I searched intensively and applied available solutions from google, all these solution did not fixed the problem. I keep getting the error messages when running the command snmpwalk on the Ubuntu OS which is using net-snmp. The following is the error messages I am getting. Can you please assist me how to address the following error messages?
Ideally, I want to do the snmpwalk on all my mibs folder using the following command, which is not working.
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c PUBLIC -M /my_MIB_Files/
I thought may be abc.mib is using other mib files. To remove the dependencies, I tries following solutions, but none was working:
Provided my mibs folder in the /etc/snmp/snmp.conf file such as:
mibs +/my_mibs_files/
mibs +ALL
provided the +/my_mibs_files/ as an parameter with snmpwalk like:
snmpwalk -v2c -c PUBLIC -M /my_mibs_files/ -m /my_mibs_files/abc.mib
I am getting the following error messages:
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c PUBLIC -m /my_MIB_Files/abc.mib
MIB search path: /home/user/.snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/iana:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/ietf:/usr/share/mibs/site:/usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/mibs/iana:/usr/share/mibs/ietf:/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp
Cannot find module (SNMPv2-SMI): At line 13 in /my_MIB_Files/abc.mib
Attempt to define a root oid (iso): At
line 6 in /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.mib Bad parse of OBJECT
IDENTIFIER: At line 6 in /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-SMI.mib Did
not find 'mib-2' in module SNMPv2-SMI
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON-MIB.txt) Unlinked OID in RMON-MIB: rmon
::= { mib-2 16 } Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 88 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON-MIB.txt MIB search path:
Cannot find module (TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB): At line 15 in
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Did not find 'statistics' in
module RMON-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'history' in module RMON-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib)
Did not find 'hosts' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find 'matrix' in
module RMON-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'filter' in module RMON-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib)
Did not find 'etherStatsEntry' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'historyControlEntry' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'hostControlEntry' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'matrixControlEntry' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find 'filterEntry'
in module RMON-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not
find 'channelEntry' in module RMON-MIB
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find 'tokenRing' in
module #-1 (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'tokenRingMLStatsEntry' in module #-1
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'tokenRingPStatsEntry' in module #-1
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'ringStationControlEntry' in module #-1
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Did not find
'sourceRoutingStatsEntry' in module #-1
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib) Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB:
filter2Table ::= { filter 4 } Undefined identifier: filter near line
5432 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID in
RMON2-MIB: channel2Table ::= { filter 3 } Undefined identifier: filter
near line 5152 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID
in RMON2-MIB: historyControl2Table ::= { history 5 } Undefined
identifier: history near line 4993 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB:
matrixControl2Table ::= { matrix 4 } Undefined identifier: matrix near
line 5095 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID in
RMON2-MIB: hostControl2Table ::= { hosts 4 } Undefined identifier:
hosts near line 5038 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: tokenRingPStats2Table ::= { statistics 6 }
Undefined identifier: statistics near line 5265 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB:
tokenRingMLStats2Table ::= { statistics 5 } Undefined identifier:
statistics near line 5209 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: etherStats2Table ::= { statistics 4 }
Undefined identifier: statistics near line 4936 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB:
sourceRoutingStats2Table ::= { tokenRing 8 } Undefined identifier:
tokenRing near line 5376 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: ringStationControl2Table ::= { tokenRing 7
} Undefined identifier: tokenRing near line 5321 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/RMON2-MIB.mib Did not find 'snmpModules' in
module SNMPv2-SMI (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt)
Unlinked OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIB ::= { snmpModules
10 } Undefined identifier: snmpModules near line 10 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB.txt Did not find 'mib-2'
in module SNMPv2-SMI
ianaAddressFamilyNumbers ::= { mib-2 72 } Undefined identifier:
mib-2 near line 8 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB.txt Did not
find 'snmpModules' in module SNMPv2-SMI
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt) Did not find 'mib-2' in
module SNMPv2-SMI (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt) Unlinked
OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmp ::= { mib-2 11 } Undefined identifier: mib-2
near line 262 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt Unlinked OID
in SNMPv2-MIB: system ::= { mib-2 1 } Undefined identifier: mib-2
near line 75 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt Unlinked OID
in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpMIB ::= { snmpModules 1 } Undefined identifier:
snmpModules near line 13 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/SNMPv2-MIB.txt
Did not find 'mib-2' in module SNMPv2-SMI
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.txt) Unlinked OID in
IANAifType-MIB: ianaifType ::= { mib-2 30 } Undefined identifier:
mib-2 near line 7 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IANAifType-MIB.txt Did
not find 'mib-2' in module SNMPv2-SMI
(/usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt) Did not find 'snmpTraps' in
module SNMPv2-MIB (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt) Unlinked OID
in IF-MIB: interfaces ::= { mib-2 2 } Undefined identifier: mib-2
near line 48 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt Unlinked OID in
IF-MIB: ifMIB ::= { mib-2 31 } Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line
15 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt Unlinked OID in IF-MIB:
linkUp ::= { snmpTraps 4 } Undefined identifier: snmpTraps near line
1118 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt Unlinked OID in IF-MIB:
linkDown ::= { snmpTraps 3 } Undefined identifier: snmpTraps near line
1106 of /usr/share/snmp/mibs/IF-MIB.txt Cannot find module
(LLDP-EXT-DOT1-MIB): At line 28 in /MIB_Files/fslldp.mib Cannot
find module (LLDP-EXT-DOT3-MIB): At line 31 in /MIB_Files/fslldp.mib
Cannot find module (LLDP-V2-TC-MIB): At line 33 in
/MIB_Files/fslldp.mib Cannot find module (LLDP-V2-MIB): At line
35 in /MIB_Files/fslldp.mib Did not find 'mib-2' in module
SNMPv2-SMI (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt) Unlinked
OID in INET-ADDRESS-MIB: inetAddressMIB ::= { mib-2 76 } Undefined
identifier: mib-2 near line 7 of
/usr/share/snmp/mibs/INET-ADDRESS-MIB.txt Bad operator (:): At
line 921 in /MIB_Files/fslldp.mib Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpMIBGroups ::= { snmpMIBConformance 2 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMPv2-MIB: snmpMIBCompliances ::= { snmpMIBConformance 1 }
Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB: sourceRoutingStats2Entry ::= {
sourceRoutingStats2Table 1 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpBasicComplianceRev2 ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 3 } Cannot adopt
OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpBasicCompliance ::= { snmpMIBCompliances 2 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpSetSerialNo ::= { snmpSet 1 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpPrivProtocols ::= {
snmpFrameworkAdmin 2 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB:
snmpAuthProtocols ::= { snmpFrameworkAdmin 1 } Cannot adopt OID
in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpObsoleteGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups 10 } Cannot
adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpNotificationGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups 12
} Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpWarmStartNotificationGroup
::= { snmpMIBGroups 11 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpBasicNotificationsGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups 7 } Cannot adopt
OID in SNMPv2-MIB: systemGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups 6 } Cannot
adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpSetGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups 5 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpCommunityGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups
9 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpGroup ::= { snmpMIBGroups
8 } Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB: ringStationControlCreateTime
::= { ringStationControl2Entry 2 } Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB:
ringStationControlDroppedFrames ::= { ringStationControl2Entry 1 }
Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB: sourceRoutingStatsCreateTime ::= {
sourceRoutingStats2Entry 2 } Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB:
sourceRoutingStatsDroppedFrames ::= { sourceRoutingStats2Entry 1 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpEngine ::= {
snmpFrameworkMIBObjects 1 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpEngineMaxMessageSize ::= { snmpEngine 4 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpEngineTime ::= {
snmpEngine 3 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB:
snmpEngineBoots ::= { snmpEngine 2 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpEngineID ::= { snmpEngine 1 } Cannot adopt
OID in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpMIB ::= { snmpModules 1 } Cannot adopt OID
in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIB ::= { snmpModules 10 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIBConformance
::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 3 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB:
snmpFrameworkMIBObjects ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 2 } Cannot adopt
OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkAdmin ::= { snmpFrameworkMIB 1
} Cannot adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIBGroups
::= { snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 2 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIBCompliances ::= {
snmpFrameworkMIBConformance 1 } Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB:
ringStationControl2Table ::= { tokenRing 7 } Cannot adopt OID in
RMON2-MIB: sourceRoutingStats2Table ::= { tokenRing 8 } Cannot
adopt OID in SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpFrameworkMIBCompliance ::= {
snmpFrameworkMIBCompliances 1 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpSet ::= { snmpMIBObjects 6 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpTraps ::= { snmpMIBObjects 5 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpTrap ::= { snmpMIBObjects 4 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB: snmpEngineGroup ::= { snmpFrameworkMIBGroups 1
} Cannot adopt OID in IF-MIB: linkDown ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
Cannot adopt OID in IF-MIB: linkUp ::= { snmpTraps 4 } Cannot
adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: authenticationFailure ::= { snmpTraps 5 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: warmStart ::= { snmpTraps 2 }
Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB: coldStart ::= { snmpTraps 1 }
Cannot adopt OID in RMON2-MIB: ringStationControl2Entry ::= {
ringStationControl2Table 1 } Cannot adopt OID in SNMPv2-MIB:
snmpTrapEnterprise ::= { snmpTrap 3 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMPv2-MIB: snmpTrapOID ::= { snmpTrap 1 } Cannot adopt OID in
SNMPv2-MIB: snmpMIBConformance ::= { snmpMIB 2 } Cannot adopt OID
in SNMPv2-MIB: snmpMIBObjects ::= { snmpMIB 1 }
The solution to the above errors is the execution of the following commands:
sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader
I have 5 variables: nacional , nacional=1 for natives , nacional=0 for non-natives, FirmsID: NPC_FIC, Establsihmenti;s ID: ESTAB_ID, Occupation codes: CCPCodes and skill ratio: sk_ratio.I am going to compute the share of immigrants in Top 10 and Bottom 10 occupations. Since each firm has more than one establishment more often makes the solution tricky. Any help are apprecited.
input float nacioanal double(NPC_FIC ESTAB_ID) float CCPCodes double sk_ratio
1 500988754 100861 1114 4.359499
1 501950749 893218 1114 4.359499
1 500988750 990861 6914 2.309491
1 501951290 125210 1114 4.359499
1 500988760 100861 1141 5.459470
1 502000740 -820100 1114 4.359499
0 500988762 880861 7514 66.359409
1 500988754 100861 1114 4.359499
1 577988759 210869 4116 6.059120
1 500988092 670869 3216 10.059785
I used 'extremes sk_ratio CCPCodes, n(10)' to make top/bottom 10 but because of repeated valules I could not go futher.
