Use expression in winform chart y Series - visual-studio

In my winform app ,
I want to use chart from toolbox (instead of making on using RDLC report).
But in Y axis I want to use expression like =Count((Fields!Number.Value)) but the chart won't allow me to as it simply takes names of he column.
I have tried searching in web but didn't find convincing result. So please share any link or share your knowledge so that I can learn
I also looked at coding options like chart2.Series[0].Points.AddXY(i, 0); but I have no idea how to enter expression in this.

Based on my search, It is hard for us to find a method to use expression directly.
However, I suggest that you can define a method to replace the expression, then you can add the correspond point when you want to use the expression.
Here is a code example you can refer to.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var series1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Series
Name = "Series1",
Color = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
IsVisibleInLegend = false,
IsXValueIndexed = true,
ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
series1.Points.AddXY(i, Result(i));
private int Result(int i)
var result = 20 * i + i * i;
return result;


UWP: calculate expected size of screenshot using multiple monitor setup

Right, parsing the clipboard, I am trying to detect if a stored bitmap in there might be the result of a screenshot the user took.
Everything is working fine as long as the user only has one monitor. Things become a bit more involved with two or more.
I am using the routing below to grab all the displays in use. Now, since I have no idea how they are configured to hang together, I do not know how to calculate the size of the screenshot (that Windows would produce) from that information.
I explicitly do not want to take a screenshot myself to compare. It's a privacy promise by my app.
Any ideas?
Here is the code for the size extractor, run in the UI thread.
public static async Task<Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[]> GetMonitorSizesAsync()
Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[] result = null;
var selector = DisplayMonitor.GetDeviceSelector();
var devices = await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(selector);
if (devices?.Count > 0)
result = new Windows.Graphics.SizeInt32[devices.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (var device in devices)
var monitor = await DisplayMonitor.FromInterfaceIdAsync(device.Id);
result[i++] = monitor.NativeResolutionInRawPixels;
return result;
Base on Raymonds comment, here is my current solution in release code...
IN_UI_THREAD is a convenience property to see if the code executes in the UI thread,
public static Windows.Foundation.Size GetDesktopSize()
Int32 desktopWidth = 0;
Int32 desktopHeight = 0;
var regions = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView()?.WindowingEnvironment?.GetDisplayRegions()?.Where(r => r.IsVisible);
if (regions?.Count() > 0)
// Get grab the most left and the most right point.
var MostLeft = regions.Min(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.X);
var MostTop = regions.Min(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.Y);
// The width is the distance between the most left and the most right point
desktopWidth = (int)regions.Max(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.X + r.WorkAreaSize.Width - MostLeft);
// Same for height
desktopHeight = (int)regions.Max(r => r.WorkAreaOffset.Y + r.WorkAreaSize.Height - MostTop);
return new Windows.Foundation.Size(desktopWidth, desktopHeight);

