Genebank files manipulation with bash - bash

I have this genebank file. And I need your help in manipulating it
Iam picking a random part of the file
CDS complement(1750..1956)
/note="similar to MIMI_L9"
/product="hypothetical protein"
misc_feature complement(2020..2235)
/note="MAMA_L5; similar to replication origin binding
protein (fragment)"
gene complement(2461..2718)
CDS complement(2461..2718)
/product="T5orf172 domain-containing protein"
My target is to "extract" the info of /translation= and /product= like following
T5orf172 domain-containing protein
*with bold I highlighted the issue that I had.
I am trying to write a bash script so I was thinking to apply something like:
grep -w /product= genebank.file |cut -d= -f2| sed 's/"//'g > File1
grep -w /translation= genebank.file |cut -d= -f2| sed 's/"//'g > File2
paste File1 File2
T the problem is that in the translation entries when I use grep I got only the first line. So it prints until the bold line like
Can anybody help me to step over this issue? Thank you in advance!

With GNU sed:
sed -En '/^\s*\/(product|translation)="/{
/"$/! { N; s/\n\s*//; ba; }
}' file |
sed 'N; s/\n/\t/'
Note: This assumes the second occurrence of the delimiter " is immediately followed by a newline in the input file.

I haven't fully tested this but if you add -A1 to your grep command you'll get one line after the match.
grep -w /product= genebank.file |cut -d= -f2| sed 's/"//'g > File1
grep -A1 -w /translation= genebank.file |cut -d= -f2| sed 's/^ *//g' > File2
paste File1 File2
You would need to delete that extra newline but that should get you close.


Combine multiple text files (row wise) into columns

I have multiple text files that I want to merge columnwise.
For example:
File 1
0.698501 -0.0747351 0.122993 -2.13516
File 2
-5.27203 -3.5916 -0.871368 1.53945
I want the output file to be like:
0.698501, -5.27203
-0.0747351, -3.5916
0.122993, -0.871368
-2.13516, 1.53945
Is there a one line bash common that can accomplish this?
I'll appreciate any help.
With awk:
awk '{if(NR==1) {split($0,a1," ")} else {split($0,a2," ")}} END{for(i in a2) print a1[i] ", " a2[i]}' file1 file2
0.698501, -5.27203
-0.0747351, -3.5916
0.122993, -0.871368
-2.13516, 1.53945
paste <(cat file1 | sed -E 's/ +/&,\n/g') <(cat file2 | sed -E 's/ +/&\n/g') | column -s $',' -t | sed -E 's/\s+/, /g' | sed -E 's/, $//g'
It got a bit complicated, but I guess it can be done in a bit simpler way also.
P.S: Please lookup for the man pages of each command to see what they do.

Linux get data from each line of file

I have a file with many (~2k) lines similar to:
117 VALID|AUTHEN tcp: uniqueID=nwCelerra
991 VALID|AUTHEN tcp: uniqueID=smUNIX
I want only the IP address ( shown above) and the value of the uniqueID (smUNIX shown above)
I am able to get close with:
cat t.txt|cut -f2- -d':' uniqueID=smwUNIX
I am on Linux using bash.
Using awk:
awk '{split($3,a,":"); split($4,b,"="); print a[2] " " b[2]}'
By default if splits on the whitespaces, with some extra code you can split the subfields
even easier overriding the default delimiter:
awk -F '[:=]' '{print $2 " "$4}'
using grep and sed :
grep -oP "^\d+ [A-Z]+\|[A-Z]+ \w+:\K(.*)" | sed "s/ uniqueID=/ /g"
outputs: nwCelerra smUNIX