Hope you all are doing good ,
I am working on fine tuning GPT 2 model to generate Title based on the content ,While working on it ,I have created a simple CSV files containing only the title to train the model , But while inputting this model to GPT 2 for fine tuning I am getting the following ERROR ,
JSONDecodeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
10 steps=1000,
11 save_every=200,
---> 12 sample_every=25) # steps is max number of training steps
14 # gpt2.generate(sess)
3 frames
/usr/lib/python3.7/json/__init__.py in loads(s, encoding, cls, object_hook, parse_float, parse_int, parse_constant, object_pairs_hook, **kw)
336 if s.startswith('\ufeff'):
337 s = s.encode('utf8')[3:].decode('utf8')
--> 338 # raise JSONDecodeError("Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig)",
339 # s, 0)
340 else:
JSONDecodeError: Unexpected UTF-8 BOM (decode using utf-8-sig): line 1 column 1 (char 0)
Below is my code for the above :
import gpt_2_simple as gpt2
model_name = "120M" # "355M" for larger model (it's 1.4 GB)
gpt2.download_gpt2(model_name=model_name) # model is saved into current directory under /models/117M/
sess = gpt2.start_tf_sess()
sample_every=25) # steps is max number of training steps
I have tried all the basic mechanism of handing UTF -8 BOM but did not find any luck ,Hence requesting your help .It would be a great help from you all .
Try changing the model name because i see you input 120M and the gpt2 model is called 124M
I have a binary that I am trying to run that seems to specifically require OPENSSL_1.0.0 version 4:
Version needs section '.gnu.version_r' contains 2 entries:
Addr: 0x00000000080486ac Offset: 0x0006ac Link: 6 (.dynstr)
000000: Version: 1 File: libcrypto.so.1.0.0 Cnt: 1
0x0010: Name: OPENSSL_1.0.0 Flags: none Version: 4
I have checked the source code out of openssl git and built 1.0.0-stable, but can't figure out how to specifically build what is needed by the binary.
What release should I checkout from the openssl repo and how do I compile it so that it would be usable by this binary?
Here are other possibly relivant fields from it's elf header:
ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF32
Data: 2's complement, little endian
Version: 1 (current)
OS/ABI: UNIX - System V
ABI Version: 0
Type: EXEC (Executable file)
Machine: Intel 80386
Version: 0x1
Entry point address: 0x804a6e0
Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file)
Start of section headers: 214412 (bytes into file)
Flags: 0x0
Size of this header: 52 (bytes)
Size of program headers: 32 (bytes)
Number of program headers: 9
Size of section headers: 40 (bytes)
Number of section headers: 37
Section header string table index: 34
Relocation section '.rel.plt' at offset 0x73c contains 37 entries:
Offset Info Type Sym.Value Sym. Name
0805b038 00000d07 R_386_JUMP_SLOT 00000000 MD5#OPENSSL_1.0.0
Dynamic section at offset 0x11f0c contains 25 entries:
Tag Type Name/Value
0x00000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libcrypto.so.1.0.0]
Symbol table '.dynsym' contains 43 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
13: 00000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND MD5#OPENSSL_1.0.0 (4)
Version symbols section '.gnu.version' contains 43 entries:
Addr: 0000000008048656 Offset: 0x000656 Link: 5 (.dynsym)
00c: 2 (GLIBC_2.0) 4 (OPENSSL_1.0.0) 2 (GLIBC_2.0) 0 (*local*)
The version you see there is not the version of the library but the (arbitrary) version of the symbol within the table. As jww already pointed out, that refers to OPENSSL_1.0.0 which is the symbol version string, and relates to the 1.0.x release branch.
See https://blog.flameeyes.eu/2011/06/gold-readiness-obstacle-2-base-versioning/ for one random reference to symbol versioning that I wrote about before.
I'm trying to use SnmpTranslate to translate the SNMP traps sent by my ProLiant DL360p Gen8 server. I used the MIB files from the Insight Management MIB update kit - http://h18013.www1.hp.com/products/servers/management/hpsim/mibkit.html - as recommended here - http://h30499.www3.hp.com/t5/ProLiant-Servers-ML-DL-SL/I-want-to-download-DL-380p-Gen8-Mib/td-p/5877083#.U8U63fmSwlo
However, when trying the following, I encountered a long list of errors. Any tip will be much appreciated.
snmptranslate.exe -M mibs\mibs -mALL -Td .
No log handling enabled - turning on stderr logging
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/rfc1213.mib)
Unlinked OID in RFC1213-MIB: mib-2 ::= { mgmt 1 }
Undefined identifier: mgmt near line 16 of mibs\mibs/rfc1213.mib
Unlinked OID in ZTSAMIB: enterprises ::= { private 1 }
Undefined identifier: private near line 27 of mibs\mibs/ztsa.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/ztmx.mib)
Unlinked OID in SNMP-TMUX-MIB: tandem ::= { enterprises 169 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 22 of mibs\mibs/ztmx.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/zsmp.mib)
Unlinked OID in SNMP-AGENT-PUBLIC-MIB: tandem ::= { enterprises 169 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 42 of mibs\mibs/zsmp.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/zhrm.mib)
Unlinked OID in SNMP-HMSA-MIB: tandem ::= { enterprises 169 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 22 of mibs\mibs/zhrm.mib
Unlinked OID in EthernetSubagentPvt-MIB: enterprises ::= { private 1 }
Undefined identifier: private near line 22 of mibs\mibs/zesa.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/xp1024trapmib.mib)
Unlinked OID in RAID450MIB: hitachi ::= { enterprises 116 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 17 of mibs\mibs/xp1024trapmib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/xl_hsv_200.mib)
Unlinked OID in CPQHSV200V6-MIB: compaq ::= { enterprises 232 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 39 of mibs\mibs/xl_hsv_200.mib
Expected "(" (_): At line 383 in mibs\mibs/wbt3mib.mib
Should be ACCESS (port-modem): At line 383 in mibs\mibs/wbt3mib.mib
Bad parse of OBJECT-TYPE: At line 383 in mibs\mibs/wbt3mib.mib
Did not find 'vmDisplayName' in module VMWARE-VMINFO-MIB (mibs\mibs/VMWARE-TRAPS
Unlinked OID in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB: mib-2 ::= { mgmt 1 }
Undefined identifier: mgmt near line 14 of mibs\mibs/rfc1514.mib
Group not found in module (hrSystemGroup): At line 118 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGENT
Group not found in module (hrStorageGroup): At line 119 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGEN
Group not found in module (hrDeviceGroup): At line 120 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGENT
Group not found in module (hrSWRunGroup): At line 121 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGENTC
Group not found in module (hrSWRunPerfGroup): At line 122 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AG
Group not found in module (hrSWInstalledGroup): At line 123 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-
Object not found in module (hrSystemNumUsers): At line 126 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-A
Object not found in module (hrSWRunName): At line 130 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGENTC
Object not found in module (hrDeviceErrors): At line 134 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGE
Object not found in module (hrSWOSIndex): At line 142 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AGENTC
Object not found in module (hrFSLastFullBackupDate): At line 146 in mibs\mibs/VM
Object not found in module (hrFSLastPartialBackupDate): At line 150 in mibs\mibs
Object not found in module (hrPrinterStatus): At line 154 in mibs\mibs/VMWARE-AG
Object not found in module (hrPrinterDetectedErrorState): At line 158 in mibs\mi
Did not find 'zeroDotZero' in module SNMPv2-SMI (mibs\mibs/vc-module-mib.mib)
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/vc-module-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPVCMODULE-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 29 of mibs\mibs/vc-module-mib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/vc-qos-mib.mib)
Did not find 'virtualConnect' in module HPVCMODULE-MIB (mibs\mibs/vc-qos-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in HPVCQOS-MIB: vcQoSMIB ::= { virtualConnect 5 }
Undefined identifier: virtualConnect near line 27 of mibs\mibs/vc-qos-mib.mib
Did not find 'zeroDotZero' in module SNMPv2-SMI (mibs\mibs/vc-domain-mib.mib)
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/vc-domain-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPVC-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 28 of mibs\mibs/vc-domain-mib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/brocade-reg-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in Brocade-REG-MIB: bcsi ::= { enterprises 1588 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 41 of mibs\mibs/brocade-reg-mib.mib
Did not find 'bcsiModules' in module Brocade-REG-MIB (mibs\mibs/brocade-tc.mib)
Unlinked OID in Brocade-TC: bcsiModuleTC ::= { bcsiModules 2 }
Undefined identifier: bcsiModules near line 21 of mibs\mibs/brocade-tc.mib
Did not find 'fcSwitch' in module Brocade-REG-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib)
Did not find 'bcsiModules' in module Brocade-REG-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib)
Unlinked OID in SW-MIB: swMibModule ::= { bcsiModules 3 }
Undefined identifier: bcsiModules near line 28 of mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib
Unlinked OID in SW-MIB: sw20x0 ::= { fcSwitch 4 }
Undefined identifier: fcSwitch near line 81 of mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib
Unlinked OID in SW-MIB: sw21kN24k ::= { fcSwitch 3 }
Undefined identifier: fcSwitch near line 75 of mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib
Unlinked OID in SW-MIB: sw28k ::= { fcSwitch 2 }
Undefined identifier: fcSwitch near line 69 of mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib
Unlinked OID in SW-MIB: sw ::= { fcSwitch 1 }
Undefined identifier: fcSwitch near line 63 of mibs\mibs/v5_3sw.mib
Did not find 'fibrechannel' in module Brocade-REG-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_1ha.mib)
Did not find 'swID' in module SW-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_1ha.mib)
Did not find 'swSsn' in module SW-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_1ha.mib)
Unlinked OID in HA-MIB: haMIB ::= { fibrechannel 2 }
Undefined identifier: fibrechannel near line 13 of mibs\mibs/v5_1ha.mib
Did not find 'fcSwitch' in module Brocade-REG-MIB (mibs\mibs/v5_0ficon.mib)
Unlinked OID in LINK-INCIDENT-MIB: linkIncidentMIB ::= { fcSwitch 50 }
Undefined identifier: fcSwitch near line 17 of mibs\mibs/v5_0ficon.mib
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrclu.mib)
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrclu.mib)
Unlinked OID in SVRCLU-MIB: dec ::= { enterprises 36 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 50 of mibs\mibs/svrclu.mib
Did not find 'svrCluster' in module SVRCLU-MIB (mibs\mibs/truclu.mib)
Did not find 'svrCluMemberIndex' in module SVRCLU-MIB (mibs\mibs/truclu.mib)
Unlinked OID in TRUCLUSTER-SERVER-MIB: svrUNIXCluster ::= { svrCluster 3 }
Undefined identifier: svrCluster near line 38 of mibs\mibs/truclu.mib
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/token.mib)
Unlinked OID in RFC1231-MIB: transmission ::= { mib-2 10 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 19 of mibs\mibs/token.mib
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rfc1271-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in RFC1271-MIB: rmon ::= { mib-2 16 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 14 of mibs\mibs/rfc1271-mib.mib
Did not find 'rmon' in module RFC1271-MIB (mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.mib)
Did not find 'statistics' in module RFC1271-MIB (mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.m
Did not find 'history' in module RFC1271-MIB (mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB: tokenRingPHistoryTable ::= { history 4 }
Undefined identifier: history near line 1123 of mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.mi
Unlinked OID in TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB: tokenRingMLHistoryTable ::= { history 3 }
Undefined identifier: history near line 731 of mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB: tokenRing ::= { rmon 10 }
Undefined identifier: rmon near line 34 of mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB: tokenRingPStatsTable ::= { statistics 3 }
Undefined identifier: statistics near line 428 of mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.
Unlinked OID in TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB: tokenRingMLStatsTable ::= { statistics 2 }
Undefined identifier: statistics near line 42 of mibs\mibs/token-ring-rmon-mib.m
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/symtrap.mib)
Unlinked OID in SYMTRAP-MIB: symbios ::= { enterprises 1123 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 26 of mibs\mibs/symtrap.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/switch.mib)
Unlinked OID in SnetSwitch-MIB: tandem ::= { enterprises 169 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 85 of mibs\mibs/switch.mib
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrntc.mib)
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrntc.mib)
Unlinked OID in SVRNTCLU-MIB: dec ::= { enterprises 36 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 49 of mibs\mibs/svrntc.mib
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrmgt.mib)
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/svrmgt.mib)
Unlinked OID in SVRMGT-MIB: dec ::= { enterprises 36 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 25 of mibs\mibs/svrmgt.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/smsagent.mib)
Unlinked OID in SMSAGENT-MIB: unisys ::= { enterprises 223 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 11 of mibs\mibs/smsagent.mib
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib)
Did not find 'ifIndex' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib)
Did not find 'tokenRing' in module TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB (mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib)
Did not find 'tokenRingMLStatsEntry' in module TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB (mibs\mibs/rm
Did not find 'tokenRingPStatsEntry' in module TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB (mibs\mibs/rmo
Did not find 'ringStationControlEntry' in module TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB (mibs\mibs/
Did not find 'sourceRoutingStatsEntry' in module TOKEN-RING-RMON-MIB (mibs\mibs/
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: rmon ::= { mib-2 16 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 47 of mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: sourceRoutingStats2Table ::= { tokenRing 8 }
Undefined identifier: tokenRing near line 4953 of mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in RMON2-MIB: ringStationControl2Table ::= { tokenRing 7 }
Undefined identifier: tokenRing near line 4902 of mibs\mibs/rmon2-mib.mib
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/rfc1158.mib)
Unlinked OID in RFC1158-MIB: mib-2 ::= { mgmt 1 }
Undefined identifier: mgmt near line 15 of mibs\mibs/rfc1158.mib
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rfc1215.mib)
Did not find 'ifIndex' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rfc1215.mib)
Did not find 'egpNeighAddr' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/rfc1215.mib)
Unlinked OID in RFC1215-MIB: snmp ::= { mib-2 11 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 6 of mibs\mibs/rfc1215.mib
Did not find 'mib-2' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/bridge.mib)
Unlinked OID in BRIDGE-MIB: dot1dBridge ::= { mib-2 17 }
Undefined identifier: mib-2 near line 126 of mibs\mibs/bridge.mib
Did not find 'dot1dTp' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dTpPort' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBridge' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBasePortEntry' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.m
Did not find 'dot1dBasePort' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in P-BRIDGE-MIB: dot1dTpPortOverflowTable ::= { dot1dTp 6 }
Undefined identifier: dot1dTp near line 674 of mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in P-BRIDGE-MIB: dot1dTpHCPortTable ::= { dot1dTp 5 }
Undefined identifier: dot1dTp near line 595 of mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib
Unlinked OID in P-BRIDGE-MIB: pBridgeMIB ::= { dot1dBridge 6 }
Undefined identifier: dot1dBridge near line 19 of mibs\mibs/p-bridge-mib.mib
Did not find 'dot1dBridge' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/q-bridge.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBasePortEntry' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/q-bridge.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBasePort' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/q-bridge.mib)
Unlinked OID in Q-BRIDGE-MIB: qBridgeMIB ::= { dot1dBridge 7 }
Undefined identifier: dot1dBridge near line 32 of mibs\mibs/q-bridge.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib)
Did not find 'RowPointer' in module SNMPv2-TC-v1 (mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBasePort' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib)
Did not find 'dot1dBasePortEntry' in module BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib
Did not find 'dot1qFdbId' in module Q-BRIDGE-MIB (mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib)
Unlinked OID in RADLAN-MIB: rnd ::= { enterprises 89 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 166 of mibs\mibs/radlan-mib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/powernet.mib)
Unlinked OID in PowerNet-MIB: apc ::= { enterprises 318 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 23 of mibs\mibs/powernet.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/pfc.mib)
Did not find 'mgmt' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/pfc.mib)
Unlinked OID in PATROL-MIB: bmc ::= { enterprises 1031 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 20 of mibs\mibs/pfc.mib
Unlinked OID in PATROL-MIB: mib-2 ::= { mgmt 1 }
Undefined identifier: mgmt near line 17 of mibs\mibs/pfc.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/pcisnet.mib)
Unlinked OID in ServerNetPCI-MIB: tandem ::= { enterprises 169 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 112 of mibs\mibs/pcisnet.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/parselog.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSASEL-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 54 of mibs\mibs/parselog.mib
Did not find 'tcpConnLocalAddress' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-tc
Did not find 'tcpConnLocalPort' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-tcp.m
Did not find 'tcpConnRemAddress' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-tcp.