How to get a loop to load movieclips with eventlisteners

I wanted the scene load 5 different movie clips (named B1-B5). Each movie clip is placed on a specific x and y. Each movie clip grows/shrinks on roll over/roll out....
I got the code working by typing everything out and duplicating each section per time but it's messy and I'd like to clean up the code by getting a loop to do it (if it's possible?).
This is the code that works but I'd have to duplicate it per movie clip (changing the obvious bits)...
var scene1:MovieClip = new B1();
scene1.x = 170.30;
scene1.y = 231.15;
scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onRollOverEvent1);
scene1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onRollOutEvent1);
function onRollOverEvent1(e:MouseEvent) {
function onRollOutEvent1(e:MouseEvent) {
scene1.width = 20.9;
scene1.height = 20;
Below is what I've tried out but have been stuck for a good while...
for (var i:int=1; i<5; i++){
var scene[i]:MovieClip = new "B"+i();
//var scene[i]:MovieClip = new B[i]();
scene[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onRollOverEvent);
scene[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onRollOutEvent)
function onRollOverEvent(e:MouseEvent) {
function onRollOutEvent(e:MouseEvent) {
scene[i].width = 20.9;
scene[i].height = 20;
scene1.x = 170.30;
scene1.y = 231.15;
scene2.x = 284.30;
scene2.y = 250.75;
scene3.x = 377.30;
scene3.y = 280.15;
scene4.x = 444.30;
scene4.y = 321.15;
scene5.x = 196.30;
scene5.y = 172.15;
First, lets go through your mistakes.
new "B"+i();
At the very best that translates to calling a number i as function and adding the result to "B" as a String. But even new "B1"() is not the same as new B1(). There is, in fact, a method getDefinitionByName(..) that allows to address a class via its name, but I don't recommend to use it because it is advanced topic.
var scene[i]:MovieClip
You just cannot define variables scene1, scene2, etc this way. The closest thing you can actually devise is the square bracket notation: this["scene" + i] = ....
The argument must be a DisplayObject instance, not a String.
for (...)
function onRollOverEvent(e:MouseEvent)
Do not define functions inside other functions or loops.
scene[i].width = 20.9;
scene[i].height = 20;
By the end of your loop i will be equal to 5, so, what do you think such a record will address?
Then, the solution.
When you come to scaling your working solution to multiple instances, you are to go algorithmic. Loops and Arrays are your friends.
// Lets devise a list of classes and (x,y) coordinates.
var Designs:Array = [
null, // the 0-th element
{id:B1, x:170, y:230},
{id:B2, x:285, y:250},
for (var i:int = 1; i < Design.length; i++)
// Retrieve a record for the future object.
var aDesign:Object = Designs[i];
// Get a reference to the object's class.
var aClass:Class =;
// Create the object. Yes, you CAN omit () with
// the "new" operator if there are no mandatory arguments.
var aThing:Movieclip = new aClass;
// Set coordinates from the design record.
aThing.x = aDesign.x;
aThing.y = aDesign.y;
// Add to the display list.
// Subscribe the event handlers.
aThing.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
aThing.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOut);
// Save the object's reference for the later use.
// If you'd need to address, say, 3rd object,
// you do it as following:
// Designs[3].instance
aDesign.instance = aThing;
function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void
// You subscribed all of the objects to this one event handler.
// This is the correct way to learn, which one of the objects
// is under the mouse and is dispatching the said event.
var aThing:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;
// Change the object's size.
aThing.width = 26;
aThing.height = 25;
function onOut(e:MouseEvent):void
// Get the source of the dispatched event.
var aThing:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;
// Change the object's size.
aThing.width = 21;
aThing.height = 20;

Custom ListPopupWindow rendered in different widths

I am using Android.Support.V7.Widget.ListPopupWindow as a Drop-Down Menu from a Button within my layout. Here is the code snippet I am using
void MenuIcon_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
popupWindow = new Android.Support.V7.Widget.ListPopupWindow (this);
popupAdapter = new MenuPopUpAdapter (this,selectedIndex,menuList);
popupAdapter.ItemClick+= PopupAdapter_ItemClick;
popupWindow.SetAdapter (popupAdapter);
popupWindow.AnchorView = menuButton;
Display display = WindowManager.DefaultDisplay;
Point size = new Point();
display.GetSize (size);
int width = size.X;
popupWindow.Width =160;
popupWindow.Show ();
But while debugging I noted that, even though I have given it a static width, it is rendered differently in different devices. What is causing this issue ?
This is because of the different screen densities in Android devices. You need to mention dimensions in DPs(Density Independent Pixels) to overcome this issue. This documentation from Google will be a nice read
You can get the corresponding pixel value to be mentioned while setting dimensions programatically from this method.
public int dpToPx(int dp) {
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = Resources.DisplayMetrics;
int px = (int)Math.Round(dp * (displayMetrics.Density));
return px;
You may modify the code as above to fix the issue
popupWindow.Width =dpToPx(160);

