Get Both Default locale translated value and Browser language translated value - ngx-translate

I'm trying to get Translated values for two locales for a given i18nkey.
Is there any way to pass required locales for a given key and get all values for the passed locales in ngx translate core translator service.
lets say Test key has de locale value as "Test DE" and Test key has EN locale value as "Test EN"



Format currency with dot instead of comma using i18n

We are using java.text.NumberFormat class to format the currency values using the method getInstance(Locale paramLocale). Our issue is when we pass es_CO(Columbia) language code it automatically formats it in value 123,00 instead of 123.00. Is there a way to format with dot instead of comma?
I am using Spring platform(hybris)
Please note due to business reasons it is not possible for me to change the locale.
You can use DecimalFormat to have your own format.
Look at this How can I format a String number to have commas and round?

Issues with Parameters containg whitespaces

i've the following situation with Freemarker.
When returning to a page in .ftl i send from Java a parameter to the url, similar to "AAA% BBB#DDD.COM", in Java it is ok.
When looking at the Url it does instead Write : "AAA%25+BBB#DDD.COM" And then with the following code:
<#if myCase??>
value = ${user}
It does write in my html field "AAA%" but not the remaining.
How can i try to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: After further investigations i do see the code i put before does write this on the Html:
EDIT2: Let'see if i can give you more informations, first of, here's the relevant Java code :
Map mapping = new HashMap();
if(user != null && !user.isEmpty()){
mapping.put("user",user); //EG: AAA% BBB#DDD.COM (Checked in debug)
I have an URL similar to : mysite.xx?user=AAA%25+BBB#DDD.COM so the user it's attached as query param of the url.
I do need to reuse the "user" param to repopulate the Form field relative to the username, this is not a valid email i know, but an alias system already installed by the customer does the aliasing system this way.
What could be the cause of the problem
Given your template:
<#if myCase??>
value = ${user}
Output written by Freemarker in output-mode HTML results in following:
value = AAA% BBB#DDD.COM
Freemarker does not understand that (from your context) the value of user should be an attribute-value (assignment). Instead it treats the contents of string user as HTML itself (this could be complete HTML-source as input-field, single tags, etc.). It simply pastes the contents of the model at the position in your template where you have set the variable-interpolation ${user}.
The Freemarker-result is no valid HTML (attribute-value pair), because each attribute should adhere some naming-conventions (i.e. no special-characters). When the attribute has a value, it is followed by an equal-sign and this followed by the value enclosed in double-quotes.
So most browsers convert your result into a valid HTML attribute - actually two attributes: value="AAA%" and"". Opened the output-HTML in Firefox, you will see this in Inspector (NOT IN the raw source-view):
<input type="text" value="AAA%""">
What is not the cause
FreeMarker is auto-escaping (escpecially when in OutputMode HTML) when it writes the final HTML.
#ddekany Thanks for your comment ! It made me reproduce and discover the real cause.
URL encoding/decoding
In Java you could even encode the string variable user. So it converts % (i.e. percent-sign followed by space) into %25+ which is valid to be used inside an URL.
Run this java snippet online on IDEONE to the effects of URL-encoding and URL-decoding.
Use either of these solutions to get desired output by fixing the HTML-attribute value-assignment in your template:
(1) use double-quotes:
<#if myCase??>
(2) use some built-ins to transform the plain string-output:
Use some of FreeMarker's built-ins for strings. In your case you could append ?url to the variable-name and use double-quotes around your variable-interpolation within your template, e.g.:
<#if myCase??>
Caution: validate URL or email-address (even parts of it) as early as possible
BBB#DDD.COM is a valid email-address. But % and whitespaces are not allowed inside an email-address.
On the other side # is typically not part of an URL, except as part inside a query-param value. But your user (URL) does not start with http:// etc.
So depending on the use-case/purpose of your (so called URL) user with value AAA% BBB#DDD.COM it could finally represent part of an URL or email-address.
In your special case, said:
populate the form field relative to the username. Model-variable user does not contain a valid email-address. It is used in conjunction with an alias system already installed by the customer. So aliasing will work this way.
Let's suppose the end-user which does later edit the form-field is responsible of making it valid (or a script does this validation).
Anyway bear in mind that an internet-address (like URL/email) needs some validation:
either before written to the final HTML (using Java or Freemarker)
or after being further processed inside your web-page (using JavaScript).
Otherwise it could possibly not yield the desired effect.
See also
Related questions:
Is there any way to url decode variable on Freemarker?
Java URL encoding of query string parameters

Microsoft Outlook calendar generates invalid unique identifiers for the UID property?

