Can Starcraft run on Mac OS 10.8? - macos

I wanted to play some Starcraft on my MacBook Pro running Mac OS 10.8. The CD I have has the class Mac OS version. The Mac OS X PowerPC version does not work due to Rosetta being removed (Apple - please don't make this mistake again in Mac OS 11). Is there a way to make Starcraft work on Mac OS 10.8? I would prefer not to use emulators.

Get the OS X patch from here:


Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4 GDB debugger

I am just curious as to whether GDB works at all on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.4. I know that there are fixes for Mac OS Sierra 10.12.3 here:
gdb os x sierra 10.12.3 not working
Any ideas on how to get GDB working on 10.12.4 would be really appreciated.
It has been recommended that you must use lldb with Mac Os. Avoid using gdb with Mac. All the debug activities you can do with lldb.

yosemite Xcode 6.3.2 and older osx versions

In osx 10.10 yosemite, if i create an application for mac osx with Xcode 6.3.2 can this app be runned in older osx versions ? for example snow leopard ?
Yes it can, just change the development target as long as it's >= OS X 10.6

You can't open xcode because it is not supported on that Architecture?

I have install VMWARE (virtual Machine) on Windows 7. And have installed Mac OS Leopard 10.5.5 image on that Virtual Machine.
Now i want to install Xcode 5.1.1 on that Mac os, but it gives above Error. Please help me how and which version to install on that Mac OS Leopard 10.5.5.
Xcode 5.1 requires OS X 10.8 or 10.9. Xcode 3.1.4 is the latest version that runs on Leopard.
When i was programming with xcode with vmware i didn`t managed to download it from the store and make it run in vmware, what i did is i downloaded a Mac OS with preinstalled xcode in it.
Also see the vmware options!

Mac OS Snow Leoperd

I want to test my cocoa application on mac os 10.6 (Snow Leoprrd) . But there are 10.7.5 is installed on my system . How can we install mac os 10.6 on my system , i have downloaded .dmg file of mac os 10.6 , I have use VMWare but there is no luck error occures that "This os is not mac os x server'. Is there any way to install this os virtually or directly on any system of mac os .
If you have an external hard drive you can install the OS to that drive and boot up directly from there to test out your software. This works great and allows you to run the OS in a full native environment instead of using a VM.
Alternatively you could still go the VM route, but keep in mind that it might be trial and error. This article has a step-by-step guide to install Snow Leopard with VMWare:

smbtree on Mac OS X Lion

Where can I get smbtree for Mac OS X Lion? It came with Snow Leopard and previous versions but it's no longer shipped.
Surely there must be another way to get it?
The Samba daemon was completely rewritten for OSX Lion. You can get smbtree back by installing Samba 3 using MacPorts.