Xamarin.Android Couchbase.Lite Map Reduce

I simply want to create a View that uses Map-Reduce to do this: Say I have Documents for the Automobile Industry. I would like the user to query for a particular Make - say Ford for example. I would like the user to provide the Ford value via an EditText, Tap a Button, and the "Count" be shown in a TextView. So, to clarify, I want to do a count of a certain type of Document using Map-Reduce. I have searched for over 100 hundred hours on this and have not found not one single example - REAL example I mean. (I have read all the docs, only generic examples - no actual examples)
I am an experienced programmer 15+ yrs exp - all I need is one example, and I am good to go.
Can someone please assist me with this?
Here is my Actual Code:
string lMS = "MS:5"; // just to show what type of value I am using
var msCount = dbase.GetView ("count_ms");
msCount.SetMapReduce ((doc, emit) => {
if (doc.ContainsKey ("DT") && doc["DT"].Equals ("P")) {
if (doc.ContainsKey ("MS") && doc["MS"].Equals (_ms))
emit (doc ["id"], 1);
(keys, values, rereduce) => values.ToList().Count, "1");
var mscView = dbase.GetView ("count_ms");
var query = mscView.CreateQuery ();
query.StartKey = "MS:1";
query.EndKey = "MS:9999";
var queryResults = query.Run ();
var nr = queryResults.Count; // shows a value of 1 - wrong - should be 40
// the line below is to allow me to put a stop statement to read line above
var dummyForStop = nr;
Try setting something like
var docsByMakeCount = _database.GetView("docs_by_make_count");
docsByMakeCount.SetMapReduce((doc, emit) =>
if (doc.ContainsKey("Make"))
emit(doc["Make"], doc);
(keys, values, rereduce) => values.ToList().Count
, "1");
when you create your view.
and when you use it:
var docsByMake = _database.GetView("docs_by_make_count");
var query = docsByCity.CreateQuery();
query.StartKey = Make;
query.EndKey = Make;
var queryResults = query.Run();
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} documents has been retrieved for that query", queryResults.Count));
if (queryResults.Count == 0) return;
var documents = queryResults.Select(result => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Value, Formatting.Indented)).ToArray();
var commaSeperaterdDocs = "[" + string.Join(",", documents) + "]";
DocumentText = commaSeperaterdDocs;
In my case Make and DocumentText are properties.
There are some optimizations to be made here, like rereducing, but it's the straight forward way.

Extending dc.js to add a "simpleLineChart" chart

edit See here for the non-working example of what I'm trying to do:
I am using dc.js to plot data collected from bee hives at my university. I am pushing new data to the graphs on every database change (using the magic of Meteor). When the database is over 5000 records or so, rerendering the lines gets really slow. So I want to use simplify.js to preprocess the lines before rendering. To see what I'm talking about, go to The page freezes after a couple of seconds, so be warned.
I have started to extend dc.js with a simpleLineChart, which would inherit from the existing dc.lineChart object/function. Here is what I have so far:
dc.simpleLineChart = function(parent, chartGroup) {
var _chart = dc.lineChart(),
_tolerance = 1,
_highQuality = false,
_chart.tolerance = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return _tolerance;
_tolerance = _;
return _chart;
_chart.highQuality = function (_) {
if (!arguments.length) return _highQuality;
_highQuality = _;
return _chart;
return _chart.anchor(parent, chartGroup);
simplify.js takes in an array of data, a tolerance, and a boolean highQuality, and returns a new array with fewer elements based on it's simplification algorithm.
dc.js uses crossfilter.js. dc.js charts are associated with a particular crossfilter dimension and group. Eventually, it uses the data from someGroup().all() as the data to pass to a d3.svg.line(). I can't find where this is happening in the dc.js source, but this is where I need to intervene. I want to find this method, and override it in the dc.simpleLineChart object that I am making.
I was thinking something like
_chart.theMethodINeedToOverride = function(){
var helperDataArray = theChartGroup().all().map(function(d) { return {
x: _chart.keyAccessor()(d),
y: _chart.valueAccessor()(d)};})
var simplifiedData = simplify(helperDataArray, _tolerance, _highQuality)
g.datum(simplifiedData); // I know I'm binding some data at some point
// I'm just not sure to what or when
Can anyone help me either identify which method I need to override, or even better, show me how to do so?
dc.js source:
I think I may have found the function I need to override. The original function is
function createGrouping(stackedCssClass, group) {
var g = _chart.chartBodyG().select("g." + stackedCssClass);
if (g.empty())
g = _chart.chartBodyG().append("g").attr("class", stackedCssClass);
return g;
And I have tried to override it like so
function createGrouping(stackedCssClass, group) {
var g = _chart.chartBodyG().select("g." + stackedCssClass);
if (g.empty())
g = _chart.chartBodyG().append("g").attr("class", stackedCssClass);
var helperDataArray = group().all().map(function(d) { return {
x: _chart.keyAccessor()(d),
y: _chart.valueAccessor()(d)};})
var simplifiedData = simplify(helperDataArray, _tolerance, _highQuality)
return g;
However, when I make a simpleLineChart, it is just a linechart with a tolerance() and highQuality() method. See here:
Well, I pretty much did what I set out to do.
The key was to not only modify the createGrouping function, but also the lineY function in the code. (lineY gets set to tell the d3.svg.line() instance how to set the y value of a given point d)
I changed it to
var lineY = function(d, dataIndex, groupIndex) {
return _chart.y()(_chart.valueAccessor()(d));
The way lineY was written before, it was looking up the y value in an array, rather than using the data bound to the group element. This array had it's data set before i made my changes, so it was still using the old, pre-simplification data.
