Clone registrated customers to an other database Prestashop 1.7 - prestashop-1.7

I am beginner on prestashop , I want to clone registrated customers in an other database , other than prestashop DB , the relation between the two tables is user_id in prestashop db and prestashop_id_user in my db , so does any one have an idea how to process (create a new module or use existing one ...)


Do i need to create migration in Laravel for already exist tables in database?

I'm new in Laravel world!
I created a Database in MySql with 8 Tables!
now i just want to know that do I need to create Migration for all 8 tables?
or just need to create model for each table?
It is up to you. If you don't need migration for those tables (ie. for testing/seeding, migration to another database or creating new local setup), then it is not necessary.
Also models are not required but if you want to use Eloquent and other fancy Laravel things, then create them.
From my point of view there is no reason to not have migrations and models.

Magento 2 single site to magento 2 multisite database migration

We are having 3 different magento 2.0 stores CE functionally migrated to magento 2.4 multisite environment with test data.
We want to migrate actual data from all 3 sites to new portal.
Is there any tool/script available?
Which tables do we need to migrate?
How we can avoid duplicate customer id/order id problem?

Is there some way to use already created database table in voyager?

I am using voyager to create admin panel for my app. Link for voyager is I need to use already created database tables which I created in phpmyadmin but can not find way to do so. Voyager gives some already built tables like categories, menus, pages etc. and also let us create new tables but how can I use my own created tables which I created in phpmyadmin?
Its possible use your owns tables, inside bread section should appear the option to make bread of it.
To make a bread of a table you should create the model of that table, if you have the table "articles" you can create the model with "php artisan make:model article"

Laravel Voyager-Deletion of table fields does not delete from view

I am working on a very simple web application and managing admin panel using Laravel Voyager Version: 1.1 and Laravel Version 5.7.
I have created Courses table using Voyager database tool. There is a column by the name of tutor_id in Courses table.
It was working fine but after few days due to application requirements I have deleted that “tutor_id” column from "Courses" table using Voyager. The column has successfully deleted from table which I can see by going to phpMyAdmin.
The issue is that when I browse Courses the tutor_id column is still present there as shown in the figure.
I have cleared the cache but have no luck.
1) go to table data_types and find id of "Courses" table
2) go to table data_rows and find "tutor_id" row and delete it

Insert data command not saving data into database in magento

I have migrated a magento site successfully nut when i import database in phpmyadmin. it created all tables but not inserting all values in tables.
when i try to manually insert does not save data and there in not error also..please help