How to remove symbols and add file name to fasta headers

I have several fasta files with the following headers:
M01498:408:000000000-BLBYD:1:1101:11790:1823 1:N:0:1
I want to remove all symbols (colon, dash, and space), and add "barcodelabel=FILENAME;"
I can do it for one file using:
cat A1.fasta |sed s/-//g | sed s/://g| sed s/\ //g|sed 's/^>/>barcodelabel=A1;/g' >A1.renamed.fasta
How can I do this but for all of my files at once? I tried the code below but it didn't work:
for i in {A..H}{1..6}; do cat ${i}.fasta |sed s/-//g | sed s/://g| sed s/\ //g | sed 's/^>/>barcodelabel=${i};/g' >${i}.named.fasta; done
any help would be appreciated !
Considering that you want to substitute -,: or space with null and want to add string at last of the first line then following may help you on same:
awk 'FNR==1{gsub(/:|-| +/,"");print $0,"barcodelabel=FILENAME";next} 1' Input_file
In case you want to save output in to same Input_file then add following in above code too > temp_file && mv temp_file Input_file
I figured it out. First, I reduced the number of sed to simplify the code. The mistake was in the final sed I had simple quotation marks and it should have been double so it can read the ${i}. final code is:
for i in {A..H}{1..6}; do cat ${i}.fasta |
sed 's/[-: ]//g' |
sed "s/^>/>barcodelabel=${i};/g" > ${i}.final4.fasta; done

Bash: concenate lines in csv file (1+2, 3+4 etc)

I have a bash file with increasing integers in the first column and some text behind.
I would like to add line 1+2, 3+4 etc. and add the outcome to a new csv file.
The desired output would be
A second option without the numbers would be great as well. The actual input would be
Desired outcome
$ pr -2ats, file
gives you
for the second part
$ cut -d, -f2- file | pr -2ats,
will give you
awk solution:
awk '{ printf "%s%s",$0,(!(NR%2)? ORS:",") }' input.csv > output.csv
The output.csv content:
Additional approach (to skip numbers):
awk -F',' '{ printf "%s%s",$2 FS $3,(!(NR%2)? ORS:FS) }' input.csv > output.csv
The output.csv content:
3rd approach (for your extended input):
awk -F',' '{ sub(/^[0-9]+,/,"",$0); printf "%s%s",$0,(!(NR%2)? ORS:FS) }' input.csv > output.csv
With bash, cut, sed and paste:
paste -d, <(cut -d, -f 2- file | sed '2~2d') <(cut -d, -f 2- file | sed '1~2d')
I hoped to get started with something simple as
printf '%s,%s\n' $(<inputfile)
This turns out wrong when you have spaces inside your text fields.
The improvement is rather a mess:
source <(echo "printf '%s,%s\n' $(sed 's/.*/"&"/' inputfile|tr '\n' ' ')")
Skipping the first filed can be done in the same sed command:
source <(echo "printf '%s,%s\n' $(sed -r 's/([^,]*),(.*)/"\2"/' inputfile|tr '\n' ' ')")
This solution will fail when it has special characters, so you should use a simple solution as
cut -f2- file | paste -d, - -

Find multible missing lines in csv using diff

One part of my problem was solved with this answer:
, but an important part of my problem was unsolved!
After using
diff a.csv b.csv | grep -E -A1 '^[0-9]+d[0-9]+$' | grep -v '^--$' | sed -n '0~2 p' | sed -re 's,^< (.*)$,\1,g'
several times i found something left.
Sometimes multible following lines are deleted.
If only one line was deleted there are something like this found:
For multible lines it is:
So i changed the diff call to:
diff a.csv b.csv | grep -E -A1 '^[0-9]+\,*[0-9]*d[0-9]+$' | grep -v '^--$' | sed -n '0~2 p' | sed -re 's,^< (.*)$,\1,g'
This works for the first of multiple deleted lines.
My question is:
How could i get all deletet lines (maybe 5 following lines) in such a case?
What did i have to change in the diff call?
diff a.csv b.csv | sed -n '/^[0-9]\+d[0-9]*/,/^[0-9]\+[^d]*$/{/^[0-9]\+/d;s/^< //;p}'
will do that.
will find the string range which are deleted
will delete all 6842d6844,6772
s/^< //
will replace all < in the beginning of lines
and p will print the line.
