Passing Variables into GraphQL Query in Gatsby - graphql

I want to limit the number of posts fetched on my index page. Currently, the number of pages is hard-coded into the GraphQL query.
query {
allMarkdownRemark(limit: 5, sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {
I want to replace "5" with the value of a variable. String interpolation will not work with the graphql function, so I have to use another method.
Is there a way to achieve this and pass variables into a GraphQL query in GatsbyJS?

You can only pass variables to GraphQL query via context since string interpolation doesn't work in that way. In page query (rather than static queries) you can pass a variable using the context object as an argument of createPage API. So, you'll need to add this page creation to your gatsby-node.js and use something like:
const limit = 10;
page.forEach(({ node }, index) => {
path: node.fields.slug,
component: path.resolve(`./src/pages/index.js`), // your index path
// values in the context object are passed in as variables to page queries
context: {
limit: limit,
Now, you have in your context object a limit value with all the required logic behind (now it's a simple number but you can add there some calculations). In your index.js:
query yourQuery($limit: String) {
allMarkdownRemark(limit: $limit, sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }) {
edges {
node {


Apollo Client: How to query rest endpoint with query string?

I'm using Apollo to call a rest endpoint that takes variables from query string:
I'm having trouble figuring out how to pass variables to the query, so it can then call the correct url. From looking at apollo-link-rest docs and a few issues I think I'm supposed to use pathBuilder but this is not documented and I haven't been able to get it working.
So far I've defined my query like this:
getUserContainersQuery: gql`
query RESTgetUserContainers($showActive: Boolean, $showSold: Boolean, $pathBuilder: any) {
containerHistory #rest(type: "ContainerHistoryResponse", pathBuilder: $pathBuilder) {
active #type(name: "UserContainer") {
sold #type(name: "UserContainer") {
and calling it in my component like this, which does not work:
import queryString from 'query-string'
// ...
const { data } = useQuery(getUserContainersQuery, {
variables: {
showActive: true,
showSold: false,
pathBuilder: () => `/api/GetUserContainers?${queryString.stringify(params)}`,
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
The only way I got this to work was by passing the fully constructed path to the query from the component:
// query definition
getUserContainersQuery: gql`
query RESTgetUserContainers($pathString: String) {
containerHistory #rest(type: "ContainerHistoryResponse", path: $pathString) { // <-- pass path here, instead of pathBuilder
// same response as above
// component
const params = {
showActive: true,
showSold: false,
const { data } = useQuery(getUserContainersQuery, {
variables: {
pathString: `/api/GetUserContainers?${queryString.stringify(params)}`,
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
These seems to me like a really hacky solution which I'd like to avoid.
What is the recommended way to handle this query string problem?
You shouldn't need to use the pathBuilder for simple query string params. You can pass your params directly as variables to useQuery then pass then directly into teh path using the {args.somearg} syntax. The issue I see is you've not defined the variables your using for you query containerHistory bu only in the query alias RESTgetUserQueries. If updated is should look like this:
// query definition
getUserContainersQuery: gql`
query RESTgetUserContainers($showActive: Boolean, $showSold: Boolean) {
// pass the variables to the query
containerHistory(showActive:$showActive, showSold:$showSold) #rest(type: "ContainerHistoryResponse", path:"/api/GetUserContainers?showActive={args.showActive}&showSold={args.showTrue}") {
//.. some expected reponse
// component
const params = {
showActive: true,
showSold: false,
const { data } = useQuery(getUserContainersQuery, {
variables: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',

Updating Apollo Cache Without Variables

Originally, I make a GraphQL call as follows:
query getItems($filter_ids: [Int!], $filter: item_records_bool_exp) {
items(order_by: { negative: asc, parent: asc }, where: { level: { _in: [2, 3] } }) {
i18n {
filters(where: { category: { _eq: "PLAN" } }) {
Now, when I insert a new item, I update the cache using update function in the mutation options, and I'm supposed to use readQuery/readFragment and writeQuery/writeFragment to interact with the Apollo Cache as described here.
My question is, my readQuery calls always fail if I do not provide the exact same variables that I had previous provided to the original GraphQL query. Is there a way around this? In other words, can I just read objects from the cache by their ID irrespective of the original query that was used to fetch these objects?

