Cannot install FunctX in eXist-db - exist-db

I just installed the latest stable eXist-db version 5.2.0.
I have a project that uses FunctX XQuery Function Library, but when I try to install it in the eXist Package Manager I get the following error:
exerr:ERROR expath repository is not available. [at line 176, column 32, source: /db/apps/packageservice/modules/apputil.xql] In function: apputil:remove(xs:string)
[130:20:/db/apps/packageservice/modules/apputil.xql] apputil:install-from-repo(xs:string?, xs:anyURI?, xs:anyURI, xs:string?) [68:40:/db/apps/packageservice/modules/apputil.xql].
expath repository is not available.
I have tried installing both through the "Available" packages in the Package Manager and also by manually uploading the FunctX xar file. I have also tried with both FunctX version 1.0 and 1.0.1.
I am able to install other packages.


How do I specify a minimum package version in pipit setup.cfg

I am trying to specify a minimum package version in a pypi setup.cfg file. I have written this:
install_requires =
But I get this error message when I test my package installation:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cocotb>=1.5.2 (from pyuvm) (from versions: 1.0.20170128)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for cocotb>=1.5.2
It seems to be using the version number as part of the package name. When I install cocotb manually I see the correct version:
(clean) (base) raysalemi#RayProMac pyuvm % pip list
Package Version
---------- -------
cocotb 1.5.2
All the help I've seen on this refers to the file, but I am working with the setup.cfg file. What is the syntax to specify a module and version?
The syntax is correct. The problem was that cocotb 1.5.2 is not on

How to install YAML package in Pycharm (Python 3.8 / 3.9)?

How do I install the YAML package in Pycharm? I want to use it for a python 3.8 (or 3.9) project. When trying to install the package via the project settings I get the following error:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement yaml
Alternatively I tried to search for any YAML package available via the command window by typing pip search yaml. Then I get the following error:
ERROR: XMLRPC request failed [code: -32500]
Any advice?
pip install pyyaml
I think that this is what you are looking for:
It gets imported as import yaml

Issue installing Tax4Fun

I'm trying to install the package "Tax4Fun" but keep failing.
I've tried 2 different ways:
The error that I get is:
ERROR: dependency 'biom' is not available for package 'Tax4Fun'
I've also tried installing biom directly
which does not work either
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Installing package(s) 'biom'
Installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: boot, foreign, KernSmooth,
mgcv, nlme, survival
Warning message:
package ‘biom’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1)
The other way I've tried to install Tax4Fun directly is
I get the following error code:
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
Installing package(s) 'Tax4Fun'
Installation path not writeable, unable to update packages: boot, foreign, KernSmooth,
mgcv, nlme, survival
Warning message:
package ‘Tax4Fun’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1)
Please help :)
You need to install it by downloading the packages from source ( Then it depends whether you are running on Linux/Mac or Windows.
From the command line, you navigate to the folder containing the .tar.gz downloaded package. Then you should install it using:
R CMD INSTALL Tax4Fun_0.3.1.tar.gz
But dependancies are not installed by default. So you need to install dependancies manually, Qiimer and Biom, which are both deprecated on Cran. You install them using the same command, after you have downloaded the packages from the Cran archives.
Before that, you need to also install their dependancies in R:
Then you should be able to proceed as mentioned above: install Qiimer and Biom from the command line first. Then Tax4Fun from the command line too.
If you are running on Windows you should have quite the same issues, but the installation of the different packages and dependancies is different. You can have a look at the readme at

Could not update the nuget package due to the Incompatibility

I could not update the WindowsAzure.Storage NuGet Package. It seems other package that probably depends on it, each time I update that package, I got the same error:
Install failed. Rolling back... Updating 'Microsoft.Data.OData 5.6.2'
to 'Microsoft.Data.OData 5.6.4' failed. Unable to find versions of
WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Entity' that are compatible with
'Microsoft.Data.OData 5.6.4'.
Why do I get this and how can I resolve this issue?
Why do I get this and how can I resolve this issue?
According to the nuget package of WindowsAzure.Storage, you will find this package have a dependencies is Microsoft.Data.OData (>= 5.6.2):
when you update the package WindowsAzure.Storage, the dependency package Microsoft.Data.OData (>= 5.6.2) also need to upgrade to 5.6.4.
However, the nuget packages WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Tables and WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Backend.Entity' are dependent on Microsoft.Data.OData (>= 5.6.2):
In this case, NuGet could not update the nuget package WindowsAzure.Storage.
To resolve this issue, you can use the option IgnoreDependencies when you update that package:
update-package WindowsAzure.Storage -IgnoreDependencies

How do I setup the packages that are not in PYPI in requirements.txt for developing on Heroku?

I download a package from
now I'm going to deploy my app on Heroku and it tells me:
"Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement guess-language-spirit==0.5a4 (from app==1.0->-r /tmp/build_a92af1ad389e47ddc669f4154c077224/requirements.txt (line 1)) (from versions: 0.5a5, 0.5, 0.5.1, 0.5.2, 0.5.3)"
so how do I put this package into requirements.txt?
Try using:
Usually that egg annotation is used for VCS systems rather than a tar file, but try anyway. See details about that in:
