What is the symbol for enter in a ASCII table Python? - ascii

I would like to know what is the symbol for Enter in a ASCII table Python?

The symbol for the Enter key cannot be found in the ASCII or Extended ASCII. The symbol normally has an arrow pointing down and left (⏎ (U+23CE) or ↵ (U+21B5) ), which is the symbol for carriage return. In contrast, the "Enter" key is commonly labelled with its name in plain text on generic PC keyboards, or with the symbol ⌤ (U+2324 up arrowhead between two horizontal bars) on many Apple Mac keyboards.
enter_key = "\u23CE" #or one of the Unicode values


Why is facepalm emoji 🤦‍♀️ followed by U+200D♀

I am trying to send utf-8 symbols via serial device to browser and display them. I have found out when I print facepalm emoji 🤦‍♀️ (on windows 10 Win+.) it has U+200D and ♀ characters behind. Others emojis don't have that. I was using View non-printable unicode characters tool. Also I found, if you print it in notepad it will show you ♀, when you print it in browser address bar ♀ is invisible but if you press backspace you delete it. And finally, if you print it in some html text input, you can delete whole emoji with single backspace. Why is that?
Emoji sequences have more than one code point to signify variations (below may or may not look different for each sequence depending on browser):
🤦‍♂️ MAN FACEPALMING U+1F926 U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F
🤦‍♀️ WOMAN FACEPALMING U+1F926 U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F
Emoji List, v13.1 No. 260-262.
Full Emoji List, v13.1, No. 260-262 (With browser-specific images)
Unicode® Standard Annex #29, UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION
Some editors/browsers handle the sequences better than others and may not show differences in all variations or may not recognize the latest Unicode specfication and newer emojis.

"Non-breaking space (U+00A0) used instead of regular space" warning in Xcode

When typing a space character in Xcode, a warning appears sometimes:
Non-breaking space (U+00A0) used instead of regular space
Earlier Xcode versions display these messages:
Treating Unicode character as whitespace
Invalid character in source file
If I re-write the character, the warning disappears. What causes this?
That happens to me when I type too fast and accidentally hold down Alt while pressing down Space. This creates a non-breaking space (0xA0) which is not recognized as a valid space character by Xcode.
For a (hacky) solution, I've remapped this combination to Insert Tab inside Xcode's Preferences/Key Bindings, so it enters a tabulator character instead.

What button is represented by this symbol in phpstorm?

I was fiddling around in PhpStrom's keymap, and was confused by the predefined key binding for Hide active tool window as I don't recognize the circle symbol with the tilted arrow. What button am I supposed to press?
The circle/arrow symbol is for the escape key (and the up-arrow is shift).

Superscript ® in Title bar

I need to insert the ® character as a superscript into the title bar of an app for the iPad. How can this be done in XCode?
As of iOS 5.x, you can't set text attributes like bold, superscript, etc. on individual characters within a label's text. (This includes the builtin labels of navigation bars.)
You can just insert the ® character in your string (you can type it on a US Mac keyboard with option-R, or use the escape code as in Jessedc's answer). Whether it appears small and superscript depends on the font used for the label -- some fonts make that symbol appear as such already, others make it larger and baseline-aligned.
Grab the unicode character
put it in a string
NSString *string = #"\u00AE"; //this is your (r)
Nearly a duplicate of How do I escape a Unicode character in my Objective-C source code?

How do you do the "therefore" (∴) symbol on a Mac or in Textmate?

Is there a way to write the ∴ therefore symbol with keyboard shortcuts in Textmate or just on a mac?
If you want to do this often, you can create a keybindings file in your Library to map it to a key combination.
In ~/Library create a directory named KeyBindings. Create a file named DefaultKeyBinding.dict inside the directory. You can add key bindings in this format:
"x" = (insertText:, "\U23CF");
"y" = (insertText:, "hi"); /* warning: this will change 'y' to 'hi'! */
The LHS is the key combination you'll hit to enter the character. You can use the following characters to indicate command keys:
# - Command
~ - Option
^ - Control
You'll need to look up the unicode for your character (in this case, ∴ is \U2234). So to type this character whenever you typed Control-M, you'd use
"^m" = (insertText:, "\U2234");
You can find more information here: http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~jrus/site/cocoa-text.html
First you use a full stop, then you hold down alt and press the letter H and put in another full stop.
From System Preferences, turn on the "Show Keyboard & Character Viewer in menu bar" setting.
Then, the "Character Viewer" menu will pop up a tool that will let you search for any unicode character (by name) and insert it ∴ you're all set.
If using WORD for mac
enable 'use maths autocorrect rules outside maths regions'
Type \therefore
If you are trying to insert the therefore symbol into a WORD DOCUMENT
Hold down the ALT key and type 8756
Hope the answer ur question
Regards Al~Hash.
