Cannot delete desktop.ini and albumart.jpg files from command prompt - cmd

I know that it is stupid but I cannot delete certain files from command prompt (desktop.ini and albumart.jpg's):
C:\Users\myprofile\Desktop\music>del desktop.ini
Could Not Find C:\Users\myprofile\Desktop\music\desktop.ini
C:\Users\myprofile\Desktop\music>dir /a desk*.*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is ****
Directory of C:\Users\myprofile\Desktop\music
02.08.2007 13:48 358 desktop.ini
1 File(s) 358 bytes
0 Dir(s) 151 366 811 648 bytes free
Any ideas?


cmd command seporator broken in Windows 10

This is unrelated to Java, however the error occurs when I try to compile my code.
The semicolon in the command is causing Windows cmd to fail
c:\>cd c:\windows <- no error
c:\>cd c:\windows; <- the semicolon is not being used a command separator but as part of the path
The system cannot find the path specified.
cmd doesn't use semicolon as a command separator. If you want to have two commands on the same line, you need to use & or | (depending on what you're trying to do).
; is used as an argument separator on Windows, but it's not supported by most applications. It has nothing to do with cmd, and cmd isn't supposed to deal with it (applications parse their command lines, not cmd). It also doesn't apply to cmd intrinsics like cd (cd is not an application).
If you have a directory with a semicolon in the name try wrapping it in "double quotes."
Can't exactly verify your problem, but see below.
Volume in drive Z has no label.
Volume Serial Number is CAC7-078B
Directory of Z:\
11/27/2019 08:53 <DIR> .
11/27/2019 08:53 <DIR> ..
0 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 871243935744 bytes free
Z:\[]>md zz
Z:\[]>md zz;
A subdirectory or file zz already exists.
Z:\[]>md "zz;"
Volume in drive Z has no label.
Volume Serial Number is CAC7-078B
Directory of Z:\
11/27/2019 08:54 <DIR> .
11/27/2019 08:54 <DIR> ..
11/27/2019 08:54 <DIR> zz
11/27/2019 08:54 <DIR> zz;
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 871243935744 bytes free
Z:\[]>cd zz;
Z:\zz;[]>cd ..\zz
Z:\zz[]>cd "..\zz;"
The issue has been resolved with the following
Adding -J-Djdk.lang.Process.allowAmbiguousCommands=true to netbeans_default_options= in etc/netbeans.conf
The output from the compile command has not changed, however it now finds the directories???

Copying file in Windows 10 changes its size

I copied a large file to a new directory in Windows 10 by dragging the file from Explorer to a folder in Eclipse. The file size of the copied file changed even though fc shows the original and new files as identical. The original file has a size of 209,715,200 bytes (200 MiB):
c:\>dir c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Documents\Python\200MiB.txt
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 0447-709A
Directory of c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Documents\Python
08/13/2019 09:42 AM 209,715,200 200MiB.txt
1 File(s) 209,715,200 bytes
0 Dir(s) 268,331,835,392 bytes free
The new file has a size of 211,812,352 bytes:
c:\>dir c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Desktop\200MiB.txt
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 0447-709A
Directory of c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Desktop
08/15/2019 09:11 AM 211,812,352 200MiB.txt
1 File(s) 211,812,352 bytes
0 Dir(s) 268,232,798,208 bytes free
The fc command shows the files as being identical:
c:\>fc c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Documents\Python\200MiB.txt c:\Users\GeoffAlexander\Desktop\200MiB.txt
FC: no differences encountered
Why does the copied file get a new size? How can two files with different sizes be identical? Is Windows 10 incorrectly reporting the size of the new file?
I'm running Windows 10 Enterprise Build 1809 (OS Build 17763.615) if that makes any difference.
It turns out the file size change wasn't due to the copying of the file. Rather the file size change occurred when checking in the file to RTC (Rational Team Concert). The RTC check in was converting existing LF line delimiters into CRLF line delimiters (Windows line delimiters). See RTC
File content types and line delimiters for details.

