Trouble escaping a string: Powershell -> Bash -> More Bash - bash

I am working on Powershell 7 and WSL/bash.
Based on another answer on this site, I've created my own knock-off version of watch that is capable of displaying more colors. And so far it's worked ok. It looks like this:
while sleep 1; do
x="$("$#" 2>&1)"
echo "$x"
I am trying to pass in the following command my_watch to have it repeat:
task rc.defaultwidth=$(tput cols)
Which in Powershell/WSL looks something like this:
wsl ~/my_watch 'task rc.defaultwidth=$(tput cols)'
The problem is that the $(tput cols) is being evaluated too early, I think right before my_watch is invoked. So the result of the calculation is being passed to my_watch, which means the width is being set up front and then doesn't change during the watch loop.
I want every cycle of my_watch for the number of columns to be recalculated so that it is adaptable to window resizing.
But I can't figure out how to escape the tput cols part so that it waits until inside the my_watch loop to execute.
Grateful for any help.


How do you make the terminal $PS1 indent when wrapping to a second line?

I'm trying to make my PS1 more readable and one issue I'm currently having is that my file prompts are too long. I don't want to shorten them however, since that would mean loss of exactitude.
My solution so far is to simply send the prompt after the file location to a new line. But this still doesn't look clean, as the file location is cut off mid filename and then continued underneath the username.
What I'm trying to do is have it look something like this in the end:
gingerbread: ~/file/file/file/file/file/
But what I have right now is this:
gingerbread: ~/file/file/file/file/file/fil
N.B. I already have a function doing the name prompt, cos I'm an idiot and made the username show up in all the colors of the rainbow... Here's the code for that in case it helps:
for i in `seq 1 $LENGTHNAME`;
NUM=$((($i % 8) + 30));
PERSPS="$PERSPS\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n\[$\] ";
I then use $PERSPS as the $PS1. The whole thing just cycles through colors basically.
How do I control where the prompt wraps and where it wraps to?
Thanks in advance,

Possible to get bash input while user is at prompt? (Essentially an event listener)

Old stuff:
- Ultimate goal is to put a script in my .bash_profile that warns me by changing text color if I'm typing a commit message and it gets too
long (yes I'm aware vim has something like this).
- I found the read -n option which led me to write this:
while true; do
# This hits at the 53rd character
read -rn53 input
# I have commit aliased to gc so the if is just checking if I'm writing a commit
if [ "${input:0:2}" = "gc" ]; then
printf "\nMessage getting long"
- However, running this takes the user out of the bash prompt. I need a way to do something like this while at a normal prompt. I can't find
information on anything like this. Does that mean it's not possible?
Or am I just going about it the wrong way?
New progress:
I found the bind -x option which led me to write this:
check_commit() {
if [ "${READLINE_LINE:0:13}" == 'git commit -m' ] && [ ${#READLINE_LINE} -gt 87 ]; then
echo "Commit is $((${#READLINE_LINE} - 87)) characters too long!"
bind -x '"\"": check_commit "\""'
It listens for a double quote and if I'm writing a long commit message tells me how many characters I am over the limit. Also puts the character I typed into the current line since it is eaten by the bind.
New question:
Now I just need a way to put in a regex, character list or at least a variable instead of \" so I can listen on more keys (Yes, I'm aware bind -x probably wasn't intended to be used this way. I can check performance/footprint/stability myself). I tried "$char", "${char}", "$(char)" and a few other things, but none seem to work. What is the correct approach here ?
AFAIK, not possible in a sane way if you want this to happen during your normal prompt (when PROMPT_COMMAND and PS1 are evaluated). That would involved binding a custom compiled readline function for every insert-self and alike.
If you want this to happen in a script using prompt builtin, this is crudely possible with a loop of
read -e -i $(munge_buf $buf) -n $(buf_warn_len $buf) -p $(buf_warning $buf) buf
like commands. This will allow you to create munge_buf() to alter the currently typed text if needed, buf_warn_len() to calculate a new len to warn at (which may be very large if warning was already displayed), and buf_warn_msg() to derive a warning message based upon the buffer.

Basic shell scripting expr command not working

I'm trying a very simple example of expr command to add a number to a variable. However, everytime I print it this is what I get :
Code :
MY= expr $MY+1
// for some reason when i'm putting both the back ticks here, they disappear.
echo $MY
Why doesn't the output come as 2 in this case ? I've made sure those are back ticks and the spacing is right.
Also, when I use print instead of echo, it shows print doesn't exist.
You should add space to around +. Like this:
MY=`expr $MY + 1`
Because if you missed the space $MY+1, the shell will consider it as a string "1+1"