Multiple graphql queries in Gatsby component

I need to run multiple graphQL queries within a component and within the gatsby-node.js file. (Because Prismic is limited to 20 entries per answer...🙄)
I tried the following, just to see if I could create the graphql loop in the default function:
export default () => {
async function allPosts() {
let data
await graphql(`
query allDitherImages {
prismic {
allProjects(sortBy: meta_firstPublicationDate_DESC) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
cover_imageSharp {
`).then(initialRes => {
data = initialRes
return data
allPosts().then(result => {
return null
But then Gatsby tells me that Gatsby related 'graphql' calls are supposed to only be evaluated at compile time, and then compiled away. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the query was left in the compiled code.
How can I run multiple graphql queries?
Thank you in advance :)
The gatsby-source-prismic-graphql package will create pages for all of your Prismic items (more than just the first 20), as it iterates over all items under the hood, so I'd advise looking into using that if you are looking to generate pages for all of those items.
But if you need to get all items and pass them in the pageContext or something, you'll need to do the recursion yourself in the gatsby-node.
In the gatsby-node, after you have defined the query, you can use something like this to iterate over the results and push to an array.
let documents = [];
async function getAllDocumentsRecursively (query, prop, endCursor = '') {
const results = await graphql(query, { after: endCursor })
const hasNextPage =[prop].pageInfo.hasNextPage
endCursor =[prop].pageInfo.endCursor[prop].edges.forEach(({node}) => {
if (hasNextPage) {
await getAllDocumentsRecursively(query, 'allDitherImages ', endCursor)
await getAllDocumentsRecursively(documentsQuery, 'allDitherImages ');
Then in your createPage, pass the array into the context:
path: `/`+ node._meta.uid,
component: allDitherTempate,
context: {
documents: documents

Change backend service based on GraphQL Param

I have a GraphQL Schema as such:
BigParent (parentParam: Boolean) {
Parent {
Child (childParam: Boolean) {
How can I write resolvers such that I call different backend APIs based on whether the parentParam is true or the childParam is true? The first option is straight-forward. The second one needs to kind of reconstruct the Graph based on the values returned by the service data returned at the level of Child.
I'm not considering both the options as true, as I'll assign some priority so that the param at child level is not considered while the param at the parent level is passed.
You can get the arguments for any field selection in the query by traversing the GraphQL resolver info parameter.
Assuming your query looks like this:
query {
BigParent(parentParam: Boolean) {
Parent {
Child(childParam: Boolean) {
You should be able to do something like this:
function getChildParam(info) {
// TODO: Return 'childParam'
const resolvers = {
Query: {
async BigParent(parent, args, context, info) {
// 'args' contains the 'parentParam' argument
const parentParam = args.parentParam;
// Extract the 'childParam' argument from the info object
const childParam = getChildParam(info);
if (parentParam || childParam) {
return context.datasource1.getData();
return context.datasource2.getData();

GraphQL disable filtering if filter variable is empty

I have a Gatsby GraphQL query for a list of posts ordered by date and filtered by category.
posts: allContentfulPost(
sort: {fields: [date], order: DESC},
filter: {category: {slug: {eq: $slug}}}
) {
edges {
node {
title {
Right now when $slug is the empty string "", I get
"data": {
"posts": null
Is there a way to get all posts instead?
You can use the regex filter to your advantage. If you pass an empty expression, then all posts will be returned because everything will match.
query Posts($slugRegex: String = "//"){
posts: allContentfulPost(
sort: {fields: [date], order: DESC},
filter: {category: {slug: {eq: $slugRegex}}}
) {
# Rest of the query.
By default, all posts will be returned (the $slugRegex is an empty regex if nothing was passed). When the $slugRegex becomes a meaningful expression, then only matching posts will show up.
As for passing the value, I'm assuming you're using gatsby-node.js to create pages. In that case, it's as simple as that:
// gatsby-node.js
exports.createPages = async ({ actions }) => {
const { createPage } = actions
// Create a page with only "some-slug" posts.
// ...
context: {
slugRegex: "/some-slug/"
// Create a page with all posts.
// ...
context: {
// Nothing here. Or at least no `slugRegex`.
It's not possible with this query, even #skip/#include directives won't help because you can't apply them on input fields.
I would suggest to either adjust the server side logic so that null in the 'eq' field will ignore this filter or either to edit the query being sent (less favorable imo).
It seems that the graphql schema that you work against lacks the filtering support you need..
If anyone requires a solution for other systems than Gatsby this can be accomplished using #skip and #include.
fragment EventSearchResult on EventsConnection {
edges {
node {
query Events($organizationId: UUID!, $isSearch: Boolean!, $search: String!) {
events(condition: { organizationId: $organizationId }, first: 100)
#skip(if: $isSearch) {
eventsSearch: events(
condition: { organizationId: $organizationId }
filter: { name: { likeInsensitive: $search } }
first: 100
) #include(if: $isSearch) {
Then in your client code you would provide search and isSearch to the query and get your events like:
const events = data.eventsSearch ||
