I got three.js working, but how can I best get started making a complex (multicurved) surface, that is parameterisable?
Say for instance somehow expressing (3D model data, or computational functions) a surface like the seat and back of a chair, where certain parameters like with, curvature, etc. can be manipulated in a GUI (recalculating and showing the updated model)?
Like which Geometry would be best for this kind of work? Any pointers to tutorials on this or very similar topics?
I was hoping to display in my app as many as 3,000 instances of the same model at the same time - but it’s really slowing down my computer. It's just too much.
I know InstancedMesh is the way to go for something like this so I’ve been following THREE.js’s examples here: https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/objects/InstancedMesh
The examples are fantastic, but they seem to use really small models which makes it really hard to get a good feel for what the model size-limits should be.
For example:
-The Spheres used here aren't imported custom 3D models, they're just instances of IcosahedronGeometry
-The Flower.glb model used in this example is tiny: it only has 218 Vertices on it.
-And the “Flying Monkeys” here come from a ".json" file so I can’t tell how many vertices that model has.
My model by comparison has 4,832 Vertices - which by the way, was listed in the "low-poly" category where I found it, so it's not really considered particularly big.
In terms of file-size, it's exactly 222kb.
I tried scaling it down in Blender and re-exporting it - still came out at 222kb.
Obviously I can take some “drastic measures”, like:
-Try to re-design my 3D model and make it smaller - but that would greatly reduce it’s beauty and the overall aesthetics of the project
-I can re-imagine or re-architect the project to display maybe 1,000 models at the same time instead of 3,000
But being that I’m new to THREE.js - and 3D modeling in general, I just wanted to first ask the community if there are any suggestions or tricks to try out first before making such radical changes.
-The model I'm importing is in the .glTF format - is that the best format to use or should I try something else?
-All the meshes in it come into the browser as instances of BufferGeometry which I believe is the lightest in terms of memory demands - is that correct?
Are there any other things I need to be aware of to optimize performance?
Some setting in Blender or other 3D modeling software that can reduce model-size?
Some general rules of thumb to follow when embarking on something like this?
Would really appreciate any and all help.
GLTF is fine to transmit geometry and materials — I might say the standard right now. If there's only geometry, I'd see OBJ or PLY formats.
The model size is blocking, but only for the initial load if we employ instancing on its geometry and material. This way we simply re-use the already generated geometry and its material.
At the GPU level, instancing means drawing a single mesh with a single material shader, many times. You can override certain inputs to the material for each instance, but it sort of has to be a single material.
— Don McCurdy
Our biggest worry here would be the triangles or faces rendered. Lower counts of this are more performant, and thus, fewer models at a time are. For this, you can use some degree of LOD to progressively increase and decrease your models' detail until you stop rendering them at a distance.
Some examples/resources to get you started:
Instancing Models
Modifying Instances
Let's consider a platform-based structured imported as an external mesh in Three.js, and a rigid body we would like to evolve on this structure.
My current understanding is that any object we want to apply physics on has to be approximated by one or several convex hulls which will be used for the physics computations (eg. collisions).
Considering the platform-based structure, let's assume these are only parallelepipeds, so creating Ammo shapes around them is trivial. Hence, creating the whole world physics is just a matter of iterating over the objects and creating as many Ammo.btBoxShape.
But now, suppose we want to add a hollow on of the platforms (or for instance a pothole on a road).
What would be the recommended approach to make the physics world include these hollows?
Should a custom Ammo shape be built? Considering the expected result, it can't be a preposterous need, but it seems I'm lacking beginner skills in this domain because I can't find any hint about how to do this...
So any help will be greatly appreciated!
I purchased 3D Models to use in SceneKit, but I am having trouble making the model appear like the final product shown on the sites where I buy them from. I have been purchasing .obj files and converting them in Xcode. I was able to successfully complete one model, but I have 5 others all running into the same problem.
As you can see, I would like it to look like this (picture from the site I purchased it from) Image 1
But when I move the .obj file (came with many more as well) this is where it gets confusing. The model has a lot of materials (which I don't understand as well) and when I try to add one of the textures through "Diffuse" it doesn't work at all. This is the best I got.Image 2
The textures also don't seem right, these are all of them but I don't understand even if they linked up, how it would achieve the shiny metal look? Thanks.
Image 3
The materials look like this and there are tons that are repetitive (over 100)
Image 4
Any guidance will be appreciated. Thank you!
You will need to understand how a material is applied on a 3D object. A .obj file will not have a material applied on it, but will have image files, which would then be UV mapped around the 3D object. The diffuse image that you just added to the object is in simple terms, the colour of the surface of the material.There are different components that can be applied on the 3D object, like specular, normal, occlusion, etc. Of course just applying the diffuse component was not going to give you a good enough result.
This Unity doc is what made me understand what each of these components are and what they do when applied on an object.
This is pretty much similar to what we use in SceneKit, and you should be able to pick up how the map is to be applied on your 3D model.
Basically, this is what happens when you correctly apply the maps to the 3D model:
Another thing that you might want to look into is PBR(Physically Based Rendering)
Depending on the 3D Model you purchased, maybe you would find this helpful.
This WWDC video should give you an understanding of how PBR works.