Not able to robocopy single file from Windows XP SP3 workstation

Hi Robocopy Specialists,
I am not able to transfer a backup file to server using robocopy from Windows XP SP3 workstation with the following batch file:
#echo off
md "H:\Backup\%DATESTAMP%" 2 > nul
rem "%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip "%LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH%\%BACKUP_FILE%" "H:\Backup\%LOCALDATESTAMP%\Images.db" "H:\Backup\%LOCALDATESTAMP%\Images.log" >> "H:\Backup\blog.txt"
c:\robocopy\robocopy.exe "%LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH%" "%REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH%" "%BACKUP_FILE%" /COPY:DATS /w:1 >> "H:\Backup\blog.txt"
Below is the robocopy output:
ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows :: Version XP010
Started : Thu Dec 29 18:00:22 2017
Source = H:\Backup\171229_1800\
Dest : X:\Backup\171229\
Files :
Options : /COPY:DATS /R:1000000 /W:1
NOTE: NTFS Security may not be copied - Source may not be NTFS.
0 H:\Backup\171229_1800\
Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras
Dirs : 1 0 1 0 0 0
Files : 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bytes : 0 0 0 0 0 0
Times : 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00 0:00:00
Ended : Thu Dec 29 18:00:22 2017
This setup has worked when transferring from a Windows 7 Pro w/s to the same server where source folder is from NTFS volume (Robocopy kept adding backslash in Windows 7 batch script).
Below are differences between Windows 7 Pro setup to this one:
Workstation on Windows XP SP3 is the source folder is a FAT32 volume (H:). I have removed the S flag (from /COPY:DATS to /COPY:DAT) which eliminates the need to copy NTFS security attributes but still no backup file been transferred.
Use an alternative source folder from a NTFS volume (D:) also not able to transfer the same backup file either.
No need for compression done by vendor application backup.
Use an old C:\Robocopy\ROBOCOPY.exe as opposed to Windows 7 Pro native C:\Windows\Systems32\ROBOCOPY.EXE.
I ran out of ideas and would appreciate your expert advice.
Thanks again,
Robocopy displays the output correctly.
Your robocopy output says that it has not found a file with this name and that's why no file is copied.
Total Copied Skipped Mismatch FAILED Extras
Dirs : 1 0 1 0 0 0
Files : 0 0 0 0 0 0
Make sure this file exists before you commit Robocopy to copy anything. Otherwise give a message in your log file that this file does not exist.
robocopy ...
) else >> "H:\Backup\blog.txt echo "%LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH%\%BACKUP_FILE%" not found.

undeletable 0 byte file

I have a file in Wnidows/System32 that has a size of 0 bytes.
It's shown there in explorer and command prompt, bu I can't delete nor overwrite it. the system claims the file would not exist, but it stays there even after reboot.
The problem causes the installation of an app to fail because the installation also fails to overwrite the file.
I tried to delete via console,
I tried checkdisk, fileassassin, unlocker etc. all failed to delete the file.
I would be glad if anyone could help?
The system is a virtual Windows 2008 R2 server
c:\Windows\System32>dir /x msvcp*
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is ECD7-BEFA
Directory of c:\Windows\System32
13.08.2014 15:17 0 msvcp100.dll
05.11.2012 23:26 661.456 msvcp110.dll
11.09.2013 19:39 614.000 MSVCP1~1.DLL msvcp110_clr0400.dll
14.07.2009 03:41 597.504 msvcp60.dll
4 File(s) 1.872.960 bytes
0 Dir(s) 93.173.768.192 bytes free
c:\Windows\System32>del /F msvcp100.dll
The system cannot find the file specified.

Why does the cmd.exe shell on Windows fail with paths using a forward-slash ('/'') path separator?

