how to check whether a string starts with xx and ends with yy in shellscript? - shell

In the below example I want to find whether the sentence starts with 'ap' and ends with 'e'.
example: a="apple"
if [[ "$a" == ^"ap"+$ ]]
This is not giving proper output.

You don't mention which shell you're using, but the [[ in your attempt suggests you're using one that expands upon the base POSIX sh language. The following works with at least bash, zsh and ksh93:
$ a=apple
$ [[ $a == ap*e ]] && echo matches # Wildcard pattern
$ [[ $a =~ ^ap.*e$ ]] && echo matches # Regular expression - note the =~


Why is empty string changed into -n expression in bash

Taken this snippet:
$ [[ ""=="foo" ]] && echo yes || echo no
+ [[ -n ==foo ]]
+ echo yes
How does [[ ""=="foo" ]] turn into [[ -n ==foo ]] ?
The RC was of course missing spaces around == - after adding them, it works as expected:
$ [[ "" == "foo" ]] && echo yes || echo no
+ [[ '' == \f\o\o ]]
+ echo no
But still i cannot understand why it behaved like this?
It's not changing the empty string into -n.
The string ""=="foo" is equivalent to the string ==foo. The trace output always shows strings in their simplest format, without unnecessary quotes.
A conditional expression that just contains a single string with no operators is true if the string is not empty. That's what the -n operator tests, so the -x expansion shows it that way.
Any operand that isn't preceded or followed by an operator is treated to have an equal operation as -n <operand>. Operators also need to be isolated with spaces to be distinguished. For a list of operators run help test. Also run help [[ to see how the keyword is different from the [ and test builtins.

bash test - match forward slashes

I have a git branch name:
I want to test if the branch name includes /feature/, so I use:
if [ "$current_branch" != */feature/* ] ; then
echo "Current branch does not seem to be a feature branch by name, please check, and use --force to override.";
exit 1;
but that branch name doesn't match the regex, so I am exiting with 1, anyone know why?
[ ] is the single-bracket test(1) command, which does not handle patterns the same way bash does. Instead, use the double-bracket bash conditional expression [[ ]]. Example:
$ current_branch='oleg/feature/1535693040'
$ [ "$current_branch" = '*/feature/*' ] && echo yes
$ [[ $current_branch = */feature/* ]] && echo yes
Edit with regexes:
$ [[ $current_branch =~ /feature/ ]] && echo yes
The regex can match anywhere, so you don't need the leading and trailing * (which would be .* in a regex).
CAUTION: the slashes here are not delimiters for the regex, but literals to be matched somewhere in the string. For example, [[ foo/bar =~ / ]] returns true. This is different from regex notation in many languages.

Detecting when a string exists but doesn't start with - in bash

I am trying to make a bash program that saves results to a file with the name of the user's choosing if the program is supplied the --file argument followed by an option, in which the option should not start with a dash. So I used the following conditional:
if [[ -n $2 && !($2="[^-]") ]]
But that didn't work. It still saves the output to a file even if the second argument starts with a dash. I also tried using this:
1) if ! [[ -z $2 && ($2="[^-]") ]]
It also did as the previous one. What's the problem? Thanks in advance!
As a pattern match, this might look like:
[[ $2 ]] && [[ $2 != -* ]]
Moving && outside of [[ ]] isn't mandatory, but it is good form: It ensures that your code can be rewritten to work with the POSIX test command without either using obsolescent functionality (-a and -o) or needing to restructure.
Whitespace is mandatory. In !($2="[^-]"), neither the ! nor the ( and ) nor the = are parsed as separate operators.
= and != check for pattern matches, not regular expressions. The regular expression operator in [[ ]] is =~. Among the differences, anchors (^ to match at the beginning of a string, or $ to match at the end) are implicit in a pattern whereas they need to be explicit in a regex, and * has a very different meaning (* in a pattern means the same thing as .* in a regex).
The ^ in [^-] already negates the -, so by using ! in addition, you're making your code only match when there is a dash in the second argument.
To test this yourself:
$ check_args() { [[ $2 ]] && [[ $2 != -* ]]; echo $?; }
$ check_args one --two
$ check_args one two
$ check_args one

bash verbose string comparison slashes

I am comparing two strings in a bash script as follows:
if [[ "$x" != "$y" ]]; then
echo "different"
echo "same"
This comparison works. When I execute the script with -x, the comparison still works, but it shows the output
+ x=hello
+ y=hello
+ [[ -n hello ]]
+ [[ hello != \h\e\l\l\o ]]
+ echo same
I'm curious why the right side of the string shows as\h\e\l\l\o and not hello
The simple explanation is for the same reason that the left-hand side doesn't have quotes around it.
-x is showing you an equivalent but not exact representation of what it ran. The right-hand side of = and != in [[ ... ]] is matched as a pattern.
From the manual:
When the == and != operators are used, the string to the right of the operator is considered a pattern and matched according to the rules described below under Pattern Matching. .... Any part of the pattern may be quoted to force it to be matched as a string.
The -x output, for some reason, chooses to use escaping instead quoting to disable pattern matching there.
When using =, ==, and != in [[, the right-side string can contain globs (*, ?, etc.).
The backslashes in your example aren't necessary, though they don't hurt. They are needed if the right-side string contains a possible wildcard character. For example:
$ set -x
$ [[ hi == 'hi*' ]]; echo $?
+ [[ hi == \h\i\* ]]
+ echo 1
$ [[ hi == hi* ]]; echo $?
+ [[ hi == hi* ]]
+ echo 0

check for string format in bash script

I am attempting to check for proper formatting at the start of a string in a bash script.
The expected format is like the below where the string must always begin with "ABCDEFG-" (exact letters and order) and the numbers would vary but be at least 3 digits. Everything after the 3rd digit is a do not care.
Expected start of string: "ABCDEFG-1234"
I am using the below code snippet.
[ $(echo "$str" | grep -E "ABCDEFG-[0-9][0-9][0-9]") ] && echo "yes"
str1 = "ABCDEFG-1234"
str2 = "ABCDEFG-1234 - Some more text"
When I use str1 in place of str everything works ok and yes is printed.
When I use str2 in place of str i get the below error
[: ABCDEFG-1234: unary operator expected
I am pretty new to working with bash scripts so any help would be appreciated.
If this is bash, you have no reason to use grep for this at all; the shell has built-in regular expression support.
[[ $str =~ $re ]] && echo "yes"
That said, you might want your regex to be anchored if you want a match in the beginning rather than anywhere in the content:
[[ $str =~ $re ]] && echo "yes"
That said, this doesn't need to be an ERE at all -- a glob-style pattern match would also be adequate:
if [[ $str = ABCDEFG-[0-9][0-9][0-9]* ]]; then echo "yes"; fi
Try grep -E "ABCDEFG-[0-9][0-9][0-9].*"
