. I believe it should be:
params = {
table_name: "servings",
return_consumed_capacity: "INDEXES",
key_condition_expression: "keyword = :keyword_val",
expression_attribute_values: {
":keyword_val" => "compost spoon". // <---- CHANGE IS HERE!!

How to search key by passing value in json_query Ansible

I am calling API and getting below output but from the output and i want to find the key based on value input and my input value is "vpc-tz" how to achieve this in ansible using json_query?
"json": {
"allScopes": [
"clusters": {
"clusters": [
"cluster": {
"clientHandle": "",
"type": {
"name": "ClusterComputeResource"
"universalRevision": 0,
"vsmUuid": "423B1819-9495-4F10-A96A-6D8284E51B29"
"controlPlaneMode": "UNICAST_MODE",
"description": "",
"extendedAttributes": [
"id": "vdnscope-6",
"isTemporal": false,
"isUniversal": false,
"name": "vpc-tz",
"nodeId": "85e0073d-0e5a-4f04-889b-42df771aebf8",
"objectId": "vdnscope-6",
"objectTypeName": "VdnScope",
"revision": 0,
"type": {
"name": "VdnScope"
"universalRevision": 0,
"virtualWireCount": 0,
"vsmUuid": "423B1819-9495-4F10-A96A-6D8284E51B29"
Here is a query which works:

Spring Mongo - An aggregation to order by objects in an array

I have the following data:
"_id": ObjectID("5e2fa881c3a1a70006c5743c"),
"name": "Some name",
"policies": [
"cId": "dasefa-2738-4cf0-90e0d568",
"weight": 12
"cId": "c640ad67dasd0-92f981583568",
"weight": 50
I'm able to query this with Spring Mongo fine, however I want to be able to order the policies by weight
At the moment I get my results fine with:
return mongoTemplate.find(query, CArea::class.java)
However say I make the following aggregations:
val unwind = Aggregation.unwind("policies")
val sort = Aggregation.sort(Sort.Direction.DESC,"policies.weight")
How can I go and actually apply those to the returned results above? I was hoping that the dot annotation would do the job in my query however didnt do anything e.g. Query().with(Sort.by(options.sortDirection, "policies.weight"))
Any help appreciated.
I am not familier with Spring Mongo, but I guess you can convert the following aggregation to spring code.
$unwind: "$policies"
$sort: {
"policies.weight": -1
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
"policies": {
"$push": "$policies"
parentFields: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: [
policies: "$policies"
This will result:
"_id": "5e2fa881c3a1a70006c5743c",
"name": "Some name",
"policies": [
"cId": "c640ad67dasd0-92f981583568",
"weight": 50
"cId": "dasefa-2738-4cf0-90e0d568",
"weight": 12

how to sort Data Sources in terraform based on arguments

I use following terraform code to get a list of available db resources:
data "alicloud_db_instance_classes" "resources" {
instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
engine = "PostgreSQL"
engine_version = "10.0"
category = "HighAvailability"
zone_id = "${data.alicloud_zones.rds_zones.ids.0}"
multi_zone = true
output_file = "./classes.txt"
And the output file looks like this:
"instance_class": "pg.x4.large.2",
"storage_range": {
"max": "500",
"min": "250",
"step": "250"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "pg.x8.medium.2",
"storage_range": {
"max": "250",
"min": "250",
"step": "0"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "rds.pg.c1.xlarge",
"storage_range": {
"max": "2000",
"min": "5",
"step": "5"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
"instance_class": "rds.pg.s1.small",
"storage_range": {
"max": "2000",
"min": "5",
"step": "5"
"zone_ids": [
"id": "cn-shanghai-MAZ1(b,c)",
"sub_zone_ids": [
And I want to get the one that's cheapest.
One way to do so is by sorting with storage-range.min, but how do I sort this list based on 'storage_range.min'?
Or I can filter by 'instance_class', but "alicloud_db_instance_classes" doesn't seem to like filter as it says: Error: data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources: : invalid or unknown key: filter
Any ideas?
The sort() function orders lexicographical and you have no simple key here.
You can use filtering with some code like this (v0.12)
locals {
best_db_instance_class_key = "rds.pg.s1.small"
best_db_instance_class = element( alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources, index(alicloud_db_instance_classes.resources.*.instance_class, best_db_instance_class_key) )
(Untested code)

Rethinkdb: Calculate tag occurrence per user

My table contains documents that look like this:
[{ user: {
key: '100'
product: {
name: 'Product 1',
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2' ],
}, { user: {
key: '100'
product: {
name: 'Product 1',
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag3' ],
}, ...]
I would like to create a query which would
groupe documents by the user.key field (1 document per user on result),
the product.tags would be an object (instead of array) with tag occurrences count for each tag.
Result example:
[ { user: {
key: '100'
product: {
name: 'Product 1',
tags: {
tag1: 2, // tag1 found 2x for user.key=100
tag2: 1, // tag2 found 1x for user.key=100
tag3: 1
}, ...]
I think I could do this by mapping and reducing but I have problems - I'm using rethinkdb for the first time.
Here's a way to do it:
// Group by user key
// Only get the product info inside the reduction
.map(function (row) {
return {
user: row('group'),
// Group by name
products: row('reduction').group('name').ungroup().map(function (row) {
return {
name: row('group'),
// Convert array of tags into key value pairs
tags: r.object(r.args(row('reduction').concatMap(function (row) {
return row('tags')
}).group(function (row) {
return row;
}).count().ungroup().concatMap(function (row) {
return [row('group'), row('reduction')]
For the following data:
"id": "0565e91a-01ca-4ba3-b4d5-1043c918c79d" ,
"product": {
"name": "Product 2" ,
"tags": [
"tag1" ,
} ,
"user": {
"key": "100"
} {
"id": "39999c9f-bbef-4cb7-9311-2516ca8f9ba1" ,
"product": {
"name": "Product 1" ,
"tags": [
"tag1" ,
} ,
"user": {
"key": "100"
} {
"id": "566f3b79-01bf-4c29-8a9c-fd472431eeb6" ,
"product": {
"name": "Product 1" ,
"tags": [
"tag1" ,
} ,
"user": {
"key": "100"
} {
"id": "8e95c467-cedc-4734-ad4d-a1f7a371efd5" ,
"product": {
"name": "Product 1" ,
"tags": [
"tag1" ,
} ,
"user": {
"key": "200"
The results would be:
"products": [
"name": "Product 1" ,
"tags": {
"tag1": 2 ,
"tag2": 1 ,
"tag3": 1
}, {
"name": "Product 2" ,
"tags": {
"tag1": 1 ,
"tag3": 1
"user": "100"
} ,
"products": [
"name": "Product 1" ,
"tags": {
"tag1": 1 ,
"tag2": 1
] ,
"user": "200"