Just when I'd thought I'd seen it all with Windows path issues, I've now encountered a case that only fails when '/' (forward-slash) is used as the path separator is used:
C:\temp\tcbugs>mkdir "dir1 with spaces"
C:\temp\tcbugs>echo hi > "dir1 with spaces"\foo.txt
C:\temp\tcbugs>type "dir1 with spaces\foo.txt"
C:\temp\tcbugs>type "dir1 with spaces/foo.txt"
The system cannot find the file specified.
What is particularly interesting about this is that it appears to be specific to the cmd.exe shell and doesn't occur in PowerShell (nor presumably in the win32 API):
PS C:\temp\tcbugs> type 'dir1 with spaces/foo.txt'
Another point of interest is that changing directories with 'cd' and using '/' used as a path separator with cmd.exe does work:
C:\temp\tcbugs>mkdir dir2_no_spaces
C:\temp\tcbugs>cd ./dir2_no_spaces
C:\temp\tcbugs\dir2_no_spaces>cd ..
Yet, I can't find any reference to this particular problem anywhere online nor in MSDN's commonly cited documentation:
Naming Files, Paths, Namespaces
Which leads me to ask: why does this happen, and is there a definitive source which documents this quirk?
dbenham points out that the problem is present regardless of whether spaces are in a directory name, so removed reference to it in the title and question body. Also added an example of 'cd ./' that works, while other commands don't.
Edited to remove opinion
Whether or not Windows CMD.EXE is supposed to support forward slashes in paths, the fact is sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it appears to work but gives the wrong result - AKA a bug.
It's time for some experiments :-)
All tests were run on Vista
C:\>md "c:/temp/"
C:\>REM The forward slash works with MD!
C:\>echo hello world 1>>"c:/temp/test.txt"
C:\>REM Redirection works with forward slashes!
C:\>type "c:\temp\test.txt"
hello world
C:\>REM Of course TYPE works with back slashes
C:\>type "c:/temp/test.txt"
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\>REM But forward slash version fails
C:\>type "c:/temp\test.txt"
hello world
C:\>REM But TYPE works with forward slash as long as last slash is back slash
C:\>dir "c:/temp/test.txt"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
File Not Found
C:\>REM Note how DIR lists the directory with a \, yet fails to find any files
C:\>dir "c:/temp/*"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
File Not Found
C:\>REM DIR Still fails with forward slashes
C:\>dir "c:/temp/"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
05/09/2012 09:58 PM <DIR> .
05/09/2012 09:58 PM <DIR> ..
05/09/2012 09:58 PM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
2 Dir(s) 337,001,615,360 bytes free
C:\>REM But forward slash works if no file is specified!
C:\>dir "c:/temp\test.txt"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
05/09/2012 09:58 PM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
0 Dir(s) 337,001,615,360 bytes free
C:\>REM And DIR works with forward slash as long as last slash is back slash
C:\>REM Now add another folder to the path hierarchy
C:\>md "c:/temp/temp/"
C:\>REM Still can create folder using forward slashes
C:\>copy "c:/temp/test.txt" "c:/temp/temp/"
The system cannot find the file specified.
0 file(s) copied.
C:\>REM Failed to copy with forward slashes
C:\>copy "c:/temp\test.txt" "c:/temp/temp/"
1 file(s) copied.
C:\>REM But forward slash works if last slash before file name is back slash
C:\>REM Rerun some past tests
C:\>type "c:/temp/test.txt"
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\>REM Good - it still fails
C:\>dir "c:/temp/test.txt"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
05/09/2012 09:58 PM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
0 Dir(s) 337,001,615,360 bytes free
C:\>REM What is going on?! :( Why did that seem to work now?
C:\>REM More on that later.
C:\>REM Now test the new folder
C:\>type "c:/temp/temp/test.txt"
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\>REM Forward slashes still fail with TYPE
C:\>type "c:/temp/temp\test.txt"
hello world
C:\>REM But forward slash still works as long as last slash is back slash
C:\>dir "c:/temp/temp/*"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp\temp
File Not Found
C:\>REM Again, forward slashes fail, but directory path is listed properly
C:\>dir "c:/temp/temp/"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp\temp
05/09/2012 09:58 PM <DIR> .
05/09/2012 09:58 PM <DIR> ..
05/09/2012 09:58 PM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
2 Dir(s) 337,001,615,360 bytes free
C:\>REM And again it works if no file is specified
C:\>dir "c:/temp/temp\test.txt"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp\temp
05/09/2012 09:58 PM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
0 Dir(s) 337,001,615,360 bytes free
C:\>REM Again forward slashes work as long as last slash is back slash
Here is a case that clearly demonstrates a bug.
c:\>dir /s /a-d temp
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
05/10/2012 08:01 AM 13 test.txt
1 File(s) 13 bytes
Directory of c:\temp\temp
05/10/2012 07:57 AM 10 test.txt
1 File(s) 10 bytes
Total Files Listed:
2 File(s) 23 bytes
0 Dir(s) 337,325,191,168 bytes free
c:\>REM Note the different file sizes found in each directory
c:\>dir "c:/temp/test.txt"
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is EE2C-5A11
Directory of c:\temp
05/10/2012 07:57 AM 10 test.txt
1 File(s) 10 bytes
0 Dir(s) 337,325,191,168 bytes free
c:\>REM It is listing the wrong file!
One can debate whether Windows CMD is "supposed" to support forward slashes. But that last result is a bug! Even if there is operator error in using a forward slash, Windows should not give that result.
Wie had some strange behaviour with slash to and we traced it down to the fact, that a path with a leading slash isn't seen as an absolute path, so
C:\>cd /temp
C:\temp>rem works we are in the root directory
C:\temp>cd /temp
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
C:\temp>rem does't work but
C:\temp>cd \temp
C:\temp>rem \ indicates absolute path
C:\temp>cd ..
C:\>cd /temp
C:\temp> cd /ca
C:\temp\CA>rem qed
Perhaps it explains also the bug stated above - im not clear, at which directory the commands are executed.
I am not sure why the '/' is working in PS. Back to the history, DOS was based on UNIX and it is a small set of UNIX. In UNIX the path separator is '/', while in DOS it is '\'. I worked on some Windows and DOS apps before. In order to convert some UNIX pattern like commands or path and make sure they are valid DOS command or path, I wrote a small converter to transform '/' to '\' like this:
string fileNameFromWeb;
string windowsFile = fileNameFromWeb.repleace("/", #"\");
You may add this feature to tolerant '/' in your app in case of accessing to files in Windows. I guess PS may have this type converter to allow command or path using '/' or '\', or Windows will take '/' in file name.