Did not find 'tcpConnRemPort' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-tcp.mib
Did not find 'ipAdEntAddr' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-ip.mib)
Did not find 'ipRouteDest' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-ip.mib)
Did not find 'ifIndex' in module RFC1213-MIB (mibs\mibs/old-cisco-interfaces.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nwserver.mib)
Unlinked OID in NetWare-Server-MIB: novell ::= { enterprises 23 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 23 of mibs\mibs/nwserver.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nwalarm.mib)
Unlinked OID in NetWare-Server-Alarm-MIB: novell ::= { enterprises 23 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 22 of mibs\mibs/nwalarm.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsnicmib.mib)
Unlinked OID in NSNICMIB-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 236 of mibs\mibs/nsnicmib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsavolcp.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSASTORAGECAP-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 73 of mibs\mibs/nsavolcp.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsatrmgr.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSATRAPMNGR-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 75 of mibs\mibs/nsatrmgr.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsatrcfg.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSATRAPCFG-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 44 of mibs\mibs/nsatrcfg.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsascsi.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSASCSI-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 84 of mibs\mibs/nsascsi.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsarps.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSARPS-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 20 of mibs\mibs/nsarps.mib
Expected "(" (_): At line 356 in mibs\mibs/nsapci.mib
Should be ACCESS (Computer): At line 356 in mibs\mibs/nsapci.mib
Bad parse of OBJECT-TYPE: At line 356 in mibs\mibs/nsapci.mib
Expected "(" (_): At line 282 in mibs\mibs/nsainfo.mib
Should be ACCESS (Vectra): At line 282 in mibs\mibs/nsainfo.mib
Bad parse of OBJECT-TYPE: At line 282 in mibs\mibs/nsainfo.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsaevent.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSAEVENT-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 119 of mibs\mibs/nsaevent.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsadimm.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSADIMM-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 66 of mibs\mibs/nsadimm.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/nsaasr.mib)
Unlinked OID in HPNSAASR-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 42 of mibs\mibs/nsaasr.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/ndstrap.mib)
Unlinked OID in Novell-Directory-Services-Trap-MIB: novell ::= { enterprises 23
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 18 of mibs\mibs/ndstrap.mib
Did not find 'experimental' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/fa-mib40.mib)
Unlinked OID in FCMGMT-MIB: fcmgmt ::= { experimental 94 }
Undefined identifier: experimental near line 69 of mibs\mibs/fa-mib40.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/msa2000traps.mib)
Did not find 'connUnitEventId' in module FCMGMT-MIB (mibs\mibs/msa2000traps.mib)
Did not find 'connUnitEventType' in module FCMGMT-MIB (mibs\mibs/msa2000traps.mi
Did not find 'connUnitEventDescr' in module FCMGMT-MIB (mibs\mibs/msa2000traps.m
Unlinked OID in MSA2000TRAPS-MIB: hp ::= { enterprises 11 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 45 of mibs\mibs/msa2000traps.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/mlxraid.mib)
Unlinked OID in MYLEXRAID-MIB: mylex ::= { enterprises 1608 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 22 of mibs\mibs/mlxraid.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/lsf001.mib)
Unlinked OID in LSF-SNMP-MIB: platform ::= { enterprises 2766 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 12 of mibs\mibs/lsf001.mib
Undefined OBJECT-GROUP (ifGeneralInformationGroup): At line 1960 in mibs\mibs/ll
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/le_hsv_300.mib)
Unlinked OID in CPQHSV300V11-MIB: compaq ::= { enterprises 232 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 39 of mibs\mibs/le_hsv_300.mib
Expected "(" (_): At line 2139 in mibs\mibs/ibrixMib.mib
Should be ACCESS (fwUpdateBegin): At line 2139 in mibs\mibs/ibrixMib.mib
Bad parse of OBJECT-TYPE: At line 2139 in mibs\mibs/ibrixMib.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/ums.mib)
Unlinked OID in UMS-MIB: ibm ::= { enterprises 2 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 10 of mibs\mibs/ums.mib
Did not find 'director' in module UMS-MIB (mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib)
Did not find 'ibmpsg' in module UMS-MIB (mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib)
Did not find 'ibmpsgEvent' in module UMS-MIB (mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib)
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 2028 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1960 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1893 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1827 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1761 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1686 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1611 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1535 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1469 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1402 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1335 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1269 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1204 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1139 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1073 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 1007 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 939 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 873 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 807 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 741 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 676 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 611 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 544 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 479 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 408 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 343 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 276 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 212 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 145 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: ibmpsg# ::= { ibmpsg 0 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsg near line 78 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGGenericVoltageEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEven
t 32 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1963 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGGenericFanEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 31
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1896 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGDASDBackplaneEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent
30 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1830 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGSPPowerSupplyEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent
29 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1764 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGNetworkAdapterOnlineEventBindings ::= { ibmp
sgEvent 28 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1689 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGNetworkAdapterOfflineEventBindings ::= { ibm
psgEvent 27 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1614 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGNetworkAdapterFailedEventBindings ::= { ibmp
sgEvent 26 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1538 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGRemoteLoginEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 2
5 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1472 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGErrorLogEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 24 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1405 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGPowerSupplyEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 2
3 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1338 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGPFAEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 22 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1272 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGMemoryPFEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 19 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1207 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGProcessorPFEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent 1
8 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1142 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGRedundantNICSwitchbackEventBindings ::= { ib
mpsgEvent 17 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1076 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGRedundantNICSwitchoverEventBindings ::= { ib
mpsgEvent 16 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 1010 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGRedundantNICEventBindings ::= { ibmpsgEvent
15 }
Undefined identifier: ibmpsgEvent near line 942 of mibs\mibs/ibmumsevent.mib
Unlinked OID in UMSEVENT-MIB: iBMPSGWarrantyExpirationEventBindings ::= { ibmpsg
Unlinked OID in CPQHSV360V11-MIB: compaq ::= { enterprises 232 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 39 of mibs\mibs/ashcroft_hsv_360.mib
< Truncated as too long >
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/ashcroft_hsv_340.mib
Unlinked OID in CPQHSV340V11-MIB: compaq ::= { enterprises 232 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 39 of mibs\mibs/ashcroft_hsv_340.mib
Did not find 'enterprises' in module RFC1155-SMI (mibs\mibs/adaptec.mib)
Unlinked OID in CYCLONE-MIB: adaptec ::= { enterprises 795 }
Undefined identifier: enterprises near line 22 of mibs\mibs/adaptec.mib
cpqDa7PhyDrvStatusChange OBJECT-TYPE
OBJECTS { sysName, cpqHoTrapFlags, cpqDaCntlrHwLocation, cpqDaPhyDrvCntl
rIndex, cpqDaPhyDrvIndex, cpqDaPhyDrvLocationString, cpqDaPhyDrvType, cpqDaPhyDr
vModel, cpqDaPhyDrvFWRev, cpqDaPhyDrvSerialNum, cpqDaPhyDrvFailureCode, cpqDaPhy
DrvStatus, cpqDaPhyDrvBusNumber }
DESCRIPTION "Physical Drive Status Change.
This trap signifies that the agent has detected a change in the status of a drive array physical drive. The variable cpaDaPhyDrvStatus indicates the current physical drive status.
User Action: If cpaDaPhyDrvStatus is 'failed(3)','predictiveFailure(4)', 'ssdWearOut(8)', or 'notAuthenticated(9)',replace the drive." ::= { iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) compaq(232) compaq#(0) 3046 }
Looks like you're missing the default MIBs and it cannot fully build the tree.
I’m using ARM-GCC 4.7.4 to compile Code for a Cortex-M4. For our Debug tool I need knowledge about names, types and addresses of all variables in human readable format (e.g. .txt). The map file provides most of the information, unfortunately not for structure contents like below:
typedef struct { float32_t Ref; // Input: Reference Value
float32_t Fdb; // Variable: Feedback Value
float32_t Err; // Input: Control Error
float32_t Kp; // Parameter: Gain of the Proportional Part
float32_t Up; // Output: Output of Proportional Part
float32_t Ki; // Parameter: Gain of the Integral Part
float32_t Ui; // Output: Output of the Integral Part
float32_t OutPreSat; // Output: Not saturated Output
float32_t OutMax; // Parameter: Maximum Output
float32_t OutMin; // Parameter: Minimum Output
float32_t Out; // Output: Saturated Output
Therefore I tried the tools nm, readelf and objdump to get something out of the .elf file which is compiled with parameter –g3 in dwarf-2 format. Only with objdump I could find the information I searched for:
objdump –Wi myfile.elf >symbols.txt
The following information about the typedef PI_REG can be found in symbols.txt file:
<1><38883>: Abbrev Number: 2 (DW_TAG_base_type)
<38884> DW_AT_byte_size : 4
<38885> DW_AT_encoding : 4 (float)
<38886> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0x2c63e): float
<1><38891>: Abbrev Number: 11 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<38892> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xb336d): float32_t
<38896> DW_AT_decl_file : 4
<38897> DW_AT_decl_line : 370
