artisan make:migration ignores subfolders? [duplicate] - laravel

This question already has answers here:
Laravel running migrations on "app/database/migrations" folder recursively
(15 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am using Laravel 5.6 and and migration files inside database/migrations/ work when I call artisan migrate but migration files in subfolders like database/migrations/example are skipped.
Even artisan migrate:status does not show the subfolders.
How can I tell Laravel to also include migration files from subfolders?

vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator.php line 465
same line number since Laravel 5.7 I guess, there's this line:
return Str::endsWith($path, '.php') ? [$path] : $this->files->glob($path.'/*_*.php');
This looks for the root migrations path matching the *_*.php pattern. If it was **/*_*.php you would've accomplished what you wanted.
But, good news! It can be hacked! The method responsible for getting the paths:
vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Console\Migrations\BaseCommand.php line 19
says that the path argument you gave to the command, will not be sanitized, or modified,
if ($this->input->hasOption('path') && $this->option('path')) {
return collect($this->option('path'))->map(function ($path) {
return ! $this->usingRealPath()
? $this->laravel->basePath().'/'.$path
: $path;
So, setting the path argument as database/migrations/** should enable you to recurse into subfolders.
php artisan migrate --path="database/migrations/**"
Note: Then, for every migrate[:*] command to work, you need to specify the --path attribute. I migrated and rolled back with the --path attribute, and it worked.

There's a method in ServiceProvider that can do that for you.
You will need to call it in your AppServiceProvider in the boot method like so:
public function boot()
$paths = [your, custom, migration, directories];
After doing this, running php artisan migtate will take subdirectories in consideration.


Laravel Localization does not return translated string

I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I want my application to use "np" as its default locale. So I change the locale key in config/app.php to 'np.' And when I check for the current location in my controller, it returns 'np', so it's working fine until here. Then I created a "np.json" file directly inside the lang directory, which has the following content:
"Candidate": "उम्मेदवार"
Now when I try to return the translated string using:
It returns "Candidate" instead of "उम्मेदवार", even if the current locale function still returns "np". So I ran the following commands trying to clear the cache.
php artisan optimize:clear
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
But still, the issue persists.
You have to call the translations like <filename>.translation_string, and that file has be placed inside a folder with your language code.
In your case, create a folder inside lang called np, then place a translation file (example: mystrings.php) in it, so you have this file in a folder lang/np/mystrings.php.
Your trans file looks like
return [
'Candidate' => 'उम्मेदवार',
Now, you have to set the lang to your language np with app()->setLocale('np'); or you set it directly in your .env and now you can call
echo __('mystrings.Candidate');
to get your translation.
Hope it helps

Laravel route() - not passing root folder name

Thank you in advance,
I have one route defined like
Route::get('/registration/verify/{token}', 'UserController#verifyRegisteredEmail')->name('');
I am accessing the route like
route('', ['token' => $email_register_verification_token]);
when I am printing above line it is giving them out as below
But it should be
Try setting the proper APP_URL in .env. It only outputs the wrong value from there.
Try to set the APP_URL inside .env file, and run this command php artisan config:cache
If you have some routes with a same prefix, You can use prefix option in routes groups like this:
Route::prefix('Your Root')->group(function(){
Route::get('/registration/verify/{token}', 'UserController#verifyRegisteredEmail')->name('');

Laravel env vars in bootstrap/app.php?

I put this in bootstrap/app.php
and it's coming back null even though this environment variable is set in my .env file.
I suspect that file hasn't loaded by the time bootstrap/app.php runs.
What file does run after the env files are loaded? Is there another startup file where I can put this sort of thing?
You can use env() only in config files config/*.php but there are some trick. Add this code at the beginning of bootstrap/app.php:
(new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__.'/../'))->load();
catch (Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException $ignored) { }
Look here.
2) You can do it in AppServiceProvider file.

How to remove empty lines in my console Laravel 5.3

I have a laravel installation, the console was working fine at start, then after a while i must have done something that made the console spit some extra empty lines. Here is what it looks like
D:\PATH_TO_MYAPP>php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Migration table not found.
Migration table created successfully.
How do i remove these extra lines?
Check your artisan file at the project root and look at the very top. Are there any blank lines before the <?php tags? If so, remove them. Now check at the bottom of the file. Are you closing the php tag with ?>? If so, remove the ?>, you don't need them and any new line that comes after that is going to the console for output.

Laravel 5 doesn't read values from dot ENV files

I don't know if this question is relevant or not. LARAVEL 5 is still in developmental phase. I have pulled LARAVEL 5 after watching one of the Laracast video about new features in LARAVEL 5. I couldn't resist to wait for its formal release.
I named the local environment dot file as .env.local.php. But for some reason I am unable to get the the values from this dot file when using $_ENV['KEY'].
I am quite sure that I have configured the environment correctly. When doing $app->environment() shows the correct environment. Has it been changed in LARAVEL 5 the way we get the values from dot files or am I missing something ?
By default in environment.php file you have something like that:
if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../.env'))
so only .env file is being read (notice .env not .env.php - so you should rename your file - or you can add as 2nd parameter file name .env.php if you want). Any other environment files (.local.env) are not being read by default - you will need to load them manually.
If you don't have such code by default, you should probably update/install Laravel 5 again (changes appear very often)
Now, I don't know what method you use, but you can put in your .env file also your environment name in for example APP_ENV variable, create .local.env file with content you want and then you could use in environment.php file:
if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../.env'))
if (getenv('APP_ENV') && file_exists(__DIR__.'/../.' .getenv('APP_ENV') .'.env')) {
echo "loading";
Dotenv::load(__DIR__ . '/../', '.' . getenv('APP_ENV') . '.env');
If you don't want to do it this way, you can probably change the other and load env file you want based on $env assuming you use PC based environment detection.
If it's unclear you can also look at What's the correct way to set ENV variables in Laravel 5?