batch job submission upon completion of job

I would like to write a script to execute the steps outlined below. If someone can provide simple examples on how to modify files and search through folders using a script (not necessarily solving my problem below), I will greatly appreciate it.
submit job MyJob in currentDirectory using to a queue
upon completion of MyJob, goto to currentDirectory/myJobDataFolder.
In myJobDataFolder, there are folders
myJobData.0000 myJobData.0001 myJobData.0002 myJobData.0003
I want to find the maximum number maxIteration of all the listed folders. Here it would be maxIteration=0003.\
In file, at the last line says
mpiexec ./main input myJobDataFolder
I want to append this line to
'mpiexec ./main input myJobDataFolder 0003'
I want to submit MyJob to the que while maxIteration < 10
Upon completion of MyJob, find the new maxIteration and change this number in and goto step 4.
I think people write python scripts typically to do this stuff, but am having a hard time finding out how. I probably don't know the correct terminology for this procedure. I am also aware that the script will vary slightly depending on the queing system, but any help will be greatly appreciated.
Quite a few aspects of your question are unclear, such as the meaning of “submit job MyJob in currentDirectory using to a que”, “append this line to
'mpiexec ./main input myJobDataFolder 0003'”, how you detect when a job is done, relevant parts of, and some other details. If you can list the specific shell commands you use in each iteration of job submission, then you can post a better question, with a bash tag instead of python.
In the following script, I put a ### at the end of any line where I am guessing what you are talking about. Lines ending with ### may be irrelevant to whatever you actually do, or may be pseudocode. Anyway, the general idea is that the script is supposed to do the things you listed in your items 1 to 5. This script assumes that you have modified to say
mpiexec ./main input $1 $2
instead of
mpiexec ./main input
because it is simpler to use parameters to modify what you tell mpiexec than it is to keep modifying a shell script. Also, it seems to me you would want to increment maxIter before submitting next job, instead of after. If so, remove the # from the t=$((1$maxIter+1)); maxIter=${t#1} line. Note, see the “Parameter Expansion” section of man bash re expansion of the ${var#txt} form, and the “Arithmetic Expansion” section re $((expression)) form. The 1$maxIter and similar forms are used to change text like 0018 (which is not a valid bash number because 8 is not an octal digit) to 10018.
./ MyJob ###
while true; do
waitforjobcompletion ###
cd ./myJobDataFolder
maxFile= $(ls myJobData* | tail -1)
maxIter= ${maxFile#myJobData.} #Get max extension
# If you want to increment maxIter, uncomment next line
# t=$((1$maxIter+1)); maxIter=${t#1}
cd ..
if [[ 1$maxIter -lt 11000 ]] ; then
./ MyJobDataFolder $maxIter
Notes: (1) To test with smaller runs than 1000 submissions, replace 11000 by 10000+n; for example, to do 123 runs, replace it with 10123. (2) In writing the above script, I assumed that not-previously-known numbers of output files appear in the output directory from time to time. If instead exactly one output file appears per run, and you just want to do one run per value for the values 0000, 0001, 0002, 0999, 1000, then use a script like the following. (For testing with a smaller number than 1000, replace 1000 with (eg) 0020. The leading zeroes in these numbers tell bash to fill the generated numbers with leading zeroes.)
for iter in {0000..1000}; do
./ MyJobDataFolder $iter
waitforjobcompletion ###
(3) If the system has a command that sleeps while it waits for a job to complete on the supercomputing resource, it is reasonable to use that command in place of waitforjobcompletion in the above scripts. Otherwise, if the system has a command jobisrunning that returns true if a job is still running, replace waitforjobcompletion with something like the following:
while jobisrunning ; do sleep 15; done
This will run the jobisrunning command; if it returns true, the shell will sleep for 15 seconds and then retest. Here is an example that illustrates waiting for a file to appear and then for it to go away:
while [ ! -f abc ]; do sleep 3; echo no abc; done
while ls abc >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 3; echo an abc; done
The second line's test could be [ -f abc ] instead; I showed a longer example to illustrate how to suppress output and error messages by routing them to /dev/null. (4) To reverse the sense of a while statement's test, replace the word while with until. For example, while [ ! -f abc ]; ... is equivalent to until [ -f abc ]; ....

Using multiple values for single variable in a loop

I have a small loop problem as below.
I have 3 different values to be used while running the same script -
Now I want to use these three variable values to be used for running the same command, like -
while (i=0,i<=3,i++)
bin/java -s (run something with $var);
Now I want $var taking the value of var1, var2 and var3 each time it runs,
so can someone please tell me how do we achieve the above?
I tried doing -
for $1 $2 $3
case 1
case 2
case 3
while read a b c
<code assumed to have loop iteration>
done <<< $(command)
But it isnt working as expected... Would really appreciate your help on this.
You forgot the 'in' part of the syntax:
for var in $va1 $va2 $va3
command $var
while ((i=0,i<=3,i++))
eval bin/java -s \$var$i
This is a great example of how to use eval. Note that 1. the value of $i is seen by the shell has it scans the line. Then because $var is escaped like \$var, it is not
'make visible' in the first scan. 2. Eval forces a 2nd scan of the cmd-line, so it sees $var1 or whatever, and that value is substituted into the command-line for execution.
I hope this helps.
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You can use indirect variable expansion with ${!...}:
for ((i=1;i<=3;i++)); do
echo "$varname = ${!varname}"
This prints:
va1 = some-value1
va2 = some-value2
va3 = some-value3