<38899> DW_AT_type : <0x38883>
<1><390d7>: Abbrev Number: 14 (DW_TAG_structure_type)
<390d8> DW_AT_byte_size : 44
<390d9> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<390da> DW_AT_decl_line : 26
<390db> DW_AT_sibling : <0x39176>
<2><390df>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_member)
<390e0> DW_AT_name : Ref
<390e4> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<390e5> DW_AT_decl_line : 26
<390e6> DW_AT_type : <0x38891>
<390ea> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 0 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 0)
<2><390ed>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_member)
<390ee> DW_AT_name : Fdb
<390f2> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<390f3> DW_AT_decl_line : 27
<390f4> DW_AT_type : <0x38891>
<390f8> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 4 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 4)
[left out structure members with offsets 6-32]
<2><39159>: Abbrev Number: 15 (DW_TAG_member)
<3915a> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xc1d9a): OutMin
<3915e> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<3915f> DW_AT_decl_line : 35
<39160> DW_AT_type : <0x38891>
<39164> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 24 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 36)
<2><39167>: Abbrev Number: 16 (DW_TAG_member)
<39168> DW_AT_name : Out
<3916c> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<3916d> DW_AT_decl_line : 36
<3916e> DW_AT_type : <0x38891>
<39172> DW_AT_data_member_location: 2 byte block: 23 28 (DW_OP_plus_uconst: 40)
<1><39176>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_typedef)
<39177> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xc00d0): PI_REG
<3917b> DW_AT_decl_file : 6
<3917c> DW_AT_decl_line : 37
<3917d> DW_AT_type : <0x390d7>
<1><3c348>: Abbrev Number: 29 (DW_TAG_variable)
<3c349> DW_AT_name : (indirect string, offset: 0xc3ece): BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg
<3c34d> DW_AT_decl_file : 1
<3c34e> DW_AT_decl_line : 40
<3c34f> DW_AT_type : <0x39176>
<3c353> DW_AT_external : 1
<3c354> DW_AT_location : 5 byte block: 3 fc 67 0 20 (DW_OP_addr: 200067fc)
If I want to get information about variables, e.g. the structure BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg, I have to do the following:
Find an entry called “DW_TAG_variable” and gather following information:
- DW_AT_name: The name is BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg
- DW_OP_addr: Base address is 200067fc
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 39176
Search line 39176 and gather following information:
- It is a typedef (DW_TAG_typedef)
- DW_AT_name: The typedef name is PI_REG
- DW_AT_type: The definition can be found at line 390d7
Search line 390d7 and gather following information:
- It is a structure (DW_TAG_structure_type)
- DW_AT_byte_size: It is 44 bytes wide
Search the structure Members in upcoming lines until 44 bytes are reached:
1. Member (DW_TAG_member):
- DW_AT_name: Ref
- DW_AT_data_member_location: 200067fc + 0
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38891:
- DW_TAG_typedef: float32_t
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38883:
- DW_TAG_base_type: float
- DW_AT_byte_size: 4 bytes
2. Member (DW_TAG_member):
- DW_AT_name: Fdb
- DW_AT_data_member_location: 200067fc + 4
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38891:
- DW_TAG_typedef: float32_t
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38883:
- DW_TAG_base_type: float
- DW_AT_byte_size: 4 bytes
[left out Members 3-9]
10. Member (DW_TAG_member):
- DW_AT_name: OutMin
- DW_AT_data_member_location: 200067fc + 36
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38891:
- DW_TAG_typedef: float32_t
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38883:
- DW_TAG_base_type: float
- DW_AT_byte_size: 4 bytes
11. Member (DW_TAG_member):
- DW_AT_name: Out
- DW_AT_data_member_location: 200067fc + 40
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38891:
- DW_TAG_typedef: float32_t
- DW_AT_type: The data type can be found at line 38883:
- DW_TAG_base_type: float
- DW_AT_byte_size: 4 bytes
Frankly speaking, a script file, which automatically gathers the information as above mentioned, would be more complex than my application. Additionally I have to admit that I not really know how I could write such a script. Is there a more easy way to get this type of information? Is there maybe some parameter for the objdump which would help me with that, although I think I tried all the relevant ones? Or does a tool exist which is able to do this? In the end I need a table like this (additionally it would be nice to have all the enums which of course can also be found within the .elf file):
0x200067fc float BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg.Ref
0x20006800 float BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg.Fdb
0x20006832 float BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg.OutMin
0x20006836 float BU_Uctrl_Udc_PI_Reg.Out
The tool Fromelf http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.dui0477c/index.html (included in Keil µVision) with the parameter --text exactly delivers such a table, but unfortunately I can’t use this because it supposedly needs the .elf or in this case called .axf files compiled with Arm Compiler Toolchain to work. Additionally there are license issues.
Thanks for any hints.
is pahole what you need? it can dump variable structure with size and offset.
pahole −−reorganize −C foo xxx.out
struct foo {
int a; / 0 4 /
char c[4]; / 4 4 /
void b; / 8 8 /
long g; / 16 8 /
}; / size: 24, cachelines: 1 /
/ last cacheline: 24 bytes /
/ saved 8 bytes! /
You should be able to ask GDB to print this info for you, e.g.
gdb -q a.out
(gdb) ptype PI_REG
You can use eclipse CDT's gdb mi interface to programatically get this information.
private def loadElfFile(String elfFilePath) {
var plugin = new MIPlugin
var file = new File(elfFilePath)
var cmdFactory = new CommandFactory("mi2")
session = plugin.createSession(
new NullProgressMonitor
There you can query global variables and their types. Addresses are stored in the hexAddress property of values.
The problem with this approach is its slowness. A struct with 50 members takes almost 10 seconds to process. Querying all structs would take minutes. For IDE tool use cases (like a model transformation) this is impractical. You have to deep dive to elf and dwarf.