Also, https://medium.com/#avihay/amazing-physically-based-rendering-using-the-new-ios-10-scenekit-2489e43f7021
I think this requires a bit of background information:
I have been modding Minecraft for a while now, but I alway wanted to make my own game, so I started digging into the freshly released LWJGL3 to actually get things done. Yes, I know it's a bit ow level and I should use an engine and stuff...indeed, I already tried some engines and they never quite match what I want to do, so I decided I want to tackle the problem at its root.
So far, I kind of understand how to render meshes, move the "camera", etc. and I'm willing to take the learning curve.
But the thing is, at some point all the tutorials start to explain how to load models and create skeletal animations and so on...but I think I do not really want to go that way. A lot of things in working with Minecraft code was awful, but I liked how I could create models and animations from Java code. Sure, it did not look super realistic, but since I'm not great with Blender either, I doubt having "classic" models and animations would help. Anyway, in that code, I could rotate a box around to make a creature look at a player, I could use a sinus function to move legs and arms (or wings, in my case) and that was working, since Minecraft used immediate mode and Java could directly tell the graphics card where to draw each vertex.
So, actual question(s): Is there any good way to make dynamic animations in modern (3.3+) OpenGL? My models would basically be a hierarchy of shapes (boxes or whatever) and I want to be able to rotate them on the fly. But I'm not sure how to organize that. Would I store all the translation/rotation-matrices for each sub-shape? Would that put a hard limit on the amount of sub-shapes a model could have? Did anyone try something like that?
Edit: For clarification, what I did looked something like this:
Create a model: https://github.com/TheOnlySilverClaw/Birdmod/blob/master/src/main/java/silverclaw/birds/client/model/ModelOstrich.java
The model is created as a bunch of boxes in the constructor, the render and setRotationAngles methods set scale and rotations.
You should follow one opengl tutorial in order to understand the basics.
Let me suggest "Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming", and especially this chapter, where you move one robot arm with multiple joints.
I did a port in java using jogl here, but you can easily port it over lwjgl.
What you are looking for is exactly skeletal animation, the only difference being the fact you do not want to load animations for your bones but want to compute / generate transforms on the fly.
You basically have a hierarchy of bones, and geometry attached to it. It looks like you want to manipulate this geometry "rigidly", so before sending your meshes / transforms to the GPU (the classic way), you want to start by computing the new transforms in model or world space, then send those freshly computed matrices to draw your geometries on the gpu the standard way.
As Sorin said, to compute each transform you simply have to iterate over your hierarchy and accumulate transforms given the transform of the parent bone and your local transform w.r.t the parent.
Yes and no.
You can have your hierarchy of shapes and store a relative transform for each.
For example the "player" whould have a translation to 100,100, 10 (where the player is), and then the "head" subcomponent would have an additional translation of 0,0,5 (just a bit higher on the z axis).
You can store these as matrices (they can encode translation, roation and scaling) and use glPushMatrix and glPop matrix to add and remove a matrix to a stack maintained by openGL.
The draw() function(or whatever you call it) should look something like :
glMultMatrix(my_transform); // You can also just have glTranslate, glRotate or anything else.
// Draw my mesh
for (child : children) { child.draw(); }
This gives you a hierarchical setup so that objects move with their parent. Alternatively you can have a stack in the main memory and do the multiplications yourself (use a library). I think the openGL stack may have a limit (implementation dependent), but if you handle it yourself the only limit is the amount of ram you can use. Once all the matrices are multiplied rendering is done in the same amount of time, that is it doesn't matter for performance how deep a mesh is in the hierarchy.
For actual animations you need to compute the intermediate transformations. For example for a crouch animation you probably want to have a few frames in between so that the camera doesn't just jump to the low position. You can do this with a time based linear interpolation between the start and end positions, but this only covers simple animations and you still have to implement it yourself.
Anything more complicated (i.e. modify the mesh based on the bone links) you would need to implement yourself.
Three.JS noob here trying to do 2d visualization.
I used d3.js to make an interactive visualization involving thousands of nodes (rectangle shaped). Needless to say there were performance issues during animation because Browsers have to create an svg DOM element for every one of those 10 thousand nodes.
I wish to recreate the same visualization using WebGl in order to leverage hardware acceleration.
Now ThreeJS is a library which I have choosen because of its popularity (btw, I did look at PixiJS and its api didn't appeal to me). I am wanting to know what is the best approach to do 2d graphics in three.js.
I tried creating one PlaneGeometry for every rectangle. But it seems that 10 thousand Plane geometries are not the say to go (animation becomes super duper slow).
I am probably missing something. I just need to know what is the best primitive way to create 2d rectangles and still identify them uniquely so that I can interact with them once drawn.
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: Would you guys suggest to use another library by any chance?
I think you're on the right track with looking at WebGL, but depending on what you're doing in your visualization you might need to get closer to the metal than "out of the box" threejs.
I recommend taking a look at GLSL and taking a look at how you can implement your visualization using vertex and fragment shaders. You can still use threejs for a lot of the WebGL plumbing.
The reason you'll probably need to get directly into GLSL shader work is because you want to take most of the poly manipulation logic out of javascript, at least as much as is possible. Any time you ask js to do a tight loop over tens of thousands of polys to update position, etc... you are going to struggle with CPU usage.
It is going to be much more performant to have js pass in data parameters to your shaders and let the vertex manipulation happen there.
Take a look here: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webgl/shaders/ for a nice shader tutorial.