I have added a listener to get the summary of my requests. The summary report gives me the start time of request. But, how can I add the time request was completed?
You don't need to add a listener, the listeners don't add any value, they just consume resources, all the data you need can be found in .jtl results file
For example when you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/testplan.jmx -l /path/to/result.csv
the first 2 columns are:
timeStamp - sample start time in milliseconds from the beginning of Unix epoch
elapsed - sample execution time, in milliseconds as well
So you can get the "end time" by summing timeStamp and elapsed
Is there any way that we can find out average response time for last one hour from the script which performed for 3 hours??
Hi, so I have script which is timed to run for 3 hours. I want aggregate report to find out average response time. But I want response data from the last one hour run. I want to find pout the average response from the transactions which where performed in last hour of run. Is this possible and how?
Depending on the reporting system you're using:
If you're reading the .jtl results file you can use Filter Results Tool to "cut" first 2 hours of the test execution like:
FilterResults.bat --output-file last-hour-only.jtl --input-file original-test-results.jtl --start-offset 7200 --end-offset 10800
in this case last-hour-only.jtl will contain only sample results collected between 2nd and 3rd hours of the test run
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager
If you're using HTML Reporting Dashboard you can use jmeter.reportgenerator.start_date and jmeter.reportgenerator.end_date properties to set the time frame where the "interesting" part of results is.
I have designed a scenario using multiple ultimate threadgroup. Executed the test for one hour. After the completion of test I have observed weird data in JTL file.
Egs: one of the transaction has 8 api calls. At the end of test 4 only executed. That transaction elapse time is showing 30sec but if you sum of the executed api it is around 10sec. I am surprised where is the remaining 20sec.
At the end of test 4 only executed - when you run a JMeter test for the specified duration of the time there is no guarantee that all Samplers will be executed the equal number of times. Test termination signal might be somewhere in the middle and all the samplers which are below won't be run
It's hard to provide a comprehensive answer without seeing your test plan and the .jtl file, blind shot: double check your Transaction Controller configuration, if you have it like this:
JMeter will add the time taken by all PreProcessors, PostProcessors and Timers into the overall Transaction elapsed time
I have a question related to JMeter, I have thread with config below:
Number of Threads (Users): 5
Ram-Up Period (In second): 5
Loop: Forever
Duration(seconds): 2
How many sample request are created with above config ?
I am using the JMeter version 5.0.
We don't know. It mostly depends on your application response time which is the main factor of Elapsed Time in JMeter.
The only way to get the number is to measure it
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode as:
jmeter -n -t your-test.jmx -l result.jtl
Once test is finished open JMeter GUI, add a Listener of your choice, i.e. Aggregate Report to your Test Plan and open result.jtl file using "Browse" button - you should see the number of executed samplers as well as other metrics (response time, throughput, latency, etc.)
No of Threads=5 and Ramp up time =5 seconds.
So after every 1 second, next thread will be active.
So ideally it will process maximum 3 samples.
In jmeter Summary report, you could check the sample requests.
I have a JMeter test that is invoking an API (send API) in an asynchronous manner. The result of the invocation is then available via the other API call (results API). When I consume results, I do have a metrics about several phases of processing in the JSON response, which I would like to push into the resulting JMeter report.
I would like to get averages for that data, not just average times on the overall end-to-end test.
Is it something that can be implemented in JMeter?
Injecting custom fields into .jtl results file can be done using sample_variables property
Given you have 2 JMeter Variables, i.e. foo and bar you can "tell" JMeter to add them to the results file by either adding next line to user.properties file
or passing the values via -J command-line argument like:
jmeter -Jsample_variables=foo,bar -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
Once your test finishes you will see 2 extra columns in the .jtl results file holding the values for foo and bar JMeter Variables, hopefully getting average for this data will not be a problem.
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
This is a job for the Summary Report:
The summary report creates a table row for each differently named request in your test. This is similar to the Aggregate Report , except that it uses less memory
See example:
Average: It is the average time taken by all the samples to execute specific label. In our case, average time for Label 1 is 942 milliseconds & total average time is 584 milliseconds.
I'm trying to test an application with a typical resonse times of 0.2-0.4 milliseconds with Apache JMeter. I've found "jp#gc - Response Times Over Time" plugin that is able to display such response times as a graph but all available listeners (inluding jp#gc Flexible Data Writer) can save results in a file (for detailed analysis) only at a milliseconds precision. Are there any way in JMeter to save response time at microseconds precision?
There is commented lines in jmeter.properties file:
# Whether to use System.nanoTime() - otherwise only use System.currentTimeMillis()
I think if you'll uncomment this option, you'll have higher resolution JMeter results.