I exported a .ics file from Microsoft Outlook calendar. The .ics file contained this UID property:
Here is another UID generated by Microsoft Outlook calendar:
According to RFC 7986, the value of both of those UIDs is invalid. Specifically, the first one contains the invalid equals ( = ) symbol and the second one contains the invalid forward slash ( / ) symbol (as well as the invalid equals symbol).
Do you agree that the above UID values are invalid?
Do you know what rules Microsoft Outlook calendar follows in generating UID values? Perhaps they generate UID values as Base64 strings?
I am creating a .ics validator tool. Should my tool flag the above UID values as invalid? What rules should I use in my validator tool for validating UID values?
Here's what RFC 7986 says about UID values:
This specification updates [RFC5545] by stating that "UID" values MUST
NOT include any data that might identify a user, host, domain, or any
other security- or privacy-sensitive information. It is RECOMMENDED
that calendar user agents now generate "UID" values that are
hex-encoded random Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) values as
defined in Sections 4.4 and 4.5 of [RFC4122].
If calendar user agents choose to use other forms of opaque identifiers for the "UID" value, they MUST have a length less than 255
octets and MUST conform to the "iana-token" ABNF syntax defined in
Section 3.1 of [RFC5545].
Here’s how RFC 5545 defines “iana-token”:
iana-token = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")

What constitutes a valid URI query parameter key?

I'm looking over Section 3.4 of RFC 3986 trying to understand what constitutes a valid URI query parameter key, but I'm not seeing a clear answer.
The reason I'm asking is because I'm writing a Ruby class that composes a URI with query parameters. When a new parameter is added I want to validate the key. Based on experience, it seems like the key will be invalid if it requires any escaping.
I should also say that I plan to validate the key. I'm not sure how to go about validating this data either, but I do know that in all cases I should escape this value.
Advice is appreciated. Advice in the context of how validation might already be possible through say a Ruby Gem would also be a plus.
I could well be wrong, but that spec seems to say that anything following '?' or '#' is valid as long. I wonder if you should be looking more at the spec for 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' (ie. the key/value pairs we're all used to)?
This is the default content type. Forms submitted with this content
type must be encoded as follows:
Control names and values are escaped. Space characters are replaced by +', and then reserved characters are escaped as described in [RFC1738], section 2.2: Non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by %HH', a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character. Line breaks are represented as "CR LF" pairs (i.e., `%0D%0A').
The control names/values are listed in the order they appear in the document. The name is separated from the value by =' and name/value pairs are separated from each other by &'.
I don't believe key=value is part of the RFC, it's a convention that has emerged. Wikipedia suggests this is an 'W3C recommendation'.
Seems like some good stuff to be found searching on the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type.

How do I concatenate string in Pentaho spoon?

I am a newbie to Pentaho (installed today). I was able to do basic transformation in Spoon. Now I need to do some stuff, which I can't figure out how.
my input looks like
3rd field is an ID, for which I need to get some information from a REST API
What do I need to do in Spoon to get this done?
Also, data return will be in json format. how do I parse that?
You should first get your input with a CSV File Input using | as delimiter. Then you can get the 3rd field as a string.
Next you probably need to remove all spaces from this string with a String operations step. Look at the Remove special character column, and select space.
Then you need to concatenate it with your http address For this you'll use a Calculator step. At this step first create a new temporary field tmpAddr, with operation Define a constant value for ... (or something like this, sorry my spoon is in portuguese). At the Field A column you'll write your http address. It's a good practice, after you make this work, to set your address as a system variable so if it changes you don't need to replace it everywhere on your transformations (look at menu Edit -> System Variables).
Now on the same Calculator step create another field, let's say MyAddress, with operation A+B. Choose for Field A the field tmpAddr you just created, and for Field B the 3rd field from your input.
Now on your stream you should have the full address as a field MyAddress. Connect a REST client step. Mark Accept URL from field and choose field MyAddress as URL Field Name. Set Application Type to JSON. Set Result Fieldname as MyResult.
If you need further JSON parsing you can add a Json input step. Set Source is defined in a field and select field MyResult as Get Source from field.
An alternate approach is to use the "Replace in String" step to append the string.
Set 'use RegEx' to Y
Set 'Search' to (.*)
Set 'Replace with' to$1
Set 'Whole Word' to Y
The parentheses in the regex set up a capture group that you can then insert into your replacement string with the $X syntax
